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Do you have a question about God?


Active Member
God does not want to force us - but - Why then - does God place doubt on us unbelievers ? It sounds as if God is purposely leading us astray.

"No soul can believe, except by the will of Allah, and He will place doubt (or obscurity) on those who will not understand (10:100)"

So... God will not 'make' us believe. Yet... we can not believe except by the will of Allah. Then - why - does he place doubt upon us.. simply because we do not understand ?

You say God loves me - yet - God is saying he does not love me and that I am a vile beast. Should I believe You or God's word ?

The horrible and cruel fate is having my skin burned off - only to be grown anew - to be burned off again and again for all of eternity.

YUSUFALI: That He may reward those who believe and work righteous deeds, out of his Bounty. For He loves not those who reject Faith.
PICKTHAL: That He may reward out of His bounty those who believe and do good works. Lo! He loveth not the disbelievers (in His guidance).
SHAKIR: That He may reward those who believe and do good out of His grace; surely He does not love the unbelievers.

YUSUFALI: For the worst of beasts in the sight of Allah are those who reject Him: They will not believe.
PICKTHAL: Lo! the worst of beasts in Allah's sight are the ungrateful who will not believe.
SHAKIR: Surely the vilest of animals in Allah's sight are those who disbelieve, then they would not believe.

God has threatened this particular punishment. Should I believe you or God's word ?

YUSUFALI: Those who reject our Signs, We shall soon cast into the Fire: as often as their skins are roasted through, We shall change them for fresh skins, that they may taste the penalty: for Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise.
PICKTHAL: Lo! Those who disbelieve Our revelations, We shall expose them to the Fire. As often as their skins are consumed We shall exchange them for fresh skins that they may taste the torment. Lo! Allah is ever Mighty, Wise.
SHAKIR: (As for) those who disbelieve in Our communications, We shall make them enter fire; so oft as their skins are thoroughly burned, We will change them for other skins, that they may taste the chastisement; surely Allah is Mighty, Wise.

1. God only places doubt on the ignorant.(I know, I doubted for 38 years.) Do you not have access to the Bible and the Qur'an? Can you not read them? If you want to run around like most atheists and whine and complain that they have to have physical proof, then God does doubt on the you because you are being ignorant.(Not you personally.) That is the key to understand, so that God does not place doubt on you.

2. Do you not find it strange that you are blaming God because you do not understand? Yet I am here, do you not feel that this is a little more then a coincidence? Do you feel that I am here for my sake? He is not going to beg and plead with you to accept reality, neither will I. If you want to stick your head in the sand, who am I to pull it out? He does not place doubt upon you simply because you do not understand, He places doubt upon you because you do not want to understand.

3. Here is another "coincidence" for you: (Copy and paste from the book, no I did not make this up... it is on page 212. A perfect explanation to your quote of the Qur'an...)

However once you have been warned that you must make a choice between righteousness and wickedness, choose wisely and do not act “ignorant” as can be see in
Surah 8:22
For the worst of beasts in the sight of Allah are the deaf and the dumb, - those who do not understand.
*God gives mankind constant knowledge and wisdom; Is it not then Just for God to reject those that transgress, even when given the Truth?*

Surah 8:55
For the worst of beasts in the sight of Allah are those who reject Him: they will not believe.
*They will not believe because they are deaf and dumb! This is their own choice, not a disability!*

Do you feel that Surah 8:22 and Surah 8:55 contradict one another? Surah 8:22 states that the worst is those that do not understand and Surah 8:55 states that those who do not believe are the worst. I tell you the one that does not believe is the same one that does not understand, because if you truly understand God then it is impossible to deny His existence. This is why you are UNDERSTANDING the Truth about GOD, because He does not want you to be among the worst of mankind.

4. It seems you are "reading into" the scripture. I have a description of hell in the book:

The “fire” that is in Hell is a “substance that consumes”, this is why it was called “fire” when it was explained to mankind. The reason it was explained this way is because the fire that we know on earth basically “consumes” just about anything, leaving behind nothing but destruction and decay. You must know what your Soul is to truly understand what future there is for your Soul in Hell.

