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Do you have a question about God?


Active Member
God being omnipresent and is able to change anything, is a contradiction to free will.
If free will was given to us by God, then to me the Deist version of God can be the only God that can exist at all.
If God was all powerful all knowing etc. then why does he allow Satan to carry out deeds upon the Earh, is God and Satan the same person, two sides of the same coin, ying and yang.
Otherwise there is no other excuse why he does not interfere.
On another subject i would like to ask why do most Christians not accept Evolution?, do they feel this is a threat to God? How could God's creation be of any threat to him? it does not make sense.

1. I will not question God's Ability, however God does not see the future. I am not stating that God "cannot" see the future, I am simply stating that He "does not". I have conversed with Him on this topic and I always get the same response. "God does not see the future".(Of course this means that we actually do have His Greatest Gift, and that is Freedom)

2. It is true that there is only One God.

3. No. satan(I do not capitalize that term regardless of correct grammar.) was an Angel named Iblis. Iblis rebelled against God when God told the Angels to bow to His Creation of man. The best source of exactly what transpired is in the Qur'an. Copy and paste from the book:

What is satan?

The best information about satan comes to us from the Qur’an. In the Qur’an it is explained that satan exists as an angel named “Iblis”. God tells the angels to bow to His creation of man, and Iblis refuses. The knowledge of exactly what had happened is mentioned a few times in the Qur’an, the best example for this book is in
Surah 38:71-85
Behold, your Lord said to the angels: “I am about to create man from clay”:
“When I have fashioned him in due proportion and breathed into him of My Spirit you fall down in obeisance to him.”
So the angels prostrated themselves, all of them together:
Not so Iblis: he was haughty, and became of those who reject Faith.
Allah said: “O Iblis! What prevents you from prostrating yourself to one whom I have created with My hands? Are you haughty? Or are you one of the high and mighty ones?”
Iblis said: “I am better then he: You created me from fire, and him You created from clay.”
Allah said: “Then you get out from here: for you are rejected, accursed.
And My curse shall be on you till the Day of Judgment.”
Iblis said: “O my Lord! Give me respite till the Day the dead are raised.”
Allah said: “Respite then is granted to you –
Till the Day of the Time Appointed.”
Iblis said: “Then, by Your power, I will put them all in the wrong –
Except Your Servants amongst them, sincere and purified by Your grace.”
Allah said: “Then it is just and fitting – and I say what is just and fitting –
That I will certainly fill Hell with you and those that follow you, - every one.
*Iblis became satan, because he rebelled against God. Notice that the power that satan uses against man, "temptation", caused Iblis to rebel in the first place. Coincidence? I think not. Again, as in the Bible, you will notice that God "breathed into him of His Spirit", yet further showing that your Soul is a literal Part of God. You have now seen that this is stated in ALL Three of God's Words, yet you will still find ignorance on this topic in mankind.*

4. This is a question you must ask Christians, as I am not a Christian, nor am I religious. I can tell you that earth has been here for millions of years. Evolution is a part of reality. Here is a copy and paste from the book:

Some scientists and other people feel that mankind had evolved from water.(From the source of a single celled entity that split and evolved over time.) This IS true of early existence, and includes early man in the “animal”(Before acquiring a soul) form.(Genesis 1:20 is before the Creation of Adam.)
Genesis 1:20
Then God said “Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the firmament of the heavens”.
*God created physical life from water.*

The Qur’an states this a few times,
Surah 21:30
Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together as one unit of creation, before We clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?
*God created physical life from water.*

Surah 24:45
And Allah has created every animal from water: of them there are some that creep on their bellies; some that walk on two legs; and some that walk on four. Allah creates what He wills; for verily Allah has power over all things.
*God created physical life from water.*

Surah 25:54
It is He Who created man from water: then He has established relationships of lineage and marriage: for your Lord has power over all things.
*God created the physical body of man from water.*

It confuses me why people feel that the “theory of evolution” in some way disproves the Existence of God. From what I can see it strengthens the reality of God, as this was written about 1500 years ago and Darwin figured out the theory of evolution only 150 years ago! Did Darwin cheat, and read the Qur'an?(You might be surprised!)

5. The created cannot threaten the Creator, this is just ignorance that you will have to excuse, as many of mankind are ignorant.


Active Member
Ok um...Literature is reality...But it is still classified as literature. Why? Because it's less vague than just saying 'Oh yeah it is something that exists so it's not literature because it's reality'.

