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Do You Know Why You Don't Believe?


Fellowship of Reason
You can't get abiogenesis to work. Your theory of life starting from chemicals and an electric spark just doesn't work.

Why would we be able to get abiogenesis to work? :sarcastic

The Earth had many millions of years over its entire surface. We can't provide that in a test tube.

The non-ego view would be... what? LOL!

That the universe doesn't exist for our sake just because we exist, and could just as easily have been much different.




Fellowship of Reason
And what life events or personality has caused a person to be pessimistic or optimistic?

Can you think of any?

What does that have to do with anything? :shrug: I was simply trying to show an example of tentative beliefs that are only half-believed and of little consequence in one's life. The issue of pessimism versus optimism has little to do with my main point, which is the life-influencing nature of personal truths.

Why do I not believe in God? I didn't then I was changed. I cannot forget what I experienced, it would be like forgetting my parents names.

I believe you. And I generously assume that you interpret your experiences as you do because you want to know the truth and avoid falsehood. You seek to be honest with yourself. You don't want to lie to yourself about what you have experienced. I do the same with my life experiences.




Intentionally Blank
I don't think people who deny an intelligent creator are idiots, there are other reasons, personal reasons they can't accept God.
Would you like it if I attributed your acceptance of God to your personal failings, your intellectual immaturity, your psychological need to be special and cared for, and your fear of death? How about if you show the people who disagree with you some fundamental respect and assume that they are at least as intelligent and unbiased as you. Why do I constantly have to teach the Golden Rule to theists?

My responses are usually dependant on the replies given. If a person is looking for a fight, they get one. If they give sarcasm they can expect it in return. If a person wants to be simple, they can get a simple response. If they want to be logical, I can accomodate them. If they want philosophy, we can go that route as well. People get a natural response from me, one they caused.
Really, this was in your OP:
Now the key question, where would you rate your own ego as a reason and do you realize it's the main reason?
Do YOU realize that it's arrogant in the extreme to assert that you know better than someone else why they believe as they do?

Empirical evidence suggests? No, it doesn't. No evidence suggests anything, you see what you want to see.
Oh, post-modernist constructivism, nihilistic anything-goes believe whatever you likeism? So much for science, then, eh?

It's intuitively obvious that the earth is flat and stationary? Most of the time but then travel to the coast and stare at the ocean on a calm day. You can see the faint curvature of the earth. You realize you are standing on the outside of a spinning sphere. You might even fall to your knees afraid of flying away.
It's an example, Super. Think harder. My point, which stands, is that science shows us over and over that things that are intuitively obvious usually turn out to be wrong.

Are you under the impression that I am against your scientists? I'm not. I would count on their conclusions before I would ever ask a priest. The thing is, your scientists are just as human as the rest of you. They are selfish and controlled by emotions thus everything they say must be questioned, just as everything a priest or anyone else says must also be questioned.
It's not about their character but their method--the scientific method. Does it work, or doesn't it?

You decide what you want to believe, I just want to know why you decided not to believe in God? I want to know the cause of your decision. A lack of evidence is not a cause.
*controls temper* I think I know the inside of my own head better than you, Super. It is because of a lack of evidence, as well as logic. I used to believe in God. I thought harder about it and realized I was wrong. My character and psychological needs didn't change; my opinion did.

Your example about deities and prayer, since prayer does not work in the way you expected it to you could also conclude that deities exist, just not in the way they were described.
Exactly. That's why I asked you first to define your terms. Your definition doesn't match most of what you describe, unless you think people talking in a bar are a first cause of anything.

The universe is 99.99% nothing and the atom is 99.99% nothing. You don't see a similarity here? It's quite the accident, isn't it? Now compare the atom to our solar system, any similarity there?
Lots, isn't it interesting? Maybe there are some fundamental laws of nature that tend to create that structure.

The universe is both chaos and organization. You cannot only see one, they are both in play.
I know, isn't it cool?

