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Do You Know Why You Don't Believe?

Super Universe

Defender of God
I find that to be just such an utterly strange statement.

When else would it be important to experience God but in the now moment?

I somehow think it's rather more like....

"God says to christians when they reach the pearly gates....
"I sent prophets, I sent Y'shua to tell you that the Kingdom is NOW,
and you did not enter into the fullness of NEW LIFE on earth,
in His example, cause you were so concerned with "winning" it
when your body was laid 6 feet under. The gates were before you all along.
I sent you windows, and doors in the spirit, but you chose doctrine instead of freedom.
You kept your eyes on the future... instead of walking into/in eternity."
"You forfieted your inheratance on earth, and yes. It does matter to me.
I'm not angry. But it's a real shame. Don't you think?"

You come to the earth to get away from God. Here, there is a covering preventing us from sensing our connection to God. That is the purpose of the earth, to allow your soul to experience different personalities and choose which aspects of it that it wishes to keep.

God is not testing us, we are testing ourselves.

If it was important for us to believe in God, then we would believe in God. God created the universe, He could force us to believe with the slightest thought.

Super Universe

Defender of God
Who is that one person? I feel left out. :(

I'm sorry. What can I say to you? There is nothing you would accept, no proof I can give to you. I did not even know you would reply.

What you believe is not wrong, and, what I believe is not right. You are who you are supposed to be because it is your choice. Having choice is extremely important in the universe, much more than you realize. Be who you are, if God can't/won't change you then I certainly will not.

But there is one who needs one small answer to a question, one puzzle piece to make it all suddenly fit together and remember. It's time to wake up now...


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I'm a theist and I hold no magic marble. I'm stuck here just as you are. We're in the same boat, you're shoveling water into it, and I'm not one bit happy about it.
Sadly, the rest of your blather is not worthy of a detailed response.

PS: Trust me, S_U we are most definitely NOT in the same boat, lol. You are welcome to believe whatever you must, however.


You come to the earth to get away from God. Here, there is a covering preventing us from sensing our connection to God.

I have come to the earth for a wondrous adventure IN God.
The churches teach that God is "out there" somewhere...
instead of teaching that "he" is the fabric of life that IS everything.

If God then is EVERYTHING (what else is there? outside of God?)

Then, every time I do something in ACTIVE Faith....
every time I "believe"...
I then believe "IN" God.

Where else would I believe?

Even if I "believe in myself"...
am I not in God?
So I cannot HELP then,
but to "believe in God".

That is the purpose of the earth, to allow your soul to experience different personalities and choose which aspects of it that it wishes to keep.

God is not testing us, we are testing ourselves.

I would say that is a very LIMITED view of why we are here,
and The purpose of the earth.

If it was important for us to believe in God, then we would believe in God. God created the universe, He could force us to believe with the slightest thought.

As I said before anyone who believes ANYTHING....
believes IN God.
And GOD doesn't even have to put forth the slightest thought about it.:bow:


Done here.
Now the key question, where would you rate your own ego as a reason and do you realize it's the main reason?
Thank you for your unsolicited and uninformed analysis of my thought processes. It tells me all I need to know about your capacity for a reasonable discussion, which makes any reply to your other questions unnecessary and pointless.


Veteran Member
I'm sorry. What can I say to you? There is nothing you would accept, no proof I can give to you. I did not even know you would reply.
Go back and look at your OP. And there you have your answer as to why I replied. You asked.

What you believe is not wrong, and, what I believe is not right. You are who you are supposed to be because it is your choice. Having choice is extremely important in the universe, much more than you realize. Be who you are, if God can't/won't change you then I certainly will not.
Super U.....you're right in that we are all here trying to find our own way. But, don't you see why some of us are turned off to a definitive definition of God? You think your version is correct, the Christians think their version is correct, Muslims think they hold the key to truth as do a myriad of other religions. Can't you see that everyone tells us what God is "right"? What version of God is "true"?

How can anyone know?

Super Universe

Defender of God
Sadly, the rest of your blather is not worthy of a detailed response.

PS: Trust me, S_U we are most definitely NOT in the same boat, lol. You are welcome to believe whatever you must, however.

Why the insulting reply? Listen, you choose to respond. You could have easily ignored this entire topic but instead you come in and attempt to insult me. Move along now angry little boy.

Super Universe

Defender of God
Thank you for your unsolicited and uninformed analysis of my thought processes. It tells me all I need to know about your capacity for a reasonable discussion, which makes any reply to your other questions unnecessary and pointless.

