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Did Jesus really have to die for our sins?


Active Member
Yes, because I am intelligent

No, the biggest problem I have atm is just how the Bible is twisted to create this ugly, but in your benighted eyes, reasonable, dogmatic immorality.

lol, my 'supposed' arguments. They are rational, and valid, unlike your theology. And you despise them, because I'm right, and you're not. So, come up with more invalid adjectives.

The 'revelation' of the bible is indeed exclusive, because no other self-respecting religion would want to touch them, and their Orwellian slavery. It demeans truth, and murders words.

Glad you told me.

I don't twist the Bible. I believe what it says. You don't.

I will debate and discuss my views of the Bible, but will ignore your aruguments as far as being moved by them, because you are coming to the Bible without faith in God.

Thats right no other religion would want anything to do with the Bible. Thats the way God made it.


Vasilisa Jade

Formerly Saint Tigeress
Saved from the eternal death or separation from God as result of our sin. Saved to live and dwell with God forever.

Indeed, you don't acknowledge God, yet the problems you cite are there which reveal man hasn't done to good a job at being soverign and peaceful. Man without God, will only result in chaos.


And man with God is just as likely to result in events like the Inquisition or people like Westboro.

It varies from Christian group to Christian group. It could go one way or the other just like with the anti-religious, but the anti-religious don't often feed off each other in groups and proactively spread. You have an individual situation with a 50/50 chance of being good or bad, then you have a group situation with a 50/50 chance of being good or bad but one way or another will forcefully spread.

Vasilisa Jade

Formerly Saint Tigeress
Lol, that is the problem right there. First of all, the definition of sin can be simply described as doing something against the law, GODS LAW. Plain and simple. Second, me personally, I see no "guilt trip" in the crucifixion whatsoever so I dont know where you get that from. Third, if that is the way you feel (about someone suffering for you, etc), then more power to you. You reject Christianity. You reject Jesus Christ. You wont be the first, and you wont be the last. Carry own :D

If this carries on we may have to move this elsewhere, but, Gods Law is Gods opinion of what He thinks Law should be. This varies from God to God, and likewise person to person and even bible translation to bible translation, because it is fundamentally an opinion of God or opinion of said appointed person of God.


Well-Known Member
Exactly, we have a different life experience, we also have a different brain and consciousness. Who we are and what we've experienced differs greatly and that alone explains why we have vastly different worldviews. It doesn't need to be a choice and honestly, I don't see how it could be. You no more chose to be a Christian than I chose to be a non-Christian. Belief's are a result of our life experience and who we are. Everything that ever happens to us, everything we think determines our beliefs and I am incapable of choosing to believe that my house is no longer surrounding me as I type this. No matter how hard I try, I still see my house and I still believe that my house is here. How can a choice be made in this regard?

I am basing my religious beliefs on logic and reason. There is no kind of worldview that can convince me that life came from nonlife, order came from chaos, and intelligence came from nonintelligence. This has nothing to do with how I was raised and my life experiences. Even if someone can prove today that Christianity is false, I would still not believe that life can come from nonlife, etc. I would still believe in I.D. even if I wasnt a Christian. Second, you gave a house example. Im afraid thats not a good example, because you can still choose not to believe that your house surrounding you, it would just be the wrong choice. Just because it is a obvious choice doesn't make it not a choice.

I don't particularly care about the content itself, I don't like that you keep bringing it up as it is off topic. I also don't like the way you frame it. When you are presenting someone else's view, do so honestly, don't label it an absurdity while describing it, describe it, then offer your opinion in a separate paragraph.

Well, if you are a naturalist, that is what you believe. Once you take away all of the fluff and feathers, that is what naturalism is. Life wasn't always here, therefore, life began. If you negate I.D, then you believe that life came from nonlife. With life comes intelligence, so intelligence began, so therefore intelligence comes from nonintelligence. The universe didnt began from orderly process, but a chaotic one, so therefore, order came from chaos. This is exactly what you believe when you take away all the fluff and feathers. You feel as if i am not presenting it correctly because you are obviously used to the fluff and feathers, the smoke screens that cover what is really being implied here.

