I voted for 'both' because it all depends on what you mean by 'creature'.
If you were to say humans or animals as we know them, then nope, I think we are pretty much unique there.
I'll also extend that to anything with two eyes, a mouth, two arms and two if you are talking about 'Grey Aliens' I will also say...nope.
Life exists on other planets, but 'not as we know it, Jim'. It could be a single-celled organism, maybe having silicon as a base instead of carbon, or any other element we don't know of that's not of this world...
It could be a form of algae, or it could be some form of consciousness without a body...who knows?
Is life on other planets 'intelligent'? well, that would depend on the type of intelligence and the type of 'the jury is still out' on that one.
I would say I could not exclude the possibility of carbon based, humanoid life out there either, as far as we know, our form may be the most common, I doubt it, but is may be? We have no idea of knowing, seeing that we have only begun to glimpse at our own, .000000001% of our own back yard