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Did Jesus really have to die for our sins?


Rogue Theologian
your faith is ridiculous
you claim that the creator of the universe was concerned about a group of people on this insignificant blue planet....

this reprehensible and absolutely unsupportable tripe only justifies bad behavior
so shame on those for believing such garbage
shame on those that use their faith as something that is to be considered more meaningful over other peoples rights
shame shame shame.

Apparently you woke up in a bad mood.


Rogue Theologian
9-11 was very upsetting.
and your line of thinking gives license so such atrocities.

Well gee...again....

Without belief in God....how will you settle the event...for you that is?
Apparently, never.

And in so doing your inappropriate assumption of how religious people think...
will keep you from stepping up your theological discussions.

You do see you're on a downhill run with your soapbox under your arm?


Veteran Member
Well gee...again....

Without belief in God....how will you settle the event...for you that is?
Apparently, never.

And in so doing your inappropriate assumption of how religious people think...
will keep you from stepping up your theological discussions.

You do see you're on a downhill run with your soapbox under your arm?

Oregon couple convicted in son's faith-healing death - latimes.com

Trial Begins in Girl's Faith-Healing Death - CBS News

dangerous thinking...


Veteran Member
Point taken...as it affirms what I said before.
You're focusing on the few that go to the extreme.

As if you would do the same....if you took on faith.[/QUOTE]

there is no line drawn with this dangerous way of thinking...as rationality disappears when one faces desperation...while the answer is in front of them the whole time, in this case medicine....in other cases, controlling others who do not adhere to their religious beliefs...live and let live...no faith required.

but alas natural selection will take it's course by doing away with stupidity.

filthy tugboat

Active Member
You are putting words on my fingertips because that is not what I said or implied. I said that God cannot "make" someone "freely" chose to do something. I even acknowledged in another post on this very thread that God hardened Pharaohs heart in order to carry out his judgement (amongst other reasons). On some occasions, God hardened Pharaohs heart. On other occasions, Pharaoh hardened his own heart. So this is a poor "i got cha" moment on a false implication on what was said.

No, what you said is this, "I am still trying to figure out how can someone "force" a person to believe something?" to which I replied, "God has magic. He can do anything." And then you said, "God cannot do what is logically impossible. He cant make married bachelors or draw squared circles."

So you suggested that forcing someone to believe something is logically impossible, you never said anything about freely. To reinforce this point, you have been saying that belief is a matter of choice, if God can control someones will and belief's can be chosen then God can force someone to believe something.

Back to the sting operation analogy. If a man has a preconceived mindset that the lady standing on the corner is a prostitue but she is really a undercover officer, is the lady lying??? Absolutely not. So you can drop this "God was lying" business, because I will keep bringing forth the prostituting analogy. You have no answer to this whatsoever.

I have told you several times that the analogy is not apt, you are comparing a preconceived mindset to a delusion, which makes no sense. You are suggesting that everyone is delusional by changing the definition of delusion from "altered perception of reality" to "preconceived mindset". God altered their perception of reality, he sent them a delusion. They saw and/or heard things that were not really there, in your analogy, the undercover officer that looked like a prostitute WAS REALLY THERE. That's the big difference.

No. Altering their perception of reality is for an undercover officer to literally entice the man in terms of sexual favors for money, and then arresting him when he take the bait. In other words, he think she is a prostitute based on what she is telling him.

What? No, that isn't an altered perception of reality, the man perceived reality just fine here, she was just lying and trying to trap him. Big difference.

Playing with their perception on reality is to do exactly what I said in the analogy, for her to just stand out the on the corner and walking back and forth and some guy with a mindset of picking up prostitutes think that she is a hooker without her saying anything. Two different concepts.

I don't think either of these propose an alternate perception of reality in any way, your analogies suggest that the man perceives reality just the same as everyone else, the only difference is that this man has a different mindset, he, like everyone else(bar the cops involved) thinks the woman is a prostitute, everybody that doesn't know about the operation(and can recognize a prostitute) is perceiving reality just the same they see a girl on the street that looks like a prostitute, this is reality, this is what is actually happening, nothing is altered or played with. What you are focusing in on is the man's mindset compared to the other peoples mindset. He wants to use a prostitute for sex, that's the only difference between him and everybody else in your analogy.

Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. "Not his perception of reality, his thoughts on his perception of reality." What? This is the SAME THING.

No it isn't, his reasoning and his thoughts based on what he is perceiving is different from what he is actually perceiving. What he is seeing, hearing, smelling, feeling and tasting is his perception of reality. His recognition of the woman being a prostitute is his reasoning, his thoughts that occur after he perceives reality. So, his thoughts on his perception of reality are different to his perception of reality, they occur after he perceives reality.

