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Did Jesus say he was God???


Jesus in me
So just because his body died while on the cross, that doesn't mean the man Jesus died on the cross. Is that what you believe? Since you take the Bible very seriously, what do you think it means in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 where Paul refers to the gospel that saves as Jesus' death, burial and resurrection?
Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,

Zondervan (2010-12-26). Holy Bible (NIV) (p. 1049). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.

I firmly believe that when God wants to emphasize a matter in his written word such as in John 1:3, Colossians 1:15-17, and 1 John 4:8, He so inspires it that it is difficult, if not impossible to mistranslate.
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I believe it makes no difference to the gospel of Paul but it does make a difference to God or He would not have mentioned it.


Jesus in me
]I agree with this except for your thinking that his spirit went the father at that moment[/COLOR]. You must fit in his trip to Hell and taking the keys to it from Satan. His soul did not die, but suffered the second death (separation from the father) so ours will not have to. yet he could walk back into the father presence after resurrection because he had no sin of his own separating them. Si his earthly bodied died, his soul suffered the second death but not annihilation, his soul was given a resurrected body and now is co-occupant of God's throne. I misunderstood what you said. Are we agreed?

I don't agree that Jesus had a separate spirit as Eph 4:4 says there is one Spirit. So separation from the body means there is no longer a dichotomy in viewing God's Spirit.

I believe this may be more allegorical than real but God is everywhere and I don't doubt for a minute that He would fail to pass on the good news. If God wishes to exalt the name of Jesus so be it.

I believe you are equating soul with spirit but I do not since I view soul as the junction of spirit and body. Therefore when the spirit left the soul was terminated.

I don't believe there is enough evidence for this.

I beleive this is a rather elaborate extension of the concept of taking on sin. I believe God does not do that but there is a temporary accomodation for the sake of the saved. I say temporary because in the end we will be without sin and no accomodation will be necessary.


I don't agree that Jesus had a separate spirit as Eph 4:4 says there is one Spirit. So separation from the body means there is no longer a dichotomy in viewing God's Spirit.

I would not have thought you would disagree. Let me restate it and see if your contention is restated as well.

1. Jesus was spirit just as God is and his Divine essence was 100% spiritual. He received a body when he came to earth but it was not a divine body. That body ceased to exist as a life form at the crucifixion but his spirit lived on.

2. He was given another body after he rose. This was unique as being the first resurrected body in history. Others had been resuscitated by Christ was resurrected.

3. His original body died on the cross. His spirit was raised but separated from the father so as to take our punishment for us. He (unlike us) had no sin and so after 3 days he could just resume his relationship with the father without himself needing to be saved. Once this took place he was given a resurrection body that had the marks of his crucifixion supernaturally imprinted him them it as proof. This body later became perfected and ascended to heaven.

So I do not see ho we can get an earthly Christ without a dualistic body spirit concept.

I believe this may be more allegorical than real but God is everywhere and I don't doubt for a minute that He would fail to pass on the good news. If God wishes to exalt the name of Jesus so be it
Perhaps but for the purpose of my statement it would make little difference. I believe as you say God is everywhere so Hell will eventually be annihilated with all the souls within it. God will not eternally dwell in Hell and nothing about eternal torture is just. So he places Hell and damned souls in the only just place he isn't. Non-existence. Jesus may have symbolically taken away Satan's power to damn souls to Hell. I can't say nor do I think it makes much difference.

I believe you are equating soul with spirit but I do not since I view soul as the junction of spirit and body. Therefore when the spirit left the soul was terminated.
This would all come down to whether you have adopted a triune being or a dualistic being concept. There is very little evidence beyond a dualistic view but it could be true. I don't think it crucial so I stick with what most people are familiar with. The soul and body concept but a triune being may be accurate. I don't know.

I don't believe there is enough evidence for this.
Well I believe his co-equality with God follows directly from the Trinity, but then again I do not make many Trinity arguments. It does state emphatically that Jesus sits at the fathers right hand and will judge the earth. I think if left there that is all that is necessary, if you reject the terminology I used.

