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Do You Know Why You Don't Believe?

Super Universe

Defender of God
Ok. But, as I've said, that is all subjective. How did you reach the conclusion that what you just said is true? Is it based on actual, measurable, and verifiable evidence?

No, it's not based on any real evidence.

It's based on pictures, things people said, and blueprints.


No, it's not based on any real evidence.

It's based on pictures, things people said, and blueprints.
Just like bertrand russells celestrial teapot


Intentionally Blank
But pictures can be faked.

I'm not comparing God to the Eiffel Tower, I'm comparing the level of evidence for both.

If you never visit Paris, the Eiffel Tower is just as intangible as God is.

We can, and do, know to some degree what God is. You just won't accept it.

You have a picture of God? Cool, could you post it please?

Super Universe

Defender of God
If your god can evolve that means he/she/it wasn't perfect in the first place,which means he/she/it isn't a god.

Yes it does and you are making the claim so back it up with proof.(which of course you'll sidestep because you have no proof)

Yes I do know.Its because there's no proof of any sort what so ever.Again I don't have to prove yor god doesn't exist,you have to prove he does.

If your god is not omniscient then he/she/it is not god.

What you actually said was

Make your mind up SP first you say he can't then you say he can but doesn't want to :foot:

No. Your view is quite lacking. Have you ever seen a baby being born? It's perfect.

Once again, my proof is the universe. Where's yours?

You don't have to prove God doesn't exist? Why not? Must be awfully convenient for you, I guess that's why you made it up that way, believing things without any proof whatsoever.

I didn't say God was not omniscient. Even so, please prove how the Creator of the universe has to be omniscient in order to be God or is this another famous athiest claim that no proof is required for?

I'm sorry you don't understand. Just add it to the very long list of things you don't understand.


into the shape of the building without direction?

You need the same standard of evidence for believing in God as believing in anything else? Do you believe the Eiffel Tower exists?
Yes I do believe the Eiffel Tower exists and I've got photographical evidence of me and my wife standing at the top of it

No such evidence for believing in a god though.

Super Universe

Defender of God
Yes I do believe the Eiffel Tower exists and I've got photographical evidence of me and my wife standing at the top of it

Umm, you're not actually expecting me to believe that fabrication are you? There are crazy people who see UFO's too!

Once again, provide some proof or quit making positive claims!


Well-Known Member
What is the reason you don't believe in God? Or the reason you're not absolutely positively sure God exists?
Because it violates Occam's Razor.
Super Universe said:
I'd guess the number one reason is because people see bad things happening all around them and can't understand why God would allow it to happen.
Your guess is as good as mine.
Super Universe said:
How would you rate the other reasons not to believe?
Don't care.
Super Universe said:
Now the key question, where would you rate your own ego as a reason and do you realize it's the main reason?
0. As long as people don't try to force their beliefs on me, I couldn't care less if there is a God.


"What you actually said was"
? where's the next line gone ??? from my quoted reply ???
Make your mind up SP first you say he can't then you say he can but doesn't want to
And where's your answer this bit ??

Nice bit of editing out what you can't answer SP


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
No. Your view is quite lacking. Have you ever seen a baby being born? It's perfect.
A biological process that, without medical intervention, stands a good chance of killing the woman in question (or the baby, or both) is a far cry from "perfect", IMO.

Once again, my proof is the universe. Where's yours?
You don't have to prove God doesn't exist? Why not? Must be awfully convenient for you, I guess that's why you made it up that way, believing things without any proof whatsoever.
The implicit claim in your original post was that God does exist, and that the failure of those who don't acknowledge this to recognize this fact is primarily caused by their own egos. Normal convention is that the person making an assertion is the one responsible for justifying it... if they're trying to sway people to their point of view at least.

I don't believe anyone here is trying to convince you that God does not exist. Therefore, it's not up to anyone to justify to you why they believe God does not exist.

On the other hand, your apparent purpose in starting this thread was to sway others to your point of view. Therefore, the burden of proof (or at least the burden of persuasion) is yours.

If nobody provides the logical basis for their positions, then nobody's mind will change... which means that your purpose here has been unfulfilled. Nobody else's, just yours. If you want to convince people that you're right, it's up to you.

Super Universe

Defender of God
Because it violates Occam's Razor.

Your guess is as good as mine.

Don't care.

0. As long as people don't try to force their beliefs on me, I couldn't care less if there is a God.

But are all things equal?

