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Did Jesus say he was God???


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Premium Member
"look, he's the one who calls himself god"​
is that accusing him of speaking sacrilegiously about himself, really? besides wasn't that the judgment of the high priest? it was the truth, wasn't it...?or was it? :shrug:
otherwise what you are saying is that jesus was subjected to mans standards of who god is and not his own... interesting.

Jesus never called Himself God. He was accused of being equal with God, meaning that He was God.

You see, it has to do with whose allegiance the Jews people gave to. To them God the Father was their only one and all others false.

That was a designed feature of God in order that Jesus would be rejected.

By His rejection, God now could incorporate in His salvation plan all of humanity instead of just those to whom He had chosen to introduce Him to the world.

Now there is neither Jew nor Greek: Gal 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

Prior to Jesus, there were only the Jews who had a direct relationship with God and all others..........well, had their own gods.

Blessings, AJ

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Jesus never called Himself God. He was accused of being equal with God, meaning that He was God.

To be "equal WITH" does not mean one is that which he is trying to be equal with because he will still be separate to that which he's trying to be equal with but never can be.

Now of course that was ("THEIR") charge but Yeshua immediately attempts to clarify their misconceptions.....

John 519-
Then answered Jesus and said to them, Verily, verily, I say to you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he sees the Father do, he himself does. For the Father loves the Son, and has shown him all things that himself does and he will show him greater works than these, that you may marvel.

This it Yeshua right here telling them he is not "equal with" his god.
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Premium Member
30 And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God.
31 And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS.
32 He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: Luke 1
How does that make Jesus an exact copy of God? We already knew the line of Jacob and David would inherit this.


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Premium Member
To be "equal WITH" does not mean one is that which he is trying to be equal with because he will still be separate to that which he's trying to be equal with but never can be.

Now of course that was ("THEIR") charge but Yeshua immediately attempts to clarify their misconceptions.....

John 519-
Then answered Jesus and said to them, Verily, verily, I say to you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he sees the Father do, he himself does. For the Father loves the Son, and has shown him all things that himself does and he will show him greater works than these, that you may marvel.

This it Yeshua right here telling them he is not "equal with" his god.

You are correct in your explanation.

But what you are not seeing is the reason why? Why did He not claim His divinity?

If Jesus was to claim His divinity as God, then Jesus could not fill our shoes as God, but as a man God, He could.
And to that is the reason why.

Blessings, AJ


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Premium Member
How does that make Jesus an exact copy of God? We already knew the line of Jacob and David would inherit this.

Jesus as a mere man could like us, affect our souls to no degree with respect to salvation.

But as God, He had the full authority to effect a change in all of our souls in respect to our salvation.

Of all the religious beliefs that you know about, tell in which one has God doing all the work of salvation?

blessings, AJ


Veteran Member
You are correct in your explanation.
But what you are not seeing is the reason why? Why did He not claim His divinity?
If Jesus was to claim His divinity as God, then Jesus could not fill our shoes as God, but as a man God, He could.
And to that is the reason why.
Blessings, AJ

Why would Jesus want to deceive anyone by saying he was Son if he wasn't?
-John 10v36

Weren't the demons still in heaven the same time Jesus was in heaven before God sent Jesus to earth?
According to Mark [1v24] the demons say they know who Jesus is.
The demons believe: Jesus is the the Holy One of God.

Mark wrote [14vs61,62] that Jesus was asked if he was the Son of God?
Jesus answered, "I am". Not I am God, but I am the Son of God.
That is why at Mark [10v18] Jesus could say why call him good?
There is none good but one, that is, God.

The God of Jesus is that one God. -Rev 3v12

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Its in my Bible.

The Epistle of Ignatius (a student of the Apostle John) to the Philippians, in Chapter 2 (see here) says, Wherefore also the Lord, when He sent forth the apostles to make disciples of all nations, commanded them to "baptize in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost....".

Tertullian, c. (200 AD) (see here writes in On Baptism, Chapter XIII: "For the law of baptizing has been imposed, and the formula prescribed: "Go," He saith, "teach the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." and in Against Praxeas, chapter 2 says, "After His resurrection ..He commands them to baptize into the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost".