I beleive this is a rather elaborate extension of the concept of taking on sin. I believe God does not do that but there is a temporary accomodation for the sake of the saved. I say temporary because in the end we will be without sin and no accomodation will be necessary.
[/QUOTE] It is very complex but in this case I think absolutely necessary. Christ made it clear he would take the punishment we merited by damnation. Physical death is the result of sin but that is not the eternal punishment sin results in. Separation from God is the horrible cost of unrepentant sin. That is what hell is, final and irrevocable separation from God. It is likened to the valley of Gehenna and fire but it is being separated from God that is the actual case. Christ must have suffered this second death in some manner ion order to take pour punishment for us. Physical death alone is not enough.

I have probably mangled your color coding (which I like) but it is hard to tell where quotes should be drawn in all those formatting instructions.


Jesus in me
I would not have thought you would disagree. Let me restate it and see if your contention is restated as well.

1. Jesus was spirit just as God is and his Divine essence was 100% spiritual. He received a body when he came to earth but it was not a divine body. That body ceased to exist as a life form at the crucifixion but his spirit lived on.

I believe Jesus is one with the Father so it is the same spirit. Jesus did not pre-exist except as a concept for instance I and my wife named our first child but that does not mean she pre-existed with that name. The body did not cease to exist as a life form but just as a living being.

2. He was given another body after he rose. This was unique as being the first resurrected body in history. Others had been resuscitated by Christ was resurrected.

It appears to be a different body but that may be due to visage. There is no evidence whether the old body was re-arranged or a new creation took place. The scars in the hands and feet suggest that the old body was re-arranged. I believe others were resurrected albeit not the same way. Howeveer there are cases where that is in question.

3. His original body died on the cross. His spirit was raised but separated from the father so as to take our punishment for us. He (unlike us) had no sin and so after 3 days he could just resume his relationship with the father without himself needing to be saved. Once this took place he was given a resurrection body that had the marks of his crucifixion supernaturally imprinted him them it as proof. This body later became perfected and ascended to heaven.

So I do not see ho we can get an earthly Christ without a dualistic body spirit concept.

I beleive that is correct.

Perhaps but for the purpose of my statement it would make little difference. I believe as you say God is everywhere so Hell will eventually be annihilated with all the souls within it. God will not eternally dwell in Hell and nothing about eternal torture is just. So he places Hell and damned souls in the only just place he isn't. Non-existence. Jesus may have symbolically taken away Satan's power to damn souls to Hell. I can't say nor do I think it makes much difference.

This would all come down to whether you have adopted a triune being or a dualistic being concept. There is very little evidence beyond a dualistic view but it could be true. I don't think it crucial so I stick with what most people are familiar with. The soul and body concept but a triune being may be accurate. I don't know.

I believe in a dualistic system. However I believe the two become one living soul just as two married peple become one flesh.

Well I believe his co-equality with God follows directly from the Trinity, but then again I do not make many Trinity arguments. It does state emphatically that Jesus sits at the fathers right hand and will judge the earth. I think if left there that is all that is necessary, if you reject the terminology I used.

I believe the sitting is image only. Remember a spirit can't sit.
It is very complex but in this case I think absolutely necessary. Christ made it clear he would take the punishment we merited by damnation. Physical death is the result of sin but that is not the eternal punishment sin results in. Separation from God is the horrible cost of unrepentant sin. That is what hell is, final and irrevocable separation from God. It is likened to the valley of Gehenna and fire but it is being separated from God that is the actual case. Christ must have suffered this second death in some manner ion order to take pour punishment for us. Physical death alone is not enough.

I believe you will have to spell this out with scripture.

I have probably mangled your color coding (which I like) but it is hard to tell where quotes should be drawn in all those formatting instructions.

I am less apt to see things in black and white and that explains the name God gave me, lol.[/quote]

There is no evidence of this.

I like to believe this but I have seen no evidence to support it. I suppose you are depending on the word "destroyed" but this world has been destroyed but it still exists.

I agree but I believe your conclusion does not follow.

I do not believe Hell is final or separation from God.

