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Did Jesus really have to die for our sins?


Veteran Member
Are you serious? You're now claiming that withholding judgement is the same as forgiveness. That is simply unbelievable.
No you see that is the problem, Jesus is the one who paid himself for those who sinned. Why do you have so much trouble with all of the conflicting doctrines in your one belief system...................oh I see. :D

i find that the language of the holy spirit is a language of convenience...


Well-Known Member
I don't think that's actually possible. It's not really a choice.

If you are choosing to do it, that makes it a choice.

Hell no I won't but others certainly might and they wouldn't be wrong. If the justice system has set punishments for crimes and a judge chooses to over rule that and give the person less of a punishment then that is not justice according to that system.

And thats exactly why I said that if Christianity is true, you will be punished for your sins just as you wish. Nothing else really needs to be said about this. You feel as if God shouldnt cut you any slack, so on judgment day, you, along with others, will get what you deserve, and those that choose to accept the free gift will get what we serve. WIN/WIN situation if you ask me.

It means both, it is unjust to subvert and over rule the justice system in question. That is the very definition of justice.

Well, since justice is still being served, I dont know what you are talking about. Jesus died, so now we dont have to die for our sins any longer. A change was made in the law for the better. You can change a law in any system if it is for the better of all parties envovled.

Are you really trying to derail again?

No, you said my view is nonsensical, and i responded by comparing your view to my view. And as I said, your view is life came from nonlife, order came from chaos, and intelligence came from non-intelligence. My view is life came from prexisting living being and based on his wisdom and intelligence created order and other intelligent beings. I know that it takes a lot of faith for you to believe what you believe, but dont get upset with me for telling it like it is.

I think this amounts to, "ignore it... Yada yada yada... Pascal's Wager." Ahhh, no thanks, could you perhaps answer the question? It doesn't make sense to me, so perhaps you could explain the relationship between vicarious redemption and responsibility.

Not Pascals Wager at all. All I am saying is that according to Christian theology, God will give you what you want, which is seperation from him. Thats all I said. So where you got Pascals Wager from is beyond me.

What question? You answered your own questions in that passage? I didn't think I had to given they were all loaded questions.

Okey dokey

Odd that God made this system of perpetual failure and death? More nonsense.

It is only a system of perpetual failure and death if you choose to go down the path of failture and death. But you see, us Christians, we choose to go down the path of success and life.

Yes, now could you explain how that system logically works? What happens to responsibility? How does scapegoating remove the consequences for sinning? I honestly don't understand it, in every human system of laws and even social events, we can't just kill an animal or another person to absolve ourselves of our crimes, how does it work with God?

You are making it seem as if there is no personal accountability for our sins, which is a misunderstanding of Christian theology. First of all, throughout the Old Testament, there are numerous occasions in which God disciplined his people. In fact, most people think it may have been too much discipline, as God is often looked at as "the angry" God in the old testament. So it is simply false to say that there is no moral accountability for our sins. The Jesus atonement was only meant to relieve us of all going to hell for our sins. We are spared of this. But we are not spared of God continuing to discipline us as he sees fit if we do things that don't please him. Of course we will all die soon, but it is the second death that we should be worried about, not the first one.

More of Pascal's Wager?

Not at all. I am not telling you or anyone else to believe in God only because if you are right in placing your faith there, you gain everything, but if you dont, you lose everything. I would never tell anyone this, nor is it acceptable to God. God wants you to believe because of love and faith, not because of fear and terror. I am simply telling you to continue to live your life free of God if that what you choose to do, and you will rightfully receive what you believe you should receive, that is, eternal separation from God. Big difference from Pascals Wager.

I didn't think the question had to be answered, it was a loaded question that you know the answer to and I don't see any point in continuing this direction for the debate, but if you really want it. No, I don't test my food because I have no reason to suspect anybody would want to poison me, further, this business profits from my being alive and eating there, they would not gain anything from my death. Based on this, it is reasonable that i would not be poisoned there.

What?? That question had EVERYTHING to do with our discussion. You were basically criticising me for placing my faith in God, because I said i had no reason to think otherwise. You were making it seem like you dont trust strangers. So i asked you do you trust the strangers that cook your meals, which you are now saying you dont. So after all, you DO trust strangers. That was my only point as now it is evident.


Well-Known Member
Happy now?