Hippolytus (170-236 AD) says in Fragments: Part II.-Dogmatical and Historical.--Against the Heresy of One Noetus, "gave this charge to the disciples after He rose from the dead: Go ye and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost."

Cyprian (200-258AD) in The Seventh Council of Carthage Under Cyprian says, And again, after His resurrection, sending His apostles, He gave them charge, saying, "All power is given unto me, in heaven and in earth. Go and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost." and alludes to the same passage in other places as well.

Gregory Thaumaturgus (205-265 AD) in A Sectional Confession of Faith, XIII (see here says, "....the Lord sends forth His disciples to baptize in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit?" (tektonics.org)

We can do this all day long but the fact is that verse (Matthew 28:19) is highly contested and regarded as an interpolation.

"The historical riddle is not solved by Matthew 28:19, since, according to a wide scholarly consensus, it is not an authentic saying of Jesus, not even an elaboration of a Jesus-saying on baptism" (The Anchor Bible Dictionary, Vol. 1, 1992, page 585).

"It has been customary to trace the institution of the practice (of baptism) to the words of Christ recorded in Matthew 28:19. But the authenticity of this passage has been challenged on historical as well as on textual grounds. It must be acknowledged that the formula of the threefold name, which is here enjoined, does not appear to have been employed by the primitive Church, which, so far as our information goes, baptized 'in' or 'into the name of Jesus' (or 'Jesus Christ' or Lord Jesus': Acts 2:38, 8:16, 10:48, 19:5, 1 Cor. 1:13, 15) (The Dictionary of the Bible, 1947, page 83).

Matthew 28:19, "the Church of the first days did not observe this world-wide command, even if they knew it. The command to baptize into the threefold name is a late doctrinal expansion. In place of the words "baptizing... Spirit" we should probably read simply "into my name," i.e. (turn the nations) to Christianity, "in my name," i.e. (teach the nations) in my spirit" (Peake's Commentary on the Bible, 1929, page 723).

"It cannot be directly proved that Jesus instituted baptism, for Matthew 28:19 is not a saying of the Lord...........We cannot make out when the formula in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit emerged" (History of Dogma, Vol. 1, Adolph Harnack, 1958, page

Footnote to Matthew 28:19, It may be that this formula, so far as the fullness of its expression is concerned, is a reflection of the liturgical usage established later in the primitive community. It will be remembered that the Acts speak of baptizing "in the name of Jesus", Acts 1:5 +. But whatever the variation on formula the underlying reality remains the same" (The Jerusalem Bible, 1966, Page 64).

So regardless of what bible you find that verse or those who may have quoted it some time ago there is good reason to call it into question seeing as though at one point in time it was no quoted the way you have it in your bible. The general consensus is that it is an interpolation...like may other supposed saying in your scriptures....

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
You are correct in your explanation.

Then what's the disconnect? Trinitarians can't keep using that verse or any other if they are going to continue to ignore the biblical Yeshua's clarification of the charges against him. 'You're making your self equal to God'.....'No I'm not. I'm nothing without my god. He instructed me and guides me'.....'Are you the King of the Jews'.....'That's what you say. That's not what I'm saying'.....etc....

But what you are not seeing is the reason why? Why did He not claim His divinity?

If Jesus was to claim His divinity as God, then Jesus could not fill our shoes as God, but as a man God, He could.
And to that is the reason why.

Blessings, AJ

I've missed nothing. What I'm not doing is taking something so plain and direct and giving my own interpretation as to what he "might" have meant when he said what he said. Even if you look at my paraphrasing above it is still spot on to what your scriptures says...thus I conclude Yeshua never said he was "God" nor taught his followers he was. As far as "God" forgiving its creation of wrong doings or "sin" there is nowhere in the OT that "God" comes in the flesh in order to do such a thing.

2 Chronicles 7:14
"if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

Jeremiah 31:34
"No more shall every man teach his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, 'Know the LORD,' for they all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the LORD. For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more."

Jeremiah 36:3
"It may be that the house of Judah will hear all the adversities which I purpose to bring upon them, that everyone may turn from his evil way, that I may forgive their iniquity and their sin."

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Well-Known Member
We can do this all day long but the fact is that verse (Matthew 28:19) is highly contested and regarded as an interpolation.

