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Did Jesus really have to die for our sins?


Rogue Theologian
Essentially it's Pascal's Wager

I have seen the description of Pascal's wager.
Basically you are correct.

But my post work goes a little further.
First I drop the dogma and ritual.
Take up science.

I then read the scripture and these rebuttals as if an angel is looking over my shoulder.
When I respond, I say what I believe.

I might have to say it again....directly to the face of an angel.

filthy tugboat

Active Member
The technique of breaking someone's post line by line is fine...if you must.
But why not just say what you believe?

We did say what we believe, then we had problems with each others proposition so we... debated... like this forum recommends and exists for. I delete unnecessary repetition, I might miss a few but a lot of it is cleared in my responses. We just happen to be discussing a wide range of topics and different points within the same topics.

Heathen Hammer

Nope, you're still wrong
I have seen the description of Pascal's wager.
Basically you are correct.

But my post work goes a little further.
First I drop the dogma and ritual.
Take up science.

I then read the scripture and these rebuttals as if an angel is looking over my shoulder.
When I respond, I say what I believe.

I might have to say it again....directly to the face of an angel.
You're still doing it because you think you're being watched

The moral implication based on the false dichotomy is the same

ribbons and bows or without ;)


Well-Known Member
No, what you said is this, "I am still trying to figure out how can someone "force" a person to believe something?" to which I replied, "God has magic. He can do anything." And then you said, "God cannot do what is logically impossible. He cant make married bachelors or draw squared circles."

So you suggested that forcing someone to believe something is logically impossible, you never said anything about freely. To reinforce this point, you have been saying that belief is a matter of choice, if God can control someones will and belief's can be chosen then God can force someone to believe something.

No, I have always maintained that God cannot "make" someone "freely" choose to do something. That is what I have always said since me and you have been conversing. And you are right, God can force someone to believe something, but it wouldnt be a "free" choice if he chose to do so.

I have told you several times that the analogy is not apt, you are comparing a preconceived mindset to a delusion, which makes no sense. You are suggesting that everyone is delusional by changing the definition of delusion from "altered perception of reality" to "preconceived mindset". God altered their perception of reality, he sent them a delusion. They saw and/or heard things that were not really there, in your analogy, the undercover officer that looked like a prostitute WAS REALLY THERE. That's the big difference.

It is actually a good analogy. It goes to show how you can use someones preconceived perception of reality to make them think that what they perceive is true, when in reality the exact opposite is true. You can do this without lying or misleading them. Your preconceived mindset has a lot to do with your perception of reality. How else do you think people get sterotyped all of the time? Because of a preconceived mindset.

What? No, that isn't an altered perception of reality, the man perceived reality just fine here, she was just lying and trying to trap him. Big difference.

So, if someone lies to you by telling you that the next door neighborhood is a sex offender and has been convicted of molesting little boys, and you have a 9 year old son, would you not look at the man differently?? That is altering your perception of reality. What you perceive to be real isn't real, based on what you have been told.

I don't think either of these propose an alternate perception of reality in any way, your analogies suggest that the man perceives reality just the same as everyone else, the only difference is that this man has a different mindset, he, like everyone else(bar the cops involved) thinks the woman is a prostitute, everybody that doesn't know about the operation(and can recognize a prostitute) is perceiving reality just the same they see a girl on the street that looks like a prostitute, this is reality, this is what is actually happening, nothing is altered or played with. What you are focusing in on is the man's mindset compared to the other peoples mindset. He wants to use a prostitute for sex, that's the only difference between him and everybody else in your analogy.

See, thats the point. You said "and can recognize a prostitute", which would suggest that those people have a preconceived mindset about how a prostitute should look. So if a woman looks like a prostitute, regardless of whether or not the woman is actually a prostitute, their perception of reality is being tested. So the officer is playing on the peoples preconceived mindset and their perception of reality.

And I'm not going to answer it here. I am simply going to press the issue of intelligence coming from non-intelligence. We see it all the time in the birth process. You clearly agree since you yourself said that a zygote is not considered intelligent yet intelligence is produced by it. Repeating that it is a part of a complex system doesn't answer the question or support your point.

This is a fallacy of composition. This is similar to me telling you that the game of chess is considered to be a game of strategic skill and tact. And then you tell me that this isn't true, because the pieces that make up the game aren't strategic, skillful, or tactful. This is CLEARLY an elementary school fallacy. Just because the essence of something is given a property doesnt mean that the parts that make it are of the same property.

This form of the universe is finite, the composition of the universe is not limited in time, it didn't just get here at one point, from what we understand, it has always been here. Prior to the Big Bang, there was a singularity that contained the entirety of the universe. At what point did the universe get created? Scientifically speaking of course. The only real answer is, "I don't know." Nobody knows, the issue is largely speculative because there is no data to support any hypothesis.