You have to understand that just because you think God is real, it doesn't stop the idea of God from being a religious one as well.
"I think the earth is in a gravitational orbit around our star."
I call that idea a scientific idea.
Astronomy is a branch of science.
So Astronomy is a scientific idea as well.
But because the earth really is in orbit (Base 3), does this mean it can't be a scientific idea?
Does this make sense?

Didn't stop him when people prayed in the bible...


1. Yes and the books that my children use in school, teaches them about subjects, to better educate them. Is not the Bible and the Qur'an here to educate man about God? You can take all the math books you ever read in school and deny the knowledge that is inside of them, what harm would this do to the teacher? Just like you may deny all the knowledge about God in the Bible and the Qur'an, but what harm would this do to the Teacher?(God) Seriously, if you do not want to accept God as part of reality, that's cool, I can accept that. I am not here to save you, and I am not your Keeper. I am just answering questions about God.

2. No, not to me anyway. I know earth is in orbit, why would I question this? You can call it a fact, an opinion, an idea, it is all meaningless when you know the Truth. It is the same with God, once you Truly understand God, "religion" goes out the window. God Created man, man created religion, why should I be religious?

3. People may pray all they want, God is not forced to answer or not answer any prayer. It is just like you, you have the Freedom to accept or deny God, either way, this has no bearing on me. If you think I am here to get you to join a religion, I am not, as I am not a member of a religion. If you want to join a religion, roll a "many sided dice" and pick one. I am also not here to get you to "believe" in God. If you do not accept the reality of God, what possible question could you ask about God? It is like the boogey man, I ask no one questions about the boogey man because he does not exist. If you feel that God does not exist, why would you ask a question about God?


Well-Known Member
1. Yes and the books that my children use in school, teaches them about subjects, to better educate them. Is not the Bible and the Qur'an here to educate man about God? You can take all the math books you ever read in school and deny the knowledge that is inside of them, what harm would this do to the teacher? Just like you may deny all the knowledge about God in the Bible and the Qur'an, but what harm would this do to the Teacher?(God) Seriously, if you do not want to accept God as part of reality, that's cool, I can accept that. I am not here to save you, and I am not your Keeper. I am just answering questions about God.
Yes but we know that mathematics, to use your example, is just a concept we we created. We know that in order to deny mathematics you have to deny other concepts which we have created. Maths is just a way of converting logical arguments into a form whereby people from every language can understand the argument, using a numerical, quantitative system.

So in short, people don't believe that maths is 'real'. It's like saying that Italian is 'real'. Sure, it exists, but the idea behind it is just a concept to help people understand aspects of our life and apply them. God is not like mathematics.

2. No, not to me anyway. I know earth is in orbit, why would I question this?
Well at some point in time, people didn't know this. And it took people with enough balls to go 'You know what, I recon the earth isn't just stood still. I bet, because of what Sir Isaac Newton made up about gravitation, the earth is actually in motion'. Without people like that, you wouldn't know jack **** about the earth's orbit.

You can call it a fact, an opinion, an idea, it is all meaningless when you know the Truth.
But it's only the truth because we say it is the truth. I can understand you don't follow my path so you've probably never thought about this in much detail. Even the idea of 'The Truth' is just a concept helping us deduce what we do and do not experience (Base 3).

It is the same with God, once you Truly understand God, "religion" goes out the window. God Created man, man created religion, why should I be religious?
You're not going to listen to me anyway, so there's probably no point in answering this.

3. People may pray all they want, God is not forced to answer or not answer any prayer. It is just like you, you have the Freedom to accept or deny God, either way, this has no bearing on me. If you think I am here to get you to join a religion, I am not, as I am not a member of a religion.
Yeah alright I get it, you hate religion :rolleyes:

If you do not accept the reality of God, what possible question could you ask about God?
Well I think you've seen evidence that an atheist can ask plenty of questions about God.

It is like the boogey man
Spot on ;)

I ask no one questions about the boogey man because he does not exist.
If you feel that God does not exist, why would you ask a question about God?
Because unlike you, I have an interest in what other people think. I've answered this question several times before and i'll answer again: Just because God is not real, doesn't mean it's not an interesting idea. I often visit the meeting place of various religions to learn about their practices. Not because I want to learn about how is the correct way to worship, because I am interested to learn about what and why people believe and how that applies to their life.