I did. How does that mean that assuming it's truth I would want it to be different? If it were true, you're damn right I would want some lenience. I just don't happen to believe it is true and find it logically inconsistent, hence why I keep saying it's unjust and all that.

So, if you thought it was just, would you believe it is true??

But they don't have the power, knowledge or resources that God has.

And? God has all the power, all of the knowledge, and all of the resources, but he still cant make man freely choice to make the right choice. So, allowing man to freely choose to make their own decisions leads to man making the wrong decisions, and he has to deal with them in a way where atonement can be acheived, all while carrying out acts of discipline them.

Presumably the decisions God makes would be far more ideal then the ones the presidents and all that makes, hence the analogy was not really apt.

It was ideal, that one man die for all than for all to just perish.

I also noticed you didn't address the big issue I had with the metaphor being that God was both the force killing people and the force trying to prevent the death. It's nonsensical that he would be both but that's exactly what you are proposing.

I dont understand what you are saying here. If God is the President in this analogy how is he the force killing the people??

The silly thing is assuming that both are true. God creates a system where all humans deserve death. God doesn't want people to die. Contradiction. This is a really big contradiction because it promotes the notion that God's will is not being done, something that, Biblically speaking, is impossible.

It is illogical to think that God can "make" us "freely" choose to do something. There are right choices, and wrong choices in life. When we make the wrong choice, we get disciplined. When we make the right choices, we dont get disciplined. Plain and simple. This is about the "will" of God. Yes, God wants us to make the right choices, just like any parent would.

God doesn't want people to die, yet people are dying.

This is similiar to saying "Judge Alex doesn't want people to go to jail, yet people are going to jail." Silly logic. Jail is the penalty for a crime, just like death is the penalty for sin. The judge can not want people to go to jail, but that doesnt stop him from serving justice.


Well-Known Member
Sheol was a place for everyone after they died, not just the wicked, Read through 1 Samuel 28, Samuel was raised from Sheol by Saul.

You are assuming that Samuel came from Sheol, which scripture does not indicate at all. He told Saul that he would be with him the next day. This could be speaking of the "state" of death, not the exact location.

It appears that Sheol is separated into two sections by a gulf, those two sections contain the wicked and the righteous. Lazarus was not in a place of discomfort, that was the rich man that was burning. The section in Luke supports my point, Abraham describes the gulf and makes it clear that the two sides can communicate. The second compartment, the one with the fire, does not exist in the Old Testament, that came a long with the NT writers.

My bad on the Lazarus tip. But this is silly. There are no "two sections by a gulf". The rich man lived the good life like all rich people do, and the begger lived the opposite. The rich man obviously offered no help to the begger. So apparently, Abraham and the begger paid a special visit to Hades so that the rich man would see how the tables had turned. There is no "other" side where the righteous are. To add anything more to the scripture is completely unjustified.

How does it atone for the sin though? How can responsibility for the crime or responsibility for the consequences of the crime fall to the cow? How is it righteous for God to create this system? How is it just?

To sacrifice something is to give up something precious for a restitution. If you are a shepard (which is what the Israelites were), the animals were precious. David even explained how precious his fathers sheeps were as he was tending them (1Sam 17:34-35), where he was going to give his life for one of the sheep. The sacrifices were messages that meant "you see this animal, this could be you". Now if you still dont think that these sacrificial acts were just, then I cant help you. I guess we just disagree, but this is becoming sickening.

So now it advocates stealing as well? Wouldn't you have to kill a second animal for sacrifice in order to atone for the theft?

First of all, i didnt say steal, i said BORROW ONE FROM YOUR BUDDY IN THE NEIGHBORING TENT. To borrow from someone is not to steal from them.

Isn't God's moral standard self made? If not, what determines moral and what determines immoral for God?

