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Do you not ask yourself "what if I am wrong?"


Thankyou so much! I am sincerally trying to understand you without preconcieved notions, albeit it is hard indeed, give me time please and patience that is all I ask and I will try not to misunderstand you as much as my mind allow.:)

No problem. It's my pleasure. :) The best remedy for liberating ourselves from perceiving others through the filter of our stereotypes is talking to people we don't understand or relate to. That goes both ways.


Premium Member
With every notion we have, there is always a chance that we are wrong and there is also a chance that we are right. But I don't believe in order for one person to be right doesn't mean the other person is necessarily wrong. We all see things differently and from a different point of view. Someone from Alaska is going to see California as warm on a February day but the Californians will see it as cold (I lived in Colorado a long time, so when I saw people in California wearing a coat when I was wearing a short sleeved shirt, I laughed out loud- thinking "They don't know what cold really is).

Lady B

With every notion we have, there is always a chance that we are wrong and there is also a chance that we are right. But I don't believe in order for one person to be right doesn't mean the other person is necessarily wrong. We all see things differently and from a different point of view. Someone from Alaska is going to see California as warm on a February day but the Californians will see it as cold (I lived in Colorado a long time, so when I saw people in California wearing a coat when I was wearing a short sleeved shirt, I laughed out loud- thinking "They don't know what cold really is).

you seem to have great wisdom ;)


Veteran Member
it's interesting to see how someone is totally unaware of how they come across when asking questions like the ones in the OP. it's as if one is to assume atheists are not humanoids and are to be asked basic questions like...do you have feelings? do you care for other people? do you know what it is like to live in peace? are you in torment because you don't believe in god?

it's almost like asking another human being...do you have to breathe air too?


Premium Member
it's interesting to see how someone is totally unaware of how they come across when asking questions like the ones in the OP. it's as if one is to assume atheists are not humanoids and are to be asked basic questions like...do you have feelings? do you care for other people? do you know what it is like to live in peace? are you in torment because you don't believe in god?

it's almost like asking another human being...do you have to breathe air too?

Wow! I didn't get that from the OP.


Veteran Member
the premise in the OP is:
"false assurance"

who is anyone to determine if someone else holds false assurance for themselves?

can an atheist have peace?
that has to be one of the most ignorant questions i've seen on this forum...
the other one is, how is an atheist to choose morality.

it's mind boggling....


Premium Member
the premise in the OP is:
"false assurance"

who is anyone to determine if someone else holds false assurance for themselves?

that has to be one of the most ignorant questions i've seen on this forum...
the other one is, how is an atheist to choose morality.

it's mind boggling....

I think it depends on how you take it. I really don't think it was meant as an insult. I mean, some of the questions that theists have been asked like- about not having reason, not having logic, etc. were pretty much the same, don't you think?


Heretic and part-time (skinny) Santa impersonator
I have been bouncing around the different threads and I see so much false assurance,but what if your wrong?

I’m tempted initially to introduce the distinctions betwixt opinion and estimable facts in determinations of “right” vs, “wrong”…. but do continue...

In all due respect can an atheist have peace?

Could you be a tad more qualifying in that?

You know, like… “Can a Baptist feel sexy without being married and celibate at 50?”

“Is there no higher power then science?”

Is science a collective power of law and punitive enforcement that claims absolute authority and dominion without question? Does scientific inquiry and methodology even suggest a “higher power” as best, and most compelling “evidenced based” conclusion to what can be observed, tested, measured, or quantified?

Or perhaps that "faith" in a testimonial religious claim is more than sufficient evidence to accept that the Earth is a planar, flat, two-dimensional realm upon we all reside and hat the cosmos revolves around us as center of all creation..believe it in your bones or suffer eternal hellfire and damnation?

How high is “up”?

“Do you really sleep well at night content with no God?”

Yes. but knowing that Santa is watching makes me nervous sometimes...

What happens after death?

What happens/happened before (your own) self-awareness? What was the the culmination of cosmological existence before you popped onto the scene?

If your parents did not ever exist, would you? How does anyone miss or mourn or even account what never was?

What was your great-grandfather’s most cherished memory, hobby, or most admired author…or most favorable lasting legacy he wished remembered by his great-grandchildren he may or may not have ever met? If you do not know, why presume then that your own great-grandchildren will know or care what your own most vital and cherished interests might be to you on this day?

We have overwhelming evidence to observe and ponder upon what most certainly does NOT happen after an individual’s death…at least from any observable/physical or testable scientific basis…

As best as anyone can fairly determine… dead people tend to remain so…most permanently.

Where are your loved ones?

Some are dead, some remain here and now. I’m not quite sure what the question is meant to seek as answer...

Is earthly life all you strive for and death is the end of you? Are you so sure, really?

No, and yes. Oh, pretty much yes, but I’m ok with that.

Why aren’t you ok with that? Does that seem terrible or feel troubling to you?

Care to detail or explain why such a notion would be so difficult or terrifying to accept or bear?

What if...just What if your wrong? What are the consequences of your denial?
Richard Dawkins - "What if you're wrong?" - YouTube

You may choose at some point to delve further, and hope to understand that “Pascal’s Wager”

Pascal's Wager - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
is not only a failure of elemental critical thinking, but really offers no arguments favoring a wishful alternative.