Intelligence is the ABILITY to THINK and LEARN. Its funny you talk about the birth process, because this is exactly why ID is more plausible. The reproductive process as a whole is very complex. A zygote is not considered intelligent, but the process in which a zygote is part of is very complex.... The same question applies to them as well, and the same problems lie with them. I asked this question on this forum before, and no one even came close to answering it.

And I'm not going to answer it here. I am simply going to press the issue of intelligence coming from non-intelligence. We see it all the time in the birth process. You clearly agree since you yourself said that a zygote is not considered intelligent yet intelligence is produced by it. Repeating that it is a part of a complex system doesn't answer the question or support your point.

This is not an option because in contemporary physics we have evidence that the universe is not infinite, but in fact finite. The question is not "if", the question is "how" and "why".

This form of the universe is finite, the composition of the universe is not limited in time, it didn't just get here at one point, from what we understand, it has always been here. Prior to the Big Bang, there was a singularity that contained the entirety of the universe. At what point did the universe get created? Scientifically speaking of course. The only real answer is, "I don't know." Nobody knows, the issue is largely speculative because there is no data to support any hypothesis.

Cmon now. Either God exist, or God doesnt exist. You choose to believe that God doesnt exist, for whatever reason. It is a choice. If you cant see how it is a choice, then I cant help you.

So we are just agreeing to disagree here? I noticed you stopped arguing and just repeated the original assertion. My point stands, belief structures of individuals that differ to those imposed on them by their community exist whether belief's are chosen or not. Right now, you have no more evidence suggesting they are chosen. I don't have much else to offer, I still maintain that everything that makes me me and everything that contributes to my belief's is not chosen and therefore my beliefs themselves are not chosen.

Death for sin is not a created system. The created system is the act of atonement. Death is a necessary act of judgement when you offend a holy God. It is a necessity. If you start off with false premises, your conclusion will end up false, as is evident here.

But death didn't even exist before God created anything. How can a punishment exist for a crime when neither the punishment or the crime can occur? God's act of creation resulted in the creation of the system where sin can occur and where sin is punished by death. It is the only logical conclusion, God created those systems.

Not a contradiction at all. Free will corresponds to the nature of a being..... God cannot freely choose to do something that is contrary to his nature. God doesnt have a sinful nature, so he does not have the capability to sin. Humans have sinful natures, so we do have the capability to sin. So far from a contradiction, just an error on your part in regards to what free will implies to specific beings.

Why did God create humans with sinful natures?

You are using your own subjective moral standard to critisize an opposing view. This is your opinion.

Moral standard? What? I said that it was flawed? That a system is in place and then that system was counteracted. This part of our debate has nothing to do with moral standards. It is my opinion, do you have some means to argue against it?

Those "real things" can be perceived differently by different people. So really, all of it is subjective.

Indeed, everything concerning humans belief's and opinions is subjective.

If by "absolute" you mean "objective", then I agree, they are non-existent, only i believe they are non-existent if we negate God.

Absolute means true of all places, times and people. Objective just means a system outside of subjective interpretation. A moral code written down somewhere is objective, humanism is an objective moral system, as is the Biblical moral code. Assuming the truth of the Bible, it suggests that it's moral code is both objective and absolute. Absolute means there is a distinct right and wrong, an absolute moral system (if one exists) means that what it states is absolutely true.

If there is no ultimate source of goodness, an entity with a perfect moral code of ethics, there is absolutely no one we could have a absolute right or wrong in any case. Right and wrong would depend on the person or the people..... So without God, to say that this kind of activity is wrong is just an opinion.

I honestly don't know whether there is an absolute moral code that exists and is true of all people, times and places, I have no idea. But I see no reason to restrict the concept to a God's existence, if it does exist, it may be a universal law similar to that of other universal laws like gravity.

filthy tugboat

Active Member
But with God, a morally perfect being, his commandments are not a matter of opinion, but a matter of fact.

The problem is, what you propose "morally perfect" is is what God thinks and does. Anything from this point on becomes a tautology, indeed it even reduces the meaning and power of the words into arbitrary labels. If morality is reduced to, "what God says and does" then anything goes, there is no restrictions as to what could be considered good or what is considered bad. If we follow this view then if your God were replaced by what you and he currently recognize as a malevolent being(i.e. Satan) then that being has just as much claim to being called morally perfect. If morality can just be defined by a being then any being with the power to define morality has the potential to be "morally perfect". This view reduces morality to meaninglessness.

So if you dont believe in God, your critiscisms of his alleged actions are based on your own moral code of conduct, which is personal only to you. You are right only to yourself. So i could just say, "so what, that is your opinion".

