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Do Muslims and Jews worship the same God?


Active Member
I was told that the Koran list 99 attributes of God. The 99 attributes of God would be like a thimble of water in the Pacific Ocean. That much water could never define the ocean and the Muslim definition of Allah is in the same light. The Christian God is vastly different from the very limited Allah.
You were told right, we do have 99 names that espouse some of the greatest qualities of God, but we by no means limit Him to just 99 attributes. In Islam, just like Christianity, God is limitless and boundless.


Active Member
Well if we talk about g*d then iam one of those that dont believe that muslims pray to the same g*d as we do. And its pretty simple why i believe that.

The g*d in the quran(like the one in the christian bible) seems to be rather funny and not true to his word.
If we assume that the muslim g*d and the jewish one are the same then he must have hit his head pretty hard during those thousands of years while making fun of us.

If g*d is without time and exists during any moment the same he already knows what was going to happen. So he already knew that we jews would alter the TaNaKh before we actually did it. And he obviously also knew that he would change his mind along the way.
He gives us an everlasting convenant while he already knows that he would change his mind and enter the whole Islam thingy with mohammed.
But that would mean that he lied. And thats a big no-no i think. Personally i wouldnt like such a g*d that claims to say the truth while history tells you otherwise.

The same goes for christianity where g*d reintruduced human sacrifice and other various funny stuff that he actually condems.

But of course people are free to believe in whatever they want to. At least in the western world.

Islam and the halakhah | Judaism | Find Articles at BNET

Here is what Mamonides says:

The Ishmaelites are not at all idolaters; [idolatry] has long been severed from their mouths and hearts; and they attribute to God a proper unity, a unity concerning which there is no doubt. And because they lie about us, and falsely attribute to us the statement that God has a son, is no reason for us to lie about them and say that they are idolaters . . . And should anyone say that the house that they honor [the Kaaba] is a house of idolatry and an idol is hidden within it, which their ancestors used to worship, then what of it? The hearts of those who bow down toward it today are [directed] only toward Heaven . . . [Regarding] the Ishmaelites today – idolatry has been severed from the mouths of all of them [including] women and children. Their error and foolishness is in other things which cannot be put into writing because of the renegades and wicked among Israel [i.e., apostates]. But as regards the unity of God they have no error at all.[3]

... Once the doctrine of the Trinity became known to the Rabbis, they regarded Christianity as no different than polytheism, putting the Christians in the same category as the idolaters of old. ... In Maimonides' system there was one point on which Christianity, although idolatrous, actually stood above Islam. The Talmud states that it is forbidden to teach Torah to Gentiles, and this interdiction is codified by Maimonides. However, he makes an exception for Christians, because they believe in the same text of the Bible as the Jews and it is thus possible that, after having studied, they will recognize the error of their ways. For Muslims, however, because they do not accept that the five books of Moses are Divine, such a possibility is not to be considered. It is, therefore, forbidden to teach them Torah.(21)

Now, if you have some reviews by Jewish scholars, suggesting Muslims do not have a Jewish concept of God, then share it with us.
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Well-Known Member
Huh? I just stated my belief on this subject. Do i believe that muslims are idolaters? Nope. Do i believe that they worship the same g*d? Nope.

There is a difference.


Active Member
Huh? I just stated my belief on this subject. Do i believe that muslims are idolaters? Nope. Do i believe that they worship the same g*d? Nope.

There is a difference.

So do you disagree with Jewish rabbis who regard Muslims are Noachides?


In fact, Maimonides, the great medieval Jewish scholar argued strongly that Islam fits all the conditions of a Noahide religion and should be treated as such.

Which of these Noachide laws don't Muslims follow in your opinion?

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Oh I see, so this is about Zionism. Funny that Jews never minded believing Muslims had the same god before Zionism. I suggest you read the following:

True Torah Jews Against Zionism

Are you ok? where have you seen me say anything about Zionism? neither did I say that they are not monotheists, if all you were able to understand from what I said is Zionism then you are totally lost and no answer can help you. It is actually you who made this a Zionism issue.

there is no difference between Israel and being Jewish so my concept makes perfect sense just take your head out of a Palestinian Zionism box and maybe you'll get a clue.

anyways it has nothing to do with Zionism, Zionism the way we know it today is a Muslim creation of hate witch proves that we believe in different G-D if they would believe in our G-D they wouldn't have problems with Jews living in their home regardless if they are Zionists or not.

please don't recommend such links to me next time, they are not of my interest my Jewish education is beyond such links.


