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Did Jesus ever get Sick?


You know, head colds, flu, viruses... and such?
Cancers? or any internal physical malady?
Is there some reason it would have been "wrong"
for him to heal himSelf?
(assuming he was susceptable to illness in the first place)

Also, was it possible for Jesus to be involved in an accident?
Break an arm or a leg....
and again...
was there some reason he would have been "unable"/"disallowed"
from healing himSelf, while he was clearly able to heal others?

Just wondering what you think.

The "Speculation" is open to anyone,
Christian or non.


Not one response?

Perhaps my question seems like one of pointless speculation,
but to me it is an interesting one.

Especially Christians, I'd like to know what you think.

And the rest of you, in light of
your own understanding of christianity,
what do you think?

What would make sense?

Would a god? a christ? ever be in need of healing?
would it be right under christian teaching
to "do miracles" on one's own behalf?
(ie... for the betterment of "Self")

Hoping someone will answer.

I think the question makes for an interesting convo.
But maybe... it's just me.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't say your question was meaningless, though not really relevant to anything. The alleged figure of Jesus came to earth in mortal body, it died on a cross.

There is much of the life story of Jesus which is missing from the bible or any other such text. I can't recall anywhere where it says Jesus had to have a toilet break, but I am fairly confident he did. The bible is perception based, based on those events the author of each section deemed important and highlights the knowledge they personally gained from it in accordance to their own life experience.


Well-Known Member
You know, head colds, flu, viruses... and such?
Cancers? or any internal physical malady?
Is there some reason it would have been "wrong"
for him to heal himSelf?
(assuming he was susceptable to illness in the first place)

Also, was it possible for Jesus to be involved in an accident?
Break an arm or a leg....
and again...
was there some reason he would have been "unable"/"disallowed"
from healing himSelf, while he was clearly able to heal others?

Jesus was a perfect man and also the son of the Almighty God. Being perfect he was protected from any ailments common to imperfect men.
Notice what the Bible says about Jesus before he was born on earth, Luke 1:35, that the power of God would overshadow Jesus. This means that nothing could happen to Jesus until he had come to earth to do what God had sent him to do. Jesus came to earth to give his life as a ransom sacrifice for all men who would accept his gift and obey his commandments, Matt 20:28, John 8:31,32, 15:10, Acts 4:12, Gal 2:16, 1Tim 2:4-6.
The Holy Scriptures say that Jesus was DESTINED to do all the things he did, ao he was protected until he fulfilled all the things written about him in all the scriptures, Luke 9:22,31, Acts 13,38,39.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
Well Christians seem to think that he took on a completely human form. A completely human form gets sick. If his body were special it would not have bled or died, right?

This is based on my less than perfect understanding of the various Christian philosophies. There are so many that I can hardly keep up with them.


Well-Known Member
Well Christians seem to think that he took on a completely human form. A completely human form gets sick. If his body were special it would not have bled or died, right?

This is based on my less than perfect understanding of the various Christian philosophies. There are so many that I can hardly keep up with them.

Prior to the FALL, Adam and Eve never would get sick. Since JESUS represented the second "Adam," no, HE would not have gotten sick. Remember, that HE told Pilot that HE gave HIMSELF over to die. HE gave up HIS spirit. HE was in control and not the "environment." CHRIST was not a victim of sin, but the SAVIOR from it.


Agnostic Pantheist
Jesus talked about various natural activities, for example excrement, in the context of his parables.
for example:
Jesus called the crowd to him. He said, "Listen and understand. 11 What goes into your mouth does not make you 'unclean.' It's what comes out of your mouth that makes you 'unclean.' "

12 Then the disciples came to him. They asked, "Do you know that the Pharisees were angry when they heard this?"
13 Jesus replied, "There are plants that my Father in heaven has not planted. They will be pulled up by the roots. 14 Leave them. The Pharisees are blind guides. If a blind person leads another who is blind, both of them will fall into a pit."
15 Peter said, "Explain this to us." 16 "Don't you understand yet?" Jesus asked them. 17 "Don't you see? Everything that enters the mouth goes into the stomach. Then it goes out of the body. 18 But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart. Those are the things that make you 'unclean.' 19 Evil thoughts come out of the heart. So do murder, adultery, and other sexual sins. And so do stealing, false witness, and telling lies about others. 20 Those are the things that make you 'unclean.' But eating without washing your hands does not make you 'unclean.' "

There are other more dramatic events in the life of Jesus that are manifested in bodily functions, and also expose Jesus the man, the human being.
for example when Jesus sees the dead body of his friend Lazarus, Jesus weeps. this event is embodied in the famous term 'Jesus wept' (ἐδάκρυσεν ὁ ἰησοῦς). by many this is taken to show the humanity of Jesus, as it manifests physically.
After the resurrection of Jesus, he is described eating with his companions.
So we can see Jesus eating, sheding tears, bleeding, talking about excrement.
When we try to scrape through the theological layers of the New Testament, and sometimes without doing so, when we are presented with some of the dramatic episodes in Jesus' experience we see that Jesus is talking and experiencing normal human functions, in this regard, we put on hold the concept of God incarnated, and we meet Jesus, the man from Galilee.