Neither is it highly contested nor regarded as an interpolation. Maybe only in the minds of those who like to make up stories and believe them.

It is in every Christian manuscript and translation (including Coptic and Pe****ta). It is also available in early literature from as early as the second century AD.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Then what's the disconnect? Trinitarians can't keep using that verse or any other if they are going to continue to ignore the biblical Yeshua's clarification of the charges against him. 'You're making your self equal to God'.....'No I'm not. I'm nothing without my god. He instructed me and guides me'.....'Are you the King of the Jews'.....'That's what you say. That's not what I'm saying'.....etc....>>>Dirty Penguin

The point is not in Jesus denying He is not God or King of the Jews because he is.

The term "servant" is not above his master is evidently necessary in order for Jesus to be in servitude to the powers that be. In other words subjected to mankind's laws and rule that only as a servant could He accomplish His mission.

As God why should He? And as God what could He accomplish? God could have easily had but to speak anything into or out of existence.

So as a servant, Jesus could be as like you and I subject to all the conditions that mankind faces.

But as God, able not to trespass any of His own rules.

It was then by design that Jesus would allow mankind to lord over Him, to accuse him OF BLASPHEMY, and to find fault with Him in order that Jesus as God could remove the death penalty which loumed over all of us and gift us with life instead.

I've missed nothing. What I'm not doing is taking something so plain and direct and giving my own interpretation as to what he "might" have meant when he said what he said. Even if you look at my paraphrasing above it is still spot on to what your scriptures says...thus I conclude Yeshua never said he was "God" nor taught his followers he was. As far as "God" forgiving its creation of wrong doings or "sin" there is nowhere in the OT that "God" comes in the flesh in order to do such a thing.

..."there is nowhere in the OT that "God" comes in the flesh in order to do such a thing"...

Isa 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

Now, God being the designer and creator of all there is, designed us as independent entities, as gods, would you not reason that as God the creator, the designer, at some point that He would make the move to save that creation? When at the very point of the individual entity becoming as like Him, separated from Him by reason of designed effect? (Death)

The tree with held from mankind (Tree of life) was re introduced in the form of Jesus.

In Jesus there is life should we reach out and eat of the fruit of knowledge of His existence.

As for the forgiveness of sins: The one who bought all our sins is the owner of all of it, lock stock and barrel.

Being the owner, as only God can be, owns the right to forgive whom He pleases, when He pleases.

But the main point of His coming was not so much to forgive our sins committed, but to reconcile us back to the Father since mankind became lost in the creative process due to no fault of mankind.

It was all God's doing.

If you could look through the eyes of God, you would see all that has transpired in the His creative works: 1.creation, 2. the fall, 3. the judgment and 4. the death of humanity.

That is the first creation.

The second is like unto the first in that step four is eliminated completely!

Jesus, as God went through those four same steps and nailed them to the cross, ending the death penalty of step four, as a gift from God to all mankind.

What is left is the spiritual 3 steps.

Mind you, these are not documented word for word concepts but are implied, extrapolated in light of those four steps.

We become so busy trying to explain every detail of every passage that we miss the main concept, and that is the works of God verses the3 works of man.

God is love period. Did He not demonstrate it in Jesus when Jesus spoke not a word as He was led like a sheep to the slaughter?

Did Jesus not ask, "forgive them Father for they know not what they do"?

So, how is it then that we want to paint God as incapable of presenting Himself as Jesus in order to accomplish His own goals?

Are we of greater understanding than God that we should deny God His rightful ways of working thing out?

Humbling ourselves to His majesty, His Kingship, His Lordship, his creative powers, His sustaining love in spite of our own selfish desires, is the beginnings of our new relationship with Jesus as our God, known to us only as Jesus. For who has seen God and lived?

Blessings, AJ


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Premium Member
Originally Posted by look3467
Jesus never called Himself God. He was accused of being equal with God, meaning that He was God.

To be "equal WITH" does not mean one is that which he is trying to be equal with because he will still be separate to that which he's trying to be equal with but never can be.

In other words, if I were to explain what you said above in number form, it would look like this: 1 = 1 but 1 = 0 when 1 tries to equal 1, because 1 = 0 being separate, 1 could never equal 1.

