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Do any non-theists think being Gay is wrong?


Premium Member
Religious texts were saying sex is bad while the science books had no problem as long as your being safe. Then I found out there is something called "pagan sex time" and switched to paganism.


That's the question. I wonder if faith is directly responsible for disliking homosexual activity in general. If you are a non-theist, do you see anything wrong with homosexuality? If you are a theist and want to participate: if you were a non-theist would you have a problem with homosexuality?

Be honest.

I have no problems with it at all.


That's the question. I wonder if faith is directly responsible for disliking homosexual activity in general. If you are a non-theist, do you see anything wrong with homosexuality? If you are a theist and want to participate: if you were a non-theist would you have a problem with homosexuality?

Be honest.
I am an atheist and I have no problem with homosexuality for others!


Active Member
im straight, i dont have any problems with it, i dont find it offensive or gross. when i was a kid i thought it was "icky" and i probably made my share of gay jokes mostly to fit in with the crowd. luckily ive grown up quite a bit since then.


Militant Agnostic
I found out a friend of mine is an atheist and is against gay marriage rights, he is a Capitalist and thinks that it gets us nowhere.

*scratches head* Your friend is against queer rights because... money? Ok. That's a good one. The original question was whether or not homosexuality is "wrong," and your buddy believes it is based on his brand of economics.

Ugh. Has he ever looked into how much the typical gay marriage celebration costs? Cuz its right up there with straight weddings.

Back to the OP-- well, being queer, I can only say that pretty much all of the homophobia I've had to put up with IRL flows from the mouth Christian. I can't even think of any non-Christian theists in my life that have an issues with who loves who.


I can't say I'm a theist, I'm probably closer to a non-theist.

I think homosexuality is wrong.

Mostly because of how many gay people seem to change their gender role (men acting like women, women acting like men). When gay people claim they "identify" with the opposite sex more or they feel like they have always been the opposite sex trapped in their own wrong gender body to me it all just sounds like a delusion. It seems to me as if they are living under the presumption that there is something wrong with the gender they have and have had since birth so they feel the need to change to the other gender. I am not an activist for or against gay marriage. I can say confidently though that I do not approve in any sense of a male acting like, speaking like, dressing like, thinking like or wanting to be a female and the same goes the for women. I do not feel that people should be given the "choice" to act as the opposite sex or undergo surgery to physically "become" the opposite sex. To me it is like disagreeing with your most fundamental natural quality which without the current advanced technology you would otherwise never be able to escape. I do not think that if dogs and cats were as smart as humans that it would be ok to allow cats to act like dogs and dogs to act like cats. That is my opinion on the subject.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
*scratches head* Your friend is against queer rights because... money? Ok. That's a good one. The original question was whether or not homosexuality is "wrong," and your buddy believes it is based on his brand of economics.

Ugh. Has he ever looked into how much the typical gay marriage celebration costs? Cuz its right up there with straight weddings.

Back to the OP-- well, being queer, I can only say that pretty much all of the homophobia I've had to put up with IRL flows from the mouth Christian. I can't even think of any non-Christian theists in my life that have an issues with who loves who.

You don't get it,

He believes there will be no progression between two male couples, so no point.


25 characters isn't enoug
I can't say I'm a theist, I'm probably closer to a non-theist.

I think homosexuality is wrong.

Mostly because of how many gay people seem to change their gender role (men acting like women, women acting like men).

A man might have traits associated with femininity, but he isn't changing his "gender role", he is being himself.

When gay people claim they "identify" with the opposite sex more or they feel like they have always been the opposite sex trapped in their own wrong gender body to me it all just sounds like a delusion. It seems to me as if they are living under the presumption that there is something wrong with the gender they have and have had since birth so they feel the need to change to the other gender. I am not an activist for or against gay marriage. I can say confidently though that I do not approve in any sense of a male acting like, speaking like, dressing like, thinking like or wanting to be a female and the same goes the for women. I do not feel that people should be given the "choice" to act as the opposite sex or undergo surgery to physically "become" the opposite sex.

This is misinformed authoritarianism.

To me it is like disagreeing with your most fundamental natural quality which without the current advanced technology you would otherwise never be able to escape.

So you would rather lose the advanced technology and deny them happiness?

I do not think that if dogs and cats were as smart as humans that it would be ok to allow cats to act like dogs and dogs to act like cats. That is my opinion on the subject.