Your Soul is a pure Energy Entity (Not at all atomic) that has an unlimited Energy source. As you were created in God’s Image, God does not have a finite source of Energy, and neither does your Soul. The best way I can describe it is to think of an alcohol burner, I am sure many of us have used these at one time or another in science class. Your Soul is the same as the alcohol, in that in Hell it is “consumed” by the “fire”, however unlike an alcohol burner, your Soul has an unlimited “fuel” supply. So you sit there, in an agony indescribable in human words, and “burn”. You continue to burn until such time that God feels you have paid for your transgressions.

P.S. keep the questions coming.


Active Member
Hi Truth about God....

This verse describes a God without mercy - A God of vengeance and of hate.

I understand retaliation. It gets to a point where enough is enough and you must fight back to save yourself and the one's you Love.

But... to include Children and Infants - this is extermination. I can see mankind of this time period thinking such a thing - But - a Loving, Kind, forgiving, all knowing God ?

"I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys. (1st Sam 15:2-3)"

1. If the mother and the father are wicked, do you feel they will reaise a righteous child?

2. If you want better examples of extermination, look at Sodom and Gomorrah, and the Great Flood. God is not a "goody-two-shoes", many Christians even believe Jesus was, but even Jesus desired to bring forth destruction.

Luke 12:49 (Jesus speaking)
"I came to send fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!"

Matthew 10:34-36 (Jesus speaking)
"Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword."
"For I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law;"
"and a man's enemies will be those of his own household."
*No doubt that this has already come to pass.*

Even Mark states that this will happen, although not put forth as a prophecy,
Mark 13:12 (Jesus speaking)
"Now brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and cause them to be put to death."
*And it happened; Again this is so obvious in today's time.*

3. Remember that God promotes His Plan, when the majority of mankind rebels against God's Plan, there is a "correction". You may see this as evil if you wish, I see it as Justice. What man created, is returned to man.(The Body) What God Created, is returned to God.(The Soul)


Active Member
BS have you never read the Torah. Im almost certain you have, especially if you say that you've read the bible. Guess what? The Torah is IN the bible :D Literally.
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy...Ringing any bells? If you really haven't read these books then there's a lot of questions i'd like to ask.

Fine, but he no longer has a physical human body, so representing himself would be somewhat of a chore.

Yep this is not a new idea, and yes I know a fair bit about it. And yes, I know how about electrolysis. And yes, I know that hydrogen cells are not far off.

But, at the moment, the cause of a lot of problems revolves around oil.

Sure, but the God you are talking about belongs to 3 specific religions that you seem to have merged into one. You may not have any traditions or religious practices, but

Nobody really is. Nobody cares, so nobody asks, so I get all the fun for myself ;)

Um...Right...I can't be bothered to cite the bible at the moment but basically all 3 books say that you should join a religion. Certain beliefs just catagorise you as part of a religion. I've met plenty of christians that don't go to church, don't pray, don't worship or anything but because they believe God exists and that Jesus is the son of god and died for our sins and was resurrected, they are christians by definition.


1. I stated that I did not read the Torah, because I do not even know what the Torah is. If certain books of the NKJV are called the "Torah", then yes I have read them. Remember I am not religious, which means I know nothing about what religious people call things, help me out :) Is the Torah a Jewish book? I mean I call it the Bible, you call it the Torah, is this related to religion?

2. If God allows Jesus to create a body and occupy it, I do not think it would be that hard to do. It has already been done once.

3. Awesome! Then you know what is going to happen to oil... I am sure mankind will find something else to kill each other over. I will not disagree that there is death and destruction at this point in time over oil.

4. Well... God does not exactly "belong" to any religion. If you feel that I am "merging" all the religions into one, then I thank God that someone has FINALLY figured it out! I do not want to merge all the religions into one, this would just create yet another religion. I simply want people to accept the Truth that God is the God of ALL, and His Words were not meant to separate men from themselves. They were meant to be accepted as one continuous stream of knowledge and wisdom. Jews, Christians, and Muslims are no better then each other.

P.S. When you have some time show me where the Three Books said to join a religion.