The way it is is like this: 1 = 1, in creation,(Father) 1=1 in re creation(Son)and 1 = 1
in sustainability. (Holy Spirit)

Keep those things in mind when you are navigating through the maze of differing opinions, scripture interpretations, traditions and anything mankind has dreamned up.

Gods works are what matters. mankind's works are limited only to this existence.

Blessings, AJ


Isa 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Once again, Isaiah 9:6 should read: "A mighty god" and "Father of ages". There is absolutely no "The" before Mighty God, which is severe scripture twisting by dubiously adding the non-existent article on the translator's parts (KJV is guilty and others), and "Avi Ad" is in the posessive sense so at best it can be read as "Father OF Eternity" but "Ad" doesn't always mean "Eternal", especially in this direct posessive sense, it comes out to, as many translate it as, "Father of ages". Many early translations of Isaiah 9:6 use "A strong god" for El Gibbor. (Notice it is El, not Elohim). Omitting the possessive to call it "Everlasting Father" is another example of blatant scripture twisting by the translators. "Father of ages" is not the same thing.

But the use of the article "the" before "Mighty G-d" is one of the most glaringly obvious twistings of scripture there is.

The Geneva Bible renders it: “The most mighty & strong.”
You can even read it as "mighty power"

That the word is thus used may be readily seen by anyone who will carefully note the following texts from the King James Version, in which English translations of the Hebrew word El are in italics: “It is in the power of my hand.” (Genesis 31:29) “There shall be no might in thine hand.” (Deuteronomy 28:32) “Neither is it in our power.”But even if one applies EL GIBBOR in Isaiah 9:6 as separate name or title to Jesus, it would not mean that Jesus is Yahweh, but only that Jesus is a mighty one, as shown above. Of course, Yahweh, being the Almighty, is most certainly a Mighty One of Power, so the title is applicable to him. Surely the phrase EL GIBBOR *can* be used of Yahweh. This does not mean that it cannot be also used of the Messiah as the one anointed by Yahweh. (Psalm 2:6; 45:7; Isaiah 61:1; Acts 2:36; 4:27) Isaiah 9:7 shows that Yahweh is the one who causes the name of Isaiah 9:6 to be called upon the Messiah, thereby distinguishing between Yahweh who send the son from the son who is sent. This does not mean that the same title, if applied to Jesus, means that Jesus is the Supreme Being, any more than it means that kings spoken of in Ezekiel 32:21 are Yahweh. The big difference of application to Yahweh from its application to the Messiah is that the position of the Mighty One of Power in Isaiah 9:6 is a position and name given to Jesus by Yahweh, the only true Most High. Add to this the fact Yahweh is distinguished in the context from the Messiah being spoken of in Isaiah 9:6. (Isaiah 9:7; Isaiah 11:1-5; Luke 1:32; John 5:22,23,27) Jesus is not the Most High; Jesus is the Son of the Most High.
On one site, the claim is that in Isaiah 9:6, “Jesus is clearly God, (Everlasting Father) and Wonderful Counselor (the Holy Spirit) and the Prince of Peace (Christ).” Thus, this author would make the alleged second person of the alleged triune God/Godhead to be all three of the alleged persons of the triune God/Godhead, evidently without reasoning upon this evident self-contradiction. Of course, this author is using the placement of commas so as to make it appear that more than one name is involved, rather than the singular “name” as the scripture clearly shows.

At any rate, there is nothing in the phrase EL GIBBOR as part of the “name” by which the Messiah “shall be called” that means that Jesus is his God. At the end of this study we are providing several ways that Isaiah 9:6 has been translated by different translators. Please notice how EL GIBBOR is rendered in those translations.
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Neither is it highly contested nor regarded as an interpolation. Maybe only in the minds of those who like to make up stories and believe them.

It is in every Christian manuscript and translation (including Coptic and Pe****ta). It is also available in early literature from as early as the second century AD.

Just because you absolutely refuse to acknowledge all scholars outside of the Evangelical camp doesn't mean the issue doesn't exist. And even many Evangelicals are surprisingly honest enough to at least acknowledge it. And many Bibles include footnotes on the subject or even Bible-dictionaries mention it, like the Interpreter's.