Um, were did it say that God lied? It says that God will send them a powerful delusion so that they may believe the lie. Verse 11 says "For this reason..." and if you look at the context of verse 10, the reason is "BECAUSE THEY REFUSE TO BELIEVE THE TRUTH AND SO BE SAVED." So they were already doomed because they refused to believe. Its not as if they were believers and then God all of a sudden sent them delusions to make them unbelievers. They were perishing in their ways.

It wasn't just that you were quoting scriptures, it was the content you were quoting and what I presumed was the reason you were quoting it. It doesn't make sense why you would quote that, what were you trying to achieve?

I was trying to prove a point based on my view. Just like the same thing you were trying to do when you quoted the above Thessalonians scripture. But actually, that scripture that you just gave is a better one, maybe I should have quoted that one :D

Yep, the big difference being the content of what is claimed in the Bible and the bias of the authors of the gospels. Historically speaking, the gospels are unreliable secondary evidence.

Bias? How do you know that anything you read in history doesn't have its origins from a biased source? Second, why is the gospel accounts unreliable and viewed as secondardy evidence as opposed to being reliable and first hand accounts???

They aren't even primary because the authors didn't witness the events they describe.

First of all, the Gospels were written by either the disciples of Jesus (Matthew and John), or the friends of the disciples of Jesus (Mark, friend of Peter and Luke, friend of Paul).

There is such a thing as the historical method and according to it, the accounts' of Jesus' life are unreliable.

First off, the Gospels are four independent books. Each one records the accounts of Jesus life, so I dont see how you can call them unreliable.

Maybe, maybe not. The words written down 30 years later went through 30 years of other people talking and potentially false stories popping up, also the bias of the authors must be taken into account. Historically speaking, the words written down are unlikely to be the words spoken and subsequently the sources are unreliable.

30 years later?? Alexander the Greats autobiographies were written 400 years after his death. So if you compare this to Jesus, 30 years is like a newsflash. Second, even on the "30 years later" subject. Reverend Jesse Jackson was a friend of MLK. He walked with him, and talked with him. MLK died in 1968. This was 42 years ago, and guess what? Jesse Jackson is alive today and he can tell you many stories about MLK and give you many of his quotes. He was there. So if I can give you an example of this happening today, 42 years later, then this "30 years" stuff should be put in the dirt. Second, the spread of the Christian church did not happen all of these years later, but within 5 years of Jesus being put to death. So this isn't some "hundreds of years later" legendary stuff going on here. Third, why shouldnt the words that were spoke be reliable?? Do you have any reasons to think this? If you do, please tell me why.

Because those quotes were recorded during his life, in front of thousands of witnesses and many different forms of media recorded them as they were being spoken, independently. Your repetition is unreliable, the primary sources are not.

Thats not the point. My point is, you keep talking about 30 years later. 30 years later, some of the same people that were alive then are alive now. The fact of the matter is, the Gospels were written during the lifetime of the disciples. So once again, explain how they are unreliable.

Murder is a legal term, not a moral one. But according to Australian law, you would be murdering her yes.

Murder is a legal term but whether it is right or wrong is determined by whatever the system in questions moral code is.

No, why would he? Lions are not judged by human legal systems? Or at least not in Australia.

They dont have to be judged in order for us to classify what a particular act that they commit is.

Human law? It's only murder because of the legal system, they are both killing. You might want to put this in context of morality rather than law.

Our laws are based on our moral standard. Based on our moral standard, it is perfectly legal to kill someone in self defense. But it is illegal to murder someone deliberately for fun.

They should be in your view to, if not you either don't know the definition of animal or you don't know what constitutes a human. I don't understand how or why people object to humans being considered animals, it's simple biology and it's in the damn definition of the word.

On the Christian view, we are not animals. I dont believe that evolution is consisted with the bible at all, nor do i believe that evolution is science and should be taught as such.
Um, were did it say that God lied? It says that God will send them a powerful delusion so that they may believe the lie. Verse 11 says "For this reason..." and if you look at the context of verse 10, the reason is "BECAUSE THEY REFUSE TO BELIEVE THE TRUTH AND SO BE SAVED." So they were already doomed because they refused to believe. Its not as if they were believers and then God all of a sudden sent them delusions to make them unbelievers. They were perishing in their ways. <snip>

Someone is either being dishonest or hasn't been studying their Bible very well. Afterall, was it not the Almighty One Himself, blessed be His Name, who hardened Pharaoh's heart no less than 17 times in the book of Exodus?


Jehovah our God is One
Someone is either being dishonest or hasn't been studying their Bible very well. Afterall, was it not the Almighty One Himself, blessed be His Name, who hardened Pharaoh's heart no less than 17 times in the book of Exodus?