The uncertainty is not in existence, it's in you. You have so many doubts. "If God, then how come..." I am here to tell you that each of these doubts have answers, that was the point of this thread but it was taken over by everyone putting up their self defense mechanisms. You can't accept God. To you, there is no choice in the matter. God can't exist. HE CAN'T! I just really want to know why you feel that way. I know why I couldn't accept God but you could not have lived my life. I want to know what happened to you and I also want to tell you that "You will be okay". You don't have to understand everything now, just do your best to make it through.
And I want you to know that I do not appreciate being preached to. If you have an assertion to make AND SUPPORT please do so. I don't feel, Super, I think. I figured it out. Nothing happened to me, except that I came to a logical conclusion. That's it. Now quit playing amateur psychologist and give me a good logical argument, preferably including evidence, as to why I'm wrong.

And that's the real reason you are here at RF, isn't it?

Super Universe

Defender of God
Would you like it if I attributed your acceptance of God to your personal failings, your intellectual immaturity, your psychological need to be special and cared for, and your fear of death? How about if you show the people who disagree with you some fundamental respect and assume that they are at least as intelligent and unbiased as you. Why do I constantly have to teach the Golden Rule to theists?[/size]

Really, this was in your OP: Do YOU realize that it's arrogant in the extreme to assert that you know better than someone else why they believe as they do?

Oh, post-modernist constructivism, nihilistic anything-goes believe whatever you likeism? So much for science, then, eh?

It's an example, Super. Think harder. My point, which stands, is that science shows us over and over that things that are intuitively obvious usually turn out to be wrong.

It's not about their character but their method--the scientific method. Does it work, or doesn't it?

*controls temper* I think I know the inside of my own head better than you, Super. It is because of a lack of evidence, as well as logic. I used to believe in God. I thought harder about it and realized I was wrong. My character and psychological needs didn't change; my opinion did.

Exactly. That's why I asked you first to define your terms. Your definition doesn't match most of what you describe, unless you think people talking in a bar are a first cause of anything.

Lots, isn't it interesting? Maybe there are some fundamental laws of nature that tend to create that structure.

I know, isn't it cool?

And I want you to know that I do not appreciate being preached to. If you have an assertion to make AND SUPPORT please do so. I don't feel, Super, I think. I figured it out. Nothing happened to me, except that I came to a logical conclusion. That's it. Now quit playing amateur psychologist and give me a good logical argument, preferably including evidence, as to why I'm wrong.

And that's the real reason you are here at RF, isn't it?

You can attribute whatever you want. As for giving respect, it's given where it's earned.

Why do I have to constantly teach the Golden Rule to theists? What's the golden rule?

Arrogant in the extreme to know better than someone else why they believe? It's not arrogant at all, that's the nature of the human being. You need a therapist, or alcohol, to dig this stuff out of you.

Does the scientific method work or doesn't it? It works when it works, it doesn't work when it doesn't work.

So evidence is required for you to believe in anything huh? Except for all those things that you've never seen or experienced. Maybe just be honest and admit that only God has to prove Himself since you aren't going to take a chance on being a fool again?

And logic somehow dictates to you that atoms created themselves and then created physical laws and the earth and then life. Hmm, care to support that logic with some evidence of atoms, or anything else, actually doing any of these things?

You thought harder about it and changed your mind about God? LOL! No, you decided that you would no longer be for something that you saw as being against you.

You do not appreciatte being preached to? And who exactly forced you to come into my thread again? Go yell at the kids down the street because they are having fun. Either way, go bye bye now person angry at the world... Must not be any evidence for the world either.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
What's the golden rule?

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." It's expressed in some form in most religions.

So evidence is required for you to believe in anything huh? Except for all those things that you've never seen or experienced. Maybe just be honest and admit that only God has to prove Himself since you aren't going to take a chance on being a fool again?

And logic somehow dictates to you that atoms created themselves and then created physical laws and the earth and then life. Hmm, care to support that logic with some evidence of atoms, or anything else, actually doing any of these things?

Logical fallacy: false dilemma. You're trying to pigeon-hole all responses into either "I believe God did it" or "I believe atoms created themselves". You haven't allowed for other possibilities, including the possibility of not knowing, which many people have expressed here.

