What do you suggest? And how could this suggestion preclude taking puberty blockers?
A little context, this debate has been occurring across several threads here on RF, so it's understandable that some of the original context has been lost.
I've provided several links that show that many countries in Europe are rethinking the use of puberty blockers and surgeries on youths. There have been a few studies done that indicate that such matters improve the lives of youths. A common phrase you'll hear is "these extreme interventions save lives". But some of these "gold standard" studies are now under closer scrutiny and many professionals believe the studies themselves were flawed.
With all that said, my suggestion has been to ban these extreme measures for youths. I'm all for other forms of therapies and I'd welcome the inclusion of the eco-p approach.
So I'll give you one idea. By no means is this meant to be any sort of professional advice, it's a "Strawman Proposal", intended to be discussed, criticized, and revised:
What if - from an eco-p perspectvie - we did a study for troubled, trans-identifying (and otherwise) youths, in which we did the following:
- send them to a sort of outdoor summer camp.
- no access to wifi or the internet
- high quality diets, no sugar, limited refined carbs, and so on
- a lot of physical activity - in nature
- team building projects, and so on.
And then we measured mental health before and after such an intervention.
Again, I'm sure that some youths, in healthy environments, will identify as trans forever. But I think that some young people who experience what WHO refers to as "gender incongruence" might find relief through such less invasive interventions.