God allowed Pharaoh to harden his own heart
God allowed Pharaoh to harden his own heart

Nope, that kind of intellectual dishonesty won't work on me. :no: Sorry!

Exodus 7:13 "And He [God] hardened Pharaoh's heart, that he hearkened not unto them; as the LORD had said."

Exodus 9:12 "And the LORD hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and he hearkened not unto them; as the LORD had spoken unto Moses"

Exodus 10:20 "But the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart, so that he would not let the children of Israel go."

I am an ordained Christian Minister who studied for conversion to Judaism and am versed in Hebrew. (I can quote the Hebrew, as well, if you'd like.) The Almighty One, blessed be His Name, is very clear that He [God] caused Pharaoh's heart to harden.


Jehovah our God is One
Nope, that kind of intellectual dishonesty won't work on me. :no: Sorry!

Exodus 7:13 "And He [God] hardened Pharaoh's heart, that he hearkened not unto them; as the LORD had said."

Exodus 9:12 "And the LORD hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and he hearkened not unto them; as the LORD had spoken unto Moses"

Exodus 10:20 "But the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart, so that he would not let the children of Israel go."

I am an ordained Christian Minister who studied for conversion to Judaism and am versed in Hebrew. (I can quote the Hebrew, as well, if you'd like.) The Almighty One, blessed be His Name, is very clear that He [God] caused Pharaoh's heart to harden.

do you believe that God decides for us as to whether we will listen to him or not? Is that what you teach?

filthy tugboat

Active Member
If you are choosing to do it, that makes it a choice.

Am I choosing to do it? Is it even a choice I can make?

Not Pascals Wager at all. All I am saying is that according to Christian theology, God will give you what you want, which is seperation from him. Thats all I said. So where you got Pascals Wager from is beyond me.

It sounds a lot like Pascal's wager because it makes the exact same point, and just like Pascal's wager, it is a nonsensical point and an illogical one. "If [insert belief here] is true, I get better things than those that do not share my belief." It is irrelevant to the debate whether or not you are better off than me granting this assumption. Why bring it up?

It is only a system of perpetual failure and death if you choose to go down the path of failure and death. But you see, us Christians, we choose to go down the path of success and life.

According to you, the punishment for sin is death. According to you all humans sin. That means that all humans are punished for their inevitable sinning with death. A system of perpetual failure(sinning) and death(punishment for sinning). That is until a magical scapegoat(or lamb) comes along and takes responsibility from the sinners.

I have removed a few of your quotes, I hope this section will cover the removed material (too many characters, had to cut back).

I am arguing that vicarious redemption is illogical and defies the very definition of justice and responsibility. Whether a human sacrifice or an animal sacrifice, it doesn't matter. Could you explain how killing a human or a different animal and offering it as a sacrifice to God will absolve you of your sins and/or the punishments for those sins? What does this mean for our responsibility for our own actions? How does this impact justice and righteousness?

To me, This is unjust, the system is set out, the punishment for sin is death. Vicarious redemption is unjust because it subverts the justice system in question. It is unrighteous because it causes the death of an innocent to absolve the crimes of the guilty. It is illogical because this is not how righteousness, justice or responsibility work. Responsibility for an action is ours alone, always has been, always will be, it isn't something you can pass onto something else. I can't commit a crime, go slaughter a cow and then tell everyone that the cow committed the crime. I committed the crime, that is true, I am responsible for that action. Justice means that the consequences for my actions are mine alone, this isn't about me owing somebody else, it is about me deserving consequences. Righteousness means that killing something innocent is BAD, not only does it not achieve what it set out to achieve, logically speaking, I'm killing something that by definition did not deserve death.

This is my argument, feel free to break it down analyze it and respond to it in depth, this is the core of what i am trying to get across.

What?? That question had EVERYTHING to do with our discussion. You were basically criticising me for placing my faith in God, because I said i had no reason to think otherwise.

No, I was criticizing you for placing what you proposed was a gratuitous amount of trust in strangers. I have no problem with you having faith in a God or whatever, I don't know you and for all I know, this God has saved your life on numerous occasions.

You were making it seem like you dont trust strangers. So i asked you do you trust the strangers that cook your meals, which you are now saying you dont. So after all, you DO trust strangers. That was my only point as now it is evident.

