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Did Jesus ever get Sick?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
What does perfection have to do with death and sickness?
I don't see how getting sick would imply imperfection, in this case.
Bless'd are the humble, right?

Sin causes death, and illnesses are part of the degenerative process leading to death. When Jesus healed a paralytic, he first said the man's sins were forgiven, linking sin and sickness. Elsewhere, the Bible links sin and sickness. (Isaiah 33:24)
Under God's Kingdom rule, sicknesses will no longer exist. Jesus healed persons with various sicknesses, showing his power and desire to remove such things from mankind. Revelations 21:3,4 promises that God will wipe all tears from people's eyes, which include the tears caused by illness. Sickness and death came into the world after Adam's sin and did not exist when God blessed the first human couple.


Well-Known Member
You know, head colds, flu, viruses... and such?
Cancers? or any internal physical malady?
Is there some reason it would have been "wrong"
for him to heal himSelf?
(assuming he was susceptable to illness in the first place)

Also, was it possible for Jesus to be involved in an accident?
Break an arm or a leg....
and again...
was there some reason he would have been "unable"/"disallowed"
from healing himSelf, while he was clearly able to heal others?

Just wondering what you think.

The "Speculation" is open to anyone,
Christian or non.

As the Bible is the only source we have to the life of Jesus, and as the Bible says nothing of Jesus every being sick or having been involved in an accident, any answer one way or the other would be pure speculation and the imaginations of the mind of the one wo would be spupid enough to say yea or na.


Devotee of the Immaculata
Obviously the story book states that this story book character claimed to ' die for us '.
IF that were true then it would be dead and we would never die.

Obviously people die every day and have done since that story book promise was fulfilled at the story book Jesus' crucifixion.

I still don't understand why you're convinced that Jesus' death meant the end of physical death for everyone in the human race after his crucifixion. I'm sorry, but I just don't follow the logic.


Sin causes death, . . . .
According to the story book Genesis-text it is a lie to claim man brought death upon himself by sinning. We know that isn't true because Man was created dependent on the Tree of Life to make him immortal, therefore he was created mortal from the beginning and it is a self contradicting story book lie to claim he brought death upon himself by sinning.

Christianity is founded upon lies!



I still don't understand why you're convinced that Jesus' death meant the end of physical death for everyone in the human race after his crucifixion. I'm sorry, but I just don't follow the logic.
At the alleged crucifixion, did this story book Jesus allegedly ' die for us / pay our debts ' (Rom. 5:8, 1 Thess. 5:10) ' spiritually ' or ' physically? '

Thank you
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Devotee of the Immaculata
At the alleged crucifixion, did this story book Jesus allegedly ' die for us / pay our debts ' (Rom. 5:8, 1 Thess. 5:10) ' spiritually ' or ' physically? '

Thank you

I can't help but notice that you use words like "alleged" and "storybook" quite often. I am assuming you have some heavy emotional investment in proving that Jesus did not exist. If that is true, then that is your perogative. For your own emotional well-being, though, you should be more accepting of your beliefs, or lack thereof, and not work so hard to validate them through others. They are your beliefs, so they are already valid. You do not need to find errors and contradictions in thousand year old texts to justify them. Your experience with God is yours, and that makes it special. No religious text or group can change that.

That being said, I believe that Jesus died a physical death like any other human. As I said before, I believe his death had some redemptive value, but I don't believe it was anything as simplistic as a human sacrifice to save us from God's wrath. Do I believe he was resurrected? Yes, but with a spiritual body, not a resuscitated corpse. Do I rely on the Bible as my authority? No, so what Paul says in his epistles doesn't trouble me.

May God grant you peace.


I guess I'm very simplistic.

I really don't care about all the "dying for us" and "sin" stuff.

I just want to know if the christian version of a man/god gets sick?
If he heals himself?
If he ever does ANYTHING at all for himself?
Surely he FED himself?
Dressed himself?
Did he ever just do fun stuff for himself?
Did he ever do ANYTHING extra'ordinary,
just because HE felt like it?
Because it made him smile?

We know he paid his taxes by "magic/miracle" for instance...
So sometimes "need" was "covered" this way.

When jesus said "you can do greater things than these"...
well... I need to know what lesser things he did first,
in order that I may come up with some greater ones.

Why it doesn't matter to people who follow a godman,
weather or not he got sick,
or if he healed himself... is perplexing to me.