I believe I did not come to Jesus because He took my place but because He does things better than I do. So if it wasn't necessary to do that to save me why would it be necessary at all. I believe it smacks of a theological theory more than a reality.


I believe you will have to spell this out with scripture.
Let me first ask that if Christ did not bear our eternal damnation then on what hope do we think we will escape it. The bible says that every man will die and THEN the judgment. What is the outcomes of that judgment since my body is already dead if not separation from God spiritually?

I am less apt to see things in black and white and that explains the name God gave me, lol.
[/QUOTE]I like the colors but they are hard to quote, regardless keep using them.

There is no evidence of this.
If it occurred what evidence would you expect to have that you do not. Many doctrines like this are not empirical but philosophical and theological.

I like to believe this but I have seen no evidence to support it. I suppose you are depending on the word "destroyed" but this world has been destroyed but it still exists.
I arrive at that from many points. One about heel being thrown into the pit to be destroyed forever. Another for the insanity of believing God will sit around in Hell omnipresent forever. Another from it's injustice. Another from the symbology used in fire and brimstone versus. Another from verse about fearing the one who can destroy the soul. etc..... but none are certain proof.

I agree but I believe your conclusion does not follow.
I believe the above touché don this.

I do not believe Hell is final or separation from God.
We are born spiritually separated from God and dead. That is the price of Adams sin enacted by God's saying if you eat on that day you will die. Die how they did not physically die? They spiritual died. WE are all born this way and are given an undisclosed amount of time to resolve it. If we do not it becomes eternal.

I believe I did not come to Jesus because He took my place but because He does things better than I do. So if it wasn't necessary to do that to save me why would it be necessary at all. I believe it smacks of a theological theory more than a reality.
He does things better than I do but it is not his morality that saves but his death. Are you familiar with the doctrine of substitutionary atonement? He had to take my place because the standard is perfection and I can't achieve it no mater how many role models I have. I have nothing to offer to bridge this infinite gap between my moral record and God's perfect standard. If Christ did not bridge that gap through substitution then no matter what else he did it will not save me. You seem to not only disagree with mainstream Christianity but to not really get it here. What do you substitute for it? Do you think practicing Jesus' lessons will make you perfect? Do you think anything you have merits heaven? I gained more faith in my doctrinal conclusions by seeing the impossibility of any alternative, than anything else.


Premium Member
We are born spiritually separated from God and dead.

This idea interests me. How does god create beings that are born dead and separate from the creator? No wonder god seems like he don't care, he can't hang around sinners.:confused: Sounds like a god that would rather hide in a corner away from any imperfection, no responsibility needed. Yet we are held to higher standards when immersed in corruption.


This idea interests me. How does god create beings that are born dead and separate from the creator? No wonder god seems like he don't care, he can't hang around sinners.:confused: Sounds like a god that would rather hide in a corner away from any imperfection, no responsibility needed. Yet we are held to higher standards when immersed in corruption.
Asking me how God does many things will not get you very far. I am a finite being and not even a brilliant one. God is a perfect being of infinite intellect and knowledge base. How would I know how he does things unless he tells me. I can tell why I believe that however.

When God told Adam not to eat of the tree he added for in that day you will die. Now it is obvious Adam was born spiritually alive. God specifically breathed his spirit into Adam. Adam eventually ate of the tree but did not physically die. He did however instantly become ashamed and out of sorts with God. God knew where Adam was of course but asked where he was to indicate that they no longer had an intimate relationship. Everything fell apart and Adam was severed not only from God himself but most of the best things of God. He was kicked out of the garden (which symbolizes harmony with God) and was told he would have to eat by working the ground (also symbolizing this new divide between him and God). It was this broken relationship his children were born with, their children, their children's children. The bible goes on to explain this in many places, here is an example:

New International Version
Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned--

Now God being a good God could not allow us to remain in that condition. We had nothing with which to rectify it. God himself paid the full price in sending his son to certain death. This death will add to my justifications. Christ said he came to pay the price in my place. He would suffer what I would have if I did not have faith. Well what price did he pay? He said he tasted death in my place. Ok what death was that. Natural death or the one that Adam's sin caused. Since Christians still physically die that could not have been it. It must have been the second spiritual death which is far worse than physical death.