I trust strangers to not want to kill me whenever they see me. If I didn't I wouldn't leave the house. That being said I will avoid being alone with strangers with no good reason. I will not get them to hold my wallet while i do things and I will not ask them to drive my car to get serviced. That's how you have your possessions stolen.

Um, were did it say that God lied? It says that God will send them a powerful delusion so that they may believe the lie. Verse 11 says "For this reason..." and if you look at the context of verse 10, the reason is "BECAUSE THEY REFUSE TO BELIEVE THE TRUTH AND SO BE SAVED." So they were already doomed because they refused to believe. Its not as if they were believers and then God all of a sudden sent them delusions to make them unbelievers. They were perishing in their ways.

And?? God still deluded them into believing a lie. If this doesn't constitute lying I don't know what does. He used magic to make people believe a falsehood. It doesn't matter if they were bad people or what their theological convictions were. The point was that God lied.

Bias? How do you know that anything you read in history doesn't have its origins from a biased source? Second, why is the gospel accounts unreliable and viewed as secondardy evidence as opposed to being reliable and first hand accounts???

Because they weren't first hand accounts, it's well known by just about everyone now, Biblical scholarship teach it. The gospels were written by anonymous scribes 30 years after Jesus' death. Matthew, Luke and John are certainly not independent sources since Mark had been out for quite some time before they were released and it's possible that Mark is also not independent because of the suspected Q, a document that other Gospels may have borrowed from as well.

First of all, the Gospels were written by either the disciples of Jesus (Matthew and John), or the friends of the disciples of Jesus (Mark, friend of Peter and Luke, friend of Paul).

According to what? Catholic tradition? That's it, historically speaking, this theory has been demolished, it is not taught by any academic sources because it has no grounding in truth. There is no evidence supporting this notion.

First off, the Gospels are four independent books. Each one records the accounts of Jesus life, so I dont see how you can call them unreliable.

They aren't independent. The accounts are secondary evidence that was subject to creative embellishment. The authors were biased in their creation of the account.

30 years later?? Alexander the Greats autobiographies were written 400 years after his death.

Indeed, but you are aware of the other evidence of his conquests right? The statues? The written pieces from dozens of different cities, his presence is well recorded prior to the autobiography written by a trusted historian.

So if you compare this to Jesus, 30 years is like a newsflash.

You're not making a solid point, you're suggesting that "this one is bad, 30 years makes it kind of unreliable BUT this other guy took 400 years! Therefore mine must be true!"

Second, even on the "30 years later" subject. Reverend Jesse Jackson was a friend of MLK. He walked with him, and talked with him. MLK died in 1968. This was 42 years ago, and guess what? Jesse Jackson is alive today and he can tell you many stories about MLK and give you many of his quotes. He was there. So if I can give you an example of this happening today, 42 years later, then this "30 years" stuff should be put in the dirt.

No, it shouldn't, we have many reliable methods of checking up on the facts given by Jesse Jackson, we have nothing but the accounts of Jesus and it is a known fact that the authors of the gospels never met the guy.

Second, the spread of the Christian church did not happen all of these years later, but within 5 years of Jesus being put to death. So this isn't some "hundreds of years later" legendary stuff going on here.

According to what sources? Acts? Another Biblical book with bias coming out it's ears? Thought so because contemporary historical sources have no such recording, the Christian religion wasn't even recognized til early second century, a good sixty years after Jesus' proposed death.

Murder is a legal term but whether it is right or wrong is determined by whatever the system in questions moral code is.

Indeed, but we are in agreement, a lion cannot "murder" another animal given such a word exists in our legal system and that's it.

They dont have to be judged in order for us to classify what a particular act that they commit is.

How could we classify without judging? Isn't the very act of classification a judgement?

Our laws are based on our moral standard. Based on our moral standard, it is perfectly legal to kill someone in self defense. But it is illegal to murder someone deliberately for fun.

Indeed, are other animals a part of our legal system?

On the Christian view, we are not animals.

In your Christian view maybe, educated Christian views do not hold to this because they know what the definition of animal is and they know what humans are, to deny that humans are animals is to deny understanding the English language. Look up the biological definition, humans are animals.

I don't believe that evolution is consisted with the bible at all, nor do i believe that evolution is science and should be taught as such.

I'm glad your beliefs aren't taken into consideration on the matter then.


Outstanding Member
Logic is affected by ones beliefs and what they are presenting. Its not a question of different logics. Its your logic based on your belief. The consistancy of your argument.

It is my reasoning. Not my logic. There is no 'my' logic or 'your' logic or 'God's logic'.