You do not appreciatte being preached to? And who exactly forced you to come into my thread again? Go yell at the kids down the street because they are having fun. Either way, go bye bye now person angry at the world... Must not be any evidence for the world either.
If you didn't want other people to post, why on Earth would you start a topic in an online forum? You can write all you want in a word processor and not have your position challenged at all.


Intentionally Blank
You can attribute whatever you want. As for giving respect, it's given where it's earned.
O.K., well if you had any chance of persuading me that you know anything I don't, you just blew it right there.

Why do I have to constantly teach the Golden Rule to theists? What's the golden rule?
Treat others as you yourself would like to be treated.

Arrogant in the extreme to know better than someone else why they believe? It's not arrogant at all, that's the nature of the human being. You need a therapist, or alcohol, to dig this stuff out of you.
And which one are you, pray tell?

Does the scientific method work or doesn't it? It works when it works, it doesn't work when it doesn't work.
Sorry, you don't get to pick and choose. It's a method. It either works or it doesn't. If the method works, then rejecting its conclusions cuz you don't like them is inconsistent.

So evidence is required for you to believe in anything huh? Except for all those things that you've never seen or experienced. Maybe just be honest and admit that only God has to prove Himself since you aren't going to take a chance on being a fool again?
I don't have to see or experience them myself, as long as there is good evidence of their existence, such as testimony, pictures, resulting measurements, etc. etc. I apply the same standard to God as I do to fairies and Antarctica. I don't believe the first two exist, but I'm pretty sure the last one does.

And logic somehow dictates to you that atoms created themselves and then created physical laws and the earth and then life. Hmm, care to support that logic with some evidence of atoms, or anything else, actually doing any of these things?
I have never made this claim, and it seems somewhat dubious to me. Why do you keep attributing it to me?
You thought harder about it and changed your mind about God? LOL! No, you decided that you would no longer be for something that you saw as being against you.
If it makes you happy to think you can read my mind, by all means persist in your delusion. It is not increasing your ability to persuade, however. I am neither for nor against God, because it doesn't look to me like there is any such thing.

You do not appreciatte being preached to? And who exactly forced you to come into my thread again? Go yell at the kids down the street because they are having fun. Either way, go bye bye now person angry at the world... Must not be any evidence for the world either.

Well, someone is angry here, but I don't think it's me. As for your preaching--how's that working for you? Is that what you resort to when you run out of arguments?

Super Universe

Defender of God
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." It's expressed in some form in most religions.

Logical fallacy: false dilemma. You're trying to pigeon-hole all responses into either "I believe God did it" or "I believe atoms created themselves". You haven't allowed for other possibilities, including the possibility of not knowing, which many people have expressed here.

If you didn't want other people to post, why on Earth would you start a topic in an online forum? You can write all you want in a word processor and not have your position challenged at all.

There is no valor in being weak. I'm not a want-to-be priest who backs down from the neighborhood bully even though the bully cries out "But the golden rule! The golden rule!".

Some just don't know what caused the universe? Sure, and the rest think the Pieta must have created itself.

I did want people to participate in a discussion. I did not want angry people who are determined to give me a piece of their mind. Go figure something out on your own for once.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Wow, you went way back, more than sixty pages to find that one. But that's okay.
Well, I am a hopeless "detail freak". Have you heard the saying, "God is in the details"? Trust me, I have the time and I have the patience to unravel what you are saying and that my friend is precisely what I am going to do. You asked me to cite where you are wrong and where you have abandoned logic so I thought I would create an object lesson for you to study and ponder.

Take a person who hasn't gotten everything they've wanted in life. They have to blame someone, right? That's your self survival instinct trying to protect itself, it's your ego telling you over and over "It's not your fault. Blame those people's God whenever they bring Him up since He obviously isn't doing anything to protect you".
You do see this incredibly negatively Super_Universe. What about those who simply, humbly and with humility ACCEPT their responsibly for their own actions. Some folks who do this DO have faith in a "god" whereas many others do not. There is no credible reason to even play the "god card" at all. Why do you insist on doing so?

