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Do You Think Muslims Are Violent?

Do You Think Muslims Are Violent?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 34.0%
  • No

    Votes: 33 66.0%

  • Total voters
I voted "No".

I believe people are individuals.

Some Muslims might have a propensity to be violent; but I'm sure that most Muslims are peaceful.

Just because someone is a Muslim, it doesn't make them a terrorist.

But, it seems like a lot of terrorists are Muslims.

Everyone should be treated as an individual, and not grouped together as if all of the Muslims are the same.



What I say often, and think addresses the OP accurately:

Islam, among religious ideologies/traditions, has a higher tendency to breed or inspire violence than most. Exclusivism is a huge factor.

Majority of Muslims are decent folks, just trying to have a good life - same as most non-Muslims.

Best answer in my opinion.

Their fanaticism and fundamentalism has crippled them globally speaking.

The most violent and ignorant at the same time, and they chose to do nothing about it. It is so screwed up they don't even have a choice.


Radical idiots are violent within Islam - the bad apples of a faith with many peaceful adherents.

Its the sheer volume of radical idiots that is troubling.

Their is a high level of fanaticism required by all just to follow this primitive religion. One has to be a literalist to some extent just to be a member.

It would be the same if we had all violent YEC and their was no choice or freedom. It would be ugly.
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I voted no.

A lot of what is happening right now is in the Middle East is due to the wars of the West and the damage they have done. Some of it is due to the religious texts, but Muslims are human beings first and human beings have all kinds of people.


Mother Heathen
Its the sheer volume of radical idiots that is troubling.

Their is a high level of fanaticism required by all just to follow this primitive religion. One has to a literalist to some extent just to be a member.

It would be the same if we had all violent YEC and their was no choice or freedom. It would be ugly.

In the Middle East - yes. Elsewhere, in the modernized world - not as much.

I agree that the extent of fanaticism is indeed troubling. Most of it stems from primitive people with primitive mindset. Even in the Middle East - it's evident that not all share this primitive, fanatical mindset.

Though extremism is troubling - extremist action is rarely an accurate depiction of that which it attempts to represent. Crazy is just crazy.


In the Middle East - yes. Elsewhere, in the modernized world - not as much.

. Crazy is just crazy.

Even in the modern world the fanaticism is still deep. All of their people are like our YEC fundies.

I just don't think any level of literalism is safe.

Most are good people, but being a few rungs up the ladder away from reality to start with, makes it that easy to go off the deep end.

Similar to a gateway drug. There is a reason why this religion promotes the most violence and ignorance.

Do the primitive cultures promote the religion? or does the religion promote the cultures. Im running with both.


Mother Heathen
Do the primitive cultures promote the religion? or does the religion promote the cultures. Im running with both.

Sure. But, again...within specific sects of said religion.

I do believe that primitive culture, mindset and interpretation and application are the primary factors contributing to such madness.

I'm not willing to label all Islam as mad, all Muslims as mad.


I voted no.

A lot of what is happening right now is in the Middle East is due to the wars of the West and the damage they have done. Some of it is due to the religious texts, but Muslims are human beings first and human beings have all kinds of people.

I think some is. But in the same token ISIS is for the most part due to the sectarianism of islam. The pres of Iraq used his position to fight the other major sect of islam, this led the power vacuum to fight against the presidents terror.

We left a semi functioning government in place, and the president perverted the whole show due to religious belief.


Mother Heathen
I think some is. But in the same token ISIS is for the most part due to the sectarianism of islam. The pres of Iraq used his position to fight the other major sect of islam, this led the power vacuum to fight against the presidents terror.

We left a semi functioning government in place, and the president perverted the whole show due to religious belief.

I don't care as to the reasons behind why ISIS is as ISIS is.

Every individual participating today is either out of their freaking minds or completely sane but truly that ****** up in their interpretation and application of their faith.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Even in the modern world the fanaticism is still deep. All of their people are like our YEC fundies.

I just don't think any level of literalism is safe.

Most are good people, but being a few rungs up the ladder away from reality to start with, makes it that easy to go off the deep end.

That is pretty much what I think as well.

Similar to a gateway drug. There is a reason why this religion promotes the most violence and ignorance.