First of all, the singularity didn't "contain" the universe. The universe simply did not exist before the Hubble expansion. Second, if the singularity did exist for this "infinite" amount of time, why did it start expanding only 13.7 billion years ago, which is almost like yesterday when you compare infinity to 13.7. Why didnt it expand sooner, or later?? Third, there is no scientitic explanation as to how could you get all of this complexity from just a small singularity, at which no matter or space existed. There was no matter or space before it, yet, we have matter and space after it. This is the absurdity of getting "something" from "nothing". Completely absurd.

So we are just agreeing to disagree here? I noticed you stopped arguing and just repeated the original assertion. My point stands, belief structures of individuals that differ to those imposed on them by their community exist whether belief's are chosen or not. Right now, you have no more evidence suggesting they are chosen. I don't have much else to offer, I still maintain that everything that makes me me and everything that contributes to my belief's is not chosen and therefore my beliefs themselves are not chosen.

I guess so. If you dont see how you refusing to believe in God is a choice, I dont know what to tell ya.

But death didn't even exist before God created anything. How can a punishment exist for a crime when neither the punishment or the crime can occur? God's act of creation resulted in the creation of the system where sin can occur and where sin is punished by death. It is the only logical conclusion, God created those systems.

Well, considering the fact that there was no sin before creation, therefore, no death before creation, that would explan why death didnt exist before God created anything. It was only after man decided to use his free will for the wrong reasons did sin and death enter the world.

Why did God create humans with sinful natures?

It is called FREE WILL.

Moral standard? What? I said that it was flawed? That a system is in place and then that system was counteracted. This part of our debate has nothing to do with moral standards. It is my opinion, do you have some means to argue against it?

It has EVERYTHING to do with moral standards. You are using your own moral standards to judge the actions of God. Are you not??

Indeed, everything concerning humans belief's and opinions is subjective.

Subjective, without God, that is.

Absolute means true of all places, times and people. Objective just means a system outside of subjective interpretation. A moral code written down somewhere is objective, humanism is an objective moral system, as is the Biblical moral code. Assuming the truth of the Bible, it suggests that it's moral code is both objective and absolute. Absolute means there is a distinct right and wrong, an absolute moral system (if one exists) means that what it states is absolutely true.


I honestly don't know whether there is an absolute moral code that exists and is true of all people, times and places, I have no idea. But I see no reason to restrict the concept to a God's existence, if it does exist, it may be a universal law similar to that of other universal laws like gravity.



Veteran Member
Redundancy does not credit your poor questions...or attitude toward the religious.

then answer them?

if you refuse to then perhaps it's because your answers are poor....

what a joke...

nothing beats cheap entertainment...yes yes yes and it's at your expense.


Rogue Theologian
You're still doing it because you think you're being watched

The moral implication based on the false dichotomy is the same

ribbons and bows or without ;)

More emphasis to the consequence....rather than cause.

Sure of myself?...yes...of course.
Careful about it?....very careful.


Rogue Theologian
then answer them?

if you refuse to then perhaps it's because your answers are poor....

what a joke...

nothing beats cheap entertainment...yes yes yes and it's at your expense.

Your empty retorts no longer justify a return.
Maybe you've noticed similar criticism from other participants?
Your routine becomes less 'entertaining' on each occasion.

Eventually...no one will bother.


Veteran Member
Your empty retorts no longer justify a return.
Maybe you've noticed similar criticism from other participants?
Your routine becomes less 'entertaining' on each occasion.

Eventually...no one will bother.
how does one know god prefers the circumcised penis?
how does one know god prefers sacrifices?
how does one know god prefers belief?


Veteran Member
Show how brave you are....
You insist on answers to your questions....
a poor attempt to lead the discussion....

Go ahead...lead....
Show us how brave you are.

if it acts like a duck...

ask me a question and i'll answer it...as i'm not afraid to.


Veteran Member
Start with your own questions.
You want the lead.
It's now yours....go for it.

how does one know god prefers the circumcised penis?
the bible
how does one know god prefers sacrifices?
the bible
how does one know god prefers belief?
the bible

the bible is nothing but a book full of unsupported claims

so now, how does one know all these things to be something your god prefers?


Rogue Theologian
how does one know god prefers the circumcised penis?
the bible
how does one know god prefers sacrifices?
the bible
how does one know god prefers belief?
the bible

the bible is nothing but a book full of unsupported claims

so now, how does one know all these things to be something your god prefers?

Try answering this one yourself.

filthy tugboat

Active Member
No, I have always maintained that God cannot "make" someone "freely" choose to do something. That is what I have always said since me and you have been conversing. And you are right, God can force someone to believe something, but it wouldnt be a "free" choice if he chose to do so.

So as i said before, God can force someone to believe something? Are you happy to agree with me on that point, not freely but he can force someone to believe something. You disputed it at first but I think we're on the same page now?

It is actually a good analogy. It goes to show how you can use someones preconceived perception of reality to make them think that what they perceive is true, when in reality the exact opposite is true. You can do this without lying or misleading them. Your preconceived mindset has a lot to do with your perception of reality. How else do you think people get sterotyped all of the time? Because of a preconceived mindset.

So, if someone lies to you by telling you that the next door neighborhood is a sex offender and has been convicted of molesting little boys, and you have a 9 year old son, would you not look at the man differently?? That is altering your perception of reality. What you perceive to be real isn't real, based on what you have been told.

