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Do you understand the New Testament

free spirit

Well-Known Member
One question bros,

Where did the New Testament come from?

Peace be upon you.

We Christians believe that the New Testament, came from men inspired by God. The "New" Testament means that there must have been an "Old" Testament; The "Testament" is an instrument by which you make known your will after you depart from this world, for a testament is not enforced while you live. The new testament also makes the old null and void.


Active Member
We Christians believe that the New Testament, came from men inspired by God. The "New" Testament means that there must have been an "Old" Testament; The "Testament" is an instrument by which you make known your will after you depart from this world, for a testament is not enforced while you live. The new testament also makes the old null and void.

Unlike the Quran, this means that the Testament was subject to manipulation by people 'who saw fit'. In order for a Muslim to be so, they MUST believe that Allah had sent down the Torah and Gospel. However to date, those books do not only contain the word of God anymore so how can you continue to believe by them (with so many alterations)?

Peace be upon you.

free spirit

Well-Known Member
Unlike the Quran, this means that the Testament was subject to manipulation by people 'who saw fit'. In order for a Muslim to be so, they MUST believe that Allah had sent down the Torah and Gospel. However to date, those books do not only contain the word of God anymore so how can you continue to believe by them (with so many alterations)?

Peace be upon you.
Yes you are correct that the New Testament Has been altered in the first century, and today unfortunately also it is paraphrased to some loss of its wisdom.
However to those who God find faithful he gives the gift of repentance and to distinguish which is his word from that which is not. Read my thread " Rightly divide the word" and you will know what I mean.

free spirit

Well-Known Member
So all that stuff about YEC is null and void? And that stuff about homosexuals and witches? Why didn't I hear about this before guys!?

Ha ha ha...... Do not jump to conclusion, you can eat pork etc. etc.
but sin is still a sin, which is an offense to the holiness of God, or coming closer to our home, it should be also an offense to your conscience if you like. To keep our moral integrity is of paramount importance.


Active Member
Ha ha ha...... Do not jump to conclusion, you can eat pork etc. etc.
but sin is still a sin, which is an offense to the holiness of God, or coming closer to our home, it should be also an offense to your conscience if you like. To keep our moral integrity is of paramount importance.

Are you saying the eating pork is sinful? If so, I (edit: the rest of the Muslims and Jews) should agree ;).

Peace be upon you.
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free spirit

Well-Known Member
Are you saying the eating pork is sinful? If so, I (edit: the rest of the Muslims and Jews) should agree ;).

Peace be upon you.

Why is sinful to eat pork brother?
In the New Testament Jesus has made all clean, we are not the better or worse if we eat, the important part is to love our neighbor like ourselves, the rest is unimportant because my neighbor was also made in the image of God, so by loving my neighbor I love God.
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Well-Known Member
Well it is only speculations, the parable that Jesus told in Luke 16: 19 to 31 might shed some light on the subject, but then was Jesus speaking in reality or was he speaking as a metaphor.

Yes He was using a parable (which is a near story). Notice and this still applies today because Jesus is the same today, yesterday, and forever right...

All these things Jesus speaks in parables to the throngs, and apart from a parable He spoke nothing to them..." (Mat. 13:34

So yes it was a parable. If you take this parable as literal it would contradict sooooooo many different scriptures on soooooo many subjects. Think on it, if Lazarus or the Abraham was some how alive in heaven when Jesus told this story, think how many scriptures that would contradict

So, if the sins and the blessings of the fathers are visited on the children, that is our spiritual DNA, in other words God does not decide our spiritual destiny, the behavior of our forefather's do, but of cause we can reject the bad things that come knocking on our door, so we still have our free will, God on the other hand has the luxury to know how we will turn out before we are born, so he can make his choice known before we are born. Also in ACTS 13: 22, there is a good example of this spiritual DNA, for we read in part, "I have found IN David the son of Jesse, a man after my heart, who will do all my will." The key words here are "I have found" and not I have put there. In other words AK4 your theory is busted.

Huh?????:confused: Im confused with this. Let me try to decipher.... In Adam all die, In Christ all shall live. Because of our forefather Adam we are destined to die (we have no freewill to change this), but also in Christ all are destined to live (no freewill here either---this goes with rather someone believes the Word when in many different verses all means all or whatever variation of the such). Either way God had made the choice before everything that all are destined to die once, then judgment (which means they are alive again right? You cant judge some thats dead) and all will be alive. Theres no free will in that at all.