That is a very brief foundation. Here is a summary:

Adam born spiritually alive and connected intimately with God. Adam sinned and he died spiritually but not physically at that time. His death meant that everyone born to him and his descendant would be born spiritually separated from God. Christ came to rectify this situation. Because he took my place and my sin was punished in full through his tasting spiritual death in my place I can through faith be spiritually born again and re-united with God. I will physically die but be raised to Heaven with a new body based on my faith in Christ's actions.

I have necessarily been brief but you may ask any of the million questions this should produce.

God not only can hang around sinners he died for them and the Holy Spirit can live inside them. However God will not leave this mess to grind on forever. He will not dwell with sin forever nor contend with man forever. He will call it over with at some point. Sinners who accepted their pardon will be redeemed and those who refused will get exactly what they chose. No God. That God did not hide from anything. He not only assumed the most lowly human form possible he entered into the most unjust and painful experience possible. God did not stand aloof, he did not merely conquer in spite of misery and pain, he conquered through misery and pain. He became it in order to free us from it. Your convenient repackaging of what I said is trite and not the slightest bit justified.
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Premium Member
A It must have been the second spiritual death which is far worse than physical death.
I can agree with that, makes me think that Jesus physically dieing wasn't anything or necessary either.

I have necessarily been brief but you may ask any of the million questions this should produce.

God not only can hang around sinners he died for them and the Holy Spirit can live inside them. However God will not leave this mess to grind on forever. He will not dwell with sin forever nor contend with man forever. He will call it over with at some point. Sinners who accepted their pardon will be redeemed and those who refused will get exactly what they chose. No God. That God did not hide from anything. He not only assumed the most lowly human form possible he entered into the most unjust and painful experience possible. God did not stand aloof, he did not merely conquer in spite of misery and pain, he conquered through misery and pain. He became it in order to free us from it. Your convenient repackaging of what I said is trite and not the slightest bit justified.
So god should have to lower himself to raise humans up. Sounds backwards to me. I do appreciate the explanation. I am interested in gods omniscience and omnipresence in regards to allowing sin and/or punishing it. From what I understand god would be everywhere but if hell is annihilation I guess that still works.


I believe it makes no difference to the gospel of Paul but it does make a difference to God or He would not have mentioned it.

Can you explain to me what you mean, by "it makes it makes no difference to the gospel of Paul"? 1 Corinthians 15 is not dealing with a gospel of Paul, it is the Gospel or Good News of Christ (Rom. 1:16)! How can the meaning of 1 Cor. 15 not be affected by what you are saying and vice-versa? It says that "Christ died for our sins". If he did not die for our sins on the cross, how did he die for our sins?
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Syed Ahmad

New Member

Interesting topic.

once question though, if Jesus claimed to be God, then the question remains is why do the Synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) not mention this? There are no explicit verses saying so, you may have ambiguous statements that 'he knew their thoughts' etc. However, this is simply the interpretation and view of the author and it is pretty obvious that the Pharasees were trying to trap him etc.

Why do the first three gospels not mention anything explicit? Did they think Jesus was God?





Interesting topic.

once question though, if Jesus claimed to be God, then the question remains is why do the Synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) not mention this?

There are no explicit verses saying so, you may have ambiguous statements that 'he knew their thoughts' etc.

However, this is simply the interpretation and view of the author and it is pretty obvious that the Pharasees were trying to trap him etc.

Why do the first three gospels not mention anything explicit? Did they think Jesus was God?



Can you provide the verse that you are referring to? Thanks

Desert Snake

Veteran Member

Interesting topic.

once question though, if Jesus claimed to be God, then the question remains is why do the Synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) not mention this? There are no explicit verses saying so, you may have ambiguous statements that 'he knew their thoughts' etc. However, this is simply the interpretation and view of the author and it is pretty obvious that the Pharasees were trying to trap him etc.

Why do the first three gospels not mention anything explicit? Did they think Jesus was God?