Active Member
1. God only places doubt on the ignorant.(I know, I doubted for 38 years.) Do you not have access to the Bible and the Qur'an? Can you not read them? If you want to run around like most atheists and whine and complain that they have to have physical proof, then God does doubt on the you because you are being ignorant.(Not you personally.) That is the key to understand, so that God does not place doubt on you.
I have already read them.

I am not an atheist.

God speaks to everyone...
Through the wind in the trees...
Through the flowers in the garden...
Through the fires atop the mountains..
Through the voices of Billions.

God would never place doubt on those trying to Understand. The one placing doubt would be someone else entirely.

2. Do you not find it strange that you are blaming God because you do not understand? Yet I am here, do you not feel that this is a little more then a coincidence? Do you feel that I am here for my sake? He is not going to beg and plead with you to accept reality, neither will I. If you want to stick your head in the sand, who am I to pull it out? He does not place doubt upon you simply because you do not understand, He places doubt upon you because you do not want to understand.
A truly Loving, Forgiving, God would always try to make his children understand - not - fill their hearts with doubt so they are unable to understand.
3. Here is another "coincidence" for you: (Copy and paste from the book, no I did not make this up... it is on page 212. A perfect explanation to your quote of the Qur'an...)

However once you have been warned that you must make a choice between righteousness and wickedness, choose wisely and do not act “ignorant” as can be see in
Surah 8:22
For the worst of beasts in the sight of Allah are the deaf and the dumb, - those who do not understand.
*God gives mankind constant knowledge and wisdom; Is it not then Just for God to reject those that transgress, even when given the Truth?*

Surah 8:55
For the worst of beasts in the sight of Allah are those who reject Him: they will not believe.
*They will not believe because they are deaf and dumb! This is their own choice, not a disability!*

Do you feel that Surah 8:22 and Surah 8:55 contradict one another? Surah 8:22 states that the worst is those that do not understand and Surah 8:55 states that those who do not believe are the worst. I tell you the one that does not believe is the same one that does not understand, because if you truly understand God then it is impossible to deny His existence. This is why you are UNDERSTANDING the Truth about GOD, because He does not want you to be among the worst of mankind.
I do not deny God's existence. However - I do not believe we are speaking of the same God. The God you speak of orders us to Kill our fellow man for being disrespectful to our parents - for being apostates - for adultery - for being drunk. I will continue to question these barbaric teachings.
4. It seems you are "reading into" the scripture. I have a description of hell in the book:

The “fire” that is in Hell is a “substance that consumes”, this is why it was called “fire” when it was explained to mankind. The reason it was explained this way is because the fire that we know on earth basically “consumes” just about anything, leaving behind nothing but destruction and decay. You must know what your Soul is to truly understand what future there is for your Soul in Hell.

Your Soul is a pure Energy Entity (Not at all atomic) that has an unlimited Energy source. As you were created in God’s Image, God does not have a finite source of Energy, and neither does your Soul. The best way I can describe it is to think of an alcohol burner, I am sure many of us have used these at one time or another in science class. Your Soul is the same as the alcohol, in that in Hell it is “consumed” by the “fire”, however unlike an alcohol burner, your Soul has an unlimited “fuel” supply. So you sit there, in an agony indescribable in human words, and “burn”. You continue to burn until such time that God feels you have paid for your

P.S. keep the questions coming.
God gave a very descriptive method of torture in the verse I posted. That a loving God would make his children suffer in such a way - leaves me to question and judge what is said. This is not a God I care to know.


Active Member
TruthaboutGod: 1. If the mother and the father are wicked, do you feel they will reaise a righteous child?
It is possible - of course. There is no guarantee that just because the parents are wicked that the children will also be. They will have minds of their own - and - can decide for themselves.

And... God had already ordered the deaths of all of their parents - so - the parents would not raise them. This is the slaughter of innocence.


2. If you want better examples of extermination, look at Sodom and Gomorrah, and the Great Flood. God is not a "goody-two-shoes", many Christians even believe Jesus was, but even Jesus desired to bring forth destruction.