Well-Known Member
He got annoyed at a tree for not fruiting out of season, that's a kind of mental illness I would imagine.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
Prior to the FALL, Adam and Eve never would get sick. Since JESUS represented the second "Adam," no, HE would not have gotten sick. Remember, that HE told Pilot that HE gave HIMSELF over to die. HE gave up HIS spirit. HE was in control and not the "environment." CHRIST was not a victim of sin, but the SAVIOR from it.

Ah, I think I understand now.


Agnostic Theist
Prior to the FALL, Adam and Eve never would get sick. Since JESUS represented the second "Adam," no, HE would not have gotten sick. Remember, that HE told Pilot that HE gave HIMSELF over to die. HE gave up HIS spirit. HE was in control and not the "environment." CHRIST was not a victim of sin, but the SAVIOR from it.
There's one fault though. Did Adam and Eve truly exist? They certainly were not the first human beings, as we can clearly see that from a historical backing. Also, the Bible even states that there were other people on Earth at the same time that Adam and Eve were, or at least implies it.

Also, if Adam was truly able to fall, it means that God made an imperfect creation that was intended to fall. Really doesn't make logical sense at all.

Finally, scholars agree that the Garden of Eden story is simply nothing more. It is just a story, a creation that is not meant to be taken literally. For your position to even be considered, you have to prove that there was an Adam and Eve, that there was a fall, that Jesus truly was considered a second Adam and thus not be able to get sick (also why they were not able to get sick? What prevented Adam and Eve from getting sick? Personally, I do not remember the Bible even suggesting that). Then maybe you could support your opinion. However, as of now, there is no real basis for it.

To the OP, yes, Jesus could get sick. As to whether or not he could heal himself is another subject. I personally believe that Jesus did not have the ability to heal actual sicknesses (common cold, flus, etc) or heal physical ailments (broken bones for example). So I would say that he couldn't heal himself, he had to ordeal the same ailments others did.


Resident Lycanthrope
Good question. For some reason I keep picturing Jesus stuck in the outhouse with the runs and discovering that Joseph had used the last of the paper. Would it be a vulgar misuse of power to conjure up a fresh roll in such a situation? Poor guy...


Devotee of the Immaculata
Part of the beauty of Jesus' life was that God chose this way to live as one of us and to experience all that we go through as human beings, the good and the bad. It is written that he was hungry, tired, scared, thirsty - I can only imagine that he endured other things like sickness as well. Jesus and Mary are called the second Adam and the second Eve because they succeeded in very difficult circumstances to do what the first Adam and Eve failed to do in ideal circumstances- live a life of selfless love.


Well-Known Member
. Jesus and Mary are called the second Adam and the second Eve because they succeeded in very difficult circumstances to do what the first Adam and Eve failed to do in ideal circumstances- live a life of selfless love.

Never heard this one before.


I'm hoping to hear from a few more Christians first
before throwing in my own 2Cents.

Everyone, obviously, is going to have their own "take"
on the matter,
depending on their own beliefs/interpretations/doctrines...
and their own "take" on the whole "Jesus" story in general.

I'm not really trying to prove anything here,
just get inside people's varied thought processes mostly.

Thanks to all who have dared to speculate thus far. :)

Jesus was a perfect man and also the son of the Almighty God. Being perfect he was protected from any ailments common to imperfect men.

So if Jesus never served as food for any micro-organisms then did he not digest food? There are quite a few brands of bacteria that we owe our digestion, so how picky was jesus about the species that he let feed off of him?


Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto [ his ] brethren, . . . . (Heb. 2:17) KJV story book

So IF such a person were to have literally existed, they would have suffered the very same types of ailments as every one else and also as was pointed out carry around the same intestinal bacteria required for breaking down food and digestion and waste production etc.


Those of you who think (or are playing along) that (the character of) Jesus
DID get sick,
Do you feel that there was any reason then that he could not/would not/should not
have healed himself?