Not necessarily, I have mentioned several times that I am also using the Biblical standard to criticize the Biblical God. I find the Bible to be inconsistent on this issue. Which is my opinion but my reasons as far as I'm aware are solid and in a way objective, they could be objectively wrong but the reasons given are still objective and they stand until they are shown to be wrong.

And those were the same people that created the law in the first place.

What? No they weren't. Martin Luther King Jr. did not establish slavery or support it's establishment in any way. Neither did most of his supporters.

Yes you are. You are not saying that the law contradicts itself, you are saying that the law is injust and unnecessary. But based on what? Your own moral code of conduct. You are using your own preconceived notion of what you think it means to act morally good, and using that as a way to judge God based on it.

I am judging it based upon the definitions of the words God uses. Justice and righteousness have definitions that are objective, it can be objectively analyzed. I am using the Bible's words to show that the system of vicarious redemption is inconsistent with justice and righteousness. I even provided the Bible verse in Deuteronomy that tells us that responsibility for our actions are ours alone, no one can take responsibility or our punishments for what another has done. This is the biblical standard. But according to vicarious redemption, Jesus can take the consequences for other peoples actions, animals can take the consequences for other peoples actions. Nobody but the perpetrator of the crime(sin) can be held responsible for the perpetrator's crimes. They cannot take the punishment away from the perpetrator. This Deuteronomy verse is completely in sync with the terms justice and righteousness. The practice of vicarious redemption is not in sync with the Deuteronomy verse or with the definition of justice or righteousness. "Innocent beings cannot be held responsible for the crimes of guilty parties." Anything that goes against that statement goes against the very definition of justice and of righteousness.

Right, you have to presuppose reason in order to use and trust reason. Just like you have to presuppose what it means to be good and just in order to pass judgement one what is bad and unjust. The same logic applies. The difference between me and you is, I believe the my intellect comes from a intellectual being. You believe that your intellect (or intellect in general) comes from a blind, nonintellectual, thoughtless, mindless process. If someone trusts their own reasoning to kill your whole family, how are they wrong if they committed these acts based on their own reasoning?

I still don't know what you mean by wrong? Did they do something that was actually incorrect? What would be correct in this case? Are you suggesting that what they did was morally wrong? Why? What makes those actions morally wrong? If someone did it to me, I would hate their guts, I love my family and having them taken away from me whether for good reasons or for bad ones is not something I would sit through.

Obviously, coming from a morally perfect being and all.

Why call him morally perfect? If the devil were in his place, he would also be called morally perfect. If anybody was in God's position(the position to decide what is moral and what is immoral) they would be morally perfect. The term now has no power, no meaning. We would be obligated to do whatever God wanted regardless of what we think is good or bad. If we were asked to kill babies by God it would then be a morally correct thing to do.

Right, the argument assumes that God is good first. Hypothetically speaking, If there is a God that is morally good, then his commandments have to be morally good by default, because if they were'nt, then he wouldnt be morally good!!! One supplements the other. We can easily think of a being that is morally good. I dont think this is logically impossible.

What does good mean here? What God wants? Then what is gained by saying that God is good? That's essentially saying that God does what he wants. You are defining morally good as two different things, either things that are "morally good" exist in their own right, as standards separate to God or morally good is whatever God thinks and does. You were earlier suggesting that what it is to be morally good is a part of God's nature, God sets the standard for morality. If that is true then saying God is good is a tautology and it is completely arbitrary and redundant.

The question is whether or not such a being exist, and I would argue that if the biblical accounts of Jesus are correct, then the Christian God, by definition, is this morally perfect being.

The Jesus escapade is the worst example of a proof for God. The reason being that the Bible proposes that malevolent beings of great power exist(Satan). If there exists a being who's power is beyond our understanding and we don't know what he is truly capable of then the Jesus escapade could have been caused by this malevolent being just as easily as it could have been caused by God himself. There is no reason to suggest it is good evidence of God. Indeed, if you concede that the supernatural exists then you cannot be sure of any conclusion you could ever make. there could be many malevolent spirits all trying to screw with you maybe just for fun, maybe to achieve something, we don't know. But the moment one concedes that the supernatural exists, all assurances are out the window.

Well, you can choose to believe whether or not you believe that life can come from non-life and something can come from nothing (the universe). These kind of choices have nothing to do with personality, habits, hobbies, or genetics.

Are you sure? What about where we were born? Who we were born to? Who influenced us throughout our life? Who educated us? We are not responsible for any of these things and they can be massive contributors to what we believe regarding things that are largely speculative.