I've identified myself with a deity by implying I have special knowledge? But... then there would have to be a deity, right?
There is no putting anything past you, is there. Um, yes. That is what I am saying... based on the outlandish pronouncements you have made in this thread.

Also, this so called special knowledge that I have, it ain't so special. It's all readily available and I'm behind those in the lead. Try Lyricus.com if you really want to see the front runners.
I have little illusion that you are hardly "in the lead" Super_Universe. BTW: Lyricus.com comes up with a weird music lyric page. Am I supposed to be impressed with that? This is obviously a typo, on your part, but it just fits your slip-shod holier than thou thinking and approach so... perfectly.

I have no connection with God. It's just not possible. And God certainly does not need, or even desire, that I represent Him. But there are ascended beings who do work here. This is how some of them operate. I'm not looking to change you. I know it's a waste of my time, but there is someone that I can awaken.
"Ascended beings" who do work here? Just a tiny bit of proof or even a miserable excuse for evidence would be helpful, but I guess I am just supposed to "Grok" it through osmosis.

If my threads are so dull then why does this latest one have over 600 replies? You're throwing out one illogical statement after another.
I already conjectured the reason very clearly. People are fascinated by your outlandish, unsupportable claims. That is the only real reason, Super_Universe. Don't flatter yourself too much, just yet.

No, I haven't found them, yet.
Perhaps you have and yet you failed to notice them because of your rather dim view of your fellow human animals.

If I was channeling, which I am not, then why would I change the station? What knowledge or opinion would I be afraid of acquiring? Are you afraid to read the bible?
Why do you play the "fear card" now? I am hardly afraid of anything you are blathering on about, so again, quit flattering yourself. Am I afraid of reading the Bible? Excuse me? Your flow of thought is extremely erratic, but curiously, somehow to you it makes sense. Can you coherently explain WHY your appeal to fear is relative to my statement about channeling?

Ymir you once again showed everyone how smart you are with such a long recap of my entire history on this thread and you belittled each of my responses. What is the reason you have to throw spears? Do you even know why?
I am not so much belittling them Super_Universe, I am simply exposing them for the nonsense that they are. It is nothing personal. Spear throwing? Should I simply sit back and wait for your latest baffle-gab and smile politely in response? Perhaps I should treat you the way Mrs. Faulty refers to her inept worker Manuel when she glosses over whatever inane thing he has done with the catch-all phrase, "Oh, he is from Barcelona!"

The last point before heading for round two -- if I can be bothered, that is -- is your comments about me wanting to prove my being "sooooo smart". Super_Universe, I have never graduated from high school, although I did write a GED test for equivalency when I was still very young. You have to appreciate that this IS simply the way I talk and the way I am. I'm not trying to demonstrate my intelligence, per se, as I am just being myself. If you met me in person you would understand far better. To be perfectly honest, I don't have to think too terribly hard to write my posts here on RF. Most of it is off the top of my head and doesn't warrant spell checking, grammar checking or even more than a cursory corrective glance. If that upsets you then please forgive me.

Please note: I am also perhaps one of the only writers on RF who claims that, heaven forbid, I could be wrong. I am perfectly OK, being wrong and expect it, rather then quiver in fear and sorrow if I am off base. Is that so hard to understand?

Again, I humbly submit my apologies if you are unnerved by someone who has almost perfect grammar, spelling and is also capable of writing their thoughts in somewhat logical point form on the first draft. It’s a heavy load to carry, but I manage quit well, thanks. I hope you understand. :flirt:

Super Universe

Defender of God
O.K., well if you had any chance of persuading me that you know anything I don't, you just blew it right there.[/size]

Treat others as you yourself would like to be treated.

And which one are you, pray tell?

Sorry, you don't get to pick and choose. It's a method. It either works or it doesn't. If the method works, then rejecting its conclusions cuz you don't like them is inconsistent.

I don't have to see or experience them myself, as long as there is good evidence of their existence, such as testimony, pictures, resulting measurements, etc. etc. I apply the same standard to God as I do to fairies and Antarctica. I don't believe the first two exist, but I'm pretty sure the last one does.