Also in ACTS 13: 22, there is a good example of this spiritual DNA, for we read in part, "I have found IN David the son of Jesse, a man after my heart, who will do all my will." The key words here are "I have found" and not I have put there. In other words AK4 your theory is busted.

You are likening God to a man with this statement. Just because God uses terms so man can understand what He is doing doesnt mean it is exactly that way (sounds like a weak argument right here dont it, ha ha im just sleepy right now). Think---when God asked Adam and Eve where they were in the Garden, do you think He didnt KNOW where they were at? When He asked Cain where was his brother, do you think He didnt know where He was at either? Actually right afterwards God tells Him where He is at. Do you see my point? So to say "i have found" as proof is likening God to a man.

Furthermore this spiritual DNA thing and your proof verse. So God says He has found in David a man ....." This man i believe we both can agree is Christ right? Did this mans spiritual DNA/destiny come about freely or by what this man will eventually do or was this man already prophecied to come to do nothing but the will of God, therefore He had no choice, no free will but to do what He was purposed for. He was already prophecied to come back in Genesis remember.

So if this is the case, it wouldnt matter how you worded that verse in Acts right?---

"I have found IN David the son of Jesse, a man after my heart, who will do all my will."

"I PUT IN David the son of Jesse, a man after my heart, who will do all my will."

Psalms 89:19-37 19 Then thou spakest in vision to thy holy one, and saidst, I have laid help upon one that is mighty; I have exalted one chosen out of the people. 20 I have found David my servant; with my holy oil have I anointed him: 21 With whom my hand shall be established: mine arm also shall strengthen him. 22 The enemy shall not exact upon him; nor the son of wickedness afflict him. 23 And I will beat down his foes before his face, and plague them that hate him. 24 But my faithfulness and my mercy shall be with him: and in my name shall his horn be exalted. 25 I will set his hand also in the sea, and his right hand in the rivers. 26 He shall cry unto me, Thou art my father, my God, and the rock of my salvation. 27 Also I will make him my firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth
So ask yourself was Christ searched out and found by God or was He something like put here for a purpose?

Notice also i believe God said the same thing of Ezekiel or Isaiah, i cant remember exactly which right now


Well-Known Member
That is another thing that we all agree on “God has Mercy on who He wants” which contradict your doctrine that all will be saved you even said that Jesus must save all, that is like the genie in the lamp theory. You asked I guess these "all" are saying only "as many as" too?” I don’t know if you realized that if those that curse the Jews are cursed then not all are blessed. You do know that there are and there have been many that do exactly that don’t you?
Exd 33:19

And the Lord said, "I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim my name, the Lord, in your presence. I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.

Okay imma break this one down real simple without using any of "Pauls ideas". Think on this, most of the jews in the OT died in their sins, yet God states over and over again He will bring them back and they ALL will believe, obey, follow and keep His commandments. Did you catch that?

They died IN THEIR SINS and yet they will all be saved and will believe, obey, follow and keep His commandments (notice God doesnt say He will bring back some and only some will believe, obey, follow and keep His commandments). Now if God is going to do this for the OT jews and israelites, and He is no respector of persons, why is it different for the rest of humanity and the message some how changes in the NT? Does God change? No.

Think on it.


Well-Known Member
Okay imma break this one down real simple without using any of "Pauls ideas". Think on this, most of the jews in the OT died in their sins, yet God states over and over again He will bring them back and they ALL will believe, obey, follow and keep His commandments. Did you catch that?
Thanks, we have had this before I in turns will make it simple this is promise to the Ancient Israelites, He will bring them back and they ALL will believe and that is set out in a covenant, What about the gentiles as far as I can see in Jesus discourses many will be redeemed/save which mean not all of the Tom. Dick and Harry that ever live, some of us gentiles will be saved.

They died IN THEIR SINS and yet they will all be saved and will believe, obey, follow and keep His commandments (notice God doesnt say He will bring back some and only some will believe, obey, follow and keep His commandments).
They did not died in their sin they died in belief and hope, they repented and God had mercy on them, this is prophecy of Messiah and He came, He freed them when He descended to hell that was left empty, I have cited scriptures to you that show what the master said with respect to His new covenant with all of humanity.
Isa 11:10
"And in that day there shall be a Root of Jesse, Who shall stand as a banner to the people; For the Gentiles shall seek Him, And His resting place shall be glorious."
Isa 42:6
"I, the LORD, have called You in righteousness, And will hold Your hand; I will keep You and give You as a covenant to the people, As a light to the Gentiles,
Isa 60:3
The Gentiles shall come to your light, And kings to the brightness of your rising.