His commandments are a reflection of his character. His moral standard is not something that was made, it is something that, IS.

"He has the power to restore life, but he never uses it." What point are you trying to make?

Let me let you in on a little secret about Christian theology my friend. In Christian theology, there is something called a RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD that we believe will take place. What is a resurrection?? Well, it is the restoration of LIFE.

An irrelevant point because he never executes that power.

This is silly. A person can own a gun and never fire it, that doesn't mean that he never will

I am a vegetarian.

You just happen to be a vegetarian huh? hahahahah

It doesn't matter if you don't think that's what it is about, it's been made clear that animals are made to suffer the consequences that were a persons. This is unrighteous. They cannot be rightfully held responsible for something they did not do. The consequences are the criminals, not an animal he chooses.

Well, we just disagree.

Indeed but it goes against his own nature to prevent the death of a human that according to his nature deserves death. Either sinning deserves death or it doesn't, logically speaking, how does offering sacrifices change that?

And that is why we all die eventually. God told Adam and Eve that they would die once they ate the fruit. That didnt mean that they would die instantly, it just meant that they would die eventually. We will all die as a result of sin. The animal sacrifices were an atonement for man as they lived their every day lives iving to less than the standard than they were made too.

"Giving someone more of what they want," which happens to be a lie, so God is giving them more of a lie which by extension means that God is lying. You are making my case for me. It doesn't matter if the people in question are good or bad, it doesn't matter what their theological persuasion is. Everyone can be lied to and in this case, God lied to a group of people.

For the third time with the Zeus example, if people decided that Zeus was the source behind lightning, and God gets angry and creates a thunderstorm full of lightning, and the people think it is Zeus, is God lying??? Absolutely not


Well-Known Member
They are two separate definitions, by that admission alone they are not contradictory.

On one hand, an animal is any living organism that is not a plant. On the other hand, it is a land mammal other than a human being. If humans were already INCLUDED in the first definition, why are they not EXCLUDED from the second?? Makes no sense.

Then you do not know or understand the biological definition of "animal".

A biological definition that assumes that something is true in order to make the definition fit.

The Biological definition does not require you to adhere to or believe in evolution. It exists as a separate part of biology.

Yes it does. In order to claim the humans are animals, it is assumed that humans evovled from other animals. If humans have no relations to animals whatsoever, then we would hardly be considered animals. But despite the fact that evolution is false, the biological definition is still there, unjustifiably.

Evolution is an accepted scientific fact, it is one of the major bases of the entire scientific field of biology along with cell theory and germ theory. Whether you believe it is irrelevant, the people that actually know what they're talking about have established it as a fact through the massive amount of evidence in it's favor. I request we stop talking about it in this thread due to it being off topic, please stop bringing it up.

OK, provide the best evidence for evolution. There is no evidence of an animal produce any other animal other than its own kind.....and by "kind" i mean dogs produce dogs, cats produce cats, fish produce fish, etc. This is all we have ever seen, so there is no reason to think that in the past anything other than this ever occurred. Evolution is a religion, not science, because science is what we can observe and test, but we never observed nor tested anything that suggests evolution. Evolution is not a fact. It is a faith based religion.


Active Member
And man with God is just as likely to result in events like the Inquisition or people like Westboro.

It varies from Christian group to Christian group. It could go one way or the other just like with the anti-religious, but the anti-religious don't often feed off each other in groups and proactively spread. You have an individual situation with a 50/50 chance of being good or bad, then you have a group situation with a 50/50 chance of being good or bad but one way or another will forcefully spread.

Well, that is what a Christian is saved from and for, as you asked.

And salvation begins with, not what you think about the Christian, but what do you think about Christ.


filthy tugboat

Active Member
I am basing my religious beliefs on logic and reason.

Your perception of logic and reason*. As am I.

There is no kind of worldview that can convince me that life came from nonlife, order came from chaos, and intelligence came from non-intelligence.

Same goes for me with the God concept.

