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Do You Think Muslims Are Violent?

Do You Think Muslims Are Violent?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 34.0%
  • No

    Votes: 33 66.0%

  • Total voters


Active Member
I don't say muslims are violent.I am not judging anyone.I just wonder general perception about muslims.
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Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
With nearly 2 billion of them soon, I hope not. :eek:

No. Most are everyday rational folks.


Muslims are very violent. It is factual.

But OP failed to properly address his OP with any clarification what so ever.

People are violent. That is factual.

Maybe OP needs to delete or clarify what he means.
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Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
Americans are very violent too and that's factual. Well, some Americans. Also, some Muslims, some Hindus, some Jews, some others, etc.


What I say often, and think addresses the OP accurately:

Islam, among religious ideologies/traditions, has a higher tendency to breed or inspire violence than most. Exclusivism is a huge factor.

Majority of Muslims are decent folks, just trying to have a good life - same as most non-Muslims.


Premium Member
I don't say muslims are violent.I am not judging anyone.I just wonder general perception about muslims.

1. It is generally percieved that way cause these days about 90 percent of the time i hear about terrorism, Islam is usually involved somehow.

2. Cartoonist cannot even make a cartoon of the muslim leader without receiving death threats.

3. The wars just don't stop over in the middle east in countries that are predominantly muslim.

4. Islamic countries continue to opress women and gays to this day. India what happened aren't you all hindu? anyway I digress.

5. Jihadists want world war and the world to end.

Yeah I don't know where such a perception of violence comes from.:sad:

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
There is no such thing as true altruism. Only very enlightened and disciplined self-interest.


Not true. Altruism is about the self interest of genes, not individuals. We even have an altruism gene.


Active Member
Muslims don't start out violent. They start reading the Quran and want to share it with other Muslims. But soon they discover 800 million Muslims are illiterate and cannot read the Quran. The violence is an expression of their frustration their religion has created so many believers but so few successful educated people compared to other religions and cultures.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
I don't say muslims are violent.I am not judging anyone.I just wonder general perception about muslims.

I think a propensity for violence is genetic.

There are violent and non-violent folks everywhere. However if a person's parents have a violent personality they may pass those personality traits on.

So a large group who have a genetic trait for violence would likely take any religious belief and modify it's meaning to support their inherent, violent nature.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I think that narrow-mindedness, absolutism, and exclusivism can breed violence, when the system bumps up against other ideologies. It must quell the other ideology in order to maintain its narrow, absolute, exclusivist vision. There simply is no room for any other to legitimately exist. I don't think a lot of Muslims are so narrow, absolute or exclusivist as are a lot of others. The same thing happens with Xy, when it becomes narrow, absolute, and exclusivist (as in Westboro Baptist). It's not the religion, per se, it's the propensity for the religion to foster narrow, absolute, exclusivist views.


Active Member
There are 109 verses in the Quran that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers. There are another 164 Jihad verses in the Quran. So even if Muslims start out nonviolent. After reading the Quran their worldview changes towards more violent expressions.

Fortunately 800 million Muslims are illiterate and cannot read the Quran. They make up the peaceful majority because they have been less influenced by the Quran.

Ironically Islam fails as a religion because it forces Muslims to remain illiterate. But it also presents Islam as a religion of peace because the illiterate Muslims don't carry out those Jihad or violent acts they cannot read about in the Quran because of their illiteracy.


yawn <ignore> yawn
Not true. Altruism is about the self interest of genes, not individuals. We even have an altruism gene.
Would you explain what you mean?
If a guy jumps every gal he can, he will be doing his best for his genes. That is why men are the way they are. I don't see anything altruistic about rape. But I do see how immoral behavior like rape, murder, and theft are in the best interests of our* genes.


*We're both guys. Women have different parameters.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
I think far too many Muslims interpret Islam in ways that can be violent. For example, according to recent polls, there are hundreds of millions of Muslims who believe that apostasy is a crime that can and should be punished violently.

Put another way, the only thing that ties Muslims together is Islam, and Islam is a violent ideology. So I guess you could ask whether you think that a person's beliefs can affect his behaviors.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
I think Muslims are generally obstinate, sometimes to the point of insufferability. But it is all too clear that violence is rarely possible without strong social pressures. Many Muslims do in fact suffer and even exert such pressures, but so many more do not.

So no, I don't generally think of Muslims as violent. But it will depend on the time and place. In that respect they are much like any other group or faith.