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Do any non-theists think being Gay is wrong?


Somewhere Around Nothing
what's Rocky Road?

A Rocky Road virgin?



Non-theist here, no problem with homosexuality. My mother and brother are not religious either, but they both have stupid views on gay marriage. (Brother: "slippery slope", mother: "social experiment".) I don't think they're anti-gay - they've always been perfectly civil to my gay and lesbian friends - but they live in Alberta. There's definitely a culture of conservatism here, and whatever gay community there is keeps itself to itself, so they've had no opportunity to get to know any gay people. Their stupid views seem to me to have been peeled straight off the local headlines without much reflection.



I find this sort of thinking extremely disgusting.

Ditto. Scary too. If I was writing a scene where a hapless hitchhiker gets into a car and things start to go very uncomfortably weird, and a narrow escape from some unimaginable consequence is required, I'd just copy out that speech and stick it in the driver's mouth.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
It is human nature to be scared of something that we don't understand. I think that is the root of homophobia is just that.

Now i would have to agree with those that said there is more homophobes in theism because the dogma backs up their fears.

I'm a atheist and i have no shame in saying that male homosexuals weird me out a little bit and female homosexuals turn me on. I'm a guy im sure you'll excuse me for this view point.

I have had gay male friends before, dont at the moment, i even kissed one of them, it was strip spin the bottle and i had waaaaay to much goon. Strangely enough i had no problem kissing him but would if he was straight.

I have a gay female friend. I love her to death, shes always their when i need someone to talk to,i can always rely on her for hugs, snuggles in front of the tv or a warm body beside me when we end up in the same place come bedtime. Its an excellent relationship theres no sexual tension just a great caring relationship.

I like it.


The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
On the topic of gay couples having babies i have no issues over the moral rights of it.

However there is psychological needs for a child to have one parent of each sex. Obviously if there is a strong, easily accessible role model of the other sex for the child then i have no problems with it.


That's the question. I wonder if faith is directly responsible for disliking homosexual activity in general. If you are a non-theist, do you see anything wrong with homosexuality? If you are a theist and want to participate: if you were a non-theist would you have a problem with homosexuality?

Be honest.
Why would anyone ever have a problem with love? :D


On the topic of gay couples having babies i have no issues over the moral rights of it.

However there is psychological needs for a child to have one parent of each sex. Obviously if there is a strong, easily accessible role model of the other sex for the child then i have no problems with it.

Where do you get this impression? Is that your opinion, or do you believe it reflects the current theories relating to childhood psychological development?

It doesn't make any sense to me, since the nuclear family (one dad, one mum, a pack of kids) is a fairly recent development in human history, and is by no means universal even today. In fact, for most of human history it would have been difficult or impossible for a human child to know who its "dad" even was. When do you think a psychological need for one parent of each gender would have evolved?


Active Member
That's the question. I wonder if faith is directly responsible for disliking homosexual activity in general. If you are a non-theist, do you see anything wrong with homosexuality? If you are a theist and want to participate: if you were a non-theist would you have a problem with homosexuality?

Be honest.
Generally i do NOT find homosexuality (male, female) to be "wrong" or "bad".
I think that apart of faith there are a lot of people that dislike homosexuality because of fear. Fear to get some desease, fear to be "infected" by homosexuality etc.

Interestingly more males dislike male homosexuality than female homosexuality.Being a heterosexual male i find (male) homosexuality to be ugly BUT from a practical point of view i rather prefer male homosexuals since they reduce the number of available contenders for a woman while female homosexuality reduces the number of available women;)
From the esthetic and hormon driven point of view i prefer female homosexuals. :)


Done here.
I think that apart of faith there are a lot of people that dislike homosexuality because of fear. Fear to get some desease, fear to be "infected" by homosexuality etc.

Interestingly more males dislike male homosexuality than female homosexuality.
Very interestingly.

Such men are not afraid of us; they're afraid of themselves.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
Where do you get this impression? Is that your opinion, or do you believe it reflects the current theories relating to childhood psychological development?

Current theories relating to childhood psychology

It doesn't make any sense to me, since the nuclear family (one dad, one mum, a pack of kids) is a fairly recent development in human history, and is by no means universal even today. In fact, for most of human history it would have been difficult or impossible for a human child to know who its "dad" even was. When do you think a psychological need for one parent of each gender would have evolved?

With regards to families in history i would ask for evidence that those kids were well adjusted before considering that argument.

With regards to current non-nuclear families i would say that that is where the current theories are coming from.



Done here.
Current theories relating to childhood psychology
Whose theories are those? Here's what the APA says:
Results of social science research have failed to confirm any of these concerns about children of lesbian and gay parents (Patterson, 2000, 2004a; Perrin, 2002; Tasker, 1999). Research suggests that sexual identities (including gender identity, gender-role behavior, and sexual orientation) develop in much the same ways among children of lesbian mothers as they do among children of heterosexual parents (Patterson, 2004a). Studies of other aspects of personal development (including personality, self-concept, and conduct) similarly reveal few differences between children of lesbian mothers and children of heterosexual parents (Perrin, 2002; Stacey & Biblarz, 2001; Tasker, 1999). However, few data regarding these concerns are available for children of gay fathers (Patterson, 2004b). Evidence also suggests that children of lesbian and gay parents have normal social relationships with peers and adults (Patterson, 2000, 2004a; Perrin, 2002; Stacey & Biblarz, 2001; Tasker, 1999; Tasker & Golombok, 1997). The picture that emerges from research is one of general engagement in social life with peers, parents, family members, and friends. Fears about children of lesbian or gay parents being sexually abused by adults, ostracized by peers, or isolated in single-sex lesbian or gay communities have received no scientific support. Overall, results of research suggest that the development, adjustment, and well-being of children with lesbian and gay parents do not differ markedly from that of children with heterosexual parents.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
Well there you go, i stand corrected. (did you see that everyone i just admitted that i was wrong, some of you might want to follow my lead and do it instead of digging in and making yourselves look like bigger retards)

The stuff i had read stated that there was some emotional and social developmental problems noticed amongst children with same sex parents.

I've just learnt something new, the day hasn't been a complete waste.

Thanks Smokie.