I mean, nobody really has different ideas about what the boogey man is, so asking questions about him would result in only opinions, and not a lot of them either. With God, there are millions of different beliefs about God. And because nobody really knows the truth about God, hearing what various different people believe is very interesting to me.

Believe it or not, I don't consider you to be the authority on God, but I do consider you to be the authority on your beliefs, and that's why you can tell me better than anybody what you think about God.

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Active Member
Yes but we know that mathematics, to use your example, is just a concept we we created. We know that in order to deny mathematics you have to deny other concepts which we have created. Maths is just a way of converting logical arguments into a form whereby people from every language can understand the argument, using a numerical, quantitative system.

So in short, people don't believe that maths is 'real'. It's like saying that Italian is 'real'. Sure, it exists, but the idea behind it is just a concept to help people understand aspects of our life and apply them. God is not like mathematics.

Well at some point in time, people didn't know this. And it took people with enough balls to go 'You know what, I recon the earth isn't just stood still. I bet, because of what Sir Isaac Newton made up about gravitation, the earth is actually in motion'. Without people like that, you wouldn't know jack **** about the earth's orbit.

But it's only the truth because we say it is the truth. I can understand you don't follow my path so you've probably never thought about this in much detail. Even the idea of 'The Truth' is just a concept helping us deduce what we do and do not experience (Base 3).

You're not going to listen to me anyway, so there's probably no point in answering this.

Yeah alright I get it, you hate religion :rolleyes:

Well I think you've seen evidence that an atheist can ask plenty of questions about God.

Spot on ;)

Because unlike you, I have an interest in what other people think. I've answered this question several times before and i'll answer again: Just because God is not real, doesn't mean it's not an interesting idea. I often visit the meeting place of various religions to learn about their practices. Not because I want to learn about how is the correct way to worship, because I am interested to learn about what and why people believe and how that applies to their life.

I mean, nobody really has different ideas about what the boogey man is, so asking questions about him would result in only opinions, and not a lot of them either. With God, there are millions of different beliefs about God. And because nobody really knows the truth about God, hearing what various different people believe is very interesting to me.

Believe it or not, I don't consider you to be the authority on God, but I do consider you to be the authority on your beliefs, and that's why you can tell me better than anybody what you think about God.


1. I was not trying to show that God was like math. I was trying to show that as man learns through the use of books, God has given man books to learn about Him.

2. What does this have to do with anything?

3. Not really. Since atheists do not accept the reality of God, most do not ask genuine questions about God. Some need "somewhere to spend their time", so they harass people that do accept the reality of God. On many atheists forums they even discuss this as a form of entertainment.(These are usually very easy to spot.) They take part in the discussion, with no purpose to add anything positive to the thread. They want everyone to listen to them, but no one really cares. Look at it from a simply logical view; An atheist on a religious forum? They rebel against God, and they feel it is their life long mission to make sure everyone knows it? You seriously cannot expect those that accept the reality of God to give any credit to what atheists post, so why do they do it?

4. You do not accept the reality of God, but you want to hear what people say about Him? O.K. It's your Freedom to spend your life as you wish.

5. If you are an atheist, then you cannot consider anyone to be an authority on God.(I assume you know what an "atheist" is.)

Deist David

A serious Deist!
Ah - disappointing.

When I saw that someone was stating they could answer quesions about God, I assumed they had some exciting new knowledge to share.

But alas, we've nothing but quotes from that creation of man, 'the bible', with all the murder, rape and revenge that it contains and that scares our children to sleep at night.

......still searching. :)
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Well-Known Member
Yes but we know that mathematics, to use your example, is just a concept we we created. We know that in order to deny mathematics you have to deny other concepts which we have created. Maths is just a way of converting logical arguments into a form whereby people from every language can understand the argument, using a numerical, quantitative system.
So in short, people don't believe that maths is 'real'. It's like saying that Italian is 'real'. Sure, it exists, but the idea behind it is just a concept to help people understand aspects of our life and apply them. God is not like mathematics.

Well at some point in time, people didn't know this. And it took people with enough balls to go 'You know what, I recon the earth isn't just stood still. I bet, because of what Sir Isaac Newton made up about gravitation, the earth is actually in motion'. Without people like that, you wouldn't know jack **** about the earth's orbit.

But it's only the truth because we say it is the truth. I can understand you don't follow my path so you've probably never thought about this in much detail. Even the idea of 'The Truth' is just a concept helping us deduce what we do and do not experience (Base 3).

