Doesn't science call that "the food chain"? If these creatures have no morality or conception of their own demise, what do you see as wrong? The fact that these creatures are beautiful I believe, is for our benefit. I don't see other creatures admiring beauty for the sake of you? I never see cows gazing at a sunset or admiring the beauty of a water view....they just eat and sleep and fertilize the grass.
In this world, for now, this is the way things are...but it is not the way God created it to be. No creature was designed to harm another. The only flesh eaters originally were the carrion creatures that God used as the clean up crew, disposing of dead organisms so that the earth doesn't become a stinking pile of dead things. Considering how many living things die every day, their efficiency is amazing.
According to scripture all living things were originally vegetarians. I believe that we will return to that diet, once God has sorted things out down here.
In this world everything is predatory in one form or another. It has to be to survive. But this is not the world that God is the second rate imitation of life that was given to us by a pretender who hijacked the human race for his own agenda....he is the one who claimed that we should be able to do whatever we want. It made humankind into predators.....right from the beginning, humans have been killing other humans.
Their permission to eat animal flesh came later....after the flood. God even had to instill 'fear of man' into the animals to give them a fighting chance. He never told us why he changed our diet.....but there must have been a need.
I assume that you have no answers because no one ever gave you any. What is wildly incomplete is the worldview promoted by evolutionists. This view clouds all the issues and its frustrating when the answers are not forthcoming. We as a species have a need for purpose....a need to know why we exist. No other creature does.
How does evolution explain how life arose....or the existence of the great diversity of living things on this planet? Or the existence of the Universe? When you take God away, you take away all meaning to our existence. We are here for a reason and I believe that God will restore his original purpose for us once he has brought in the rulership of his Kingdom. I look forward to that.
I can't help it...I just have to clearly demonstrate how you contradict yourself with no apparent awareness whatever.
See these quotes:
Deeje: "...exquisitely crafted creature designed by an intelligent Creator to be invisible to predators but facilitating catching prey of its own..."
Deeje: "In this world, for now, this is the way things are...but it is not the way God created it to be. No creature was designed to harm another."
These two quotes are simply mutually exclusive. I've been reading through your other posts on this thread, and most of what you say is simply made up, in an ad hoc fashion, based on quite literally nothing but what you need to make what is fit with what you suppose. I find that very sorry.
But I'd really like to tackle one thought that you mention: "We as a species have a need for purpose....a need to know why we exist. No other creature does."
On that, oddly, you are mostly correct. Even those who thought of themselves as rational Humanists mostly wind up somehow doing the same. Auguste Comte, in his
System of Positive Polity published 1846-1854 argued that to defeat religion, "educated people" fabricate a secular religion consiting of hierarchies, liturgy, canons and sacraments similar to RC, but just replacing God with "society" as the grand being to worship. SIlly nonsense, really, but it carries on. Humanist magazines (all with small circulation) do much the same today, while mostly trying to discredit various fundamentalisms, astrolgy, new ageism, Velikovsky and others. But they've always been outnumberd by "true believers" who follow Jean Dixon but have never heard of Denis Diderot or Ralph Wendell Burhoe. Men, it seems, would rather believe than know. As Nietzsche despairingly wrote, when science was so promising, they would rather have the void as purpose, than be void of purpose.
And yet, none of us has need whatever to be void of purpose -- all it takes is realizing that we can create and be master of our own purpose, for ourselves. What good would it do the Belgian Blue steer, or today's overbred turkey, to know that their purpose was to have extra meat to feed us? So what good would it do you, if you could even know it, what "God's purpose" for you is? It has, in the end, nothing really to do with you. It may satisfy "God," but wouldn't do a damned thing to make your life any more meaningful. (And if it turns out to be like the steer or the turkey, might even make it less meaningful.)