Mat 12:20
A bruised reed He will not break, And smoking flax He will not quench, Till He sends forth justice to victory;
Luk 2:32
A light to [bring] revelation to the Gentiles, And the glory of Your people Israel."

Now if God is going to do this for the OT jews and israelites, and He is no respector of persons, why is it different for the rest of humanity and the message some how changes in the NT? Does God change? No.

Think on it

The difference lays in the covenant; God made a covenant with the Israelites and kept it, the Savior descended to the place where they were captive and emptied the place, also God in His mercy send the Savior to the Gentiles to save all that trust in Him.
Jhn 1:12
But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name:


Well-Known Member
No, you weren't. Your doctrine is not sound. I canot dispute good doctrine, if it is not present to dispute.

Well first off its not my doctrine. I quote scripture and you just dont believe it. Yet you despise it.

there is, but not in the way you're using it. the whole context involves large matters of spiritual importance, involving humanity in history. And it works with whole texts, compared to and contrasting with other whole texts, not with snippets here and there, that deal with very specific circumstatnces within Christianity.

Like i said you dont believe the scriptures. "here a little, there a little....."

Not necessarily. Wanting them to do that, and manipulating them so that they do is called "eisegesis."

Is it i that want or what the Lord says He wants? The Word says it has to match spiritually and you "O, man" say otherwise? Unbelievable!

In terms of grand, overarching themes, yes. In terms of specific ideas, no.

Wow. I cant believe that makes sense to you. A specific idea that dont match the overall theme, doesnt match the overall theme.

LOL. ROFL. You're not in any position to make such a judgment. Least of all scholastically.

Really? and you know my background and education? (if that even mattered really because it is God who reveals not mans education)

Maybe most you know. But I really hesitate to say that's true of most Christians worldwide.

Is it just christains that believe in a hell? Besides you know you are wrong on this

Yes, I see the difference. The difference is that I exegete texts within their specific context. In other words, I "read out of the text" what it says. you, on the other hand, "read into the text" what you want it to say.

LOL. For example, i read into and out the verse "God who will have all men to be saved". I see that God will save ALL, yet you and others like you see that all as "as many as". So who is reading into what they want it to say?

In this particular application of the text, yes.

Wow. *shaking head*

I don't think you understand that "parable" is a technical, literary term. But yes, I do understand that the Bible is one big epic. However, that being said, the epic breaks down into many sagas and stories, each of which must stand on its own merits, if it is to be understood as its own story, and how it fits together with all the other stories, so that the epic makes sense.

Tell me then, most scholastic one, what is this parable then?

No, this is exegesis.

Oh brother. :slap:


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Well first off its not my doctrine. I quote scripture and you just dont believe it.
It is your doctrine. "Quoting scripture" and then assigning hard and fast theological meaning to it is doctrine. And it's yours, because it sure isn't what the writers had in mind.
Like i said you dont believe the scriptures. "here a little, there a little....."
I don't believe what you believe about what the scriptures say, because I've actually done my homework.
Is it i that want or what the Lord says He wants? The Word says it has to match spiritually and you "O, man" say otherwise? Unbelievable!
It's you. Because what you think is being said, and what's actually being said are two different things.
Wow. I cant believe that makes sense to you. A specific idea that dont match the overall theme, doesnt match the overall theme.
For example, when we hear about the specifics of the Jacob story, let's say, when he cheated Esau out of the birthright, the concept of cheating has nothing to do with the overall theme of God overcoming primogeniture and saving the remnant known as Israel. It "fits" into the saga, but when taken separately, takes on a character of its own that doesn't quite fit the model.
Really? and you know my background and education? (if that even mattered really because it is God who reveals not mans education)
If there were any evidence by your grammar, spelling and syntax that you were as educated as I, then I would concede that you might be in a position to judge me academically. As it stands, though...