It's important to understand the nature of Jesus the Man as He walked among us. He is separate from Deity here because of His human nature, but the divine nature is God, it is a manifestion through the Spirit, hence why Jesus is called both God and man in scripture. The Deific nature is God, that is why in God form, Jesus is God.
To worship the 'son' is to worship the Father, these are not "separate" beings in God form, and illustrated by the fact that Jesus the Man spoke with authority of God, not possible otherwise. The mistake is in thinking that Jesus was just a man who prophesized or was 'divine' etc., the inference from the narrative is that Jesus is first and foremost a Deity/God, and secondly a man (when in human form), not the other way around. This is also why Jesus is said to be pre-existing as Deity before being born unto Mary, how is that possible if Jesus is a 'man' first and foremost? It isn't.

My belief is that part of this misunderstanding arises from a time when religion was often man-centric, and the early church may be partially responsible for espousing the 'man' aspect of Jesus over the Deity aspect, even though if one reads the Bible, it clearly is referring to a Deity, a God, and the man is secondary, I view it almost parable like, the man being a reflection of God, which is also backed by various verses.


Topic title: Did Jesus say he was God???

He made it clear many times that he WASN'T God, so I can't understand why this topic has run to over 800 pages, or am I missing something?

Jesus said -"Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone" (Luke 18:19)
Jesus said - "Only God knows when Judgment Day will be, I don't know myself" (Mark 13:32)
Jesus said - "I say nothing of my own accord, i only say what my father tells me to say.." (John 12:49)
Jesus said - "My teaching is not my own. It comes from him who sent me" (John 7:17)
Jesus said to God the day before his execution- “Father, the hour has come....I am coming to you now" (John 17:13)
Jesus said - "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." (Luke 23:46)
Jesus said - "I am going to the Father, for my Father is greater than I" (John 14:28 )
God himself said - "This is my beloved son, listen to him" (Matt 17:5)
High Priest asks - "Are you the Son of God?" Jesus replies - "I am" (Mark 14:61)
And of course Jesus regularly prayed to God, yet if he was God why would he pray to himself?
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Topic title:
Did Jesus say he was God???

He made it clear many times that he WASN'T God, so I can't understand why this topic has run to over 800 pages, or am I missing something?
RO 1:3 concerning His Son, who was born of a descendant of David according to the flesh,

Why “according to the flesh”? –read John 1:14

Where was He before He became flesh? –read John 1:1-3

“According to the flesh” the Lord Jesus Christ called His Father as God, like those verses that you quoted, and by anyone during that time or era, but that doesn’t mean the Lord Jesus Christ forgot where He came from, and that is, read John 1:1-3.

Note: “where He came from” does not mean that God created Him before He became flesh. IOW, Christ is not a created being by God ‘cause He is God. You can read arguments from JW, INC, or even Islam that the Lord Jesus Christ was a created being base on Col 1:15.

He did not have to say He is God because He knew where he came from before He became flesh in John 1:14.

The OP was very misleading when he asked “Did Jesus say He was God?”

Of course, the natural arguments from people like you is just to provide verses like the one you provided here where it did not really say specifically anything like what the OP was asking, and that is, “Did Jesus say He was God?”

It’s an easy argument from people like you ‘cause all you have to do is find verses like the one you provided here, and by doing this, you think you understood everything already that the Lord Jesus Christ did not really say He was God.

You see how misleading that question is or was.

The Lord Jesus Christ was aware of His true relationship with God even when He was in the flesh, and that is, Jn 10:30 "I and the Father are one.”

Did He say He was God in that verse?

Why do you think the Jews Jn 10:31 "Again the Jews picked up stones to stone him,"

“For blasphemy” John 10:33

That verse, John 10:30, goes all the way back to Deuteronomy where it says the same thing.

Dt 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:

Please read and understand:

From the O.T., Deuteronomy 6:4 "Hear, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah" -ASV or English translation, but in Hebrew it’s very clear that the Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit existed with God the Father from eternity already as ONE/Echad, or a united ONE, long before the N.T.
"Jehovah our Elohim is one Jehovah" the word “Elohim” being plural shows that God the Lord, is more than one, yet is "ONE/Echad, or a United ONE Jehovah" and not a Yachid as an only ONE, and that is, without the Lord Jesus Christ as ONE with God.