You're not going to listen to me anyway, so there's probably no point in answering this.

Yeah alright I get it, you hate religion :rolleyes:

Well I think you've seen evidence that an atheist can ask plenty of questions about God.

Spot on ;)

Because unlike you, I have an interest in what other people think. I've answered this question several times before and i'll answer again: Just because God is not real, doesn't mean it's not an interesting idea. I often visit the meeting place of various religions to learn about their practices. Not because I want to learn about how is the correct way to worship, because I am interested to learn about what and why people believe and how that applies to their life.

I mean, nobody really has different ideas about what the boogey man is, so asking questions about him would result in only opinions, and not a lot of them either. With God, there are millions of different beliefs about God. And because nobody really knows the truth about God, hearing what various different people believe is very interesting to me.

Believe it or not, I don't consider you to be the authority on God, but I do consider you to be the authority on your beliefs, and that's why you can tell me better than anybody what you think about God.


He mighten be, but I'm an authority on God and I'm here to reveal to you the truth about God, Cos I've seen the truth and the truth is, that there is a God, that he is our Father, that he lives in heaven, and that "Harold" is his name, cos I believe the scriptures what say, "Our Father who art in heaven Harold be thy name."

Lighten up a little lads, the world is but the stage upon which Life acts out the play which is the record of his existence, of which play, Life is the author, the actors and the audience. So either come out of the world and sit back and enjoy it as an observer, or jump upon the stage and become a particapater, or sit down and write an new chapter in the history of Life's existence.

My question is, why would I, who am a god, need to ask a question about God? "You are gods," I said, "All of you are sons of the most high.
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Well-Known Member
1. I was not trying to show that God was like math. I was trying to show that as man learns through the use of books, God has given man books to learn about Him.

Maybe I shouldn't have used literature as my example. All I was trying to say is that Religion is a catagory, just like 'Literature' or 'Science' or 'People who wear bras'. Just because God is real, doesn't mean God isn't a religious idea. Religion doesn't denote things that are not real, it's just a catagory. Like Physics is real, and is also part of the catagory of Science, and Girls are real and are also part of the catagory 'People that wear bras'. That's what I was trying to say.

2. What does this have to do with anything?
You said that you knew the earth was in orbit, but how do you know that? Because people had to balls to rebel against what they knew and start asking questions about things which, at the time, people 'knew'. If you don't question things, you can never move understanding forward. If that person, who presumably didn't know, didn't question it, and everybody else didn't question it, then we'd still be living in the stone age of science. That's why you should question things, and that's why I cannot be happy with answers that people simply tell me are the truth: I have to find out for myself.

. Not really. Since atheists do not accept the reality of God, most do not ask genuine questions about God. Some need "somewhere to spend their time", so they harass people that do accept the reality of God. On many atheists forums they even discuss this as a form of entertainment.(These are usually very easy to spot.) They take part in the discussion, with no purpose to add anything positive to the thread. They want everyone to listen to them, but no one really cares.

Wrong, sorry. Sure, most atheists find the idea of God amusing (I am one). However, a lot of atheists are genuinely interested in what theists have to say. It might surprise you to hear that just because we don't believe in God, we can't be interested in what people think about God.

And I disagree on the 'No one really cares' front. That's not entirely true, obviously, otherwise nobody would reply to any thread created by an atheist. As with atheists, theists are often interested in what atheists have to say. Just because you personally have no interest in other people, doesn't mean that everybody is the same as you.

Look at it from a simply logical view
; An atheist on a religious forum? They rebel against God, and they feel it is their life long mission to make sure everyone knows it? You seriously cannot expect those that accept the reality of God to give any credit to what atheists post, so why do they do it?
We don't rebel against God: we just don't believe he exists. I can't rebel against something I don't believe in. I could equally say that you rebel against the tooth fairy or santa...Or, on a more personal level, you rebel against Aeya. But you don't believe in them right, so how can you be doing anything wrong?

And because people are tolerant of other people's opinions. You know what an opinion is right? Life isn't just about straight up facts, otherwise it would be intensely boring, at least for me. Not all atheist posts are along the lines of 'God's a load of BS you're stupid lalalalala Im not interested in what you have to say because your wrong'. It's not all about that, at least for me.

4. You do not accept the reality of God, but you want to hear what people say about Him? O.K. It's your Freedom to spend your life as you wish.
Excellent :) I really am genuinely interested in your views. I can accept you have religious (Yes, choke on it as you will) experiences, so i'm interested to know what they are and what you make of them.