Right, so you admit that your opinion about the issues are hand are subjective.

Opinions about everything are by their very nature subjective. There is no such thing as "an objective opinion".

If God exists, then it is objectively wrong. If he doesn't, it is subjectively wrong. Big difference here.

Depends on which God, there are many malevolent ones proposed throughout the history of human thought. Perhaps some proposed God's would approve of the behavior.

Once again, your subjective opinion on what it means to be unrighteous lol.

What do you thing unrighteous means? Well I'll tell ya what, here is an example from the bible of how it defines justice and righteousness, "Proverbs 17:15 Acquitting the guilty and condemning the innocent— the LORD detests them both." And once again, the Bible disagrees with the notion of vicarious redemption.

So let's just outline this right now. The Bible proclaims that God detests guilty parties being acquitted while innocent parties are being condemned. The Bible suggests that God advocates that no man may take the responsibilities of another's actions. Now vicarious redemption suggests that innocent parties can take the punishment owed to the guilty in order to acquit the guilty of their crimes. Biblical standards of justice and of righteousness are not compatible with vicarious redemption.

You are spiritually dead meaning that God is not with you now, but your punishment is awaiting (hell), in which you will remain spiritually dead and simultaneously receiving your punishment.

Oh, you espouse the view that people burn in hell for eternity, I thought people dropped that years ago. Well if it helps, modern theologians all generally agree that hell is where the second death occurs and that process ends with the destruction of the soul all together. So the second death is the spiritual death where the spirit is destroyed and the first death is the physical death where the body is destroyed.


Rogue Theologian
The problem is, what you propose "morally perfect" is is what God thinks and does. Anything from this point on becomes a tautology, indeed it even reduces the meaning and power of the words into arbitrary labels. If morality is reduced to, "what God says and does" then anything goes, there is no restrictions as to what could be considered good or what is considered bad. If we follow this view then if your God were replaced by what you and he currently recognize as a malevolent being(i.e. Satan) then that being has just as much claim to being called morally perfect. If morality can just be defined by a being then any being with the power to define morality has the potential to be "morally perfect". This view reduces morality to meaninglessness.

Not necessarily, I have mentioned several times that I am also using the Biblical standard to criticize the Biblical God. I find the Bible to be inconsistent on this issue. Which is my opinion but my reasons as far as I'm aware are solid and in a way objective, they could be objectively wrong but the reasons given are still objective and they stand until they are shown to be wrong.

What? No they weren't. Martin Luther King Jr. did not establish slavery or support it's establishment in any way. Neither did most of his supporters.

I am judging it based upon the definitions of the words God uses. Justice and righteousness have definitions that are objective, it can be objectively analyzed. I am using the Bible's words to show that the system of vicarious redemption is inconsistent with justice and righteousness. I even provided the Bible verse in Deuteronomy that tells us that responsibility for our actions are ours alone, no one can take responsibility or our punishments for what another has done. This is the biblical standard. But according to vicarious redemption, Jesus can take the consequences for other peoples actions, animals can take the consequences for other peoples actions. Nobody but the perpetrator of the crime(sin) can be held responsible for the perpetrator's crimes. They cannot take the punishment away from the perpetrator. This Deuteronomy verse is completely in sync with the terms justice and righteousness. The practice of vicarious redemption is not in sync with the Deuteronomy verse or with the definition of justice or righteousness. "Innocent beings cannot be held responsible for the crimes of guilty parties." Anything that goes against that statement goes against the very definition of justice and of righteousness.

I still don't know what you mean by wrong? Did they do something that was actually incorrect? What would be correct in this case? Are you suggesting that what they did was morally wrong? Why? What makes those actions morally wrong? If someone did it to me, I would hate their guts, I love my family and having them taken away from me whether for good reasons or for bad ones is not something I would sit through.

Why call him morally perfect? If the devil were in his place, he would also be called morally perfect. If anybody was in God's position(the position to decide what is moral and what is immoral) they would be morally perfect. The term now has no power, no meaning. We would be obligated to do whatever God wanted regardless of what we think is good or bad. If we were asked to kill babies by God it would then be a morally correct thing to do.

What does good mean here? What God wants? Then what is gained by saying that God is good? That's essentially saying that God does what he wants. You are defining morally good as two different things, either things that are "morally good" exist in their own right, as standards separate to God or morally good is whatever God thinks and does. You were earlier suggesting that what it is to be morally good is a part of God's nature, God sets the standard for morality. If that is true then saying God is good is a tautology and it is completely arbitrary and redundant.

