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Did Jesus say obviously " I am a God" in Gospel?


Well-Known Member
The real question is, do you know what he meant by "I and the Father are One"? Is the Father GOD or...Adam?


Well-Known Member
The real question is, do you know what he meant by "I and the Father are One"? Is the Father GOD or...Adam?

Adam is a creature, God is the Creator. The two are not one.

As to the quote, Jesus might have said "God and I are unanimous." That means Their purpose and motivation are identical, but not their "persons".



Veteran Member
My question is...

Did Jesus (PBUH) say obviously " I am a God" in Gospel?

no prophets, no any other messengers of Allah never did and would never say such a thing. only Dejjals do. Jesus (PBUH) was real prophet of Allah. if it is written that way then it is product of people who speak their desire/policy as if its said by prophet.


Out there...
My Friend,
God can save us without being one of us.

I guess we'll have to disagree brother.

The penalty for sin from Adam's race was death. Christians believe that God does not lie or make light of his agreements and covenants(contracts) and therefore the penalty had to be paid somehow. This was known ahead of time before God made us and so the arc of history was steered to lead up to Jesus. See Luke 24:25-27.

The sacrifice must be at least equal in value to what was due. Christians believe that the atonement sacrifices pointed to what was to come, with Jesus being the final sacrifice, the 'lamb of God'. The same Jesus who called himself by the divine name, promoted the shema and allowed people to worship him.



God is the King
18 No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.

If he is God then why in the Gospel according to st Luke,
God Almighty doesnt need or want help from anyone
but he sends angels to strengthen prophets.


Active Member
Jesus did not say "I am a God". Christ walked in the mortal, perishable flesh. But His life clearly attests to the fact that His Spirit and the Spirit of the One and only God were One and the Same.
We do not have to walk through seven heavens to reach Him. He came to us.

Thank you my dear friend (Love),

How the 3 become one.

When we talk about Jesus we imagine the human..and when we talk about god we imagine the only one god.. and also for the spirit of the one.

I can accept you that their goal is one.


Res Ipsa Loquitur
If he is God then why in the Gospel according to st Luke,
God Almighty doesnt need or want help from anyone
but he sends angels to strengthen prophets.

Says who?


Well-Known Member
Moses gave the Commandments to His people, but He was not God. Jesus gave a Commandment to His people, and He was not God either.

He was saying what God bade Him to speak.




Well-Known Member
So, if the Father, or rather God, is greater than Jesus, shouldn't we direct all of our worship unto Him just as Jesus did. Jesus prayed to God and glorified His name all the days of his life. This in no way takes anything away from Jesus. Jesus was the mouthpiece for God on earth. That is a pretty big honour. There are none greater on earth than the Divine Messengers, for they were sent by God to disclose His Majesty and Everlasting Love for humanity.