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Did Jesus ever get Sick?


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Premium Member
I'm hoping to hear from a few more Christians first
before throwing in my own 2Cents.

Everyone, obviously, is going to have their own "take"
on the matter,
depending on their own beliefs/interpretations/doctrines...
and their own "take" on the whole "Jesus" story in general.

I'm not really trying to prove anything here,
just get inside people's varied thought processes mostly.

Thanks to all who have dared to speculate thus far. :)

There is no need for speculation. The Bible clearly states about Jesus that he committed no sin.(1 Peter 2:22). Being without sin, Jesus was a perfect man, the equal of the first man, Adam. He was not God incarnate, but rather, the Son of God. Sickness comes from the imperfection caused by sin, so Jesus never was sick.
He experienced sickness through seeing it first hand in others, and compassionately helping them by healing their sicknesses.
The utter nonsense in the apochrypha about Jesus should be taken in the same way as the sleazy gossip magazines of today. These were written after the first century and reflected the apostasy that became rampant after the death of the apostles.
BTW, being perfect doesn't mean a person would not get tired, thirsty, hungry, or sad. To the contrary, the body reflects the wisdom of the One who created it by signalling the need for rest, water, and food.


There is no need for speculation. The Bible clearly states about Jesus that he committed no sin.(1 Peter 2:22). Being without sin, Jesus was a perfect man, the equal of the first man, Adam. He was not God incarnate, but rather, the Son of God. Sickness comes from the imperfection caused by sin, so Jesus never was sick.
He experienced sickness through seeing it first hand in others, and compassionately helping them by healing their sicknesses.
The utter nonsense in the apochrypha about Jesus should be taken in the same way as the sleazy gossip magazines of today. These were written after the first century and reflected the apostasy that became rampant after the death of the apostles.
BTW, being perfect doesn't mean a person would not get tired, thirsty, hungry, or sad. To the contrary, the body reflects the wisdom of the One who created it by signalling the need for rest, water, and food.

ok. thank you for sharing your take rusra02.

Certainly there is no consencus between christians on the matter.


We're sort of "playing along" for the sake of the thread,
but ok.

He is sort of a story book puppet
in that people cut him out to be basically whatever they want him to be.

Even people in the same churches
"cut him out" as they see fit, regardless of their doctrinal "pattern".

Then how many more make him "do" and "say"
what they want him to "do" and "say".

Everybody "pulls their own strings" and plays god.
(and almost always in their own image/in'ing)
How do you see the following? -

i) I can of mine own self do nothing: . . . . (John 5:30) KJV story book

ii) . . . . the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: . . . . (John 14:10) KJV story book


Devotee of the Immaculata
The story book crucifixion was NOT a selfless act. IF it had truly ' died for us ' as claimed (Rom. 5:8, 1 Thess. 5:10 KJV story book) then -

a) It would be dead and not raised and rewarded.
b) We would never die, but we certainly still do and have done ever since the alleged crucifixion dying ' for us '.

There are many, many crucifixes in the world and there are many people who draw strength and comfort from the complete offering of himself that Jesus made. Even without getting into the mechanics (or necessity) of salvation, I would say that his death has helped many people get through their lives with dignity and hope, so I would say that he did indeed die for us. I don't follow your 'a)' argument that an act has to be eternal in order to be selfless or your 'b)' argument that because we die the act was not selfless. I don't subscribe to an exoteric interpretation of the texts, but I don't recall any passage that said the crucifixion would spell an end to physical death.
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Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Actually the various councils declared that Jesus was fully God and fully man.

Illustrating this is another pointless thread for a question that has not been fully "answered" for thousands of years...

akin to asking if Atilla the hun had attractive biceps

except of course the actual nature of "Jesus" has been debated..with no definative answer

I think Atilla may have had sexy buns,....


. . . . but I don't recall any passage that said the crucifixion would spell an end to physical death.
What do you make of -

But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (Rom. 5:8) KJV story book


For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, 10 Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him. (1 Thess. 5:9-10) KJV story book

Thank you


Actually the various councils declared that Jesus was fully God and fully man.

Semantics aside, if he was fully man at the same time as being fully God, then he was capable of being sick.

If Jesus was capable of dying, then why not infection?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Semantics aside, if he was fully man at the same time as being fully God, then he was capable of being sick.

If Jesus was capable of dying, then why not infection?

Despite what any councils said or say, Jesus was a perfect man. Nowhere in the Bible is he called fully God. He is the Son of God. Being perfect does not mean you cannot die. God created the first man and woman to live forever. Because of sin, death came into the world. (Romans 5:12). Had they not sinned, they (and we) would not be facing death. Jesus came as a perfect man, the equivalent of Adam, to buy back what Adam lost for his descendants. To accomplish this he had to give his perfect human life as a ransom. (Matthew 20:28) If Jesus were just another imperfect human, he could not have paid the price to ransom mankind. Only a perfect man with the potential for everlasting life could do so. And only God could provide this way out from death. (John 3:16)


Despite what any councils said or say, Jesus was a perfect man.
According to the story book so was Noah (Gen. 6:9) KJV story book

Nowhere in the Bible is he called fully God. He is the Son of God. Being perfect does not mean you cannot die.
Well wasn't this story book Jesus claimed to be ' innocent of doing sin and without sin? '

Therefore he could never have been allowed to die - . . . . the innocent and righteous slay thou not: . . . . (Ex. 23:7) KJV self contradicting story book

God created the first man and woman to live forever. Because of sin, death came into the world. (Romans 5:12). Had they not sinned, they (and we) would not be facing death. Jesus came as a perfect man, the equivalent of Adam, to buy back what Adam lost for his descendants.
Adam & Eve were created dependent on the Tree Of Life to gain Immortality.