Luke 12:49 (Jesus speaking)
"I came to send fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!"

In the verse I quoted - God threatens us by saying our skin will be burned off, regrown over and over - so - we may continue to feel horrific pain. Cruelty.

The verse you quote is from Luke 12:49 - 59. And... it shows the two verses can not be compared. One verse lists a horrible, graphic torture that awaits - the other does not.
LU 12:49-59
I) V49-50 INTRO: I came to send fire on the earth and how I wish it were already kindled
a) Jesus is standing outside of the home of a Pharisee who had invited Him to dinner
1) While at the dinner, Jesus had clearly spoken concerning the hypocrisy of the Pharisees
2) In His teaching, He had made it clear that the Pharisees were overly concerned with rules
II) HE SAID: That they were concerned about outer formalities and disregarded the spirit of the law
a) By their man made rules, they actually closed the door to those who would enter in to heaven
1) They were guilty of living for the praise of man, and did not genuinely care about others
III) HE MADE IT CLEAR: That they cared more about outer appearance of righteousness
a) This was revealed by their concern about tithing of herbs and forgetting the more important
things, loving the best seats in church, thriving on public recognition, and loading people down with
soul killing and burdensome rules
1) THE RESULT: The Pharisees at the dinner began to verbally assault Him
2) Instead of hearing His rebuke, and repenting, they sought to entangle Him in His speech
3) They are intent on finding fault that they might form an accusation against Him
IV) IN THE MEANTIME: A large group of people had gathered together to hear what He was saying
a) Jesus had stepped outside of the Pharisee's house, and a crowd has formed
1) The Pharisees continued asking Jesus questions, and the people pressed in to hear
2) It is probable that the people crowding around Him think favorably of the Pharisees
3) They were in the most danger, and needed to hear what He had to say
V) HE CONTINUED TEACHING THEM: Encouraging them to pursue what really matters
a) What really matters is simply enjoying fellowship with God and enjoying relationships
1) It is in rejoicing that the Lord has opened up the gates of heaven to you (V32)
VI) AS HE WAS SPEAKING: He closed by exhorting His disciples to live in a state of readiness
a) He was already preparing them for His death, burial, and resurrection
1) He had alluded to this in His giving of the sign of Jonah (11:30)
2) He also alluded to this when He told them not to fear those who could kill the body (12:4-5)
VII) FINALLY: He had to them to be busy serving the Lord until He returns for them
a) They were to be faithful stewards, awaiting the return of their master from a wedding feast
1) If they were faithful, they would receive a great reward
2) ULTIMATELY: As so many had been instructed, they would be most accountable
VIII) V49-50 CONTINUING: I came to send fire on the earth and how I wish it were already kindled
a) JESUS' PURPOSE: I came to send fire on earth
1) FIRE DOES TWO THINGS: It consumes and it purifies
IX) JESUS IS SAYING: The He desires His work of salvation to be complete, soon
a) When He is crucified, He will be providing the sacrifice that will satisfy His Father's demands
1) His blood will be shed, He will be buried, but will arise on the third day and send the Spirit
2) Jn 15:26 When the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of
truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me
3) THE HS: Will purify believers, empower them, and set the stage for ultimate judgment
Matthew 10:34-36 (Jesus speaking)
"Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword."
"For I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law;"
"and a man's enemies will be those of his own household."
*No doubt that this has already come to pass.*

Even Mark states that this will happen, although not put forth as a prophecy,
Mark 13:12 (Jesus speaking)
"Now brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and cause them to be put to death."
*And it happened; Again this is so obvious in today's time.*

These verses speak of the early followers of Jesus - and - what they would face. Jesus's teachings moved them away from the Pharisees - away from Judaism. Yahweh commanded that apostates be killed - so - the only way many could move beyond the old ways was to defend themselves.. from the teachers of the law... from family members that believed they were doing God's work.

3. Remember that God promotes His Plan, when the majority of mankind rebels against God's Plan, there is a "correction". You may see this as evil if you wish, I see it as Justice. What man created, is returned to man.(The Body) What God Created, is returned to God.(The Soul)

Justice to kill infants because of who their parents are? I call it a crime.


