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Do You Hate God?

Do you actually think religion, on the whole, improves things? If so, on what basis have you formed such an opinion?

The goal of Christianity is not to "improve things". That is your misunderstanding and a common delusion of man. That is a side benefit of Christianity that it will often lead to "improving things", but it is not the goal. Many do not understand this, even many Christians. This wisdom will not be understood by the unbeliever, for only Christians can understand this.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
The goal of Christianity is not to "improve things". That is your misunderstanding and a common delusion of man. That is a side benefit of Christianity that it will often lead to "improving things", but it is not the goal. Many do not understand this, even many Christians. This wisdom will not be understood by the unbeliever, for only Christians can understand this.

Gotcha! According to you, it's impossible for me to grasp that Christianity is not about improving things.

Are you always so cock-sure you're the only person who understands you?


رسول الآلهة
Well, God is real, and many do revolt against him. The question is, is man good? I don't see how you can say he is.

God is not real just the people who create him/her. Nobody revolts against something fictional and with your logic I am revolting against Gandalf right about now.
I don't see how you can say he is.
. . . Simple, I do not believe in a Yahweh or Jesus the same way normal sane people don't believe in vampires and goblins. Catch my drift?
God is not real just the people who create him/her. Nobody revolts against something fictional and with your logic I am revolting against Gandalf right about now.

. . . Simple, I do not believe in a Yahweh or Jesus the same way normal sane people don't believe in vampires and goblins. Catch my drift?

Well, that's fine, and to be expected that you think Jesus Christ fictional. What's not fine is to infer that normal sane people do not believe in Christ.


رسول الآلهة
Well, that's fine, and to be expected that you think Jesus Christ fictional. What's not fine is to infer that normal sane people do not believe in Christ.

Sounds fine to me. Unlike you I do not approve of genocide yet alone try to wash it away with scriptural babbling. If you honestly think genocide is wrong yet profess to be a Christian you are working the most massive double think in history. I can label such a person many things but sane I cannot.

It is not my choice that people do what they do or think as they do. It is ultimately your responsibility.
Gotcha! According to you, it's impossible for me to grasp that Christianity is not about improving things.

Are you always so cock-sure you're the only person who understands you?

Paul said that the Holy Spirit leads believers to all truth and understanding. Jesus mentioned that wisdom does not come from man, but only from God. Paul also says that all believers in the Spirit think with a like mind. To sum it up, yes I think only believers understand, and that you as a believer do not have the resources to be able to understand much of anything, including myself.
Sounds fine to me. Unlike you I do not approve of genocide yet alone try to wash it away with scriptural babbling. If you honestly think genocide is wrong yet profess to be a Christian you are working the most massive double think in history. I can label such a person many things but sane I cannot.

It is not my choice that people do what they do or think as they do. It is ultimately your responsibility.

Well, that's normal to think coming from an unenlightened mind. Man commits genocide. That is what he does, and who he is, and who he will always be. To tell him not to commit genocide does not change anything, whether coming from his own conscience, or from others in authority or from the pages of a supposed book written by a god.


رسول الآلهة
Well, that's normal to think coming from an unenlightened mind. Man commits genocide. That is what he does, and who he is, and who he will always be. To tell him not to commit genocide does not change anything, whether coming from his own conscience, or from others in authority or from the pages of a supposed book written by a god.

Oh the irony! All of the death in the Bible goes ignored for you. On to my ignore list you go.
Do you actually think religion, on the whole, improves things? If so, on what basis have you formed such an opinion?

The goal of Christianity is not to "improve things". The goal of Christianity is to have a relationship with God. Is that going to necessarily "improve things"? No, not necessarily. Does religion "improve things"? That depends on how you would judge success in "improving things". From a Christian standpoint, no, religion does not necessarily achieve the goal of Christianity, which is salvation and eternal life. Does religion make the world a better place to live in? That would be up to each person to decide.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
I'm a Buddhist and therefore incapable of doing wrong. :p
Really? I mean it makes sense to me but that's something taught by Buddhism?

I think some Buddhist Koans, Monks may take many years to correctly understand. I like to pretend I understand them sometimes but I have no Masters about to correct me. (After review I realize this misunderstands your statement, doing and understanding are not the same. However I worked at it, like it, so I'm leaving it in.:D)


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
I hated God, however have since forgiven God.
I wonder if God will be able to man-up and do likewise.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
Well yes. I was only joking of course, I am far from perfect. ;)

Well we are what we are, how can we be anything else?
That seems perfect enough for me.

I have to be now whatever I am to become whatever I become next. In that sense perfect.