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Do You Think Muslims Are Violent?

Do You Think Muslims Are Violent?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 34.0%
  • No

    Votes: 33 66.0%

  • Total voters


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Im not sure.

They are going backwards and have practiced defensive measure to keep reality at bay, for over a thousand years.

I think the problem is the modern educated world is growing up and around and over them. Yet they are stagnant in all growth. Most books they have are all just promoting the religion like AiG does. Their scholars are like Ken Ham and have universal acceptance.

I hope your right

I never said it would not be maddening to deal with them. But for good or worse, we have to try.


I never said it would not be maddening to deal with them. But for good or worse, we have to try.

They may self implode due to breeding over populating their resources. This is the majority of the bogus growth claims. In house growth over conversion.

I have also heard they get double back god points for converting non muslims. I have no idea how true that is.

You also have the sectarian violence that plagues them all giving them the biggest black eye out of all their many problems.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
They may self implode due to breeding over populating their resources. This is the majority of the bogus growth claims. In house growth over conversion.

That is probably true. But it is also very much a problem for us kafirs. What do you think they are likely to do when facing overpopulation?

I have also heard they get double back god points for converting non muslims. I have no idea how true that is.

Muslims are rarely accused of not wanting people to convert, although they prefer to say that those are in reality reversions.

You also have the sectarian violence that plagues them all giving them the biggest black eye out of all their many problems.

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
This is sort of a trick question. Many muslims aren't of course however unlike many secular western countries, muslim countries can be or often are religiously run, so by 'default' anything they do is under the flag of 'Islam' in a larger context.

also, the OP question is just too vague imo, we already know the nature of Islamic expansion in the m. east and elsewhere, and historically in Europe, so are talking about historically? this or that group of Muslims? etc.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
I'm not sure about the bonus points, but it is no secret that they very much want to convert people.


Premium Member
No. I believe that terrorists are violent. Not all Muslims are terrorists and not all terrorists are Muslim.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I voted no. Though there is a significant percentage of Muslims who are fairly radical, upwards to 300 million based on conservative estimates, the vast majority, the other 1.2 billion Muslims are pretty sweet, peaceful people.

The point is, the vast majority of Germans in Nazi Germany were peaceful people, but that didn't stop the Third Reich from romping through history.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
It's My Birthday!
I voted no, because it's not fair to generalize about huge groups of people like that. But if the poll said "Islam" instead of "Muslims", I'd vote yes. Same as if it were a poll about Christianity, Judaism and many other religions. Hell, I'm a Satanist and there's Satanic groups of violent morons, too.


Premium Member
I voted no.

But the thing is, it is both. Anyone could or could not be violent.

I could snap one day and yell at all of you :D


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
I voted no.

But the thing is, it is both. Anyone could or could not be violent.

I could snap one day and yell at all of you :D
I doubt it. We'd know you were pretending to snap just to be cute some more. :p


Premium Member
I doubt it. We'd know you were pretending to snap just to be cute some more. :p





Satyameva Jayate
Premium Member
Interesting poll.

Let me put in my perspective using Christians as an example ... I would say if 16.8 percent or more of Christians were like the modern jihadees in Islam, of which too many of these "Christian jihadees" were also suicide nut jobs and such, then yes that would be a LOT of nut job violent Christians in the population of the world. Enough to say "yes, there is something wrong here, and they might be violent".

So I am voting yes. There are enough to make the world have to defend itself from religious fascism and mass murder based on violent religious ideas, albeit modern mixing of politics and Khalifat "utopian" pipe dreams using modern inventions and death machines they didn't invent to establish an 8th Century "utopia" where at some point telescopes will be outlawed.
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Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
I don't say muslims are violent.I am not judging anyone.I just wonder general perception about muslims.
I don't think all Muslims everywhere are violent people, but the rampant and graphic violence is effectively destroying Islam to the point whereas it can be viewed as being, if not already, the most single hated religion in the modern world.


رسول الآلهة
Muslims are without a doubt violent. You can tell because they often times have beards.

The most violent groups in America have beards or significant mustaches such as bikers and the Greeks.

Fu Man Chu, Osama, Genghis Khan, Tamerlane, Atilla the Hun, Charlmagne, Vlad the Impaler, Qin Shi Huang and Cao Cao.

All had beards and were quite violent. The highest percent of facial hair growth is found amongst the Islamic majority and they are obviously violent. It is without a shadow of a doubt Muslims are the most violent people on earth.
Considering the amount of facial hair some Muslims have they are EXTREMELY violent.








Do you see the correlation!


Do you see the correlation!

I see ignorance.

How about something credible that backs your facial hair pathetic rant.

I grew up with bikers, real bikers, not pirates dressing up on weekends riding hardly's

None were as violent as anyone else I knew. And facial hair had nothing to do with how violent someone is or isn't. It is idiocy at its finest


رسول الآلهة
I see ignorance.

How about something credible that backs your facial hair pathetic rant.

I grew up with bikers, real bikers, not pirates dressing up on weekends riding hardly's

None were as violent as anyone else I knew. And facial hair had nothing to do with how violent someone is or isn't. It is idiocy at its finest

You know nothing. We both know good and well bikers are violent!
On top of this Muslims also were robes. Robe like apparel increases violent tendencies!
Julius Caesar, the Mongol rulers, and the Chinese for crying out loud!

History supports my claims. The only way to lower Islamic violence is to introduce them to pants and promote shaving