One has to understand what it is that God is "revealing," otherwise, one might think God's revealing TV programs, when God is really revealing stage performances. And it takes education to know the difference.
LOL. For example, i read into and out the verse "God who will have all men to be saved". I see that God will save ALL, yet you and others like you see that all as "as many as". So who is reading into what they want it to say?
You don't really have any idea what I read out of the text. since I'm a universalist, and you claim here that I'm not.
Oh brother.
You said it!


Well-Known Member
They did not died in their sin they died in belief and hope, they repented and God had mercy on them, this is prophecy of Messiah and He came, He freed them when He descended to hell that was left empty, I have cited scriptures to you that show what the master said with respect to His new covenant with all of humanity.

They didnt? You have a chapter and verse on that? He freed them when He descended to hell? Oh theres that doctrine of immortal soul there. And unbelief that Jesus actually died and was dead. So now those OT israelites are alive and in heaven now? You got a chapter and verse that one too? Good luck.

Think on it

The difference lays in the covenant; God made a covenant with the Israelites and kept it, the Savior descended to the place where they were captive and emptied the place, also God in His mercy send the Savior to the Gentiles to save all that trust in Him.

He emptied hell? The eternal place of torture, whoops its no longer eternal now right? And since it was emptied where are these people because there is only one who has ascended to the heavens? Besides you say all have been saved already, but the scriptures only say (if they were already now) that only a remnant will be

Now again to the salvation of all and you say that the only gentiles who will be saved are those who trust in Him. Now scripture reads that every knee shall bow and confess that He is Lord and that they can only do this by the holy spirit. So are you believing that when after judgment people will be given the HS and confess that He is Lord that they wont be saved when the scriputres say that if the spirit dwells in you, you will have life?


Well-Known Member
It is your doctrine. "Quoting scripture" and then assigning hard and fast theological meaning to it is doctrine. And it's yours, because it sure isn't what the writers had in mind.

I let scripture interpret scripture and i dont add or subtract from it. If the Word says what It says then that is what it is. I dont take into account (mostly) what "may have been the writers intention". I take they are inspired of God and are writing the intentions of Him, not them.

I don't believe what you believe about what the scriptures say, because I've actually done my homework.

Many students do all their homework and still fail soooooooooo whats your point because ....nah i wont say it.

It's you. Because what you think is being said, and what's actually being said are two different things.

I dont change the words or meaning. I back up everything with multiple scriptures therefore i am not stating my opinion.

For example, when we hear about the specifics of the Jacob story, let's say, when he cheated Esau out of the birthright, the concept of cheating has nothing to do with the overall theme of God overcoming primogeniture and saving the remnant known as Israel. It "fits" into the saga, but when taken separately, takes on a character of its own that doesn't quite fit the model.

Was that story about cheating or trusting in God? See if you are looking at it wrong in the first place then everything gets screwed up.

If there were any evidence by your grammar, spelling and syntax that you were as educated as I, then I would concede that you might be in a position to judge me academically. As it stands, though...

LOL. I think faster than i type and dont really care to proof read. i keep things simple and dont need to use big words to make people think i am "wise" nor do i care.

One has to understand what it is that God is "revealing," otherwise, one might think God's revealing TV programs, when God is really revealing stage performances. And it takes education to know the difference.

Exactly and i noticed you didnt answer, oh scholastic one, what the parable is. What is this giant parable? Big Epic? Stories upon stories that is of one big movie?

You don't really have any idea what I read out of the text. since I'm a universalist, and you claim here that I'm not.

I was just using an example, nothing more.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I let scripture interpret scripture and i dont add or subtract from it.
Yes, you do, because:
If the Word says what It says then that is what it is.
And rarely does the text "say what it says" to us, because we're looking at it through the lens of our own understanding, which is informed by things like cultural norms, a technological, print-driven perspective, as well as the constraints of our language which was neither the spoken, nor written language of the writers. Therefore, you do add and take away. because you:
dont take into account (mostly) what "may have been the writers intention".
Which causes you to subract that intention and add your own.
I take they are inspired of God and are writing the intentions of Him, not them.
Your take is wrong.
Many students do all their homework and still fail soooooooooo whats your point because ....nah i wont say it.
My point is that, because you don't do your homework, and rely on assumption, you don't understand what your scriptural references are really saying, and so you actually prove my arguments.
I dont change the words or meaning
Yes. Yes, you do.
I back up everything with multiple scriptures therefore i am not stating my opinion.
You're backing everything up with your uninformed interpretation of multiple scriptures. Therefore, you are stating your opinion.
Was that story about cheating or trusting in God? See if you are looking at it wrong in the first place then everything gets screwed up.
Exactly my point. If you don't understand what the writer means, then you end up looking at it in the wrong way and everything gets screwed up.
I think faster than i type and dont really care to proof read. i keep things simple and dont need to use big words to make people think i am "wise" nor do i care.
It's obvious from what I have been able to decipher of your typing, that you're not thinking critically at all.
Exactly and i noticed you didnt answer, oh scholastic one, what the parable is. What is this giant parable? Big Epic? Stories upon stories that is of one big movie?
It's not a parable. At all.
I was just using an example, nothing more.
Your example doesn't fit, because you're not thinking critically. Therefore, the "example" doesn't make sense. Nor has much in any of your posts here. You have demonstrated that, indeed, you don't understand the NT, because you dismiss the intent of writing, in the very least, and fail to conceptualize the theological meaning, leading to some very confused doctrinal statements.

