Do you think that the Bible, *could be the word of G-d? Or divine? This question is for atheists and agnostics, but specification is needed for what type of agnosticism or atheism you are claiming.
*Or some, /any parts of the Bible
I dont know what you mean by claiming "what type" of atheist I am. I just dont believe God/s exist. God/s as in actual deities rather than just spirits, personifications, and archeytypes.
To answer that question, I'd have to assume a God exists. If He does, Id say Holy Books are written by "people" inspired by God." The book is not inspired in and of itself, its the people who wrote it.
I personally believe the Buddha's suttras are sacred. If I compared it to the God/Holy Book concept, I'd say the Book/s are revered because they contain words that describe whats in us. They are books of our lives through other people just like we are. What I write is inspired by my nature and may be used as inspired work by my family who keeps it if I were to pass before they.
If a God existed, I dont agree that any book is directly inspired by Him/Her. That is a personification of the Divine; I dont agree with that. Rather, God inspires people. That-is what I would believe if God existed.
If you mean God inspired book, no. If you mean God inspired message, yes. Books are not inspirations. Messages are.