I have never made this claim, and it seems somewhat dubious to me. Why do you keep attributing it to me?
If it makes you happy to think you can read my mind, by all means persist in your delusion. It is not increasing your ability to persuade, however. I am neither for nor against God, because it doesn't look to me like there is any such thing.

Well, someone is angry here, but I don't think it's me. As for your preaching--how's that working for you? Is that what you resort to when you run out of arguments?

Persuading you? What are you that I should persuade you to know something? You're a big girl now, figure it out on your own. Or maybe ask another athiest to explain it all to you?

Treat others as I would like to be treated? Works great in a Seminary.

I can't pick and choose? Again with the rules. Except your rules aren't really rules. You have no authority whatsoever. I do get to pick and choose because God created the universe that way and there is nothing you can do about it. Nothing.

Ahh, testimony is evidence of something... except when it's incorrect. Pictures are evidence, except when they aren't. Resulting measurements are evidence huh? As if you could build a machine that can measure everything.

Oh, did I say atoms created the physical laws, the earth, and life? I'm sorry, I meant athieons, yeah, that must be it.

You think I want to persuade you again? Why? Do you think I wanted to become drinking buddies with you or something?

I think I can read your mind? I don't have to. You're angry words at the bottom of every one of your posts says it all.


Well-Known Member
Show me that your photos are accurate. Which one accurately portrays the Eiffel Tower? Whose eyewitness accounts will be the same (and would you believe them if 10 people gave identical stories?)?

And as to that last, blueprints come from the building rather than the architect? That's an odd thought.

How about you just go and see for yourself? You can do that, y'know.

Can you do that in regards to God?

Parts of the bible are accurate. Most of the Urantia book is accurate.
Eyewitnesses? Look for yourself on the next clear night.
Blueprints? How about the atom?
Again, I will ask you how these things cannot be explained in any other way. Repeating your claims doesn't do anything unless you can show the basis for your claims.

Are you suggesting that every photo of the Eiffel Tower looks exactly the same? No picture of it is ever the same, it's always different! How can something that is supposedly built out of steel change it's appearence?

This is idiotic. You do realise that things can look different from different places, yes? A house looks different if you view it from a plane flying overhead than if you see it from the street. (Although you have trouble understanding that there can be different viewpoints when it comes to belief, why should you be any different with French landmarks?)

You are capable of going to see the Eiffel Tower? No you're not because it doesn't exist.

Now you're just being stupid. Goodbye. There's no point in debating with you anymore, you're just sticking your fingers in your ears and yelling, "Lalalalalala" to avoid things you don't want to hear.

Super Universe

Defender of God
Well, I am a hopeless "detail freak". Have you heard the saying, "God is in the details"? Trust me, I have the time and I have the patience to unravel what you are saying and that my friend is precisely what I am going to do. You asked me to cite where you are wrong and where you have abandoned logic so I thought I would create an object lesson for you to study and ponder.

You do see this incredibly negatively Super_Universe. What about those who simply, humbly and with humility ACCEPT their responsibly for their own actions. Some folks who do this DO have faith in a "god" whereas many others do not. There is no credible reason to even play the "god card" at all. Why do you insist on doing so?

There is no putting anything past you, is there. Um, yes. That is what I am saying... based on the outlandish pronouncements you have made in this thread.

I have little illusion that you are hardly "in the lead" Super_Universe. BTW: Lyricus.com comes up with a weird music lyric page. Am I supposed to be impressed with that? This is obviously a typo, on your part, but it just fits your slip-shod holier than thou thinking and approach so... perfectly.

"Ascended beings" who do work here? Just a tiny bit of proof or even a miserable excuse for evidence would be helpful, but I guess I am just supposed to "Grok" it through osmosis.

I already conjectured the reason very clearly. People are fascinated by your outlandish, unsupportable claims. That is the only real reason, Super_Universe. Don't flatter yourself too much, just yet.

Perhaps you have and yet you failed to notice them because of your rather dim view of your fellow human animals.