What is even more perplexing to me,
is the idea that the only way to live a "right" life
is to never do anything (extra'ordinary, or not) for the sake of your own self.

Do do do for others,
but do nothing for yourSelf.

It's like the big christian sin is "doing something unto yourSelf for your own benefit and gain".

The lost commandment...
"Thout shalt not go out of thy way at all, to do anything whatsoever, for the sake of thine own personal gain, comfort, and happiness".

Of course most christians DON'T actually live this way,
(though they certainly insinuate that Jesus did)
and it's a GOOD thing, because it's a VERY unhealthy way to live.


I can't help but notice that you use words like "alleged" and "storybook" quite often. I am assuming you have some heavy emotional investment in proving that Jesus did not exist.
Nah! I just examine what others claim their bible says and examine it against reality and it doesn't stack up. I also examine what they claim they believe is based upon their bible but it rarely legitimately does?

If that is true, then that is your perogative. For your own emotional well-being, though, you should be more accepting of your beliefs, or lack thereof, and not work so hard to validate them through others.
I only confirm through others what I already know but ever the optimist I like to always give them the benfit of the doubt and one day perhaps some one will break my current 50 year record of never finding a genuine believer yet.

They are your beliefs, so they are already valid. You do not need to find errors and contradictions in thousand year old texts to justify them.
I am a fair man and when the text doesn't match the claims I can be assured that my beliefs based upon that text is true and the beliefs of others based upon that text I can legitimately demonstrate why it isn't true for them.

Your experience with God is yours, and that makes it special. No religious text or group can change that.
There is NO legitimate evidence that a literal God exists, however I do believe in some form of Intelligent Designer purely because I didn't create and design myself or the world around me and I refer to that Intelligent Designer as God (for want of a better word) however in my estimation it is unworthy of my worship.

That being said, I believe that Jesus died a physical death like any other human. As I said before, I believe his death had some redemptive value, but I don't believe it was anything as simplistic as a human sacrifice to save us from God's wrath. Do I believe he was resurrected? Yes, but with a spiritual body, not a resuscitated corpse. Do I rely on the Bible as my authority? No, so what Paul says in his epistles doesn't trouble me.

May God grant you peace.
So you are saying your beliefs are a hotch-potch that you have cherry-picked from various man made sources your imagination has embraced?


I guess I'm very simplistic.

I really don't care about all the "dying for us" and "sin" stuff.

I just want to know if the christian version of a man/god gets sick?
If he heals himself?
If he ever does ANYTHING at all for himself?
Surely he FED himself?
Dressed himself?
Did he ever just do fun stuff for himself?
Did he ever do ANYTHING extra'ordinary,
just because HE felt like it?
Because it made him smile?

We know he paid his taxes by "magic/miracle" for instance...
So sometimes "need" was "covered" this way.

When jesus said "you can do greater things than these"...
well... I need to know what lesser things he did first,
in order that I may come up with some greater ones.

Why it doesn't matter to people who follow a godman,
weather or not he got sick,
or if he healed himself... is perplexing to me.

What is even more perplexing to me,
is the idea that the only way to live a "right" life
is to never do anything (extra'ordinary, or not) for the sake of your own self.

Do do do for others,
but do nothing for yourSelf.

It's like the big christian sin is "doing something unto yourSelf for your own benefit and gain".

The lost commandment...
"Thout shalt not go out of thy way at all, to do anything whatsoever, for the sake of thine own personal gain, comfort, and happiness".

Of course most christians DON'T actually live this way,
(though they certainly insinuate that Jesus did)
and it's a GOOD thing, because it's a VERY unhealthy way to live.
Bottom-line: Bible and its contents are man made.

The bible is a self contradicting story book and the story book Jesus is a fictional character amongst many others in that same story book.

I hope that clarifies things from my perspective and helps you answer the questions you are asking?


Bottom-line: Bible and its contents are man made.

The bible is a self contradicting story book and the story book Jesus is a fictional character amongst many others in that same story book.

I hope that clarifies things from my perspective and helps you answer the questions you are asking?

honey, you're like a broken record.

Please give it a rest in my thread.

Play along with the question I posed,
or go make your own bible thread. k?

Bottom line your posts (all over the forum) are getting boring.
(and there's no need to yell)


I specifically answered this way so as NOT to be accused again of hijacking the Thread?

I gave the reasons why Jesus couldn't ever get sick but that has gone right over your head?