5. If you are an atheist, then you cannot consider anyone to be an authority on God.(I assume you know what an "atheist" is.)
You're right, I don't consider anybody to be the authority on God. But don't tell me what I can and cannot believe, that's called oppression. It's a human rights violation, not to mention being against the US constitution (Not that im a US citizen but hey ho). It might be difficult for you to understand that just because i'm an atheist I don't just stop at 'Is there a God?'. To me religion is about so much more than that. Im not closed minded, i'm open to all ideas, but being open minded and being gullible are very different.

What makes you so sure that you are right anyway? What makes you so certain that it's God talking to you. In my religious system, I fully accept you can have religious experiences, but I don't accept that it's God. Can you tell me why you're so sure or is it just 'faith'?



Active Member
He mighten be, but I'm an authority on God and I'm here to reveal to you the truth about God, Cos I've seen the truth and the truth is, that there is a God, that he is our Father, that he lives in heaven, and that "Harold" is his name, cos I believe the scriptures what say, "Our Father who art in heaven Harold be thy name."

Lighten up a little lads, the world is but the stage upon which Life acts out the play which is the record of his existence, of which play, Life is the author, the actors and the audience. So either come out of the world and sit back and enjoy it as an observer, or jump upon the stage and become a particapater, or sit down and write an new chapter in the history of Life's existence.

My question is, why would I, who am a god, need to ask a question about God? "You are gods," I said, "All of you are sons of the most high.

1. If you feel that you are god, why would you ask me a question, rather silly isn't it?


Active Member
Maybe I shouldn't have used literature as my example. All I was trying to say is that Religion is a catagory, just like 'Literature' or 'Science' or 'People who wear bras'. Just because God is real, doesn't mean God isn't a religious idea. Religion doesn't denote things that are not real, it's just a catagory. Like Physics is real, and is also part of the catagory of Science, and Girls are real and are also part of the catagory 'People that wear bras'. That's what I was trying to say.

You said that you knew the earth was in orbit, but how do you know that? Because people had to balls to rebel against what they knew and start asking questions about things which, at the time, people 'knew'. If you don't question things, you can never move understanding forward. If that person, who presumably didn't know, didn't question it, and everybody else didn't question it, then we'd still be living in the stone age of science. That's why you should question things, and that's why I cannot be happy with answers that people simply tell me are the truth: I have to find out for myself.

Wrong, sorry. Sure, most atheists find the idea of God amusing (I am one). However, a lot of atheists are genuinely interested in what theists have to say. It might surprise you to hear that just because we don't believe in God, we can't be interested in what people think about God.

And I disagree on the 'No one really cares' front. That's not entirely true, obviously, otherwise nobody would reply to any thread created by an atheist. As with atheists, theists are often interested in what atheists have to say. Just because you personally have no interest in other people, doesn't mean that everybody is the same as you.

We don't rebel against God: we just don't believe he exists. I can't rebel against something I don't believe in. I could equally say that you rebel against the tooth fairy or santa...Or, on a more personal level, you rebel against Aeya. But you don't believe in them right, so how can you be doing anything wrong?

And because people are tolerant of other people's opinions. You know what an opinion is right? Life isn't just about straight up facts, otherwise it would be intensely boring, at least for me. Not all atheist posts are along the lines of 'God's a load of BS you're stupid lalalalala Im not interested in what you have to say because your wrong'. It's not all about that, at least for me.

Excellent :) I really am genuinely interested in your views. I can accept you have religious (Yes, choke on it as you will) experiences, so i'm interested to know what they are and what you make of them.

You're right, I don't consider anybody to be the authority on God. But don't tell me what I can and cannot believe, that's called oppression. It's a human rights violation, not to mention being against the US constitution (Not that im a US citizen but hey ho). It might be difficult for you to understand that just because i'm an atheist I don't just stop at 'Is there a God?'. To me religion is about so much more than that. Im not closed minded, i'm open to all ideas, but being open minded and being gullible are very different.

What makes you so sure that you are right anyway? What makes you so certain that it's God talking to you. In my religious system, I fully accept you can have religious experiences, but I don't accept that it's God. Can you tell me why you're so sure or is it just 'faith'?


1. I disagree. If God is real then He cannot be classified as an idea. I can agree with your basic idea, as I am sure you can agree with my statement.

