Several points:
1. You can't quote Scripture on one hand, and throw it out on the other.
Sure I can. What I throw out is commentary by the writers of these scriptures. As I have said to some one else here, it is clear that the writers nor the deciples were witnesses to the birth of Yeshua but you can certainly see that they wrote about the birth and the events surrounding the birth. This shows that the information they received was second, third hand etc. In their writing you can clearly see whan they give their commentary. This is evident when you begin to read the book of John as well as Luke who admits to Theopolis getting his information from those who were actually witnesses.
What Paul said was Scripture, and as you said, he assumed Jesus to be God
Where does Paul quote scripture. At the time of Paul's preaching I don't believe at that point there was much wrtten down as to the life and times of Yeshua. I don't believe at any point in Paul's ministry he quotes anything Yeshua ever said. On the other hand the writes of the 4 books and acts show that they gathered their information from either being near Yeshua or getting information from those who were near Yeshua.
Paul himself never talked to or from what we see from the scriptures ever met Yeshua so all that is given from him is his opinion. His total claim of being an apostle is that he heard a voice on the road. This means nothing. He is the only one that heard the voice and really, how is that any different than those today claiming God spoke to them or Yeshua appeared to them in a dream? He was a self proclaimed apostle was responsible for making Yeshua into a god.
I see...because Paul said he was God we must believe that Yeshua was God despite the lack of acknowledgment from Yeshua or his followers?
Paul and the rest of the disciples were Christians: they understood this
The deciples as well as Paul were not christians. They didn't receive that title until later. This title was "given" to then. The deciples of Yeshua didn't go out professing to be christians.
Scripture proving the deity of Christ:
I Timothy 3:16
That verse does not prove deity. It shows divinity, yes....but deity and devinity are not the same ting. Once can be divine without being a god.
This is more comentary from men who assumed Yeshua to be God and it is a quote from Psalms 45:6 as well as 7 almost verbatim. You must also note the context because in Hebrews 1:9 reads, "God, your God, anointed you." This makes it clear that the one addressed in verse eight is not God, but one who worships God and is anointed by him. So again, this does not prove deity.
This commentary has already been addressed. Yeshua is God's word in the flesh........This has been previously shown.
This has been addressed and nothing to do with Yeshua or Yeshua being God.
These are Scriptures written under divine inspiration or dictation: attempts to revise them by corrupting the original Greek are satanic
What we have today is not divinely inspired unless you can read koine greek or aramaic. Are you quoting from scriptures such as this? Are you fluent in these languages? See that's the problem with people making statements such as the one you made. You're reading translated scriptures not to mention you don't have access to all of the scrolls that were not included in what is known as "the bible".... and then you make an accusation like this. Now it is on you to show what greek has been corrupted.
2. Jesus was God manifest in the flesh (I Timothy 3:16).
Again, that's not exactly what that verse says. But as I've shown with John, Yeshua was God's
word manifest in the flesh.
Therefore He had two natures: A human one and a divine one. His divine one made Him holy, wise, and perfect; His human one bound Him to frailties, and limitations. So, all you're scripture references showing His subordination to the Father are correct
I agree....
...and as I see it as his nature of divine and human ran together without distiction and he knew that whatever power he possessed was granted to him by God.
3. The Trinity is not a man-made concept.
Genesis 1:26
Now it's on you to show why you believe this is father son and holy spirit speaking here instead of just God or God and his angels.
This has nothing to do with Yeshua or the trinity. Read by itself I can understand how you made that conclusion but all altogether it has nothing to do with Yeshua. It's going to be a real stretch for you to use OT to prove trinity.
I hope that you take the time to review what scholars say about this verse. It is said that some scholars (F.C. Conybeare, K. Lake, J. Martineau, A. Harnack, A.S. Peake, H. Kosmala, etc.) Conybeare is believed to have been the first to write against it, following the discovery of a variant reading of the verse, within the writings of Eusebius of Caesarea. Some 17 times in his works prior to Nicea, Eusebius quotes Matthew 28:19 as "Go and make disciples of all nations in my name" without mentioning the Trinity baptism command.
Go ye and make disciples of all peoples in my name, and teach them every thing which I have commanded you"
I was going to stay awa from his opinions but here we go. You're going to have to demostrate how Paul expressed this verse as trinity or Yeshua being deity. Take a look at how he viewed Yeshua in relation to God from the beginning of that letter. He viewed them separate.
Romans: 3,4
concerning his (GOD's) Son, who sprang from the seed of David according to the flesh, 4 but who with power
was declared Gods Son according to the spirit of holiness by means of resurrection from the deadyes, Jesus Christ our Lord
Romans 7 (in part)
May YOU have undeserved kindness and peace
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Where does he use trinity here? He separates the "two"...Where is Yeshua being viewed as deity here?.....
Rome 1:8,9
8 First of all,
I give thanks to my God through Jesus Christ concerning all of YOU, because YOUR faith is talked about throughout the whole world. 9
For God, to whom I render sacred service with my spirit in connection with the good news about his Son, is my witness of how without ceasing I always make mention of YOU in my prayers
He continues to view them separate....
So I can only conclude that by posting this reference to the verse you are putting an emphasis on the greek word that has been rendered as "deity" and guess this word spoken by Paul is to mean deity instead of divine?
I view it as divine and there is no question as to whether Jesus possesses all the fullness of divine quality or nature. For some context see Col. 1:19
Col. 1:19
For it was the Father's good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in him."
This verse then tells us that it was God's, Yeshua's Father himself that gave good pleasure, or allowed the Son to possess this fullness of divine quality.
A non-Christian has no right questioning it as it is a Christian doctrine!
NON Christians have every right to question a doctrine that doesn't make any sense to them.
This has absolutely nothing to do with Yeshua.
So God sits at the right hand of God?
God sits beside himsel?
I couldn't find that. My bibles don't go that far. Did you mean to refernce another book?
A non-Christian simply won't grasp much of the Scripture because it requires the influence of the Holy Spirit dwelling in your heart.
It requires no such thing.