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Did Jesus ever get Sick?


Devotee of the Immaculata
Those of you who think (or are playing along) that (the character of) Jesus
DID get sick,
Do you feel that there was any reason then that he could not/would not/should not
have healed himself?

Part of the beauty of the Incarnation was that God experienced life as any human would. I cannot picture Jesus using extraordinary powers to prevent himself from suffering as a normal human would. He did nothing out of the ordinary to help himself when he was tired, hungry or scared, so I can't imagine he would not endure sickness as well.

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
You know, head colds, flu, viruses... and such?
Cancers? or any internal physical malady?
Is there some reason it would have been "wrong"
for him to heal himSelf?
(assuming he was susceptable to illness in the first place)

Also, was it possible for Jesus to be involved in an accident?
Break an arm or a leg....
and again...
was there some reason he would have been "unable"/"disallowed"
from healing himSelf, while he was clearly able to heal others?

Just wondering what you think.

The "Speculation" is open to anyone,
Christian or non.

I dont know, but I think its a silly question

You may as well ask if Jesus had nice buns..and I don't mean the bread variety


Resident Lycanthrope
Do you feel that there was any reason then that he could not/would not/should not have healed himself?
In some discussions I tend to play more of a "Devil's advocate" role rather than an active one. This will have to be one of those times. I know when I am sick my head becomes clouded. The parts of my brain that I feel are magickal all but shut down. I mean I can think, but the thoughts don't make much sense. The concentration is definitely gone. If Jesus was really able to heal others, He was probably using magick similar to the stuff I practice to do so. I figure if He was sick then His magick would have suffered as a result. That would have made it very difficult (yet still not impossible) to self-heal.


Part of the beauty of the Incarnation was that God experienced life as any human would. I cannot picture Jesus using extraordinary powers to prevent himself from suffering as a normal human would. He did nothing out of the ordinary to help himself when he was tired, hungry or scared, so I can't imagine he would not endure sickness as well.

He "slipped" out of many situations where the mob or pharasees
were "out to get him". They wanted him gone, and dead.
He disappeared from out of the crowd.

Was he a ninja? :ninja:

He walked on water to meet his party.
He payed his taxes from out of the mouth of a fish.
He got himself and his party where they were going instantly.

These things are definately outside most people's "ordinary". ;)


In some discussions I tend to play more of a "Devil's advocate" role rather than an active one. This will have to be one of those times. I know when I am sick my head becomes clouded. The parts of my brain that I feel are magickal all but shut down. I mean I can think, but the thoughts don't make much sense. The concentration is definitely gone. If Jesus was really able to heal others, He was probably using magick similar to the stuff I practice to do so. I figure if He was sick then His magick would have suffered as a result. That would have made it very difficult (yet still not impossible) to self-heal.

Self healing is something I do on a regular basis.

I would be a total invalid right now if it were something
I had not taken on mySelf.
(I actually have had no health care for years)

How can I possibly help anyone else,
if I am sick, aching?

Just ask my children.

Yes, I agree, it's harder to do ANYTHING when you are sick.
What would be the point of staying sick though on purpose?
If you could heal yourSelf?
or if anyone at all could heal you?
It makes no sense to me at all.

Just to what? Prove you're human?
to onlookers? to yourSelf?

Is it somehow considered "Selfish" to take care of yourSelf?


I dont know, but I think its a silly question

You may as well ask if Jesus had nice buns..and I don't mean the bread variety

You know what?

You're right.

It doesn't matter.

None of it does.

You might as well ask a million questions about Jesus,
but it's ALL speculation,
and none of it really matters a whit.

Did Jesus even exist to HAVE a butt?

Would probably be a more relevant question.


Apologies to everyone who answered my thread respectfully.

I'm cranky.
Don't get enough sleep.

*UV doesn't even dare to ask if 'Jesus' ever got cranky....*


Well-Known Member
Apologies to everyone who answered my thread respectfully.

I'm cranky.
Don't get enough sleep.

*UV doesn't even dare to ask if 'Jesus' ever got cranky....*
Oh yes he got cranky. He smote a fig tree when it didn't feed him. And in the child gospel, he also killed another kid when he upset him. He got very cranky sometimes.:yes:


I heard a rumor that nothing irked Him like a baby crying in church...


*UV comes back with pine needles in her hands... and hair...*

What's that?
ahhhh. good thing he never had kids.
(of course everything's speculation)

*straightens her hair. feels better.*
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Devotee of the Immaculata
He "slipped" out of many situations where the mob or pharasees
were "out to get him". They wanted him gone, and dead.
He disappeared from out of the crowd.

Was he a ninja? :ninja:

He walked on water to meet his party.
He payed his taxes from out of the mouth of a fish.
He got himself and his party where they were going instantly.

These things are definately outside most people's "ordinary". ;)

I'm not a fundamentalist so I'm not entirely convinced the miracles that you mention were literal. I'll comment on the one that seems the most historical - the text mentions that Jesus escaped from the mob because it was not his time to die. Saving yourself for crucifixion doesn't seem terribly self serving to me.


Those of you who think (or are playing along) that (the character of) Jesus
DID get sick,
Do you feel that there was any reason then that he could not/would not/should not have healed himself?
The story book says this story book character Jesus was incapable of doing anything himself -

I can of mine own self do nothing: . . . . (John 5:30) KJV story book

That would include this story book character being incapable of doing anything including ' healing himself '.
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. . . . Saving yourself for crucifixion doesn't seem terribly self serving to me.
The story book crucifixion was NOT a selfless act. IF it had truly ' died for us ' as claimed (Rom. 5:8, 1 Thess. 5:10 KJV story book) then -

a) It would be dead and not raised and rewarded.
b) We would never die, but we certainly still do and have done ever since the alleged crucifixion dying ' for us '.


How is taking care of your needs "self serving"?

Did jesus serve himself at table?
Or is it better that someone else always serve, and hand feed you?

I'm not being snarky.
I really don't understand the pious notion that it is wrong to 'serve yourSelf'.

If we did not "serve ourSelves"
we would all be dead inside of a month.


The story book says this story book character Jesus was incapable of doing anything himself -

I can of mine own self do nothing: . . . . (John 5:30) KJV story book

That would include this story book character being incapable of doing anything including ' healing himself '.

So he did NOTHING (for) himself?

Was he a puppet on strings?


I'm not a fundamentalist so I'm not entirely convinced the miracles that you mention were literal. I'll comment on the one that seems the most historical - the text mentions that Jesus escaped from the mob because it was not his time to die. Saving yourself for crucifixion doesn't seem terribly self serving to me.

I'm pretty sure the entire story is not literal.

And you're right berrychrisc.
In a literal sense,
saving yourSelf for a crucifixion would be masochistic to the extreme.:shrug:



A story book puppet yes!

We're sort of "playing along" for the sake of the thread,
but ok.

He is sort of a story book puppet
in that people cut him out to be basically whatever they want him to be.

Even people in the same churches
"cut him out" as they see fit, regardless of their doctrinal "pattern".

Then how many more make him "do" and "say"
what they want him to "do" and "say".

Everybody "pulls their own strings" and plays god.
(and almost always in their own image/in'ing)
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