The Jesus escapade is the worst example of a proof for God. The reason being that the Bible proposes that malevolent beings of great power exist(Satan). If there exists a being who's power is beyond our understanding and we don't know what he is truly capable of then the Jesus escapade could have been caused by this malevolent being just as easily as it could have been caused by God himself. There is no reason to suggest it is good evidence of God. Indeed, if you concede that the supernatural exists then you cannot be sure of any conclusion you could ever make. there could be many malevolent spirits all trying to screw with you maybe just for fun, maybe to achieve something, we don't know. But the moment one concedes that the supernatural exists, all assurances are out the window.

Are you sure? What about where we were born? Who we were born to? Who influenced us throughout our life? Who educated us? We are not responsible for any of these things and they can be massive contributors to what we believe regarding things that are largely speculative.

Opinions about everything are by their very nature subjective. There is no such thing as "an objective opinion".

Depends on which God, there are many malevolent ones proposed throughout the history of human thought. Perhaps some proposed God's would approve of the behavior.

What do you thing unrighteous means? Well I'll tell ya what, here is an example from the bible of how it defines justice and righteousness, "Proverbs 17:15 Acquitting the guilty and condemning the innocent— the LORD detests them both." And once again, the Bible disagrees with the notion of vicarious redemption.

So let's just outline this right now. The Bible proclaims that God detests guilty parties being acquitted while innocent parties are being condemned. The Bible suggests that God advocates that no man may take the responsibilities of another's actions. Now vicarious redemption suggests that innocent parties can take the punishment owed to the guilty in order to acquit the guilty of their crimes. Biblical standards of justice and of righteousness are not compatible with vicarious redemption.

Oh, you espouse the view that people burn in hell for eternity, I thought people dropped that years ago. Well if it helps, modern theologians all generally agree that hell is where the second death occurs and that process ends with the destruction of the soul all together. So the second death is the spiritual death where the spirit is destroyed and the first death is the physical death where the body is destroyed.

Saw several misconceptions about what other people believe....lengthy post.

You are more believable for the length of your rebuttal?

So you're not intending to crossover?...no need for Someone else?

You came into this world naked, you leave the same way.
Whatever...or whoever...is standing over you when you die will have the advantage.

They will know the territory, the language and the scheme of things.
Got friends?

But if you have no intention...why the lengthy argument?


Rogue Theologian
As if you would do the same....if you took on faith.

there is no line drawn with this dangerous way of thinking...as rationality disappears when one faces desperation...while the answer is in front of them the whole time, in this case medicine....in other cases, controlling others who do not adhere to their religious beliefs...live and let live...no faith required.

but alas natural selection will take it's course by doing away with stupidity.[/quote]

As well as the wishful thinking there is no God.


Veteran Member
As well as the wishful thinking there is no God.

there may well be one, but that isn't what we are talking about, now is it?
how does one know god prefers the circumcised penis?
how does one know god prefers sacrifices?
how does one know god prefers belief?

unfunded confidence brings out the worst in people


Rogue Theologian
there may well be one, but that isn't what we are talking about, now is it?
how does one know god prefers the circumcised penis?
how does one know god prefers sacrifices?
how does one know god prefers belief?

unfunded confidence brings out the worst in people

Caught up in the dogma I see....check my banner.


Veteran Member
Caught up in the dogma I see....check my banner.
your cowardice ducking technique is noted...

how does one know god prefers the circumcised penis?
how does one know god prefers sacrifices?
how does one know god prefers belief?

unfunded confidence brings out the worst in people

filthy tugboat

Active Member
Saw several misconceptions about what other people believe....lengthy post.

You might have to specifically quote me, just saying it makes it hard for me to know what you are talking about

You are more believable for the length of your rebuttal?

?? I shortened mine considerably, we are saying a lot but my two posts to his five and you think my rebuttle is lengthy?

So you're not intending to crossover?...no need for Someone else?

You came into this world naked, you leave the same way.
Whatever...or whoever...is standing over you when you die will have the advantage.

They will know the territory, the language and the scheme of things.
Got friends?

But if you have no intention...why the lengthy argument?

I can't say i understand what you are referring to.


Rogue Theologian
your cowardice ducking technique is noted...

how does one know god prefers the circumcised penis?
how does one know god prefers sacrifices?
how does one know god prefers belief?

unfunded confidence brings out the worst in people

Redundancy does not credit your poor questions...or attitude toward the religious.


Rogue Theologian
You might have to specifically quote me, just saying it makes it hard for me to know what you are talking about

?? I shortened mine considerably, we are saying a lot but my two posts to his five and you think my rebuttle is lengthy?

I can't say i understand what you are referring to.

The technique of breaking someone's post line by line is fine...if you must.
But why not just say what you believe?