That means they were created mortal & subject to death immediately and the claim they brought death upon themselves by sin is a lie according to the self contradicting story book!

To accomplish this he had to give his perfect human life as a ransom. (Matthew 20:28) If Jesus were just another imperfect human, he could not have paid the price to ransom mankind. Only a perfect man with the potential for everlasting life could do so. And only God could provide this way out from death. (John 3:16)
False again!

In brief, IF this alleged Jesus ever existed literally, IF it had ' paid the price for us ' it would be dead and not raised and rewarded according to the story book and we would never die since that alleged sacrifice.

It's all a story!


Well-Known Member
He "slipped" out of many situations where the mob or pharasees
were "out to get him". They wanted him gone, and dead.
He disappeared from out of the crowd.

Was he a ninja? :ninja:

He walked on water to meet his party.
He payed his taxes from out of the mouth of a fish.
He got himself and his party where they were going instantly.

These things are definately outside most people's "ordinary". ;)
Jesus performed tricks in his 30's to save the world after being largely anonymous before that.


(I KNEW this thread would become an interesting hodge podge of people's perspectives.... eventually...)

from my perspective anyway. :shrug:


Devotee of the Immaculata
What do you make of -

But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (Rom. 5:8) KJV story book


For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, 10 Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him. (1 Thess. 5:9-10) KJV story book

Thank you

Pardon me if I'm not following you, but I don't see where either of those passages promises an end to physical death. And as I'm not a fundamentalist, quoting scripture is not productive, as I don't rely on the Bible as a final authority. Jesus gave us a beautiful example of a life filled with faith, hope and love. He did not promise to make everything better here on earth, only show us the way to God.


Well-Known Member
Despite what any councils said or say, Jesus was a perfect man. Nowhere in the Bible is he called fully God. He is the Son of God. Being perfect does not mean you cannot die. God created the first man and woman to live forever. Because of sin, death came into the world. (Romans 5:12). Had they not sinned, they (and we) would not be facing death. Jesus came as a perfect man, the equivalent of Adam, to buy back what Adam lost for his descendants. To accomplish this he had to give his perfect human life as a ransom. (Matthew 20:28) If Jesus were just another imperfect human, he could not have paid the price to ransom mankind. Only a perfect man with the potential for everlasting life could do so. And only God could provide this way out from death. (John 3:16)
Doesn't the bible say he is the son of man?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Doesn't the bible say he is the son of man?

Yes, Jesus often spoke of himself as the son of man. He thus showed he was indeed a man. He also revealed himself to be that “son of man” whom Daniel had seen in vision appearing before Almighty God. (Matthew 20:28; Daniel 7:13.) He also spoke of himself as the son of God. (John 3:18).


Pardon me if I'm not following you, but I don't see where either of those passages promises an end to physical death. And as I'm not a fundamentalist, quoting scripture is not productive, as I don't rely on the Bible as a final authority. Jesus gave us a beautiful example of a life filled with faith, hope and love. He did not promise to make everything better here on earth, only show us the way to God.
Obviously the story book states that this story book character claimed to ' die for us '.
IF that were true then it would be dead and we would never die.

Obviously people die every day and have done since that story book promise was fulfilled at the story book Jesus' crucifixion.

Out of my interest, what is your ' final authority ' that you do rely on?


Despite what any councils said or say, Jesus was a perfect man. Nowhere in the Bible is he called fully God. He is the Son of God. Being perfect does not mean you cannot die. God created the first man and woman to live forever. Because of sin, death came into the world. (Romans 5:12). Had they not sinned, they (and we) would not be facing death. Jesus came as a perfect man, the equivalent of Adam, to buy back what Adam lost for his descendants. To accomplish this he had to give his perfect human life as a ransom. (Matthew 20:28) If Jesus were just another imperfect human, he could not have paid the price to ransom mankind. Only a perfect man with the potential for everlasting life could do so. And only God could provide this way out from death. (John 3:16)

What does perfection have to do with death and sickness?
I don't see how getting sick would imply imperfection, in this case.
Bless'd are the humble, right?


What does perfection have to do with death and sickness?
I don't see how getting sick would imply imperfection, in this case.
Bless'd are the humble, right?

IF story book Adam & Eve were created ' perfect in mind and body ' then they wouldn't have done something like ' sin ' as so called christians allege, because ' perfection ' denotes no imperfections in any way i.e. thought, word, deed, physical.