That doesn't relate to transgender people whatsoever. They don't want to change species, they want to change gender. :facepalm:

- - -

I'm a non-theist, I'm not gay and I (clearly) have nothing against those who are. :D

Me Myself

Back to my username
I am a Christian and I do not believe in same sex activity.

Trust me, same sex activity is real.

exhibit a:


(I didn´t said it was of the same species.... and I don´t care what you say, thats a "male" sponge and a "male" star... or somethign like that)


Active Member
Gay intereactions are found in other species on this world, mostly apes, I don't see why it would be wrong for us.
That's the question. I wonder if faith is directly responsible for disliking homosexual activity in general. If you are a non-theist, do you see anything wrong with homosexuality? If you are a theist and want to participate: if you were a non-theist would you have a problem with homosexuality?

Be honest.

To be honest sexuality is not about just sexuality but about sex, which has to do with procreating. I think it comes down to basic needs for existence and the passing along, when one has sex with the same sex than there is a problem with procreating. That could be a problem. Other than that, a person has a right to their sexuality and should not be denied it. I however disagree with one staying with a belief system that doesn't accept them, and would create or join something that fits with their beliefs and their being accepted for who and what they are.:yes:

[edit] I also do not agree with forcing a belief system to change to fit others. If a book, like the bible is saying this is wrong, than it should be accepted, this is the belief and should be respected. You can not change things around to fit your lifestyle from say a christian point of view, and you can not force people to accept your choices in lifestyles, only ask they respect it.
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Empirical Curmudgeon
That's the question. I wonder if faith is directly responsible for disliking homosexual activity in general. If you are a non-theist, do you see anything wrong with homosexuality? If you are a theist and want to participate: if you were a non-theist would you have a problem with homosexuality?

Be honest.

I used to, when I was a teenager, mainly because of the influence of my rather homophobic dad.
But then I got better. ;)
Mainly I went through a process of checking my own opinions and stances in the world against logic and relevant facts.
And simply put; there is no valid reason for me to despise what two adults willingly do together because they are attracted to each other. :)


Squadoosh 1@ATime
I find homosexuality to be wrong for me, because I'm straight. I don't condone homosexuality. However, what same sex consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedrooms isn't any of my business so I do not believe Gay's should be discriminated against by law in any way.

As for the Christian perspective that is usually adamantly opposed to tolerance of the Gay community, I'm not at all surprised. Christianity isn't a tolerant religion even among their own.
I'm not someone who panders and claims I respect a person's religious choice. Respect is earned. Just because someone believes in something doesn't mean it deserves to be respected. Especially in the case of Christianity that does not reciprocate in the area of affording respect to non-Christians.

I believe Gays have every right to be equal to straights in all things including marriage. Let them have just as much opportunity to find out how unrealistic it is to be with one and only person for the rest of their life, like having only one food to eat every day at all times and forever. Just like the rest of us have learned after the thrill of the pretty dress and the honeymoon are over and more costly than at first imagined.

I do find it interesting the media programming the Gay stereotype in virtually all programming akin to tokenism. But that's just how it goes with a conglomerate that programs the mind of the viewer world.

That's about it.
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Catastrophic Agnostic
That's the question. I wonder if faith is directly responsible for disliking homosexual activity in general. If you are a non-theist, do you see anything wrong with homosexuality? If you are a theist and want to participate: if you were a non-theist would you have a problem with homosexuality?

Be honest.

I'm not. But, I know a few that think gays are connected with pedophilia.


Well-Known Member
I'm personally all for homosexuality but I have meant an atheist who thinks it is unnatural and should be kept to yourself and that gay couples should not adopt children.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Hetero atheist, and could care less if someone is straight or gay. If either major political party over here would back gay marriage, I'd close my eyes to every other policy and vote for them. Kinda not as much of a call as it sounds, since I'm kinda a swinging voter.

Just feels to me like one of those things our kids will look back on and shake their heads. Like I do when I see stuff from back in the day on race segregation.


The Adept

The easiest way to create homosexuality is to destroy part of the brain.
...Isn't nature wonderful?

Looks like the bigotry against reproductive methods is a reaction to help keep the gene pool good; self-deselection so to speak.

Yeshe Dondrub

Kagyupa OBT-Thubetan
Some westerners were taught the green tara meditation, and to experience feminine qualities in reflection.

Some men said it was to hard to concentrate to long because they couldn't stop starrign at their imagined breasts.

Some other students said it was hard to concentrate because they were too "Fierce" to ignore and wanted to dance.

Both got in touch. Nether preference mattered.