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Did God Create This ???

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Wonder Woman

Thats not good..I agree..he needs help..It must be scary to live in the kind of world where everyone is against you ... :(



I know. It's disturbing. It kind of paints a picture of a person vainly screaming that there are gnomes stealing their underwear and that everyone is mad for not seeing them. He keeps saying that it is everyone else who has the problems when he is the one who clearly has such a loose grasp on reality. It has to be very lonely and only driving him further into his delusions. I really do hope he seeks help.


RF Addict
Again, we go back to the tape measure illustration. If I can't clearly see or be at the beginning of the place or object I'm measuring, how can I accurately measure it.

I think you need to do a bit of research before you make such authoritative statements.

For example, a surveyor is able to use a total station, which makes measurements by sending a microwave or infrared beam, which is capable of measuring to points which cannot be accessed on foot. Depending on certain conditions, these measurements can be as long as three hundred metres.

EDIT: Obviously, this is not the method used to measure distances to distant stars (or planets, as you assert) but merely an example of where a bit more research on your part might allow you to see different possibilities than what you currently assert.
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Depends Upon My Mood..
I know. It's disturbing. It kind of paints a picture of a person vainly screaming that there are gnomes stealing their underwear and that everyone is mad for not seeing them. He keeps saying that it is everyone else who has the problems when he is the one who clearly has such a loose grasp on reality. It has to be very lonely and only driving him further into his delusions. I really do hope he seeks help.

Yes..I had a friend like that..Before it was over she drove her car into someone elses house..(the ones that were conspiring with her husband in a child porn ring and drug ring)..They were complete strangers..

Anyway she ended up in a state mental institution..Wasnt even charged criminally..But she would get mad at me..over the years.I didnt hear what she heard on the tape recordings(hours of it) of her husband ..She would say "listen again..you just arent paying attentioin"..She called and wrote letters to the FBI...It was sad..I warned her husband..he didnt listen to me..

Anyway..I hope he gets help too..Before something bad happens..




RF Addict

What I would like to know is why God, having given us the curiousity, ingenuity, and intellect to come up with various methods and inventions to make observations about our world and the universe in which we live in, would not want us to use these observations to inform our world-view and our religious beliefs.


Guardian of Asgaard
FFH, i do not mean to insult you, but when you clearly dismiss or conveniently do not reply to my statements it is rather annoying, especially when i am using material from university papers, and you're using bible quotes that don't really assert anything. That and you refuse to accept anything you cannot perceive mainly as it goes againsyt your beliefs.
I apologise though if i have been to harsh.


Veteran Member

Thats not good..I agree..he needs help..It must be scary to live in the kind of world where everyone is against you ... :(


I'ts better to have everyone against you and have a peace of mind, like Christ had, rather than to have everyone as your best friend and be in torment.

I used to go around pleasing everyone, saying what they wanted to hear, while I, myself, lived in torment.

I dropped that lifestyle in lue of my current one.

I have a profound peace in my life that is very restful. My mind is clear and I sleep very well at night.

I've worked for 20 years, since returning from my LDS mission in Japan, and now the company I've worked for, for so many years, has gone bankrupt. I saw it coming so it was no suprise. I was planning on it.

i have savings and am trading stocks.

The Lord has helped me make more in the last few weeks than I could ever make at any stupid job.

An insane person could not hold down the same job for 21 years. The people i worked for were totally insane though.

I'm glad to be rid of those people that were in my life. I was a manager over a bunch of crazy mixed up teenagers and other young adults and had a district manager over me that was even more confused.

I lived in an insane work place, customers, co-workers, managers, owners, etc.

I was a manager myself when I left ,and some called me insane, others saw that I was, in fact, very sane.

Say what you will, I'm not going with the status quo on the age of the earth, that's insanity to me.

The age of the earth cannot be proven past 13,000 years.
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Veteran Member
I know. It's disturbing. It kind of paints a picture of a person vainly screaming that there are gnomes stealing their underwear and that everyone is mad for not seeing them. He keeps saying that it is everyone else who has the problems when he is the one who clearly has such a loose grasp on reality. It has to be very lonely and only driving him further into his delusions. I really do hope he seeks help.
More insults...


Wonder Woman
More insults...
As I said before, you probably would see what I'm saying as insulting because you can't see yourself from the outside. You refuse to see how you sound and how you come off. You are in denial and that can be understood. It can be a very difficult thing to come to grips with acknowledging your shortcomings. Some people never do. Some never see it. I'm only pointing my concerns out in the hopes that you will someday either come to terms with them, or at the very least, humor them and speak with someone in the mental health field (if for nothing else than to try to prove me wrong). Again I say, I'm not meaning to be insulting...I'm meaning to show concern and be helpful. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings in the process though, it can't be helped, I'm trying to be as honest and forthcoming as I can. :sorry1:


Depends Upon My Mood..
I'ts better to have everyone against you and have a peace of mind, like Christ had, rather than to have everyone as your best friend and be in torment.