The Bible presents God as righteous and Holy and Who must judge sin. Your logic disagees. But, your 'logic' is not based on God as presented in the Bible.

Not different logics. Different beliefs.


You have yet to estabilish that God must judge sin according to the bible.
I shall be waiting for a quote that actually supports your argument.


Active Member
It is my reasoning. Not my logic. There is no 'my' logic or 'your' logic or 'God's logic'.

You have yet to estabilish that God must judge sin according to the bible.
I shall be waiting for a quote that actually supports your argument.

Ok. Don't go away.

do you believe that God decides for us as to whether we will listen to him or not? Is that what you teach?

My personal theology isn't up for debate here, yet. I am curious as to a reaction concerning the blatant example that the Almighty One, blessed be His Name, can and does lead others astray.

This wasn't targeted at you, so if you don't wish to tackle this issue then you may humbly bow out and no worse in my eyes. If you want to discuss it with me then we may do so via PM; but I will not allow my words to be used by another in defense of their beliefs prematurely, simply because they're ill informed about their own God.

Vasilisa Jade

Formerly Saint Tigeress
God is all powerful, why make a man just to die to save everyone when he could just do it by thinking it happening?

Yes, I know I will get a lot of comments saying "Jesus is no man! He is God!" Well, technically isn't he a demigod? Half man half God? And even if you don't consider him to be, it just made people suffer from sadness, especially Mary the mother of Jesus.

This thought was a turning point with me and my separation from that ingrained dogma. No he did not really have to die for our sins. What the hell is a sin anyway? That's a whole different debate, the core of which cannot be debated... that "sin" is a dammed opinion, a translation, a feeling, etc. Our "sins" are an integral part of our nature, all of which is writ large in the universe outside us and writ small within us. The crucifixion is a glorious guilt trip to trick people into not thinking for themselves. I did not give permission for anyone to pay any price for anything I do. I can be responsible for my own actions. No one is going to suffer for me without my consent and then demand submission with threat of hellfire if I choose to think for myself instead, god or not, especially employing guilt as the tactic to do so. Best of luck to you.


Active Member
This thought was a turning point with me and my separation from that ingrained dogma. No he did not really have to die for our sins. What the hell is a sin anyway? That's a whole different debate, the core of which cannot be debated... that "sin" is a dammed opinion, a translation, a feeling, etc. Our "sins" are an integral part of our nature, all of which is writ large in the universe outside us and writ small within us. The crucifixion is a glorious guilt trip to trick people into not thinking for themselves. I did not give permission for anyone to pay any price for anything I do. I can be responsible for my own actions. No one is going to suffer for me without my consent and then demand submission with threat of hellfire if I choose to think for myself instead, god or not, especially employing guilt as the tactic to do so. Best of luck to you.

He did have to die if any were to be saved. And, He didn't need your permission to do so. Yes, you can be responsible for your own actions. That is no problem.


Vasilisa Jade

Formerly Saint Tigeress
He did have to die if any were to be saved.

Saved from what? His own torturous plane of existence He created to punish those who defy Him? Saved from ourselves? As if we don't have the common sense, intellect, empathy, and reasoning ability to be sovereign and peaceful?

Wait.... wait...... most people don't have that do they?

I retract my previous statements. We do need this, so people won't act like maniacal self centered inbred mutants and rape and pillage one another. Even if they are acting right for the wrong reasons (just cause they are told to and threatened by hellfire) I suppose that is better than nothing.

Vasilisa Jade

Formerly Saint Tigeress
The sad thing is that people still take the tool that should make them a better person and a better spirit, and they make it ugly. It's not fool proof. Sometimes it works out, and sometimes the person uses their savior as a battering ram. I digress...

I think the ugly will simply be ugly, but yet the attempt to keep them in line is still appreciated in whatever form it comes.


Well-Known Member
Someone is either being dishonest or hasn't been studying their Bible very well. Afterall, was it not the Almighty One Himself, blessed be His Name, who hardened Pharaoh's heart no less than 17 times in the book of Exodus?

First of all, Pharaohs heart was hardened 9 times, and after the 10th plagued it was not hardened because at that point he let the people. So for you to sit there and say that it was hardened almost double the number that it actually was is showing me that you are the one that is either being dishonest or haven't read the book of Exodus either in a long time or very well. Second, God explained why he hardened Pharaohs heart, as an act of judgement (Exodus 7:2-4). The Egyptians had been oppressing the Iraelites for at least 80 years, and God had enough and decided it was time to lay down the law.