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Do you have a question about God?


Well-Known Member
I would love to hear what non-Christians believe and why.

Im still interested to know why you believe? Have you always been raised a christian or did you convert or...?

Well obviously i'm atheistic. This means that I don't believe in God. What it also means is that I don't believe in ANY God, not just the christian one. I also don't believe I am a God, contrary to what I often hear.

Else than that it's quite difficult to explain my beliefs due to their nature. And partially because I don't fully understand them yet. I am forever changing, and my beliefs change to fit what I experience, rather than that I change my experience to fit my faith. Im very interested in science and it's a feild that I hope to study further. I don't really feel that I use my religion for the purposes of answering fundemental questions such as the origin of the universe (It doesn't do a brilliant job), rather I see it as a path to follow to better myself...Some people might call that a LHP religion...

I can imagine it would be hard for you to fully describe your faith in a single post to somebody who had never come face-to-face with any aspect of your religion before, so i'm sure you can understand it's difficult :p

...But this isn't my thread, it's TruthaboutGod's thread, so I guess questions should be asked about his faith (Sorry...About the truth) rather than mine (I don't really like stealing anybody's thunder)
[If you have questions I would be happy to answer them via the PM system, but expect a large amount of waffle ;)]


Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
I don't believe Christian apologetics are meant to convince someone that God is alive and well. Actually, what God made like the stars is called general revelation. This kind of revelation is universal in nature, but it is revelation which condemns mankind, and leaves all without excuse. Here is the text to support my comment.

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things. - rom 1

Very moving, but I tend not to base my knowledge on, or live my life according to, the musings of primitive Jewish goat herders. I can certainly respect their views based on their extremely limited knowledge of the world at the time, but since then, we've increased our understanding of virtually every aspect of everything by orders of magnitude. Personally, it seems kind of silly to ignore the vast amounts of knowledge and understanding we've gained since then. To each his own.

Christian Pilgrim

Active Member
Very moving, but I tend not to base my knowledge on, or live my life according to, the musings of primitive Jewish goat herders. I can certainly respect their views based on their extremely limited knowledge of the world at the time, but since then, we've increased our understanding of virtually every aspect of everything by orders of magnitude. Personally, it seems kind of silly to ignore the vast amounts of knowledge and understanding we've gained since then. To each his own.

Please explain how 2,000 years of apparent knowledge and understanding has changed the depravity of mankind? When I look at the news on the Internet, the human heart is as wicked as the begining of the first recorded murder. When Cain killed Able, what has changed from that time in history. Please enlighten me on our advancement and the vast amounts of knowledge and understanding. Maybe our capacity of a single murder of our brother has advanced to mass destruction? You see, all of the apparent advancements cannot change our inclination to rebel and kill each other. To those who have answers to the problems of humanity that is self-evident in all cultures and every generation, please share the solution.
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Active Member
what i ask i believe may be difficult, but all thing are possible. Can you define God for me?

1. Sure, copy and paste from book, from the chapter: "What is God"

God is at the top of the chain of Life and thus:

God = (M * I) +S This may also be written as:

God = (M∞ * I∞) +S (Although they both have the same result.)

Notice there is no mention of atoms here, as atoms are God’s Building Blocks and NOT what God is made of. (The Energy that God consists of is a Pure form that is unknown to Humans.)

M∞ = an infinite(without restriction) ability to manipulate energy.(Atomic or otherwise)
I∞ = an infinite(without restriction) Intelligence or an unlimited capacity of intelligence. (It is obvious that since God created Existence, God has full knowledge of everything in that Existence)
S = Soul



Active Member
If God is omnipotent and he created Satan can God kill Satan??
Can he uncreate himself.
If not then god is no longer omnipotent

1. Are you trying to ask a question, or make a comment?

2. Can God destroy satan? Yes.

3. Can God uncreate Himself. This is an invalid question as God was not Created.


Active Member
Please explain how 2,000 years of apparent knowledge and understanding has changed the depravity of mankind? When I look at the news on the Internet, the human heart is as wicked as the begining of the first recorded murder. When Cain killed Able, what has changed from that time in history. Please enlighten me on our advancement and the vast amounts of knowledge and understanding. Maybe our capacity of a single murder of our brother has advanced to mass destruction? You see, all of the apparent advancements cannot change our inclination to rebel and kill each other. To those who have answers to the problems of humanity that is self-evident in all cultures and every generation, please share the solution.

