We Never Know
No Slack
You seem to be perpetuating this bright line between 'real' and 'mental' that doesn't exist. The feeling can be real even if it's not from the source you think. And discrediting feelings because you don't think they are real or matter just sort of highlights why this country is so ****ed up in its healthcare.
Do you want to know how they treat phantom limb pain? It absolutely isn't to say 'your pain isn't real' as that's neither true nor helpful. They treat it by things like mirror technique and prosthetic fitting because lining up your brain's expectation of your body eases pain from disconnect.
The limb that you substitute isn't flesh and blood but it's still helping your brain and your very real pain.
So if Bobs still periodically feeling his mother touch his hand and rub his hair, even though she passed away a year ago,,, just as real as phantom pain or is it mental?