Why do you play the "fear card" now? I am hardly afraid of anything you are blathering on about, so again, quit flattering yourself. Am I afraid of reading the Bible? Excuse me? Your flow of thought is extremely erratic, but curiously, somehow to you it makes sense. Can you coherently explain WHY your appeal to fear is relative to my statement about channeling?

I am not so much belittling them Super_Universe, I am simply exposing them for the nonsense that they are. It is nothing personal. Spear throwing? Should I simply sit back and wait for your latest baffle-gab and smile politely in response? Perhaps I should treat you the way Mrs. Faulty refers to her inept worker Manuel when she glosses over whatever inane thing he has done with the catch-all phrase, "Oh, he is from Barcelona!"

The last point before heading for round two -- if I can be bothered, that is -- is your comments about me wanting to prove my being "sooooo smart". Super_Universe, I have never graduated from high school, although I did write a GED test for equivalency when I was still very young. You have to appreciate that this IS simply the way I talk and the way I am. I'm not trying to demonstrate my intelligence, per se, as I am just being myself. If you met me in person you would understand far better. To be perfectly honest, I don't have to think too terribly hard to write my posts here on RF. Most of it is off the top of my head and doesn't warrant spell checking, grammar checking or even more than a cursory corrective glance. If that upsets you then please forgive me.

Please note: I am also perhaps one of the only writers on RF who claims that, heaven forbid, I could be wrong. I am perfectly OK, being wrong and expect it, rather then quiver in fear and sorrow if I am off base. Is that so hard to understand?

Again, I humbly submit my apologies if you are unnerved by someone who has almost perfect grammar, spelling and is also capable of writing their thoughts in somewhat logical point form on the first draft. It’s a heavy load to carry, but I manage quit well, thanks. I hope you understand. :flirt:

There definately are those with humility who accept responsibility for their own actions. There are also people who blame God for religion, they blame God because they pulled the short straw in life. They play the God card all the time.

Lyricus.org is the site. I'll have to check out the weird music site when I get a chance.

Proof of ascended beings? Nope. Not allowed to give it to you even if I had it. Just go on now, ricochet through life bouncing off one thing, then another. Pay no mind to what goes on behind the scenes.

Believe me, I haven't found them yet. I know because... I'm still here.

I played the fear card? Wow, quite the overreaction. I'm sorry, I guess I hit too close to home.

In your first sentence you said you were going to expose where I was wrong and where I abandoned logic. Near as I can tell, in a couple hundred posts you found that I mistakenly wrote .com instead of .org. It's a mistake, not sure it abandon's logic though.

About your trying to sound so smart... Poets can use words I've never heard before and yet, somehow, I still know what they mean. I do my best not to try it though, they have that gift not I. That one post, you went overboard trying.


Intentionally Blank
There is no valor in being weak. I'm not a want-to-be priest who backs down from the neighborhood bully even though the bully cries out "But the golden rule! The golden rule!".
Who do you think is bullying you, and how? You're the only one insulting people, Super. I'm just trying to have a discussion. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't make them your enemy or a bully. Indeed, that's the purpose of this forum. There is also no need to be a bully, just to avoid being perceived as weak. There is a Japanese saying, "He who raises his voice first loses the argument." Your need to resort to insulting people raises a red flag as to the weakness of your argument.

I notice that you failed to respond to any of my substantive objections to your argument.

Some just don't know what caused the universe? Sure, and the rest think the Pieta must have created itself.
Super, this is getting tedious. Accusing people of maintaining positions they have not advanced could be a simple mistake, until it is corrected. At that point it's merely obnoxious. No one here has said anything of the kind, nor have you established that such a position is implied by or entailed in any position that anyone here is maintaining.

I did want people to participate in a discussion. I did not want angry people who are determined to give me a piece of their mind. Go figure something out on your own for once.
Then calm down. The only person who is losing their temper here is you, Super. You seem to have a problem with people who don't conform to your preconceived views.


Intentionally Blank
Persuading you? What are you that I should persuade you to know something? You're a big girl now, figure it out on your own. Or maybe ask another athiest to explain it all to you?
Thanks, I did that. Quite satisfied with the results, too.

