I agree with you statement to the extent that it is indeed frustrating not to know, and like anyone else I would love to know… but that doesn’t mean I want to claim to know, when I don’t; (and nobody really does until you are well and truly dead - and maybe not even then. (God, I hope not!)
If you think you know, because your parents told you, you teacher told you, your rabbi, your… (you get my drift) then good for you… at least you can stop searching for the truth. In a way, I am jealous of that, as it must give a cert peace in that certainty. But I just don’t have that… I have some things I personally have experienced and which form a basis for my own personal belief system, but it doesn’t neatly fit in a predetermined box of somebody else’s design.
So, I would replace the ‘we are surely’ in your last sentence with ‘we might be’, and although I agree that might Bea good goal, I can also understand if someone would say: “No, you are not supposed to know or even look for it, you HAVE TO act purely out of faith… that what your elders etc. tell you is the one and only truth, no if or buts about it… they know best.” I don’t feel that way at all personally, but if you do, and that makes you and the people around you happy (and it harms no one else) then good for you!