2. Again I will disagree. Asking questions shows intelligence, as it is a desire for knowledge. However after you find the Truth, there is no longer a need to question it. Yet it is true that YOU are responsible for finding out what the Truth is. I am just saying that since I have found the Truth, there is no reason for me to keep questioning it.

3. Your disbelief does not change reality, you can be held accountable for it.

4. I do know what an opinion is.

5. You are the one asking me the questions, if you feel the answers violate your rights, why are you asking questions?

6. it is God, I do not have faith.


Well-Known Member
1. If you feel that you are god, why would you ask me a question, rather silly isn't it?

Ah-ha, I see that you are a twister of words. Where did I ever say that I am God, I have quoted the scripture which in reference to the children of Abraham it is said that all who can trace their ancestory to Abraham, are gods, but not He who is the Most High who presides in the heavenly council, and in the assembly of the gods He gives his dicisions.
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Well-Known Member
1. I disagree. If God is real then He cannot be classified as an idea. I can agree with your basic idea, as I am sure you can agree with my statement.
It's like talking to a child. Let's just assume without reason that God is real. Lets word it differently. Do you agree that an apple tree is also real? Do you agree that it can be classified as a plant? Well let's say God is real and can be classified as religious. I agree that if God is real then it is not simply an idea, but even if God is real, God is part of the 'religious' catagory.

2. Again I will disagree. Asking questions shows intelligence, as it is a desire for knowledge. However after you find the Truth, there is no longer a need to question it. Yet it is true that YOU are responsible for finding out what the Truth is. I am just saying that since I have found the Truth, there is no reason for me to keep questioning it.
You're not hearing what i'm saying. I'm not questioning you in order to obtain the universal truth, i'm questioning you in order to obtain the truth about what you believe which is a very interesting and important subject for me.

3. Your disbelief does not change reality, you can be held accountable for it.
Haha, but my religion says that my disbelief DOES change reality. It's a pretty deep concept that, as somebody who is not remotely interested in other people, you probably don't want to hear. But ok, using your superficial level of reality, you're right.

4. I do know what an opinion is.
Brilliant :)

5. You are the one asking me the questions, if you feel the answers violate your rights, why are you asking questions?
The answer to your questions are not violating, but your statement 'Because you are X you cannot Y' is. What, because i'm an atheist there is no way that I can be interested in what others say about God?

6. it is God, I do not have faith.
Ah. That's called a contradiction. What. Makes. You. Sure. That. It. Is. God. The idea that you just 'know' or 'have a feeling' is called 'faith'.
What, for example, makes you sure it's not Aeya?



Active Member
Ah-ha, I see that you are a twister of words. Where did I ever say that I am God, I have quoted the scripture which in reference to the children of Abraham it is said that all who can trace their ancestory to Abraham, are gods, but not He who is the Most High who presides in the heavenly council, and in the assembly of the gods He gives his dicisions.

1. Actually you are twisting the words, but nice try anyway.

Here is your words:

"My question is, why would I, WHO AM A GOD, need to ask a question about God? "You are gods," I said, "All of you are sons of the most high.


Active Member
So explain to me, "Truthaboutgod", What information is in your book about God?



1. I can list the chapters if this would answer your question:

Why a Second Edition?
What is God?
What is Satan
What is Heaven?
What is Hell?
God’s True Commandment
What is God’s Plan?
God’s Greatest Gift to Mankind
The Key Prophets
The Three Books
Conflict of Religions
Why does God allow “bad” things to happen?
Why did God make different races, languages, etc...
Aliens, psychic detectives, paranormal activity, etc
Knowledge and Wisdom bring Sorrow and Grief
The World Today


Active Member
It's like talking to a child. Let's just assume without reason that God is real. Lets word it differently. Do you agree that an apple tree is also real? Do you agree that it can be classified as a plant? Well let's say God is real and can be classified as religious. I agree that if God is real then it is not simply an idea, but even if God is real, God is part of the 'religious' catagory.

You're not hearing what i'm saying. I'm not questioning you in order to obtain the universal truth, i'm questioning you in order to obtain the truth about what you believe which is a very interesting and important subject for me.

Haha, but my religion says that my disbelief DOES change reality. It's a pretty deep concept that, as somebody who is not remotely interested in other people, you probably don't want to hear. But ok, using your superficial level of reality, you're right.

Brilliant :)

The answer to your questions are not violating, but your statement 'Because you are X you cannot Y' is. What, because i'm an atheist there is no way that I can be interested in what others say about God?