This has nothing to do with how I was raised and my life experiences.

Doubtful. Our life experience makes a massive contribution to who we are. We would be MASSIVELY different if instead of being raised by parents we were orphan's from the age of 2. Everything about us is affected by our life experience.

Second, you gave a house example. Im afraid thats not a good example, because you can still choose not to believe that your house surrounding you, it would just be the wrong choice.

Care to back that up with some evidence? How can I make that choice? I'm telling you right now that I can't, I'm honestly trying and it's not working. I cannot willfully control what I believe, it is not in my power to choose.

Well, if you are a naturalist, that is what you believe. Once you take away all of the fluff and feathers, that is what naturalism is. Life wasn't always here, therefore, life began. If you negate I.D, then you believe that life came from nonlife. With life comes intelligence, so intelligence began, so therefore intelligence comes from nonintelligence. The universe didnt began from orderly process, but a chaotic one, so therefore, order came from chaos. This is exactly what you believe when you take away all the fluff and feathers. You feel as if i am not presenting it correctly because you are obviously used to the fluff and feathers, the smoke screens that cover what is really being implied here.

No, you must have misread, I am saying that as you present what you think is my view, you are also degrading it, insulting it and providing your opinion with it. Don't do that, it's rude. Feel free to comment but when presenting my view, present it on it's own and then comment in a separate paragraph. It is dishonest to present my view with your opinion because it looks as if I believe it's absurd to which I hope you know that I don't. Or don't pretend like you know what I think, let me put forward my view and don't try to present it for me.

So, if you thought it was just, would you believe it is true??

Not necessarily. I certainly couldn't believe it was true while knowing it's unjust but it changing to become just doesn't mean I'll believe it because I do have many other qualms with it.

I dont understand what you are saying here. If God is the President in this analogy how is he the force killing the people??

You said that God was the president but if the analogy is taken seriously, God is both the terrorist and the president. God, in his attempt to save people from dying, is also the one that is causing the deaths, he is the one that created the system, he is the one who is executing the people he is trying to save.

This is similiar to saying "Judge Alex doesn't want people to go to jail, yet people are going to jail."

That's not a silly thing to say, it's a potentially true statement. It would be silly to call this a contradiction or illogical though.

Silly logic. Jail is the penalty for a crime, just like death is the penalty for sin. The judge can not want people to go to jail, but that doesnt stop him from serving justice.

The point I made here was not about justice, it was about God's will not being done, something that the Bible says never happens, God's will is ALWAYS done. But not here. There is a contradiction between what you are saying and what the Bible says.

You are assuming that Samuel came from Sheol, which scripture does not indicate at all. He told Saul that he would be with him the next day. This could be speaking of the "state" of death, not the exact location.

The passage explicitly says, "And the woman said unto Saul, I saw gods ascending out of the earth. 14And he said unto her, What form is he of? And she said, An old man cometh up; and he is covered with a mantle." He comes out of the Earth, Sheol is described as "the underworld" and is commonly recognized as being beneath the Earth's surface. Samuel was risen from Sheol.

My bad on the Lazarus tip. But this is silly. There are no "two sections by a gulf". The rich man lived the good life like all rich people do, and the begger lived the opposite. The rich man obviously offered no help to the begger. So apparently, Abraham and the begger paid a special visit to Hades so that the rich man would see how the tables had turned. There is no "other" side where the righteous are. To add anything more to the scripture is completely unjustified.

That is incorrect, " 26And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence." Abraham describes the gulf that exists between where he is and where the rich man is. It even explicitly states that Neither side can pass to the other which throws out your notion that Abraham paid a special visit to Hades. What can be extrapolated reasonably is that both the wicked and the righteous exist in the afterlife within talking distance separated by a gulf, they exist under the Earth. Whatever your proposing goes against scripture.