Yahweh's Assembly in Yahshua - Trinitarian Baptism and Matthew 28.19

The New American Bible, by Catholic Bible Publishers, states concerning Matthew 28:19: “Go, therefore, and make...some regard these words as an interpretation of [Yahshua’s] final instruction in the light of the church’s early change from a mission to the Jews to one in behalf of the Gentiles...The baptismal formula reflects the church’s gradual understanding of G-d as three Persons...”
The Hasting’s Encyclopedia of Religion (vol. 2, pp. 377-389) asserts about the change in formula: “The Christian baptism was administered using the Name of [Yahshua]. The trinitarian formula of any sort was not suggested in the early Church history. Baptism was always in the Name of the [Master Yahshua], until the time of Justin Martyr, when the Trinity formula was used.”
New Testament Theology by Donald Guthrie points out inconsistencies with Matthew 28:19: “The dispute over the authenticity of the triune formula revolves around the comparison with the simpler formula used in Acts (cf. 2:38 ; 8:16 ; 10:48 ; 19:5). The question arises whether the triune formula requires a late date.” A footnote states, “...and concludes against the words being the ipsissima verba [exact words] of [Yahshua], mainly on the grounds of historical probability,” p.719.
Another footnote explains that the Triune formula was used for the Gentiles, whereas in Acts those baptized were Jews or those fearing Yahweh. In other words, Jews were immersed into Yahshua’s Name, and Gentiles into the Trinitarian formula, as a trinity was familiar to pagans, p. 719.
Adam Clarke’s Commentary corroborates the practice: “The Jews baptized proselytes into the name of the Father, that is, into the profession g-d, whom they called by the name of Father. The apostles baptized the Jews into the name of [Yahshua] the Son, and the Gentiles into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” vol.3, p. 285.
Expositors’ Bible Commentary says only one formula was ever correctly used, a single-name prescription: “Many deny the authenticity of this Trinitarian formula, however, not on the basis of doubtful reconstructions of the development of doctrine, but on the basis of the fact that the only evidence we have of actual Christian baptism indicates a consistent monadic formula -- baptism in [Yahshua’s] name...” vol. 8, p. 598.
The Interpreter’s Bible agrees: “Probably this baptismal formula was simpler in the very first days of the church -- ‘in the name of the [Master Yahshua].’ The formula of verse 19 was probably a later development,” vol. 7, p. 624.
The Anchor Bible, a Catholic reference Bible, says on Matthew, “The neophyte baptized into the name of the Messiah thus not only pledges allegiance to [Yahshua] as the Messiah and Sovereign, but is also incorporated into fellowship with Him. Hence the expression used in this verse describes an entrance into fellowship with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit...It seems plain from the early material in Acts that baptism was performed “in the name of” and also “into the name of” [Yahshua] as Sovereign and Messiah. The mistake of so many writers on the New Testament lies in treating this as a liturgical formula (which it later became), and not as a description what baptism accomplished,” pp. 107-108.
Parrinder’s World Religions raises the question of a later addition of the verse: “This verse may well be a later interpolation into the original gospel of Matthew, but it certainly reflects what the early Church did, in fact, does,” p. 425.
Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible says, “...Matthew 28:19 has also been disputed on textural grounds, but in the opinion of many scholars the words may still be regarded as part of the true text of Matthew. There is, however, grave doubt whether they may be regarded as ipsissima verba of [Yahshua]. The evidence of Acts 2:38; 10:48 ; 8:16 ; 19:5 supported by Galatians 3:27; Romans 6:3 “suggests...Yahshua only, p. 351.
Word Pictures in New Testament by A. T. Robertson: “The name of [Yahshua] is the essential part of it as is shown in Acts. Trine immersion is not taught as the Greek Church holds and practices, baptism in the name of the Father, then of the Son, then of the Holy Spirit. The use of name (onoma) here is a common one in the Septuagint and the papyri for power or authority,” vol. 1, p.245.
Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, sums up: “[Yahshua], however, cannot have given His disciples this Trinitarian order of baptism after His resurrection; for the New Testament knows only baptism in the name of [Yahshua] (Acts 2:38; 8:16; 19:5; Gal. 3:27; Rom. 6:3; 1Cor. 1:13-15), which still occurs even in the second and third centuries, while the Trinitarian formula occurs only in Matt. 28:19, and then only again Didache 7:1 and Justin, Apol. 1:61...Finally, the distinctly liturgical character of the formula...is strange; it was not the way of [Yahshua] to make such formulas...the formal authenticity of Matt. 28:19 must be disputed...” (p.435).
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Premium Member
Many early translations of Isaiah 9:6 use "A strong god" for El Gibbor. (Notice it is El, not Once again, Isaiah 9:6 should read: "A mighty god" and "Father of ages". There is absolutely no "The" before Mighty God, which is severe scripture twisting by dubiously adding the non-existent article on the translator's parts (KJV is guilty and others), and "Avi Ad" is in the posessive sense so at best it can be read as "Father OF Eternity" but "Ad" doesn't always mean "Eternal", especially in this direct posessive sense, it comes out to, as many translate it as, "Father of ages". Elohim).

