Meow Mix;3072283]
In Islam, is anyone punished for failing to believe there is no God but God and that Mohammed is His prophet?
No there is no compulsion in religion Quran 2.256
1) Is there a punishment for atheists in Islam?
No the Quran is very clear. "There is no compulsion in religion" Quran 2.256
2) Is there a punishment for changing one's religion in Islam?
No there is no compulsion in religion and the Quran states that any punishment is in the next world only for God to decide.
3) Is the weight of testimony given by women unequal to that of a man's in Islam?
[FONT=verdana,arial]First, when generally considered, in some instances of bearing witness to certain civil contracts, two men are required or one man and two women. Again, this is no indication of the woman being inferior to man. It is a measure of securing the rights of the contracting parties, because woman as a rule, is not so experienced in practical life as man. This lack of experience may cause a loss to any party in a given contract. So the Law requires that at least two women should bear witness with one man. If a woman of the witness forgets something, the other one would remind her. Or if she makes an error, due to lack of experience, the other would help to correct her. This is a precautionary measure to guarantee honest transactions and proper dealings between people. In fact, it gives woman a role to play in civil life and helps to establish justice. At any rate, lack of experience in civil life does not necessarily mean that women is inferior to man in her status. Every human being lacks one thing or another, yet no one questions their human status (2:282).[/FONT]
4) Is the distribution of inheritance unequal between men and women in Islam?
It is equal. A man is given double the woman because his duty is to look after the parents and a wife and his children. A woman is given half because she has no duty to provide for her parents her husband will have double from his inheritances therefore both are equal. In Islam every penny that a woman makes from a job or inherits is not part of the household income did you know that? Women have a legal right in Sharia to keep all money they have and not spend one penny on the house or family and any Sharia court will uphold that right. The man is the provider in Islam and not the woman so in fact if you look at it you could say that women in Islam are more rich and have more property and are wealthier than their husbands.
5) Are men and women forced to accept different gender roles in socieity in Islam?
You will find women do the same jobs as men. You will find women judges and pilots, scientists and politicians, Pakistan had women Prime Ministers such as Bhutto and the current Pakistani foreign minister is a woman. The United States of America has yet to elect a female president so is therefore behind Islamic Republic of Pakistan in that category. The prophets wives rode their camels in battle against the pagan attacks.
Just because Saudi Arabia is a backwards Wahabi nation that does not practice Islam don't assume that other Muslims dont. Iran universities have 70% women engineers and scientists far outstripping the men.