1. Is this like the wickedness of the Jews rebelling aginst Jesus, or is it like the wickedness of the Christians rebelling against Muhammad?

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Please explain how 2,000 years of apparent knowledge and understanding has changed the depravity of mankind? When I look at the news on the Internet, the human heart is as wicked as the begining of the first recorded murder. When Cain killed Able, what has changed from that time in history. Please enlighten me on our advancement and the vast amounts of knowledge and understanding. Maybe our capacity of a single murder of our brother has advanced to mass destruction? You see, all of the apparent advancements cannot change our inclination to rebel and kill each other. To those who have answers to the problems of humanity that is self-evident in all cultures and every generation, please share the solution.

Nice straw man, but if you want to go there then please explain how 2000 years of christianity has improved the human condition rather than make it worse. There's been plenty of mass destruction in the name of god.

Additionally, I feel bad that you have such a negative view of the world and your fellow man. Although, I suppose if I saw the world in such a pessimistic light, I might need to rely on comforting fables to get by as well.


Well-Known Member
"Please explain how 2,000 years of apparent knowledge and understanding has changed the depravity of mankind? When I look at the news on the Internet, the human heart is as wicked as the begining of the first recorded murder."

First who said improving the "heart of man" was the PURPOSE of gaining knowledge? Other than religious fanatics like yourself, so anxious to impose your version of virtue of the rest of us, apart from those wackos I know of no one who thinks the purpose of gaining knowledge is to change human nature.:areyoucra

And, HAS Already been pointed out, despite the determined and persistent efforts of your fellow believers no such change is noted.

So what purpose does belief in your myth serve? (Other than you make you personally feel better.:rolleyes:)


Active Member
Please give me your personal summary in what God is like through your eyes. Did you arrive at your beiefs based on personal revelation, or through outside sources?

1. What is God? Copy and paste from the book:

God is at the top of the chain of Life and thus:

God = (M * I) +S This may also be written as:

God = (M∞ * I∞) +S (Although they both have the same result.)

Notice there is no mention of atoms here, as atoms are God’s Building Blocks and NOT what God is made of. (The Energy that God consists of is a Pure form that is unknown to Humans.)

M∞ = an infinite(without restriction) ability to manipulate energy.(Atomic or otherwise)
I∞ = an infinite(without restriction) Intelligence or an unlimited capacity of intelligence. (It is obvious that since God created Existence, God has full knowledge of everything in that Existence)
S = Soul

2. Mostly from God.


De Facto Atheist
Please explain how 2,000 years of apparent knowledge and understanding has changed the depravity of mankind? When I look at the news on the Internet, the human heart is as wicked as the begining of the first recorded murder. When Cain killed Able, what has changed from that time in history. Please enlighten me on our advancement and the vast amounts of knowledge and understanding. Maybe our capacity of a single murder of our brother has advanced to mass destruction? You see, all of the apparent advancements cannot change our inclination to rebel and kill each other. To those who have answers to the problems of humanity that is self-evident in all cultures and every generation, please share the solution.

Evolution has made us what we are, being aggressive would have been a more successful survival tactic than being timid and scared and passive.
You are totally correct in saying we in are still as aggressive as when the first murder happened, but would have being timid scared and passive have been a good tactic to use against the Nazi's?
I doubt there is a solution, there will always be people who want to control everything whether it be any religious leader, Dictator, or another Dictator under the shroud of Democracy. These people will never cease to exist, and there will always be those who will fight against it, is it wicked to murder someone who wishes to destroy you?
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Christian Pilgrim

Active Member
Evolution has made us what we are, being aggressive would have been a more successful survival tactic than being timid and scared and passive.
You are totally correct in saying we in are still as aggressive as when the first murder happened, but would have being timid scared and passive have been a good tactic to use against the Nazi's?
I doubt there is a solution, there will always be people who want to control everything whether it be any religious leader, Dictator, or another Dictator under the shroud of Democracy. These people will never cease to exist, and there will always be those who will fight against it, is it wicked to murder someone who wishes to destroy you?