He can't ever have get sick because he's a fairy tale character in a story book.

That is perfectly answering according to the Thread honey!


I specifically answered this way so as NOT to be accused again of hijacking the Thread?

I gave the reasons why Jesus couldn't ever get sick but that has gone right over your head?

He can't ever have get sick because he's a fairy tale character in a story book.

That is perfectly answering according to the Thread honey!

Well IN THE STORY THEN.... does it make sense
that Jesus did or did not get sick?
Would it make sense that he did or did not heal himself?

You know? Like PRETEND you're reading a (normal?) fiction book...
discuss it....
and stop jumping up and down that it's fiction.
Fine. It's fiction. :rolleyes:
Now discuss the "fiction" or leave the book club.



I have repeatedly contributed positively to this Thread.

You need to read what is written and take better control of your temper tantrums.

Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto [ his ] brethren, . . . . (Heb. 2:17) KJV story book

His brethren were subject to temptation, committing sin, and receiving physical sickness and/or ailments.

Unless others wish to re-write the text and claim -

Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made UNlike unto [ his ] brethren, . . . .


I have repeatedly contributed positively to this Thread.

You need to read what is written and take better control of your temper tantrums.

Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto [ his ] brethren, . . . . (Heb. 2:17) KJV story book

His brethren were subject to temptation, committing sin, and receiving physical sickness and/or ailments.

Unless others wish to re-write the text and claim -

Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made UNlike unto [ his ] brethren, . . . .

ok, so the character of Jesus DID get sick.

also, it would have been unlike his brethren to heal himself...
but that would not fit with the storylines that include miracles.
Unless of course his brethren ALSO had the ability to do the same.

There were some chapters that included such.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
According to the story book Genesis-text it is a lie to claim man brought death upon himself by sinning. We know that isn't true because Man was created dependent on the Tree of Life to make him immortal, therefore he was created mortal from the beginning and it is a self contradicting story book lie to claim he brought death upon himself by sinning.

Christianity is founded upon lies!


Man's continuing to live depended on their recognition of God's sovereignty and obedience to God, not eating from a tree. Had Adam been obedient to God, he would not have died.
The tree of life simply represented God’s guarantee of everlasting life to the one who would be allowed to eat its fruit.—Revelation 2:7. The trees of life mentioned in Revelation refer to God's provisions to restore obedient men and women to human perfection and grant them everlasting life.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I have repeatedly contributed positively to this Thread.

You need to read what is written and take better control of your temper tantrums.

Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto [ his ] brethren, . . . . (Heb. 2:17) KJV story book

His brethren were subject to temptation, committing sin, and receiving physical sickness and/or ailments.

Unless others wish to re-write the text and claim -

Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made UNlike unto [ his ] brethren, . . . .

The context of Hebrews 2:17 shows Jesus became like his brothers by being born and growing into a flesh and blood man who experienced human suffering(vs 14).
Hebrews 4:15 shows Jesus experienced tests and persecution as a human, but is "without sin". In fact, Jesus had to be a sinless man to ransom mankind by providing an equivalent to the first man Adam. So to get back to the point of this thread, Jesus did NOT get sick. However, he experienced sickness through his contact with fellow humans, and healed many of their sicknesses.


Well-Known Member
There is NO legitimate evidence that a literal God exists, however I do believe in some form of Intelligent Designer purely because I didn't create and design myself or the world around me and I refer to that Intelligent Designer as God (for want of a better word) however in my estimation it is unworthy of my worship.

So let’s examine what you have just said here, quote=Composer; "There is NO legitimate evidence that a literal God exists,” And according to your own words, you believe in an intelligent designer, quote=Composer; "however I do believe in some form of Intelligent Designer” and as you did not design or create, yourself or the world around you, you believe that there is one who designed and created the universe and all therein, which includes yourself, quote=Composer; "however I do believe in an Intelligent Designer purely because I didn't create and design myself, or the world around me, and you refer to that Intelligent Designer as God. quote=Composer; "and I refer to that Intelligent Designer as God. So this is what you have said; "As there is NO legitimate evidence that a literal God exists, it is by faith and faith alone, that you believe that all that exists was designed and created by God.

Good for you young fellow, now if you are for him, then you cannot be against him. But I would have thought, that seeing as you believe that you were designed and created by God, you would at least give thanks for your existence and all the blessings of the world that your God has designed and created for you.
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