You realize that the people who most need to understand what you mean will simply not connect to this specific wording, I hope.

Do the primitive cultures promote the religion? or does the religion promote the cultures. Im running with both.

A bit of both.


I don't care as to the reasons behind why ISIS is as ISIS is.

Every individual participating today is either out of their freaking minds or completely sane but truly that ****** up in their interpretation and application of their faith.


Were also talking about poverty and ignorance so bad, in Africa terrorist were joining for $50 and a cell phone.

You also had one sect trying to shove the side ISIS backs out of the country. They had a right to fight the presidents tyranny.

Doesn't make excuses for the bat crap crazy leader and primitive methods I agree whole hearted.

This whole OP should be addressed to the typical muslim not those who can easily pervert it because it is primitive in my view.

I feel YEC are primitive as well, so its not just biased blind opinion.


You realize that the people who most need to understand what you mean will simply not connect to this specific wording, I hope.


I was hoping this stated it more effectively, placing it into context.

I have very weak English and grammar skills, so your welcome to clean it up and articulate.

Most are good people, but being a few rungs up the ladder away from reality to start with, makes it that easy to go off the deep end.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Yes and no.

I know a lot of Muslims, and not one of them is violent. However, IMO Muslim violence is a result of decades of poverty, lack of education, corrupt leaders, corrupt religious "scholars", invasion and destruction from outside forces, and gross misinterpretation of vague religious text (i.e., text that can be altered to meet an agenda).

If people are in these conditions for long enough, it shouldn't be a surprise there is a rise in violence and chaos.


Yes and no.

I know a lot of Muslims, and not one of them is violent. However, IMO Muslim violence is a result of decades of poverty, lack of education, corrupt leaders, corrupt religious "scholars", invasion and destruction from outside forces, and gross misinterpretation of vague religious text (i.e., text that can be altered to meet an agenda).

If people are in these conditions for long enough, it shouldn't be a surprise there is a rise in violence and chaos.

It is a very complex and dynamic problem.

I have personally never met face to face a violent muslim either.

There are a few in here though that I could see pushing buttons


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
I was hoping this stated it more effectively, placing it into context.

I have very weak English and grammar skills, so your welcome to clean it up and articulate.

Thanks, but I don't think it is very much a matter of language skill.

It is just that saying that

Similar to a gateway drug. There is a reason why this religion promotes the most violence and ignorance.

may or may not be fair and accurate, but it will never be very productive. For one to listen to such a message without already accepting it to begin with takes considerable effort.

You are stating outright something that we both know they will never accept at face value. That just does not work.

Since you encouraged me, let me try an alternate wording:

"It is such a sad situation this, with so many otherwise well-meaning people ending up simply not knowing better than to follow strict legalism and having such a hard time even understanding that it is everyone's loss for those excesses to be so timidly challenged by the faithful.

Everyone wants peace and security, and Muslims are certainly no exception. But I can't help but feel that they are tragically misguided in seeking those virtues in strict adherence to principles that so badly need personal discernment. Way too many Muslims really look like they need more wisdom and courage to question their own societies, yet end up seeking more traditionalism instead. We all, both non-Muslims and Muslims, are so much worse for that!"

(Edited: I somehow wrote "follow right legalism" at one point. Fixed with "strict legalism"
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but it will never be very productive.

Will anything be productive?

You cannot get a YEC to face any facts of evolution no matter how logical and reasonable you explain this Brother. muslims are no different.

They are warned since their childhood not to question islam or muhammad and god in any critical manner


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Will anything be productive?

You cannot get a YEC to face any facts of evolution no matter how logical and reasonable you explain this Brother. muslims are no different.

They are warned since their childhood not to question islam or muhammad and god in any critical manner

Muslims are a lot like YEC, indeed. And what a pain that is. But they are hardly hopeless.


Muslims are a lot like YEC, indeed. And what a pain that is. But they are hardly hopeless.

Im not sure.

They are going backwards and have practiced defensive measure to keep reality at bay, for over a thousand years.

I think the problem is the modern educated world is growing up and around and over them. Yet they are stagnant in all growth. Most books they have are all just promoting the religion like AiG does. Their scholars are like Ken Ham and have universal acceptance.

I hope your right