I think one should consider the opinions of Jewish scholars such as Mamonides and other Jewish sages rather than trying to answer this question as a way to vent one's political frustrations. Followers of Islam are and have been usually considered Noachides by many Jewish scholars because they felt Muslims worship the same God as the Jews.

again, I haven't touched a political subject and my words do not contradict Jewish scholars in any way since I did not claim that they are not monotheists neither, just because they are also monotheists it doesn't mean we believe in the same G-D, my concept is a religious concept not a political one unless you all forgot but Israel is an integral part of Judaism, lately there are new winds blowing as if Israel and Jews had no connection and nothing in common prior to 1948, a quick reminder to you all without any politics that Israel is a Jewish home land where Jews have lived for centuries and will continue to live so better get used to it.


So do you disagree with Jewish rabbis who regard Muslims are Noachides?

What Is a Noahide?

In fact, Maimonides, the great medieval Jewish scholar argued strongly that Islam fits all the conditions of a Noahide religion and should be treated as such.

Seven Laws of Noah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Muslims in Judaism are considered noachides but it is the only treatment that they get in Jewish scholarship since they haven't yet earned the right for us Jews consider them our own, they have caused us to much sorrow and to this day they continue to do so, I see no reason to think they believe in our G-D because if they would they would treat us better, same goes for Christians.

Jews are not the ones who have to accommodate their believes to Islam or Christianity, it is the opposite because Judaism does not need Islam or Christianity to prove its existents but Islam and Christianity need Judaism to explain theirs. So it is only one way, if they believe in our G-D and not the other way around.


Active Member
Muslims in Judaism are considered noachides but it is the only treatment that they get in Jewish scholarship since they haven't yet earned the right for us Jews consider them our own, they have caused us to much sorrow and to this day they continue to do so, I see no reason to think they believe in our G-D because if they would they would treat us better, same goes for Christians.

Jews are not the ones who have to accommodate their believes to Islam or Christianity, it is the opposite because Judaism does not need Islam or Christianity to prove its existents but Islam and Christianity need Judaism to explain theirs. So it is only one way, if they believe in our G-D and not the other way around.

How can someone be Noachide and not worship the Jewish God? Did Noah worship a different God than the Jews?
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Since we've already tackled the Christians and Muslims debate, and most Muslim answers say no, because Christians believe God became a man and has persons in a Trinity. Jews do not believe this, however. They believe that God is a pure spirit, beyond human definition, and that the only things people can know for certain about God is what the Torah tells us about God.

This leads us to the question- Do Jews and Muslims have the same God?

I guess most Jews would say no. Whereas Muslims would say yes.


Mother Heathen
Since we've already tackled the Christians and Muslims debate, and most Muslim answers say no, because Christians believe God became a man and has persons in a Trinity. Jews do not believe this, however. They believe that God is a pure spirit, beyond human definition, and that the only things people can know for certain about God is what the Torah tells us about God.

This leads us to the question- Do Jews and Muslims have the same God?

I believe that Christians, Jews and Muslims worship the same God - the God of Abraham, but approach and perceive Him differently.


Active Member
Exactly, as I have said before, we don't need them to prove our selfs but they need us to prove them selfs.

By "them" do you mean Mamonides and the rabbis were Muslims? You can have your personal opinion, but stop pretending most Jews disagree with Mamonides and the Jewish sages. Either quote the rabbis or stop pretending to represent most Jews.
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Active Member
I guess most Jews would say no. Whereas Muslims would say yes.

I disagree. It is the elitist in all religions who disagree and pluralists who agree. The elistist Muslim will suggest that the Jews have been led astray and do not worship the God of Abraham. The elitist Christian will say, Jesus was always the Jewish God in a Trinity, but the Jewish rabbis misled the Jews.
I disagree. It is the elitist in all religions who disagree and pluralists who agree. The elistist Muslim will suggest that the Jews have been led astray and do not worship the God of Abraham. The elitist Christian will say, Jesus was always the Jewish God in a Trinity, but the Jewish rabbis misled the Jews.

Maimonides believed that the Muslims were not idolaters. But he still considered Islam to be a heresy.

What is an elitist? I lived in Saudi Arabia. And my Muslim barber would say that the Jews and Christians are "people of the book", but they have been as you said "led astray and do not worship the God of Abraham". The Quran does say this as well.


Well-Known Member
One and the same my friend. I don't believe there is any dispute about that.

Oh there certainly is dispute about that. There might not be a thread about that... yet...

But for some Christians, Jesus is God...

Jesus is certainly not the god that Jews worship.

Some Christians may disagree on that point. That's their problem.


Well-Known Member
So do you disagree with Jewish rabbis who regard Muslims are Noachides?

What Is a Noahide?

In fact, Maimonides, the great medieval Jewish scholar argued strongly that Islam fits all the conditions of a Noahide religion and should be treated as such.

Which of these Noachide laws don't Muslims follow in your opinion?

Seven Laws of Noah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

lol uhm do you even read what i wrote?
I wrote that i dont believe that muslims are idolaters. While at the same time i believe that they dont pray to the same g*d like we do.
Do you know what idol worship is and that there is a difference between idolatry and worshipping other g*ds?

Where do i contradict Rambam?