To sacrifice something is to give up something precious for a restitution. If you are a shepard (which is what the Israelites were), the animals were precious. David even explained how precious his fathers sheeps were as he was tending them (1Sam 17:34-35), where he was going to give his life for one of the sheep. The sacrifices were messages that meant "you see this animal, this could be you". Now if you still dont think that these sacrificial acts were just, then I cant help you. I guess we just disagree, but this is becoming sickening.

So were the sacrifices the giving of something precious or were they a replacement for the punishment? If they were the giving of something precious then God is unjust because he is not following the justice system, if it was a replacement for the punishment, it is unrighteous because an that which is innocent cannot be punished for a consequence owed to the one who is guilty. In fact, both are unrighteous and both are unjust.

I have explained my point thoroughly, the definitions are there, what you propose God advocates is both unrighteous and unjust. The killing of something innocent for the crimes committed by another is unrighteous and unjust. Justice is not being served by killing something else or having something else killed.

His commandments are a reflection of his character. His moral standard is not something that was made, it is something that, IS.

So is something good because God says it is good or is something good and God can always recognize good as per his righteous, just and benevolent nature? If you advocate that something is good because God says it is good then morality is arbitrary. If an absolute standard for good exists then it must exist apart from God.

This is silly. A person can own a gun and never fire it, that doesn't mean that he never will

I didn't say it did but I'm saying, the point you're trying to make makes no difference, everyone that God kills or has killed, currently remains dead. That punishment was executed and it is a punishment. Innocent animals and one apparently innocent man have died for crimes they did not commit. This is unrighteous and unjust. By definition. This goes against the very definitions of the words. There's no arguing against it, you can tell me that I just don't get it all you want, the definitions of the terms run completely opposite to the actions of God in this case.

You just happen to be a vegetarian huh? hahahahah

Your point? I'm just glad that now you have no leg to stand on, your argument went personal and failed, it doesn't matter if I'm a hypocrite or have double standards or if I truly am a vegetarian. The argument applies to your propositions all the same. Innocent living organisms are receiving the consequences owed to other guilty living organisms.

And that is why we all die eventually. God told Adam and Eve that they would die once they ate the fruit. That didnt mean that they would die instantly, it just meant that they would die eventually.

Actually the words used were, "on that day you will die."

For the third time with the Zeus example, if people decided that Zeus was the source behind lightning, and God gets angry and creates a thunderstorm full of lightning, and the people think it is Zeus, is God lying??? Absolutely not

This analogy is still not apt, it wasn't the first or second time you used it either. It says in the scripture that God sent them a delusion so that they would continue to believe the lie. He didn't do something and let them assume whatever they wanted, he specifically sent them a delusion that would MAKE THEM(Force them) to continue believing a lie.

filthy tugboat

Active Member
On one hand, an animal is any living organism that is not a plant. On the other hand, it is a land mammal other than a human being. If humans were already INCLUDED in the first definition, why are they not EXCLUDED from the second?? Makes no sense.

The definitions you are using are not the biological definition, the one I gave.

A biological definition that assumes that something is true in order to make the definition fit.

What does it assume true? That humans are living organisms? That humans fit the criteria used for this definition. That is how the word is defined, it doesn't matter if you think it has other negative connotations, it is the definition. If you don't recognize that humans are animals as per the biological definition then you just don't understand the biological definition or perhaps the English language. I actually quoted the definition so if you just pushed quote when you responded to what i wrote rather than reading through it first you may have missed it. Feel free to go back and read it if you did.

Yes it does. In order to claim the humans are animals, it is assumed that humans evolved from other animals.

False, biological classifications does not rest on evolution. The organisms it classifies exist whether or not evolution is true, the criteria it uses to classify them exists despite evolution. You are wrong again. Blatantly wrong, demonstrably wrong. There is no question about it, humans are animals by definition.

If humans have no relations to animals whatsoever, then we would hardly be considered animals.

But we do have a relationship to other animals. Even without evolution we have that relationship. We are comprised of the same type of cells, we largely have the same organ structure, we produce hair and finger nails like many other animals, we have muscles like other animals, eyes, nose mouth, sensory organs, brain, we have a DNA structure that matches other animals in the 90th percentile. We have so much in common with animals even without evolution.