Great, another angry and completely unnecessary reply. Since you obviously can't join the discussion in an intelligent manner, then don't respond at all!

People are so afraid to talk about themselves. I wonder why?

Super Universe

Defender of God
Go back and look at your OP. And there you have your answer as to why I replied. You asked.

Super U.....you're right in that we are all here trying to find our own way. But, don't you see why some of us are turned off to a definitive definition of God? You think your version is correct, the Christians think their version is correct, Muslims think they hold the key to truth as do a myriad of other religions. Can't you see that everyone tells us what God is "right"? What version of God is "true"?

How can anyone know?

How can anyone know? It is difficult to see the truth amidst all the lies told for centuries. I recommend using logic.

An example:
What is a fireball from heaven? A meteor. Meteor's hit the earth all the time but now we don't think of them as "heaven sent" so likely, the ancient priests were wrong and God did not send them.

If a storm floods your town tomorrow, would people blame God? Most would not, it's just a storm, it happens. So, likely God did not send any of the storms, or plagues, or killing, that He was blamed for in the bible either.

Also, it's not required, or even wished, that you believe in God at this time. Live your life as you wish. Hopefully you have adopted strict morals and set them into stone. If so, you will be just fine. You may even beat me to the finish line.


Active Member
SU calm down it isn't good for your BP, this is only a forum after all and not important in the scheme of things!:D

Having been brought up as a pentecostalist I see all too clearly the flaws in their concept of God, so I kicked it into touch an devised my own way of looking at life, faith etc!


Through the Looking Glass
Now the key question, where would you rate your own ego as a reason and do you realize it's the main reason?

Ego is actually the reason for believing rather than non-believing. "God" imagined as "Creator" is a shadow cast by the "God"-observer's self-consciousness. Everyone's "God" bears an uncanny resemblance to themselves . . . but if horses had gods, they'd look like horses.

As far an non-belief goes, I'd like to hear someone clearly define what it is I'm supposedly not believing in . . . That would be the threshold question.

Is "God" a thing? If so, what kind of thing? If not, what sense does it make to talk about the "existence" of a non-thing?

Super Universe

Defender of God
doppelgänger;977656 said:
Ego is actually the reason for believing rather than non-believing. "God" imagined as "Creator" is a shadow cast by the "God"-observer's self-consciousness. Everyone's "God" bears an uncanny resemblance to themselves . . . but if horses had gods, they'd look like horses.

As far an non-belief goes, I'd like to hear someone clearly define what it is I'm supposedly not believing in . . . That would be the threshold question.

Is "God" a thing? If so, what kind of thing? If not, what sense does it make to talk about the "existence" of a non-thing?

So you are saying that a lack of self esteem is the reason people believe in God? That they must be afraid of everything and so they are comforted by imagining an all powerful and loving Creator?

I can understand this reasoning. There is some logic to it.

But you didn't answer the OP.


Through the Looking Glass
So you are saying that a lack of self esteem is the reason people believe in God?
No. Where'd you get that idea? The reason is the tendency for confusing the signs for the thing signified.

As for the OP, as I explained, there are threshold questions to answering. I don't know right now what you think it is that I'm supposedly not believing in.

Check out the questions I asked in my previous post.

Yes Man

Well-Known Member
Premium Member
What is the reason you don't believe in God? Or the reason you're not absolutely positively sure God exists?

Because I have seen no hard evidence proving that such a being would exist presently.

I'd guess the number one reason is because people see bad things happening all around them and can't understand why God would allow it to happen.
How would you rate the other reasons not to believe?

How would I rate them? No argument I have heard from anyone has made me completely believe in a God. And no argument has swayed me to think that there is absolutely, positively no way that there was a Divine Creator. In other words arguments are arguments, not fact.

Now the key question, where would you rate your own ego as a reason and do you realize it's the main reason?
As I said above, the "main" reason I don't believe in God is because there is no way that you can prove to me that a God exists right now. Maybe a God did exist at one time, but maybe not.

Super Universe

Defender of God
No one answers the question. None of you are willing to admit that you don't know why you don't believe. You say "Show me the evidence" when the evidence is the universe, the evidence is the earth and life.

The reason you don't believe in God is because He can't fit in with your ego. You are much too important to yourself.


Active Member
No one answers the question. None of you are willing to admit that you don't know why you don't believe. You say "Show me the evidence" when the evidence is the universe, the evidence is the earth and life.

The reason you don't believe in God is because He can't fit in with your ego. You are much too important to yourself.

Which is a good enough reason for not believing in God!