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Do you have a question about God?


Active Member
Wait, you're accusing jrbogie of rewriting the dictionary, and then you completely make up this definition for "religious"?

If you can't even back up your very basic claim to know what the word "religious" means, then why on earth would anyone believe you when you claim to know the mind of god?

For your reference, the word "religious" does not imply membership of any kind (one could be religious and have a deep disdain for organized religion), nor does it imply vows of any kind.

1. I used dictionary.com as a reference, did you not read the post?


Worshipper of Athe.
1. I used dictionary.com as a reference, did you not read the post?

Yes, but you first made up your own definition, which is why I quoted the definition you made up and not the part where you quoted dictionary.com. Did you read my post?

This does not come from dictionary.com, it comes out of your own head:

TruthaboutGod said:
"a member of a religious order who is bound by vows of poverty and chastity and obedience"


Active Member
Yes, but you first made up your own definition, which is why I quoted the definition you made up and not the part where you quoted dictionary.com. Did you read my post?

This does not come from dictionary.com, it comes out of your own head:

1. I believe you may have an impartment to read of some type, here is the link:

religious definition | Dictionary.com

here is a C&P of the exact quote:

4.pertaining to or connected with a monastic or religious order.

–noun 6.a member of a religious order, congregation, etc.; a monk, friar, or nun.
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Worshipper of Athe.
1. I believe you may have an impartment to read of some type, here is the link:

religious definition | Dictionary.com

here is a C&P of the exact quote:

4.pertaining to or connected with a monastic or religious order.

–noun 6.a member of a religious order, congregation, etc.; a monk, friar, or nun.

Yes, just as the dictionary said, that's what it means when you use it as a noun. When you use it as an adjective (as you have everywhere in this thread) it doesn't mean that.

For example you said, "I am not religious." There it means that you don't have a belief in god.

If you said, "I am not a religious," it would mean that you were not a monk, friar, or nun.

Furthermore, you claimed that vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience were required. Not all monks, friars, or nuns take such vows, particularly of poverty. So you must admit that you did make that part up.
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Active Member
Yes, just as the dictionary said, that's what it means when you use it as a noun. When you use it as an adjective (as you have everywhere in this thread) it doesn't mean that.

For example you said, "I am not religious." There it means that you don't have a belief in god.

If you said, "I am not a religious," it would mean that you were not a monk, friar, or nun.

Furthermore, you claimed that vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience were required. Not all monks, friars, or nuns take such vows, particularly of poverty. So you must admit that you did make that part up.

1. I see that you choose the first definition. I am NOT connected to a religious order, therefore I am not religious.


Well-Known Member
1. I see that you choose the first definition. I am NOT connected to a religious order, therefore I am not religious.

But, it's not about choosing the definition from the list, it's about applying it to the correct wordform. In this case, an adjective. It could be applied to you that you simply choose the definition you would like.

In any case, because God is a religious idea (Like it or not), anything associated with it is religious in context. As much as you might not like it, you are religious because you have religious beliefs (Belief without objective evidence, not that I like the term very much).

You seem very defensive over something so trivial. If I was really being communicated with by God, I would probably not care very much about whether somebody thought I was religious. Can I ask why you are so keen to dismiss the idea that you are religious?



Well-Known Member
1. God is a Pure Energy Entity. When you walk up to an electric fence, can you see the energy in the fence? No, yet it is still there. I am not saying that God is electric, only thet He is Energy.(Soul)

Where is this energy when poor starving children are dying?


Well-Known Member
How come only people that have food can say grace before a meal. How come starving people don't get to say grace in thanks to God for food ?


Active Member
But, it's not about choosing the definition from the list, it's about applying it to the correct wordform. In this case, an adjective. It could be applied to you that you simply choose the definition you would like.

In any case, because God is a religious idea (Like it or not), anything associated with it is religious in context. As much as you might not like it, you are religious because you have religious beliefs (Belief without objective evidence, not that I like the term very much).

You seem very defensive over something so trivial. If I was really being communicated with by God, I would probably not care very much about whether somebody thought I was religious. Can I ask why you are so keen to dismiss the idea that you are religious?


1. No, as you stated God is a religious idea. I state that God is reality, there is a huge difference here.
2. Because the book is not about religion, it is about God. I dislike religion as it seems to sperate people, not bring them together, this is against God's Plan.


Active Member
Where is this energy when poor starving children are dying?

1. You seem to be confused, you want God to fix something that mankind can? You feel that God should hold mankind's hand, and make sure everyone has food? This is why a lot of prayers fail, mankind asks God to do something that mankind has the power to do himself.

2. What are YOU doing to help the poor starving children? Most likely.... Nothing
Okay, does God know what he is going to do before he does it? I mean, if he is all-knowing? Or does he live outside of time because technically he created time. Why did he create all the other planets when they really serve no purpose to us. Where exactly is hell? Where is Heaven for that matter? Why is the Book of Enoch left out of the Christian bible. Or the tale of Adam and Eve, the Book of Jubilees? Why is it so hard for many Christians to understand the facts of if Adam and Eve were the first people, in the beginning there was inbreeding? Can God sin? Who created God? How long has God been there? What happened to all the people in the Old Testament if no one can enter heaven with sin? Why are many of the Hebrew books left out the of the Christian Bible when that is where the religon spanned from? Answer me these if you can...

