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Do Christians really overly persecute homosexuals?


Agnostic Theist
I keep hearing about how horrible Christians are for persecuting homosexuals. That Christians hate homosexuals, and that Christians view homosexuals as abominations. However, is that really the case?

I believe that it is only a minority of Christians who view homosexuals as abominations. I would admit that many do believe that homosexuality is a sin, but that is far from being an abomination.
I keep hearing about how horrible Christians are for persecuting homosexuals. That Christians hate homosexuals, and that Christians view homosexuals as abominations. However, is that really the case?

I believe that it is only a minority of Christians who view homosexuals as abominations. I would admit that many do believe that homosexuality is a sin, but that is far from being an abomination.

I have the belief that homosexuality is wrong. I do not persecute them in any way however. I have several gay friends. I do not try and talk them out of it. They know that I do not condone it though. My gay friends are treated the same as my straight friends. If a topic comes up, we discuss it and move on. I try to be an example for everyone in my life even though I often come up short. There is no need to judge people for any actions or behaviors in a Christian sense. Judgment is left for God when the time comes.


Higher and Higher
I keep hearing about how horrible Christians are for persecuting homosexuals. That Christians hate homosexuals, and that Christians view homosexuals as abominations. However, is that really the case?

I believe that it is only a minority of Christians who view homosexuals as abominations. I would admit that many do believe that homosexuality is a sin, but that is far from being an abomination.

I don't think homophobia is a matter of Christian or not Christian. I think in a religious context, it has to do with fundamentalism. Christian fundamentalists often persecute gay people; so do fundamentalist Jews, and fundamentalist Muslims. It is equal opportunity, dependent only upon the rigidity and literalism of one's thought.


Well-Known Member
I believe that it is only a minority of Christians who view homosexuals as abominations.

Agreed but you`re neglecting the fact that this minority is very powerful and has focussed it`s considerable power on creating a second class citizen status for homosexual people.

Our government and laws have been created,turned,twisted, and changed in order to create this immoral situation.

I don`t see too many of those fine "moderate" Christians standing up and fighting for what is fair right and just.
In fact the vast majority strongly support that vocal immoral minority at the polls.

So what exactly makes the moderate majority different from the extreme minority again?

I forget.

Smokeless Indica

<3 Damian Edward Nixon <3
I don't get it either. There's nothing wrong with being homosexual. I don't get along with most girls so the only problem with gays I have is that some gay men act just like the type of girls I don't get along with.


Well-Known Member
I keep hearing about how horrible Christians are for persecuting homosexuals. That Christians hate homosexuals, and that Christians view homosexuals as abominations. However, is that really the case?

I believe that it is only a minority of Christians who view homosexuals as abominations. I would admit that many do believe that homosexuality is a sin, but that is far from being an abomination.

Viewing someone's nature as a sin, is a form of persecution, especially if their view of homosexuality leads them to limit the rights of others.

Man of Faith

Well-Known Member
People focus on the homosexuality thing overly abundantly because that is a political attack. It's like yelling racist to white people, it makes them spend time defending that charge while the other side gets political points. Christianity not only teaches that homosexuality is wrong, but that any sex outside of marriage between one man and one woman is wrong. But we don't hear about that because people from one political party can't score as many points with that.


Agnostic Theist
I think Manoffaith hit it on the head.

For me, I'm just sick of hearing about how bad homosexuals have it because Christians are screwing them over every chance they get. I have nothing wrong with homosexuals, but I have little compassion for them as a whole because of that portion that continually cries homophobia and persecution.

linwood- I agree with what you're saying. That minority of Christians does have a political voice. However, I don't know, at least in the United States, if I would say it is too strong anymore. Or at least I would say that there power is declining quite swiftly. Homosexuals are nearly free to do everything that a heterosexual is allowed to do.

I'm not saying that it is right that they don't enjoy every freedom that heterosexuals do, but it's a long cry from being openly persecuted.


Well-Known Member
Christianity not only teaches that homosexuality is wrong, but that any sex outside of marriage between one man and one woman is wrong. But we don't hear about that because people from one political party can't score as many points with that.


We don`t hear about that because we don`t have large Christian lobbies attempting to legislate the rights of unwed heterosexual lovers out of existence.

We do have large groups of Christians attempting to legislate the rights of homosexual lovers out of existence.

That`s why it`s a popular topic.


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying that it is right that they don't enjoy every freedom that heterosexuals do, but it's a long cry from being openly persecuted.

Then you either have a different definition of persecution than I or you lack an education on the subject we`re discussing.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I think Manoffaith hit it on the head.

For me, I'm just sick of hearing about how bad homosexuals have it because Christians are screwing them over every chance they get. I have nothing wrong with homosexuals, but I have little compassion for them as a whole because of that portion that continually cries homophobia and persecution.

linwood- I agree with what you're saying. That minority of Christians does have a political voice. However, I don't know, at least in the United States, if I would say it is too strong anymore. Or at least I would say that there power is declining quite swiftly. Homosexuals are nearly free to do everything that a heterosexual is allowed to do.

I'm not saying that it is right that they don't enjoy every freedom that heterosexuals do, but it's a long cry from being openly persecuted.

You don't think the Mormon Church's refusal to let gay marriage stand in California is evidence of Christians going out of their way to persecute homosexuals?


Well-Known Member
You don't think the Mormon Church's refusal to let gay marriage stand in California is evidence of Christians going out of their way to persecute homosexuals?

Proposition 8 : California

... a ballot proposition and constitutional amendment passed in the November 2008, state elections. The measure added a new provision, Section 7.5 of the Declaration of Rights, to the California Constitution, which provides that "only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California."[1][2][3]
California Proposition 8 (2008) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Both the Catholic & Mormon churches actively supported this legislated bigotry with millions of dollars and votes.

Votes from those "moderate" theists who have nothing against homosexuals.
They just don`t believe they are worthy of the same rights as themselves.


Agnostic Theist
You don't think the Mormon Church's refusal to let gay marriage stand in California is evidence of Christians going out of their way to persecute homosexuals?
I would agree that is one example of persecution of homosexuals. I'm not trying to say that there is no persecution of homosexuals. I'm aware that there is some persecution of homosexuals. However, I do not believe it is to the point that some make it out to be.

The fact that they can't get married is wrong. I think part of that though is because Christians don't want to destroy the "sanctity" of marriage. Personally, I think that is a joke, as the idea that marriage is holy anymore is hardly taken seriously by many people. But I think that is what it boils down to. And now we are seeing people to be somewhat more open to some type of union between homosexuals. It is taking some time, but old habits die hard. We are seeing progress though. Persecution, in many regards, is dwindling to basically the same level that others feel.

I just think the whole ordeal is being blown out of proportion. I've heard various homosexuals relate themselves to the black struggle we saw a few decades ago. With the way some homosexuals whine about how much they are persecuted, or that Christians are saying that they are sinning, that something much more devious would be going on. I just don't think that is the case.


Premium Member
I keep hearing about how horrible Christians are for persecuting homosexuals. That Christians hate homosexuals, and that Christians view homosexuals as abominations. However, is that really the case?

I believe that it is only a minority of Christians who view homosexuals as abominations. I would admit that many do believe that homosexuality is a sin, but that is far from being an abomination.

To be truthful, I don't recall any preacher in any Church where I was attending even mentioning homosexuality at all. That's not to say that none do, but never when I was there.