It may very well read as you say but in context with the works of God, it is rendered as written.

You see, but can not see the works of God in the dealings with Old Testament scripture and the change to the law which God instituted in Jesus.

Why was Jesus rejected by the Jews? Why is Jesus still not accepted by the Jews as the Messiah the Son of the Living God?

Blindness still remains on the part of the nation of Israel and all others in the world as to the divinity of Jesus.

Not until Jesus is accepted as to He really is, blindness by the scripture to Jesus remains.

Limiting God to the Old Testament and not to the Son's new creation is tyo remain subject to the laws of the Old Testament.

Grace thus does not exist as a gift from God in our behalf and are left to rely on our own righteous merits to perhaps may be, God's grace will forgive us.

The New Creation requires no merit on our part! In fact it beckonds us to rest from our works at righteouness because Jesus already fulfilled them for us.

So, you and I and everybody who wishes, and desires, find their year of Jubilee (Sabbath rest) in Jesus.

Otherwise, continue on your present course missing out on a tremendously wonderful blessings on having a personal relationship with God through Jesus.

Blessings, AJ


I have no idea how you disproved anything I said.
Why was Jesus rejected by the Jews?
Why was Jesus entire Church Jewish until much later? He was rejected by most because the Pharisees saw him as a threat.
Blindness still remains on the part of the nation of Israel and all others in the world as to the divinity of Jesus.
The Trinity remains to be one of the main reasons why most Jews absolutely despise what they're told is "Christianity" and will continue to be until it is dispelled.

It appears you have no idea what an actual Jubilee year or Sabbath rest is either.

continue on your present course missing out on a tremendously wonderful blessings on having a personal relationship with God through Jesus.
Thanks for your advice, but you have no idea what my relation with G-d and Yashua is like. Why don't you try actually sticking to the grammar issues instead of making pointless personal attacks in which you feel you are bold enough to say that I don't know G-d and Jesus? I'll bet you haven't even had a real prayer answered in a long time.
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Premium Member
It may very well read as you say but in context with the works of God, it is rendered as written.>>>AJ

Did you not read the first sentence of mine? ..."It may very well read as you say"...

I am presenting you with view of a different angle pertaining to "the works of God".

The intent and purpose of the works of God in Jesus was to re-create the Old to the New.

All who believe in Jesus are in the new, shedding the old (works of the Law) to the New (works of God).

If that offends you I'm sorry, but that's the way it is.

Is not the word "free" have anything to do with the word Jubilee?

Lev 25:10 And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a jubile unto you; and ye shall return every man unto his possession, and ye shall return every man unto his family.

Proclaim Liberty? From what? As a servant to?

Lev 25:9 Then shalt thou cause the trumpet of the jubile to sound on the tenth day of the seventh month, in the day of atonement shall ye make the trumpet sound throughout all your land.

Lev 25:11 A jubile shall that fiftieth year be unto you: ye shall not sow, neither reap that which groweth of itself in it, nor gather the grapes in it of thy vine undressed.

Meaning Rest from?
Lev 25:54 And if he be not redeemed in these years, then he shall go out in the year of jubile, both he, and his children with him.

Jesus is our rest, our Sabbath and are set free in the year of His atonement as our Jubile.

In that context, are the works of God.

Blessings, AJ