From here on one should be able to understand the meaning of 10:30 I and the Father are one.”

Did He say He is God in that verse? He didn’t have to because He knew Who He is.

After Paul said,

RO 1:3 concerning His Son, who was born of a descendant of David according to the flesh,

and after the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, He was “declared to be the Son of God” not in the flesh anymore but as the “Son of God” from eternity.

Ro 1:4 And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead:

One of the verses that you quoted, High Priest asks - "Are you the Son of God?" Jesus replies - "I am" (Mark 14:61)

Mk 14:62 And Jesus said, I am: and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.

Blasphemy –V64, said the Jews, for saying “I am: [the Son of God] and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power”.

On which Stephen saw when he was about to die at the hands of the Jews or Saul,

Ac 7:55 But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up stedfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God,
Ac 7:56 And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God.

But before this, it was King David who saw the Lord Jesus Christ first at the right hand of God in psalm 110:1.

Ps 110:1 The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.

The Jews thought that it was King David who would sit at the right of God in psalm 110:1, but Peter explained this in Acts 2:29 “that the patriarch David died and was buried, and his tomb is here to this day.” Or did not ascend to heaven as was expected by the Jews.

The Lord Jesus Christ is God and is sitting at the right hand of the Almighty God in Heaven as we speak.

Do you know anyone or any human being sitting at the right hand of God today?

No human good enough can sit at the right hand of God. Only God can sit with God and that is, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Heb 1:8 But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom.

God is calling His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, as God.

You cannot understand these things until God reveals it to you.
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Desert Snake

Veteran Member
Topic title: Did Jesus say he was God???

He made it clear many times that he WASN'T God, so I can't understand why this topic has run to over 800 pages, or am I missing something?

Yes, I think so, and it isn't your fault. The religion of Chrisitanity i.e. actual Christians, believe that Jesus isn't just a man. they believe He existed prior to His birth in Bethlehem usually, and also that His 'spirit' was literally different from ours, He had the Holy Spirit as opposed to our 'man spirits' while He walked among us. Jesus in man form was basically a man with Deity/Divine authority and Spirit, and since that Spirit was from God, He was God's image.

Jesus as man was the "Son of God", but Jesus the Deity IS God, just a different manifestation, as Jesus the man was likewise just a different manifestation of God, albeit part human, basically, through Mary..hence the references that He isn't God the Father /when in man form.
The trinity is monotheistic, that is quite clear, and monotheism is not possible without sameness of Deity.
Problems in understanding this nature of the Godhead can arise when reading the Bible without the understanding of the actual religious beliefs. It's no different in that manner from other religions, the texts themselves can be confusing without a background, a framework of the theological beliefs of the religion.


Romans called the Emperor "son of god" long before jesus followers adopted the title and competed against the Emperor for divinity.

Jesus did not write a word in the bible.

And no witness to Jesus wrote a word.

Jesus never made that claim it was blasphemy to a Jew.




Son of God - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Historically, many rulers have assumed titles such as son of god, son of a god or son of Heaven.[1] Roman Emperor Augustus referred to his relation to his deified adoptive father, Julius Caesar, as "son of a god" via the term divi filius which was later also used by Domitian.

And he took this title just before Jesus birth.

Is there any book in the bible claimed to be authored by Jesus himself? no there is not.

All credible scholars claim the books were not written by any eye witnesses.

Jesus never claimed to be god, show evidence, if you believe different.


Any Tom Dick Harry can claim to be the Son of God, but that's just talking the talk.
Only Jesus WALKED THE WALK by proving it with miracles..:)
Jesus said- "..even though you do not believe me, believe the miracles, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the Father."- (John 10:38)
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me" (Matt 28:18)

Returning to the topic of whether he was God himself, here's another verse that clearly indicates he wasn't-
“Who do you say I am?”
Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”
Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven" (Matt 16:13-17)