free spirit

Well-Known Member

Huh?????:confused: Im confused with this. Let me try to decipher.... In Adam all die, In Christ all shall live. Because of our forefather Adam we are destined to die (we have no freewill to change this), but also in Christ all are destined to live (no freewill here either---this goes with rather someone believes the Word when in many different verses all means all or whatever variation of the such). Either way God had made the choice before everything that all are destined to die once, then judgment (which means they are alive again right? You cant judge some thats dead) and all will be alive. Theres no free will in that at all.

Well AK4, Your theory is depressing, but also to know that my future does not depend on me is unfair, and cannot be so, for God is Holy: The following scripture in Revelation 22: 11 to 15, Half agrees with you, and half with me, for we read; "Let the one who does wrong, still do wrong; and let the one who is filthy, still be filthy; and let the one who is righteous, still practice righteousness; and let the one who is holy, still keep himself holy." (So they are free to do as they wish right.)

"Behold, I am coming quickly, and my reward is with me, to render to every man according to what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."
"Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter by the gates into the city."
(So here they wash their robes by their own free will, and have the right to the tree of life, and may enter the city; right.)

"Outside are the dogs and the sorcerers and the immoral persons and the murderers and the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices lying."
Those who are outside of the city merited death; but they are obviously still alive; right. ( this is in agreement with what you are saying, in other words all will have life; right.)



Well-Known Member
Eph 4:8
Therefore He says: "When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive, And gave gifts to men." [fn]
Eph 4:8
Therefore He says: "When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive, And gave gifts to men." [fn]
Eph 4:10
He who descended is also the One who ascended far above all the heavens, that He might fill all things.)

And again I must point out to you that Jesus mission was to save what it was lost of the house of Israel and He did finished the covenant; the Lord in His ministry announced a new covenant in His blood that was going to redeem many.
Now to this new covenant:
Jhn 1:12
But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name:
Jhn 1:13
who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

This is a lot clearer in identifying who are in God’s family ( “as many as received Him”) than “Now scripture reads that every knee shall bow and confess that He is Lord ” But this is you reading into this scripture “and that they can only do this by the holy spirit. But what is said is:
Phl 2:11
And [that] every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ [is] Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Phl 2:12
Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
Phl 2:15
That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;

See how God has His people and the world has theirs.


Well-Known Member
Yes, you do, because:

And rarely does the text "say what it says" to us,

Sorry, i was rushing and i didnt want my boss to see i wasnt working when i put that. Heres what i meant--- The bible does not mean what is says, it means what it means. Do you understand that?

Which causes you to subract that intention and add your own.

Really? And you trying to figure out what MAY HAVE BEEN the writers intention instead of WHAT IS Gods intention/purpose doesn’t have you adding or subtracting to the Word? LOL.

Your take is wrong.

My take is wrong huh? Ahh another part of the Word you don’t believe in

2 Tim 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness

Which means you don’t believe this one either

John 17:17 Sanctify them through Thy truth: Thy WORD is truth.

*tsk tsk*

My point is that, because you don't do your homework, and rely on assumption, you don't understand what your scriptural references are really saying, and so you actually prove my arguments.

Believe me my homework is never finished and I don’t rely on assumption at all. The Word has to prove itself or as it says “prove all things”, which means that even if there is an intent of the writer it still has to match up with the rest of scripture, not act as a separate entity. I don’t have just blind faith. When you apply the line upon line precept upon precept/compare spiritual with spiritual you don’t have to rely on assumption and you find truth. “Study and show yourself approved”.