Thank You
"Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
-Albert Einstein-


De Facto Atheist
God being omnipresent and is able to change anything, is a contradiction to free will.
If free will was given to us by God, then to me the Deist version of God can be the only God that can exist at all.
If God was all powerful all knowing etc. then why does he allow Satan to carry out deeds upon the Earh, is God and Satan the same person, two sides of the same coin, ying and yang.
Otherwise there is no other excuse why he does not interfere.
On another subject i would like to ask why do most Christians not accept Evolution?, do they feel this is a threat to God? How could God's creation be of any threat to him? it does not make sense.


Well-Known Member
1. No, as you stated God is a religious idea. I state that God is reality, there is a huge difference here.

Ok um...Literature is reality...But it is still classified as literature. Why? Because it's less vague than just saying 'Oh yeah it is something that exists so it's not literature because it's reality'.

You have to understand that just because you think God is real, it doesn't stop the idea of God from being a religious one as well.
"I think the earth is in a gravitational orbit around our star."
I call that idea a scientific idea.
Astronomy is a branch of science.
So Astronomy is a scientific idea as well.
But because the earth really is in orbit (Base 3), does this mean it can't be a scientific idea?
Does this make sense?

1. You seem to be confused, you want God to fix something that mankind can? You feel that God should hold mankind's hand, and make sure everyone has food? This is why a lot of prayers fail, mankind asks God to do something that mankind has the power to do himself.

Didn't stop him when people prayed in the bible...



Active Member
Okay, does God know what he is going to do before he does it? I mean, if he is all-knowing? Or does he live outside of time because technically he created time. Why did he create all the other planets when they really serve no purpose to us. Where exactly is hell? Where is Heaven for that matter? Why is the Book of Enoch left out of the Christian bible. Or the tale of Adam and Eve, the Book of Jubilees? Why is it so hard for many Christians to understand the facts of if Adam and Eve were the first people, in the beginning there was inbreeding? Can God sin? Who created God? How long has God been there? What happened to all the people in the Old Testament if no one can enter heaven with sin? Why are many of the Hebrew books left out the of the Christian Bible when that is where the religon spanned from? Answer me these if you can...

Thank You
"Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
-Albert Einstein-

1. No. "God is all knowing", this means that He has Knowledge of all things, God does not see the future.(Copy and paste from the book)

It is also important to note that there are a few misunderstandings on what God does and what God does not do. Since God has given us Freedom, He does not “see the future”.(Note here that I am not saying that God "cannot" see the future, I am simply stating that God "does not" see the future.) If the future were already decided upon then we would all be truly robots going through our life on a predetermined path. If it was true that God views the future, then we would have never been created,(on earth) look here at
Genesis 6:6
And the Lord was sorry that He made man on earth and He grieved in his heart.
*God does not see the future or mankind would not have existed on earth.*

While God does not “see” the future, God can “make” the future. In the case of Genesis, God decided to destroy mankind on earth, via the Great Flood. Obviously it would be illogical to create mankind only to know you would destroy him later. Compare God’s children (mankind) to your children; do you know what your children will do in their lifetime? Of course not, you can raise your children any way you wish, however they will choose their own path in life when they leave the “house”. Mankind did (And still does) choose his own path of life, as we have already left the “house”. (The Garden of Eden.)

2. God is not affected by time as He is Eternal.

3. The other planets do serve a purpose! God has given us an entire beach and we only play with one grain of sand.

4. Heaven is with God, Hell is without God.

5. See answer number 4. (Heaven is not a physical location in our existence, and if it were we do not have a map that big yet.)

6. Man decided on what to put in the Bible and what to leave out.(Same as the book of Jubilees.)

7. Copy and paste from the book:

The Qur’an then shows us the “fall” of Adam and Eve in
Surah 7:24-25
Allah said: “Get you down, with enmity between yourselves. On earth will be your dwelling-place and your means of livelihood, - for a time.”
He said: “Therein you shall live, and therein you shall die; but from it you shall be taken out at last.
*You will live on earth for a time.*
(Did this answer your question, or did you want a further explanation?)

8. I cannot answer a question about Christians as that is a religion, and I am here to answer questions about God. I would ask a Christian your question.

9. No, the children of Adam and Eve,(Cain, Able, and Seth) mated with other female humans.(Man has been here, on earth, for long over 100,000 years.) I can further explain this if you wish in a separate post, however I cannot do it in this one as it would make it too long.(There is a limit on how large a post can be.)

10. No, God cannot sin. Sin can be defined as anything that opposes God's Plan. God has been following His Plan, since He Created man.

11. God has always been, there is no entity that created God.

12. As time does not apply to God, this question would be impossible to answer.

13. People were in Sheol,(You can Google Sheol, or I can explain it to you in another post, as this post is too long, to explain it here.) until the time of Jesus. Those that were righteous went to Heaven after the Crucifixion.

14. Again remember that man decided what went into the Bible and what did not. God only had me read the Bible(NKJV) and the Qur'an, however there are other Texts that are Inspired by God as well.