Ah. That's called a contradiction. What. Makes. You. Sure. That. It. Is. God. The idea that you just 'know' or 'have a feeling' is called 'faith'.
What, for example, makes you sure it's not Aeya?


1. Because God communicated with me, no mention of "Aeya" was ever stated.


Well-Known Member
1. Actually you are twisting the words, but nice try anyway.
Here is your words:

"My question is, why would I, WHO AM A GOD, need to ask a question about God? "You are gods," I said, "All of you are sons of the most high.

Time to get your eyes tested old mate, "I who am a God" as are all the descendants of Adam the first born son of "The God," see Luke 3: 38.

Quote=TruthaboutGod...If you feel that you are god, why would you ask me a question, rather silly isn't it?

You see, you have twisted my words. Never did I say that I was God, but rather, that I was A God; should I repeat that?
Yes I think so, in order that no one can twist my words and try to say that I have said that I am God, (Repeat) "I who am A god."

For I am a desendant of God the Father of Adam.


Well-Known Member
1. Because God communicated with me, no mention of "Aeya" was ever stated.

You're not understanding what i'm trying to ask. I can understand that you find it difficult to break away from what you think you know, but just go with it.

I am suggesting that God is not communicating with you.
You said that you had been 'inspired' by God...
...Yet you say that Aeya was never talked about...
...Which suggests that God literally conversed with you...
With me so far? This is just assuming it is God.

So, how are you sure it is God? Did God literally say 'I am the lord thy God'? How can you be sure that what was communicating with you was God and not Aeya?
I can assure you that Aeya takes a great deal more than what you've demonstrated to understand, so my guess is you are misinterpreting a religious experience. But as i've said, it's just a guess, and you may very well have had a theistic encounter. But you've yet to explain to me about your religious encounter, you've said some incredibly vague stuff about being inspired...Which is fine...But then you say God never mentioned Aeya, which suggests God did mention other things...So now your 'inspiration' becomes a literal commune.

But I still am not convinced it was God. What makes you convinced? Is it just because you have faith (Which was my initial reaction)? How do you actually know it's God?

Do you understand the question now?



Active Member
Time to get your eyes tested old mate, "I who am a God" as are all the descendants of Adam the first born son of "The God," see Luke 3: 38.

Quote=TruthaboutGod...If you feel that you are god, why would you ask me a question, rather silly isn't it?

You see, you have twisted my words. Never did I say that I was God, but rather, that I was A God; should I repeat that?
Yes I think so, in order that no one can twist my words and try to say that I have said that I am God, (Repeat) "I who am A god."

For I am a desendant of God the Father of Adam.

1. sigh... You are not "A" god either. Now do you understand?

2. You scripture quote was taken out of context as well:

23 Now Jesus Himself began His ministry at about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, the son of Heli, 24 the son of Matthat,[d]the son of Levi, the son of Melchi, the son of Janna, the son of Joseph, 25 the son of Mattathiah, the son of Amos, the son of Nahum, the son of Esli, the son of Naggai, 26 the son of Maath, the son of Mattathiah, the son of Semei, the son of Joseph, the son of Judah, 27 the son of Joannas, the son of Rhesa, the son of Zerubbabel, the son of Shealtiel, the son of Neri, 28 the son of Melchi, the son of Addi, the son of Cosam, the son of Elmodam, the son of Er, 29 the son of Jose, the son of Eliezer, the son of Jorim, the son of Matthat, the son of Levi, 30 the son of Simeon, the son of Judah, the son of Joseph, the son of Jonan, the son of Eliakim, 31 the son of Melea, the son of Menan, the son of Mattathah, the son of Nathan, the son of David, 32 the son of Jesse, the son of Obed, the son of Boaz, the son of Salmon, the son of Nahshon, 33 the son of Amminadab, the son of Ram, the son of Hezron, the son of Perez, the son of Judah, 34 the son of Jacob, the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham, the son of Terah, the son of Nahor, 35 the son of Serug, the son of Reu, the son of Peleg, the son of Eber, the son of Shelah, 36 the son of Cainan, the son of Arphaxad, the son of Shem, the son of Noah, the son of Lamech, 37 the son of Methuselah, the son of Enoch, the son of Jared, the son of Mahalalel, the son of Cainan, 38 the son of Enosh, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God.

This was in reference to a descendant of Adam and Eve. As God Created Adam and Eve. It is easy to get confused when you take scripture out of context.