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Did Jesus really have to die for our sins?


Well-Known Member
i didn't mention mormonism...
but sure what does it have to do with anything
come to think of it, what does islam have to do with anything...

O wrong thread my bad. However you did say that God changes his mind this idea/belief is not uphold by Christianity in general only by Mormonism.


O wrong thread my bad. However you did say that God changes his mind this idea/belief is not uphold by Christianity in general only by Mormonism.
God doesn't change his nature I do not know whether changeing his mind would be a problem. I thought Islam with it's abrigations had no problem with it though.


Inconsistency is mans creation because he gets the consistency wrong in the first place.
When people understand God and His purpose the consistency is as clear as day with the sun shining.

bernard (hug)


Well-Known Member
God doesn't change his nature I do not know whether changeing his mind would be a problem. I thought Islam with it's abrigations had no problem with it though.

The abrogation subject in Islam is debated among Muslims themselves there is no clear belief that is uphold by the majority. However this doesn't mean that abrogation means that god changes, it means that in certain time societies changes therefore some things are excluded or included. We can see a this as example of Moses then Jesus then Mohammed(peace be upon them and there families). I don't personally think God has a mind as we would describe it. I know you like Shabir Ally there is a debate with him and a Mormonism spokesman if you are interested i can give you a link where they address these issue's.

Lets get back to the subject, Jesus(p) ''Who is god'' himself says that the law should bind forever so how does a human-sacrifice fits the picture?
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I went back and was reading over the messages and found that I was wrong!!

Sorry Idea, I made a big mistake, you were not the one who asked me "who's baptism I wanted to pick holes in", that was my mistake so sorry!!:sorry1::foot:


Veteran Member
God doesn't change his nature I do not know whether changeing his mind would be a problem. I thought Islam with it's abrigations had no problem with it though.

well yea he does.
one millennium he justifies genocide, the next millennium his people say genocide is wrong...because of the new covenant...and what is a millennium to an eternal being?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
well yea he does.
one millennium he justifies genocide, the next millennium his people say genocide is wrong...because of the new covenant...and what is a millennium to an eternal being?
Is that "changing one's nature?" When one is said to advocate something by someone else and then a third party refutes it?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
sure it is, it was through god ordaining his chosen to commit genocide to providing the ultimate sacrifice...when all along the sacrifice should have been established from the beginning.
No, because the bible was written from our perspective. God is seen from our perspective. Therefore, however God is portrayed is our perspective.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
didn't you once say perspectives can be wrong?
Of course they can. But this isn't about defining God, it's about describing God. We don't have to "get it right." What we do have to do is be careful that our perceptions don't become God.


Veteran Member
Of course they can. But this isn't about defining God, it's about describing God.

ok, how does one go about describing something that isn't defined?

We don't have to "get it right." What we do have to do is be careful that our perceptions don't become God.
i need to get it right or just say, i don't know... it's one or the other, at least in my book.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
ok, how does one go about describing something that isn't defined?
Through metaphor.
i need to get it right or just say, i don't know... it's one or the other, at least in my book.
It's not about knowledge so much as it is about position.


Well-Known Member
Psalm 102:24-27: "So I said: "Do not take me away, O my God, in the midst of my days; your years go on through all generations. In the beginning you laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. They will perish, but you remain; they will all wear out like a garment. Like clothing you will change them and they will be discarded. But you remain the same, and your years will never end."

Malachi 3:6: "I the LORD do not change. So you, O descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed."

James 1:17: "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."

or Hebrews 13:8 but i rather not use it since it talks about Jesus(p) and we do not know who wrote Hebrews. Lets get back to the original subject shall we?