Active Member
Call me troll as much as you wish judgment, people here know better ;)

You brought nothing to the debate. You stopped in to make a flippant comment - and slid out.

If I am challenged - I challenge back. I have never ignored a question from a fellow debater. If you actually wish to challenge me - I am here.

If not.. be on your way.

2. Trolling and Bullying
We recognize three areas of unacceptable trolling: 1)posts that are deliberately inflammatory in order to provoke a vehement response from other users. 2)posts that Target a person or group by following them around the forums to attack them. This is Bullying 3)posts that are adjudged to fit the following profile: "While questioning and challenging other beliefs is appropriate in the debates forums, repeated blatant misrepresentation or continual harassment of other beliefs will not be tolerated."


You brought nothing to the debate. You stopped in to make a flippant comment - and slid out.
I know, that was my purpose. I didn't quote you, I wasn't talking to you..:confused:

If I am challenged - I challenge back. I have never ignored a question from a fellow debater. If you actually wish to challenge me - I am here.
If not.. be on your way.

2. Trolling and Bullying
We recognize three areas of unacceptable trolling: 1)posts that are deliberately inflammatory in order to provoke a vehement response from other users. 2)posts that Target a person or group by following them around the forums to attack them. This is Bullying 3)posts that are adjudged to fit the following profile: "While questioning and challenging other beliefs is appropriate in the debates forums, repeated blatant misrepresentation or continual harassment of other beliefs will not be tolerated."
Fine, be that way:
1)posts that are deliberately inflammatory in order to provoke a vehement response from other users.
This was not my purpose. It was merelly showing other posters that you 2 both claimed to know God, yet both of you know a different God and know there is only one. This seems like a flaw, Am I right?
2)posts that Target a person or group by following them around the forums to attack them.Didn't follow you. If you felt attacked by this post, I must say that that is on your side, it never was on mine.
3)posts that are adjudged to fit the following profile: "While questioning and challenging other beliefs is appropriate in the debates forums, repeated blatant misrepresentation or continual harassment of other beliefs will not be tolerated.
repeated? continual? harassment?
You are just to fast to point out a "troll".. With that, this is for the mods to decide, not you. If you think my post was not appropriate, click that warningsign and you can report me to the staff here..

But ok, this might derail the thread a bit, but I am sorry you didn't get my post because it was to short and not well written, what I meant was "Don't you think it's a bit strange that you both know God and that it's only one God and yet still both Gods appear to be different?
Last edited:


Active Member
Bouncing Ball: I know, that was my purpose. I didn't quote you, I wasn't talking to you..:confused:
You were commenting on myself & TruthaboutGod. If you did not wish to debate us - or - even ask a question as the OP requested - what then was your purpose? There is a word for someone like that - unless - you wish to continue debating.
Bouncing Ball:
1)posts that are deliberately inflammatory in order to provoke a vehement response from other users.
This was not my purpose. It was merelly showing other posters that you 2 both claimed to know God, yet both of you know a different God and know there is only one. This seems like a flaw, Am I right?
Not correct. I believe there are many.
Bouncing Ball:
2)posts that Target a person or group by following them around the forums to attack them.Didn't follow you. If you felt attacked by this post, I must say that that is on your side, it never was on mine.
Not correct. I have never followed you around the forums. And #2 was not meant for you. I posted the Trolling rules from the forum rules section. #2 and #3 were simply attached.
Bouncing Ball:
3)posts that are adjudged to fit the following profile: "While questioning and challenging other beliefs is appropriate in the debates forums, repeated blatant misrepresentation or continual harassment of other beliefs will not be tolerated.
repeated? continual? harassment?
You are just to fast to point out a "troll".. With that, this is for the mods to decide, not you. If you think my post was not appropriate, click that warningsign and you can report me to the staff here..
None meant for you. I do not report problems - I take care of them myself.
Bouncing Ball:
But ok, this might derail the thread a bit, but I am sorry you didn't get my post because it was to short and not well written, what I meant was "Don't you think it's a bit strange that you both know God and that it's only one God and yet still both Gods appear to be different?
We are speaking of different God's.


