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Does anyone care about 2012


Well-Known Member
This is the time of prophecy about a 2012 Doomsday. Just about everybody has heard of the date 2012 and read about 2012 doomsday predictions. Most people hear about Dec 21, 2012 and say, “Hmm, isn’t that when the Mayan calendar ends? :sad4:

Superstitious ancient peeps are still supersticious. I also walk under ladders, let black cats cross my path and I love a bakers dozen.

Show me science and reason.... not prophecy. ;)


Can't brain. Has dumb.
Nope, I can't say I care about it.

I won't be changing who or what I am, simply because yet another group of people are telling me the world will;
1) explode
2) implode
3) be devoured by aliens
4) be smushed by God
5) melt
6) freeze
7) or all of the above.

whatever happens, happens. I'm only here for the ride.


Well-Known Member
I aint never got no money, always broke I must confess
And the few things what I'm forced to own, if I lose em, then I guess
I've lived without em once before, can live without em once agen
The only thing I really needs is me solitude, pad and pen.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not some mug, what thinks that he can write
But any time I calls me own, don't matter, day or night
You'll find me at me table, sittin here with pen in hand
Scribblin out some stupid rubbish, and tryin to understand
How a man can sit here writtin words and even without tryin
Jot down me words then read em and find all the lines is rhymin
For instance, just an hour ago, I'm sittin here and ponderin
When from the north then from the south, there comes this distance rumblin
And then me mind goes kinda blank and somethin moves me arm
And I thinks--now should I try'n stop it? Nah! It never does no harm
Then words appear as I sit and write, not takin no great notice
Then I reads what's written here below when me mind comes back in focus.

"To the north of us and to the south, the thunders peeled and the lightenings flashed
While up above the skies were clear, not a single cloud hung in the air
The night was still, not a breath of breeze and starlight flickered through the trees
While all around, the wild storm surged and you did what? You got the urge
To sit and write this stupid poem, when you should prepare for the coming storm
So when you see the damage done, by your apathy and stupor
You might just learn a thing or two, that'll help you in the future."

Well, it gets me mind a thinkin, i'm not one who turns his back
On a lesson from me teacher; Nah, me past has taught me that
And I thinks---well yea, there's many folk, what live in many lands
Where conflicts rage around em, and it gettin outa hand
And they builds themselves an island: you know? --- A little dome of peace
Where they think the storm won't hit em, like fools they think their safe
But the storm clouds gather closer, then the lightenin and the fire
Invade their dome of safety, and there's no where else to hide.

So I makes meself a mental note, and thanks me Father deep within
For his insight and his knowledge, and for sharin all his wisdom
And I now make preparation for the great storm soon to come
O, I know we can't avoid it, but we'll come through it, me and mum
You can keep your gold and silver, and all the diamonds in this land
Cos there comes a time in every life, and I don't give a damn
How much gold or weath you got, or what position what you've gained
They'll be useless in that time of stress, better if you'd filled your brain
with the wisdom of the ages, the most precious thing of all
Cos he's the one what saves ya mate, while all around ya thousands fall.....By S-word
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Flaming Queer
I guess 12 is a magic number, but 2012 holds no significance for me other than the fact that 2012 should be the first full year I spend in full-time employment.


Well-Known Member
What does "End-of-the-world" mean, if the end of mankind, then for other life forms, this could be good, since we seem to be causing a mass extinction of immense proportions worldwide at present.


Well-Known Member
What does "End-of-the-world" mean, if the end of mankind, then for other life forms, this could be good, since we seem to be causing a mass extinction of immense proportions worldwide at present.

I didn't think that mankind, who is the Most High in the creation and Lord of all creatures was around at the time of the great extinction, must have been another Most High that did that one.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
I'm not worried... the Mayan calendar just says that a new cycle of time starts... like the smaller cycles that were supposed to happen every 56 years.

They thought if human hearts wern't torn from the body in just the right way, on the right day every 56 years the world would die... well, its been a long time since that ceremony has happened (more than 56 years) and we are still here.

No one talks about that one though. Or the fact that ritual blood letting had to happen every day so that the sun would rise.

The Mayans were/are clever people, but you don't get to pick and choose what aspects of their faith you want to believe.



Well-Known Member
I didn't think that mankind, who is the Most High in the creation and Lord of all creatures was around at the time of the great extinction, must have been another Most High that did that one.

I'm talking about a current mass extinction, not the ones of the Cretatious or Permian times.


Well-Known Member
I didn't think that mankind, who is the Most High in the creation and Lord of all creatures was around at the time of the great extinction, must have been another Most High that did that one.

I'm talking about the current mass extinction, not the ones of the Cretatious or Permian times.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
This one is pretty bad... it may well give the K/T a run for its money.
Hopefully it will never touch the Great Permian die-off.


Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
What are we worried about? I mean it is not like it is going to ruin our weekend or anything? Who looks that far into the future? [/sarcasm]


Well-Known Member
The only time it crosses my mind is when someone else brings it up. It's just another doomsday secenero that will come & go.


Well-Known Member
I'm talking about the current mass extinction, not the ones of the Cretatious or Permian times.

I aint dumb mate, I know what extintion you are referring to, but don't you just get sick of everyone blaming mankind for everything that happens on earth, even climate change. As I have said, where was man at the time of the mass extintions of the Cretatious or Permian times, where was man during the great Ice ages that come and go, who caused the wonderful forrested North Africa to become the dry, hot Sarah widerness, etc, etc, etc? You want to blame someone, then blame He who created the one you condemn as the great destroyer. He too got sick of listening to the accusations that were made night and day against his brothers by the accuser.

Zaphod Beeblebrox

Zarking Fardwarks!
I have no concerns about 2012. Hundreds of predictions have been made about the end of the world and so far 100% of them have turned out to be wrong. I don't see that this one will be any different.

When the world does finally end, there will be nothing we can do about it, so why worry? And when it does end and if someone happened to predict that date, well then it was simply a fluke.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
The notion that humans spent millions of years evolving sharper brains just to believe 2012 is the end of the world is so wearisome that I almost believe 2012 were indeed the end of it all.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
This one is pretty bad... it may well give the K/T a run for its money.
Really? I listened to a lecture recently that described the level of destruction of the K/T extinction; apparently, it was on par with wiping out every land-based animal on every land mass on Earth except for New Zealand. Human-enduced extinction and environmental impacts worry me, but I don't think we're anywhere near that level.

The notion that humans spent millions of years evolving sharper brains just to believe 2012 is the end of the world is so wearisome that I almost believe 2012 were indeed the end of it all.
I know. Everyone with any sense knows the world ended in 1844.