On the bright side, and take cheer, that if your beliefs are in fact in error… that at least your fate of existence is no worse than mine:)


Veteran Member
I think it depends on how you take it. I really don't think it was meant as an insult.
i know.
it's interesting to see how someone is totally unaware of how they come across when asking questions like the ones in the OP. it's as if one is to assume atheists are not humanoids and are to be asked basic questions like...do you have feelings? do you care for other people? do you know what it is like to live in peace? are you in torment because you don't believe in god?

it's almost like asking another human being...do you have to breathe air too?

I mean, some of the questions that theists have been asked like- about not having reason, not having logic, etc. were pretty much the same, don't you think?
right, so what did you think i meant when i said:
who is anyone to determine if someone else holds false assurance for themselves?
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Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
Thought I'd answer the questions again :p

I have been bouncing around the different threads and I see so much false assurance,but what if your wrong?

If I'm wrong then so be it

In all due respect can an atheist have peace?

Yes, atheists can have peace. I feel at peace quite often

Is there no higher power then science?

Philosophy imo

Do you really sleep well at night content with no God?

I sleep as well as I would with a god

What happens after death?

As far as I can tell, nothing.

Where are your loved ones?

The ones still alive are here, the ones passed on are somewhere unknown

Is earthly life all you strive for and death is the end of you?

Yes. I don't view it as a bad thing though

Are you so sure, really?

No, I'm not sure. There isn't a single human alive who is sure though

What if...just What if your wrong?

as I said earlier, so be it. Of course, what happens if I'm wrong depends completely on what the truth is. Once we know the truth I can give you a more in depth answer

What are the consequences of your denial?

Not sure I'd use the word "denial", it's an ugly word. "Disbelief" is a better word. As for the consequences, again, that depends on who's right


I think it depends on how you take it. I really don't think it was meant as an insult. I mean, some of the questions that theists have been asked like- about not having reason, not having logic, etc. were pretty much the same, don't you think?

I think those "how can you believe in something with no evidence" threads are rather similar. :)

Me Myself

Back to my username
Thought I'd answer the questions again :p

If I'm wrong then so be it

Yes, atheists can have peace. I feel at peace quite often

Philosophy imo

I sleep as well as I would with a god

As far as I can tell, nothing.

The ones still alive are here, the ones passed on are somewhere unknown

Yes. I don't view it as a bad thing though

No, I'm not sure. There isn't a single human alive who is sure though

as I said earlier, so be it. Of course, what happens if I'm wrong depends completely on what the truth is. Once we know the truth I can give you a more in depth answer

Not sure I'd use the word "denial", it's an ugly word. "Disbelief" is a better word. As for the consequences, again, that depends on who's right
Smartest answer so far :D


Well-Known Member
Is it me or does the question "what if you're wrong" smack of an ignorant arrogance of cultural indoctrination.


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
Is it me or does the question "what if you're wrong" smack of an ignorant arrogance of cultural indoctrination.

It's one of those questions you usually hear after someone has run out of responses in a debate. It's a question everyone should consider at least once though, in my opinion

Lady B

Well I want to apologize to you all that were offended by my opening questions. Sincerely I wasn't being arrogant or assuming. But I can see how my words defied my intentions. I was asking for imput from a may I say group? That I simply could not understand. I used some terms just from my own perspective of which I am now second guessing. I will try to not insult offend or annoy anyone next time I seek to know a religion or non-religion.
Last night as I tried to sleep I went over and over in my head " well what if I am wrong? Am I really sure?" It is a scary mindset IMO and though I wish never to go there again, I am sure that I will many more times before I die. As for me I will never stop seeking .

I came to this site for knowledge really, I enjoy to debate and discuss and argue rationally, there are many wise and well spoken members here and I wish to learn much from you all.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
Is it me or does the question "what if you're wrong" smack of an ignorant arrogance of cultural indoctrination.

Truly? Sounds to me like a prompt to apply critical thinking; quite the opposite of indoctrination. But our culture hates that word "wrong" so much we tend to read it as some kind of slanderous insult against our character. Unfortunate, that. Framing the question as "what if we look at this way?" is a more diplomatic way of encouraging critical thinking and understanding of other points of view.

I wouldn't worry overmuch about offending folks, Lady B. Even if you're painstakingly nitpicky about your choice of words, it will happen anyway. Extending general courtesy and politeness is the most others should ask for; one need not bend over backwards.

Disclaimer: this is a long thread, and I haven't read all of it. >_>


Veteran Member
Well I want to apologize to you all that were offended by my opening questions. Sincerely I wasn't being arrogant or assuming. But I can see how my words defied my intentions. I was asking for imput from a may I say group? That I simply could not understand. I used some terms just from my own perspective of which I am now second guessing. I will try to not insult offend or annoy anyone next time I seek to know a religion or non-religion.
Last night as I tried to sleep I went over and over in my head " well what if I am wrong? Am I really sure?" It is a scary mindset IMO and though I wish never to go there again, I am sure that I will many more times before I die. As for me I will never stop seeking .

I came to this site for knowledge really, I enjoy to debate and discuss and argue rationally, there are many wise and well spoken members here and I wish to learn much from you all.

well then, you're welcome


Last night as I tried to sleep I went over and over in my head " well what if I am wrong? Am I really sure?" It is a scary mindset IMO and though I wish never to go there again, I am sure that I will many more times before I die. As for me I will never stop seeking .

And that's the condition of an honest heart - to never stop seeking...BUT stop worrying. If the atheists are right you have no choice in ANY decisions you make, including your belief system. So trust in a higher power to help you seek truth. If there isn't One, then there's nothing you can do to change any single instant of the past, present, or future as the universe unfolds to predestined laws - so you'd might as well believe.