Your arguments are silly when put them up against the Word because they contradict it.

Yes. Yes, you do.

You're backing everything up with your uninformed interpretation of multiple scriptures. Therefore, you are stating your opinion.

LOL. This is funny. So in other words I am using multiple proofs to prove a point and yet I am wrong in your eyes. Might I add, my multiple proofs don’t contradict any other precept in the Word. If I am wrong me with scripture that I am, not with your opinion or some non-existent “Q”.

Exactly my point. If you don't understand what the writer means, then you end up looking at it in the wrong way and everything gets screwed up.

*shaking head*

It's obvious from what I have been able to decipher of your typing, that you're not thinking critically at all.

Thank you

It's not a parable. At all.

And this shows how little you know of the Word and Gods plan and purpose for creating mankind.

Your example doesn't fit, because you're not thinking critically. Therefore, the "example" doesn't make sense. Nor has much in any of your posts here. You have demonstrated that, indeed, you don't understand the NT, because you dismiss the intent of writing, in the very least, and fail to conceptualize the theological meaning, leading to some very confused doctrinal statements.

How does Paul put it

1Co 2:14 - But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
The bible does not mean what is says, it means what it means. Do you understand that?
The way we understand what it means is by "getting into the heads" of the people who wrote it.
Really? And you trying to figure out what MAY HAVE BEEN the writers intention instead of WHAT IS Gods intention/purpose doesn’t have you adding or subtracting to the Word? LOL.
Coming to educated and researched conclusions about the writer's intent is prerequisite to understanding God's intention, since God's intention is implicit in what the writer wrote, and how and why he wrote it, and is not explicit on its own.
My take is wrong huh? Ahh another part of the Word you don’t believe in

2 Tim 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness
But only if you understand the scripture in question, which is best accomplished through exegesis.
Which means you don’t believe this one either

John 17:17 Sanctify them through Thy truth: Thy WORD is truth.
Just because your eyes scan the text across the page does not automatically mean that you have comprehension. We learn that little lesson in the first grade. it holds true throughout life.
Believe me my homework is never finished and I don’t rely on assumption at all. The Word has to prove itself or as it says “prove all things”, which means that even if there is an intent of the writer it still has to match up with the rest of scripture, not act as a separate entity. I don’t have just blind faith. When you apply the line upon line precept upon precept/compare spiritual with spiritual you don’t have to rely on assumption and you find truth. “Study and show yourself approved”.

Your arguments are silly when put them up against the Word because they contradict it.
You assume you know what the text is saying, when it's obvious that you don't, by what you post here. It's also obvious that your technique of doing your homework is flawed, if you don't stop to consider each document in the collection on its own merits.
So in other words I am using multiple proofs to prove a point and yet I am wrong in your eyes.
Yes, because your "proofs" aren't proofs. They're poorly-formulated opinions.
Might I add, my multiple proofs don’t contradict any other precept in the Word.
Not if you twist meaning so that they all fit neatly together in the box of your own understanding...
And this shows how little you know of the Word and Gods plan and purpose for creating mankind.
Let me see if I understand you correctly: I understand both the literary form of the Bible as a whole, and the literary form of the parable. Because I understand that the entire Bible is not a parable, that means that I don't understand "God's plan and purpose for creating humankind."

How do you think my grasp of the literary nature of the texts contributes in any way to my misunderstanding of "God's plan?"
How does Paul put it

1Co 2:14 - But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
Thank you for proving my point in a most excellent and concise way here.
This passage isn't talking about the studying and scholarship that even the ancients used when dealing with scriptural text -- the kind of scholarship that led to the great commentary we call Talmud. This passage is talking about spiritual perception. The problem arises when we fail to understand that, whenever we read the Bible, we are using scholarship and study and human wisdom. Even a cursory reading does that, for if we had not taken advantage of scholarship, study and wisdom, we would not know how to read. But some of us "switch off" our brains after learning how to read, and forget to involve exegesis, so that we can understand the spiritual perceptions of the writers. Surely you know that the perceptions of the writers were different -- sometimes vastly different -- than our own? Surely when reading a text that is separated from us by time, distance, language and culture, you would want to understand as fully as possible what was meant, so that you could understand the authors' spiritual perception?
Or maybe you'd rather live in Bible fairy-land.