Are you implying the an atheist worldview is one of no hope? It seems (IMO), that atheism would be a world of meaningless existence, and without eternal cause and order and cosmic justice. The question I believe you should struggle and ponder is: 'why do people want to control everything, and do the things that are consider inhumane? Within a humanistic worldview, there is no help from a supreme outside power (God); therefore mankind if left to himself to conquer his own depravity and wickedness that is manifested in all generations in human history. However, you seem to have posted that mankind cannot solve his own problems from within.

I doubt there is a solution
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De Facto Atheist
Are you implying the an atheist worldview is one of no hope? It seems (IMO), that atheism would be a world of meaningless existence, and without eternal cause and order and cosmic justice. The question I believe you should struggle and ponder is: 'why do people want to control everything, and do the things that are consider inhumane? Within a humanistic worldview, there is no help from a supreme outside power (God); therefore mankind if left to himself to conquer his own depravity and wickedness that is manifested in all generations in human history. However, you seem to have posted that mankind cannot solve his own problems from within.

It's not of no hope, it's of acceptance of what we are, animals that is all. The main problem i have with religion is that it trys to make out that we are more than that.
Just because you want there to be a God to punish the wicked and evil that does not make God exist, whether you like it or not.
HOW ARE WE SAYING LIFE IS A MEANINGLESS EXISTENCE!!! We should consider ourselves extremely lucky that we are even alive in the first place, that is why most Atheists choose to live their lives to the full because you only live once, if you think without God the World would be full of people doing evil things then you need to get out more and open your mind to the fact that the majority of Atheists are good people with good morales.

Christian Pilgrim

Active Member
It's not of no hope, it's of acceptance of what we are, animals that is all. The main problem i have with religion is that it trys to make out that we are more than that.
Just because you want there to be a God to punish the wicked and evil that does not make God exist, whether you like it or not.
HOW ARE WE SAYING LIFE IS A MEANINGLESS EXISTENCE!!! We should consider ourselves extremely lucky that we are even alive in the first place, that is why most Atheists choose to live their lives to the full because you only live once, if you think without God the World would be full of people doing evil things then you need to get out more and open your mind to the fact that the majority of Atheists are good people with good morales.

Are you saying that we are no different from the beasts of the field? Jesus called His disciples evil; therefore no one is good in comparison to God. How do you determine what is moral and what is immoral?


De Facto Atheist
Are you saying that we are no different from the beasts of the field? Jesus called His disciples evil; therefore no one is good in comparison to God. How do you determine what is moral and what is immoral?

The only difference between us and 'the beasts of the field' as you put it, is that we are intelligent enough to know that people are angered and hurt emotionally from murder etc, and we put ourselves in there position, You are implying that God gave us morales, We humans have decided what is right and wrong not God, if you were brought up in a place where rape was the norm and murder was too, you would think that it was fine. What then, happened to the morales that God had put into their brains, and please do not use scripture, that is not proof just a book.
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I didn't read the whole thread, so maybe you adressed this, but i did read far enough to read something. You essentially said that you never actually spoke to god, you simply gained inspiration. umm, that sounds less insane, but also sounds like you just have a good imagination. i gain inspiration to explain why there is no god, is god inspiring me? or is that satan? I don't say there is no god, but i've never seen any evidence of his existence. These books(you know, like the bible) prove nothing. I've read parts and all i see is a supposed history. I say supposed cause they say god spoke to men and jesus commited miracles. none of this makes sense.


Active Member
I didn't read the whole thread, so maybe you adressed this, but i did read far enough to read something. You essentially said that you never actually spoke to god, you simply gained inspiration. umm, that sounds less insane, but also sounds like you just have a good imagination. i gain inspiration to explain why there is no god, is god inspiring me? or is that satan? I don't say there is no god, but i've never seen any evidence of his existence. These books(you know, like the bible) prove nothing. I've read parts and all i see is a supposed history. I say supposed cause they say god spoke to men and jesus commited miracles. none of this makes sense.

1. Yet you will accept the fact that you can "think". There is no proof of this, yet you will believe it.


are you serious? I have constant proof of my thinking, cause i think all the time. You can talk semantics all you want, try and say" what is thinking" but considering that to even write this response i have to think about your response. Is that really your argument? I have constant proof of my thought process, and no true proof of god. So, please give me a real answer.