OK, provide the best evidence for evolution. There is no evidence of an animal produce any other animal other than its own kind.....and by "kind" i mean dogs produce dogs, cats produce cats, fish produce fish, etc. This is all we have ever seen, so there is no reason to think that in the past anything other than this ever occurred. Evolution is a religion, not science, because science is what we can observe and test, but we never observed nor tested anything that suggests evolution. Evolution is not a fact. It is a faith based religion.

Do you recall when i said, "let's not do this here." Feel free to create another thread, I will gladly participate but this is not the place.


Active Member
Do you actually believe that an infinite entity that can just think existence into existence, is sitting around going "tut, tut, very naughty, I must punish him on judgement day"? Is that honestly what you believe? So this entity who possesses more power than all of the stars of a billion universes, gets upset when someone picks their nose. Oh dear.
I think I'm on someones ignore list.............oh wo is me.

Heathen Hammer

Nope, you're still wrong
Glad you told me.

I don't twist the Bible. I believe what it says. You don't.

I will debate and discuss my views of the Bible, but will ignore your aruguments as far as being moved by them, because you are coming to the Bible without faith in God.

Thats right no other religion would want anything to do with the Bible. Thats the way God made it.
You do twist it. It's a book made to be twisted, so, it's right up your alley.
Of course you won't be moved. You are pleased in your ignorance.
The rest is just lolzy

Heathen Hammer

Nope, you're still wrong
Oh now Thief, I think this far into the discussion all the old arguments have already been placed on the table. Heck, this conversation has been done a thousand times before on as many forums. Philosophical progress is not rapid. There are a few gems scattered in the 54 pages we've gotten to. Just, not many.

Most of the people on either side would not change their minds no matter what was presented. Especially when talking about a nonsense subject ;)


Veteran Member
Did Jesus really have to die for our sins?
Deut. 24:16 The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin.

according to this passage...


Outstanding Member
On one hand, an animal is any living organism that is not a plant. On the other hand, it is a land mammal other than a human being. If humans were already INCLUDED in the first definition, why are they not EXCLUDED from the second?? Makes no sense.

Let me explain it to you. These definitions are based on usage. On common usage, the word 'animal' may include or exclude humans. That depends on the context and the person using the term.

When used in a scientific context, the word 'animal' always includes humans. As shown by how they are classified as being part of the Kingdom Animalia.


Well-Known Member
Let me explain it to you. These definitions are based on usage. On common usage, the word 'animal' may include or exclude humans. That depends on the context and the person using the term.

When used in a scientific context, the word 'animal' always includes humans. As shown by how they are classified as being part of the Kingdom Animalia.

It doesn't really matter what the definition say, because the definition assumes that evolution is true. Once you assume that humans evovled from primates, that would lead to the conclusion humans are animals. The fact is, there is no evidence that humans evovled from animals, so therefore the definition is invalid.

filthy tugboat

Active Member
It doesn't really matter what the definition say, because the definition assumes that evolution is true.

Does it? How? I have given you the biological definition, how does that in anyway rely on evolution? Seriously, go ahead and show me how it relates to evolution at all. I'll answer for you, it doesn't, biological classification exists with or without evolution. Your assertion is unsubstantiated.


Outstanding Member
It doesn't really matter what the definition say, because the definition assumes that evolution is true. Once you assume that humans evovled from primates, that would lead to the conclusion humans are animals.

As i said, it is based on usage. The definition isn't an arbiter that judges what a word means, it just says how it is used.

The fact is, there is no evidence that humans evovled from animals, so therefore the definition is invalid.

Living beings do not need to evolve from other animals to be animals themselves. This would mean that if abiogenesis is true then no animals exist on Earth, as no first animal could ever exist. That is why this criteria of yours to determine what is an animal would never be used in a scientific context. :)