Well-Known Member
1. I stated that I did not read the Torah, because I do not even know what the Torah is. If certain books of the NKJV are called the "Torah", then yes I have read them. Remember I am not religious, which means I know nothing about what religious people call things, help me out :) Is the Torah a Jewish book? I mean I call it the Bible, you call it the Torah, is this related to religion?
Ok, lets reverse this: Why do you call it the bible? Christians call it the Bible, you know. Does that make you a christian?

2. If God allows Jesus to create a body and occupy it, I do not think it would be that hard to do. It has already been done once.
That's christian theology :)

3. Awesome! Then you know what is going to happen to oil... I am sure mankind will find something else to kill each other over. I will not disagree that there is death and destruction at this point in time over oil.

4. Well... God does not exactly "belong" to any religion.
But the very specific God you are talking about does.

If you feel that I am "merging" all the religions into one, then I thank God that someone has FINALLY figured it out!
Ah, well congratulations :)

I do not want to merge all the religions into one, this would just create yet another religion. I simply want people to accept the Truth that God is the God of ALL, and His Words were not meant to separate men from themselves. They were meant to be accepted as one continuous stream of knowledge and wisdom. Jews, Christians, and Muslims are no better then each other.
And yet somehow you are superior to them all. You seem to hate the term religion a lot. So let me start be de-villifying the term. Religion doesn't have to be an group of people worthlessly bowing before God or eating bread and wine in the belief that it is literally the body and the blood of some guy that lived 2000 years ago. Anybody with any belief that isn't objectively verifyable and is supernatural in some way is a religious belief. God is a religious belief. It's great that you 'know God' but really, it's all just a religious belief in itself. You have created your own path, just as I have.

P.S. When you have some time show me where the Three Books said to join a religion.
Your definition of what constitutes a religion obscures me from explaining this to you. As I have not read the whole Qur'an and have no idea about what the third book is, then I can only go from the bible

John 14:6 said:
"I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh to the father but by me."
If you follow the teachings of Jesus, you are a christian by definition. Is this really that difficult to understand?



Active Member
Ok, lets reverse this: Why do you call it the bible? Christians call it the Bible, you know. Does that make you a christian?

That's christian theology :)


But the very specific God you are talking about does.

Ah, well congratulations :)

And yet somehow you are superior to them all. You seem to hate the term religion a lot. So let me start be de-villifying the term. Religion doesn't have to be an group of people worthlessly bowing before God or eating bread and wine in the belief that it is literally the body and the blood of some guy that lived 2000 years ago. Anybody with any belief that isn't objectively verifyable and is supernatural in some way is a religious belief. God is a religious belief. It's great that you 'know God' but really, it's all just a religious belief in itself. You have created your own path, just as I have.

Your definition of what constitutes a religion obscures me from explaining this to you. As I have not read the whole Qur'an and have no idea about what the third book is, then I can only go from the bible

If you follow the teachings of Jesus, you are a christian by definition. Is this really that difficult to understand?


1. I call it the Bible because on the font cover it says: "Holy Bible".

2. I am not a Christian.

3. Not at all, I believe that ANY man can do this if he learns how to communicate with his Soul. I do not believe that Jesus performed any miracles... Let me just copy and paste from the book, saves typing:

As I had mentioned earlier that all of the “Miracles” that Jesus performed were not “acts of magic” at all, but rather forms of atomic manipulation. This ability is instilled in all of us, it is only through God providing you with the Knowledge and Wisdom that you can learn to ever do these things, and thus have your “eyes opened”. As mentioned before, Jesus told this to us in plain form in
John 15:12 (Jesus speaking)
“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works then these he will do, because I go to My Father”.
*There is no "miracle" that Jesus did, that you cannot do yourself. Mostly though, mankind uses tools to replicate what Jesus has done. Eyeglasses to help the blind see, defibrillator to bring the dead back to life, etc...*

If you read the Book of Acts, you will see that this was indeed true as His disciples performed many “Miracles” after His resurrection.