Even if they were, which is more simple:

1) That a series of extremely precise accidents formed particles, the physical laws, time, the universe and life, and all in an extremely precise order


2) Intelligence is behind it all

You could care less if God exists? Sure, go on with your life. It's yours to live as you wish. But... why are you here, on RF, then?


Umm, you're not actually expecting me to believe that fabrication are you? There are crazy people who see UFO's too!

Once again, provide some proof or quit making positive claims!
I'm afraid you'll only believe what suits your fantasies, and expect others to believe them with you. psst (whats LSD really like?)


Well-Known Member
But are all things equal?

Even if they were, which is more simple:

1) That a series of extremely precise accidents formed particles, the physical laws, time, the universe and life, and all in an extremely precise order


2) Intelligence is behind it all
As we only have a sample of one when it comes to studying universes capable of supporting life, how can we say what the possibility of things turning out differently are? Since we have ample evidence that natural processes can produce order from chaos, why do we need to introduce the concept of God to explain anything?
Super Universe said:
You could care less if God exists? Sure, go on with your life. It's yours to live as you wish. But... why are you here, on RF, then?
I'm here because I enjoy the exchange of ideas. If I was interested in being proven right or wrong, I wouldn't be here.


But are all things equal?

Even if they were, which is more simple:

1) That a series of extremely precise accidents formed particles, the physical laws, time, the universe and life, and all in an extremely precise order
You are assuming that the universe and us as it is now. is a planned result of these "accidents"
If the same thing was rerun a totally different result is possible,in fact more than likely.

Super Universe

Defender of God
A biological process that, without medical intervention, stands a good chance of killing the woman in question (or the baby, or both) is a far cry from "perfect", IMO.

The implicit claim in your original post was that God does exist, and that the failure of those who don't acknowledge this to recognize this fact is primarily caused by their own egos. Normal convention is that the person making an assertion is the one responsible for justifying it... if they're trying to sway people to their point of view at least.

I don't believe anyone here is trying to convince you that God does not exist. Therefore, it's not up to anyone to justify to you why they believe God does not exist.

On the other hand, your apparent purpose in starting this thread was to sway others to your point of view. Therefore, the burden of proof (or at least the burden of persuasion) is yours.

If nobody provides the logical basis for their positions, then nobody's mind will change... which means that your purpose here has been unfulfilled. Nobody else's, just yours. If you want to convince people that you're right, it's up to you.

Hmm, a good chance of killing the woman? Hardly. How does any population survive and grow to 6 billion when there's a good chance that both the baby and mother die?

God does exist. People don't see the evidence for God for a number of reasons but their ego's are the main thing interfering. I cannot justifying something when absolute evidence of that thing is provided and people still refuse to accept it.

My purpose was not to sway anyone. I just wanted to ask, "Do you know why you don't believe?" Nobody's mind is going to change regardless of the logic or evidence provided. That's the whole point of this exercise. Stop being so afraid and relax, I'm not going to make you into a Catholic.

My purpose has been unfulfilled? Hehe, actually is has, and you really don't see it, do you?

What do you think the purpose of the internet is? To ignore the spouse and kids? Or maybe it's to...


Intentionally Blank
God does not live in another dimension. God exists in heaven which is non-space/time. The central hub of the multi-verse. The dimensions are created by God energy. Heaven is not.
And you know this how?

We cannot sense God? Well, some people are born with certain genetics that allow them to channel ascended beings. Not all ascended beings are good. These people almost always believe that the being that is talking to them is "God". There is much you do not understand about other types of energy. You give away your energy to these beings when you worship them. Other ascended beings target people to cause fear, another way for them to get your energy.
And you know this how?
The soul transmits information from our five senses to God. In this way, God experiences everything that you experience. The communication is actually both ways as God sends information to the soul as well but your human form is kept out of the loop so you maintain your individuality and free will. Also, you would go quite mad if any of the information somehow came into your brain, the frequency and amount of information is much to high for us to handle.
And you know this how?

So since God creates the universe and everything in it we can begin to develop an understanding of what God is just by studying - everything.

Super Universe

Defender of God
So God is tangible then? With what sense can I perceive Him, vision, hearing, smell?
Are you the same person who defined God as a first cause?
Have you really thought this through?

Vision, yes! Go watch children playing. Watch a family out for dinner. Watch someone sleep.

Hearing, yes! Listen to children playing. Listen to the wind blow through the trees. Listen to people talking in a crowded bar.

Smell? Smell the flowers. Smell the air just before it rains. Smell the ocean spray.

I defined God as First Cause. You're the one who thinks this is all He is. You made the box, not I.