I am sorry sweet heart..you are not Christ..

And if you have peace of mind you could have fooled me darlin..

Anyway..If you are truly at peace..than more power to you.. dont see how you could be..but hey..to each his own..dont worry about what every one else says..go and live in peace..

You aren't goign to convince the masses to not believe the truth..

Anyway..Im happy for you..



Berachiah Ben Yisrael

Active Member

You people are a trip to say the least.

I was sick at home many years ago and got so caught up in that fake mess on TV that we call soap operas and I swear I believe that this forum would blow any of them out of the water.

Somebody ought to write a book or make a movie about this crap. They would make trillions of zillions. ;)


Depends Upon My Mood..

You people are a trip to say the least.

I was sick at home many years ago and got so caught up in that fake mess on TV that we call soap operas and I swear I believe that this forum would blow any of them out of the water.

Somebody ought to write a book or make a movie about this crap. They would make trillions of zillions. ;)

HA HAHA!!!!!


Seems like you traded in the soaps on T.V for on line forums!!! LOL!!!! BLAHHH!!! Tee heee!!

You apparrentl;y would PAY to see this CRAP!!! LOL!!!! YOU would buy the BOOK LOL!!!!!!!




Veteran Member
I realize that not all stars are dead planets (like when we see closer planets appearing to us as "stars" at night because of the sun's reflection off them), I'm merely trying to suggest that are many more "stars" that are distance dead and possibly "live" planets, with life on them, like our own (no strange little men), reflecting the suns light, much closer to earth than we realize.

Sure there are other things that appear as, what we group together as, "stars," like distant suns, nebulas and other objects emitting their own light.

Christ is the light of the world so whatever the diversity of objects in the universe giving off their own light or reflecting the light of our, or another, sun, is a direct result of Christ, who has created all things, who is the light of the world, and without him there would be no light and therefore no color.

You look at the night sky and see whatever it is you see, I look at the night sky and see objects reflecting the sun's (Son's) light, like the moon and other less distant planets that we know of. Not every star is giving off it's own light, but rather is a reflection of the sun's (Son's/God's) light.

Again, I don't discount that there are "stars" that give off their own light as well, like the illustration below.

But we also need to give credit to him who has created that light in the first place. He who is responsible for that light, that being Jesus Christ, who is the light of the world.

space « Oh, the Things I Know
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RF Addict

What I would like to know is why God, having given us the curiousity, ingenuity, and intellect to come up with various methods and inventions to make observations about our world and the universe in which we live in, would not want us to use these observations to inform our world-view and our religious beliefs.

Can I get an answer for this, FFH?


Veteran Member
FFH, do you disagree with the claim that the continents came together and separated at least once?
I believe and can say with a surety that they were once all together, then drifted apart, most likely during the "flood" when the earth shifted on it's axis.

These continents will come together again and there will be "no more sea" according to Revelation.

I believe they were together then shifted apart and will come together again.

Someone on RF even had a vision/dream of this happening, in which he saw the earth in a future state, with the continents fused back together again on a newly created earth.

Rev. 21: 1
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.


Veteran Member
Can I get an answer for this, FFH?
I'm not against science. Why should I be ???

I'm against those who factualize scientific theories, passing them off as truth, in public and private schools and universities.

Scientific theories are not proven truths and should be taught as such.

This is probably my main goal of this thread is to rid people of thinking that that which we call scientific theory, is not fact, but rather, unproven.
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Guardian of Asgaard
I'm not against science. Why should I be ???

I'm against those who factualize scientific theories, passing them off as truth, in public and private schools and universities.

Scientific theories are not proven truths and should be taught as such.

This is probably my main goal of this thread is to rid people of thinking that that which we call scientific theory, is not fact, but rather, unproven.

The evidence is almost unquestionable. Where is the evidence for creation???? Oh wait, there is none unless you force yourself to believe there is.
You are against science. You force yourself to reject everything all other posters in this thread have said. You reject things i have said, and im not saying them because some lecturer at uni told me they were true. FFH i stand in the ground 3 days a week, i can tell you with as much certainty as physically possible, the earth is older than 13000 years by a vastly significant number.


Depends Upon My Mood..
I'm not against science. Why should I be ???

I'm against those who factualize scientific theories, passing them off as truth, in public and private schools and universities.

Scientific theories are not proven truths and should be taught as such.

This is probably my main goal of this thread is to rid people of thinking that that which we call scientific theory, is not fact, but rather, unproven.

Why should you be??

I dont know..but you are..

Read back your own post here..You are resistant to science to the point you reject it and replace the explanation of stars to something that amounts to primitave thinking..


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