Treat others as I would like to be treated? Works great in a Seminary.
Well, you really have two choices, follow the golden rule or be a jerk. Which do you prefer?
I can't pick and choose? Again with the rules. Except your rules aren't really rules. You have no authority whatsoever. I do get to pick and choose because God created the universe that way and there is nothing you can do about it. Nothing.
Well, not and be consistent. And of course, if you're not consistent, then you're wrong. So again, does the scientific method work, or not? Because that's all science is, Super, a method.
Ahh, testimony is evidence of something... except when it's incorrect. Pictures are evidence, except when they aren't. Resulting measurements are evidence huh? As if you could build a machine that can measure everything.
Yes, all of these are evidence, both in court and in science. They're the same kind of evidence you rely on throughout your life. Why do you find that startling? Is it your practice to believe things without evidence?
You think I want to persuade you again? Why? Do you think I wanted to become drinking buddies with you or something?
Kinda the format of the whole discussion thing.

I think I can read your mind? I don't have to. You're angry words at the bottom of every one of your posts says it all.
There are no angry words anywhere in my post, top, bottom or middle.


Can't brain. Has dumb.
and here is all the evidence the athiests have provided:

removes lollipop from mouth- "Um, no it's not..." -puts lollipop back in

Oh man, why do only the athiests get lollipops!!! Where's mine!?

Do I need to be part of this Athiest Union to get one? Does it come with a beer at the pub?


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I rather suspect that Super_Universe (sic) is somewhat bored with this thread now but I cannot help but wonder how absolute nothingness can give rise to a thought as there would, in theory, be no cogent awareness in the nothingness to have a thought in the first place.

Think of it this way, in the beginning was the law that said "There can be no nothing". This law caused something to form, then another, and another. The law caused things to form in a specific way so that they evolved. These things combined and formed more complex things. To make a very long story short, a being formed and evolved to the point where it gained access to the central hub of everything, heaven if you want to call it that. This being then created the law that caused it's own form to evolve.
Essentially, God gained access to the universal control room and used it to go back in the timeline and cause His own being to form. In this way, He created Himself.
Now I realize you are making this somewhat metaphorical, but the question remains and also highlights the flaw in your thinking. How can nothingness produce a "law" in the first place? There is no subject/object division, so how could there possibly be a "first cause"? Sadly your thinking is muddled in a mistaken notion of time, Super_Universe.

Super Universe

Defender of God
I rather suspect that Super_Universe (sic) is somewhat bored with this thread now but I cannot help but wonder how absolute nothingness can give rise to a thought as there would, in theory, be no cogent awareness in the nothingness to have a thought in the first place.

Now I realize you are making this somewhat metaphorical, but the question remains and also highlights the flaw in your thinking. How can nothingness produce a "law" in the first place? There is no subject/object division, so how could there possibly be a "first cause"? Sadly your thinking is muddled in a mistaken notion of time, Super_Universe.

Yes, I think it's about time for this thread to fade away.

How could there NOT be a first cause?


Intentionally Blank
Yes, I think it's about time for this thread to fade away.

How could there NOT be a first cause?

If the universe is infinite and eternal, it would have no first cause.
The first thing to understand about the ultimate reality of the universe is that we will never understand it.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Yes, I think it's about time for this thread to fade away.

How could there NOT be a first cause?
Super_Universe, the reason there is no so-called "first cause" is that time as it is conceived is an illusion. In many respects there is no "future" or any "past" and all there really is, is now. In light of this using an arbitrary reference point, a supposed "start point", is relatively meaningless. So-called "creation" is happening as much this very moment and it "was" 15,000,000,000 years "ago" or "will be" in 15,000,000,000 years. There is, imho, simply no single point where one can point to and say, "It all started here." Do you understand?

Super Universe

Defender of God
If the universe is infinite and eternal, it would have no first cause.
The first thing to understand about the ultimate reality of the universe is that we will never understand it.

The universe is not infinite and it is not eternal.

We will understand every single thing there is to know, just not today.