4. God is the God of all.

5. Indeed not, I am superior to no one, I am neither above you or beneath you as God did not Create us with different hands. I do not feel there is anything wrong with "religion" or being "religious" it is only when mankind leads these "religions" that wickedness is brought forth.

6. Well... It depends on which definition you want, here is one: " a member of a religious order who is bound by vows of poverty and chastity and obedience." Since I am not a member of a religious order, I am not religious. Now if you want to define religious as: "An acceptance of the reality of God", O.K. then I am religious, but this is by your definition.

7. The Three Words(Books) of God: "Old Testament, New Testament, Qur'an". I say this because these are the Three Books that God had me read. I had asked if there was anything else, and the answer was "No".
8. I follow what Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad have taught man, I also follow what God has shown me Himself. Which religion am I? I have been called many things, usually I am called worse by Christians, then I am called by atheists :)

P.S. It is nice to see that you claim to walk your own path. For you to stay away from man's religions, that is truly better then the vast majority of people I speak with.


Active Member
Do Not Feed The Troll!!

This is from post #147.

I had a picture of a troll included in post 147. Someone was able to update my post and change the picture to a naked man walking - I deleted.

While slightly amusing... it is disconcerting to find out that someone was able to manipulate my post without leaving any sign - no edited by message. That would mean that no posts are safe from tampering.


Worshipper of Athe.
While slightly amusing... it is disconcerting to find out that someone was able to manipulate my post without leaving any sign - no edited by message. That would mean that no posts are safe from tampering.

Or it means that someone knows your password, and only your posts are unsafe from tampering.

Simple solution: change your password.

(To be technical, someone with access to the database could change anything, but my guess is that the number of people with such access are few).


Active Member
Or it means that someone knows your password, and only your posts are unsafe from tampering.

Simple solution: change your password.

(To be technical, someone with access to the database could change anything, but my guess is that the number of people with such access are few).
Thank ya kindly Imagist - but - highly unlikely. I have not given out my password to anyone. It is not one anyone on this forum would be able to guess.

and.. if this was the case a message such as "Last edited by Judgment; Today at 05:01 AM. " would have been present - unless - they were able to delete it.

It seems like someone with that access to the database.. may have abused their power.


Hello all :)

I am the author of the book: "Understanding the Truth about God". If you have any questions about God, please feel free to ask and I will provide you with the Truth. The only thing that I ask is that the question should be in reference to God and not in reference to a religious topic. I am not religious,(Religious being defined as a: "member of a religion") although I do accept the reality of God.

religious is not defined as a "member of a religion". you are big time religious because you meet the accurate definition of religious, one who believes in a deity. no, i have no questions of you nor anyone else who claims exclusivity of truth about gods or anything else.


Active Member
religious is not defined as a "member of a religion". you are big time religious because you meet the accurate definition of religious, one who believes in a deity. no, i have no questions of you nor anyone else who claims exclusivity of truth about gods or anything else.

1. O.K. Let us throw out this definition since I guess you are going to rewrite the dictionary:

a member of a religious order who is bound by vows of poverty and chastity and obedience

2. Once "religious" had another meaning, but just like religions, man changes what it wants to fit what he wants to believe.(Just like you just did...)

3. To be a little more exact, this is the first definition under Dictonary.com:
Of, pertaining to, or concerned with religion: a religious holiday.
I care nothing for religion, so I think this leaves me out. And if you use it as a noun:
a member of a religious order, congregation, etc.; a monk, friar, or nun.
Since I am not a member of any religious order, this seems not to apply either.

4. By the way did you have a question about God? That is the topic of the thread...


Worshipper of Athe.
1. O.K. Let us throw out this definition since I guess you are going to rewrite the dictionary:

a member of a religious order who is bound by vows of poverty and chastity and obedience

Wait, you're accusing jrbogie of rewriting the dictionary, and then you completely make up this definition for "religious"?

If you can't even back up your very basic claim to know what the word "religious" means, then why on earth would anyone believe you when you claim to know the mind of god?

For your reference, the word "religious" does not imply membership of any kind (one could be religious and have a deep disdain for organized religion), nor does it imply vows of any kind.
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