You are still confusing what the perception of reality really is. Someone's perception of reality occurs before their thoughts have anything to do with it, their perception is what they see, hear, touch, taste and smell. Their senses produce their perception of reality. His perception did not consist of the label "prostitute" flashing above her with an arrow pointing down, his perception doesn't even identify what it is looking at or smelling, his perception is only that which he sees. His preconceived mindset and his thoughts are what add the label prostitute or even woman. They are two distinct things. If you want to relieve the confusion we can go back to using the word delusion given that is much more clear in it's meaning. Delusion means sensing things that are not really there, seeing Zeus throw lightning at the Earth for instance would be a delusion. Seeing and hearing an imaginary friend would be a delusion. Seeing actual things and attributing the wrong labels to them is not delusional.

See, thats the point. You said "and can recognize a prostitute", which would suggest that those people have a preconceived mindset about how a prostitute should look. So if a woman looks like a prostitute, regardless of whether or not the woman is actually a prostitute, their perception of reality is being tested. So the officer is playing on the peoples preconceived mindset and their perception of reality.

Yes, the officer is playing on their preconceived mindset and their perception of reality, she is not changing either of those things though, she is not altering someone's perception of reality, she isn't changing anything, she is dressing and acting in a way that makes people think she's something she's not. Hence why when God sent the delusion, he didn't do anything like this, hence why this analogy is not apt. What God did was cause the people to sense something that was not really there in order to keep them believing a lie. He intended to force people, by altering their perception of reality, to maintain belief in something that is untrue. Hence why he lied to them, his intention was to deceive.

This is a fallacy of composition. This is similar to me telling you that the game of chess is considered to be a game of strategic skill and tact. And then you tell me that this isn't true, because the pieces that make up the game aren't strategic, skillful, or tactful. This is CLEARLY an elementary school fallacy. Just because the essence of something is given a property doesnt mean that the parts that make it are of the same property.

The entirety of the zygote is non-intelligent, you said so yourself. That's why this fallacy does not apply. The zygote which is a non-intelligent life form grows into an intelligent life form, it is true of other animals too, even those that are produced from eggs and do not have the nutritious input by the mother. Sorry to say it but your notion of non-intelligence being incapable of producing intelligence is flat out wrong.

First of all, the singularity didn't "contain" the universe. The universe simply did not exist before the Hubble expansion.

I call **********. The expansion of the singularity produced the universe all of the matter and energy was contained within the singularity and as the singularity expanded, everything it contained spread throughout what became the universe.

Second, if the singularity did exist for this "infinite" amount of time, why did it start expanding only 13.7 billion years ago, which is almost like yesterday when you compare infinity to 13.7. Why didnt it expand sooner, or later??

Space-time did not exist prior to it's expansion, without time, it is meaningless to look for a time prior to it's expansion as there really was no such thing. The singularity did not necessarily exist for an "infinite" amount of time. Who know's why it expanded, that's why I said the only real answer is I don't know because it is all speculative as no data exists to support any hypothesis as to why it all happened or what caused it.

Third, there is no scientitic explanation as to how could you get all of this complexity from just a small singularity, at which no matter or space existed. There was no matter or space before it, yet, we have matter and space after it. This is the absurdity of getting "something" from "nothing". Completely absurd.

There was matter and space contained within the singularity, the singularity consisted of the entire universe it was all compressed into the singularity.

I guess so. If you dont see how you refusing to believe in God is a choice, I dont know what to tell ya.

I don't refuse to believe in God though, I just don't believe in him, no refusal took place.

Well, considering the fact that there was no sin before creation, therefore, no death before creation, that would explan why death didnt exist before God created anything. It was only after man decided to use his free will for the wrong reasons did sin and death enter the world.

But you said man had a sinful nature and that is why with free will man can sin while God can't. So therefore, man was created with a sinful nature or else they could never sin. According to Christian tradition man did sin. Either way, you didn't really respond to my question, sin and death did not exist and could not exist until God created something, so when God created something, he created the possibility and subsequently the system of sin and death. It can only be a direct creation from God, who else could create it, humans? They can cause it but I don't see how they are capable of creating the possibility for sin or for death given God is the one that designed them to be susceptible to both sin and death. There really is nobody else to blame.

It is called FREE WILL.

But you said that humans with free will are capable of sin while God with free will is not, you attributed that to humans having a sinful nature while God's is sinless. This means that humans could not sin while they had a sinless nature, so humans must have always had a sinful nature. Which means God created humans with a sinful nature. Why did he do that?

It has EVERYTHING to do with moral standards. You are using your own moral standards to judge the actions of God. Are you not??

I am not, here I am talking about Biblical flaws, logical flaws which has nothing to do with moral standards.

Subjective, without God, that is.

No their still subjective, they can be right and subjective but by their very nature all personal morals and opinions and thoughts are subjective. That's what subjective means. Even if someone adopts a religious opinion or moral standard they still adopt their subjective interpretation of it.