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Does anyone care about 2012


I am Darth Vader
All I can think of is what my mom said to one scared doomsday preacher, this was the 2000 one. She was shouting at everyone in a local bank in my city on how the Bible tells the world is going to come to an end. My mom just walked up to her and said. "Oh! so all the Christians are going to be wiped out ehh..." :p


Active Member
2012, MMXII

Queens Diamond Jubilee, Solar Eclipse, 2012 olympics, Mayan Prophecy (21,12,2012) @ 11:11
Strangely Enought the Mayan Date is the Exact precise date of the Winter Soltice in the northern hemisphere and the Summer soltice in southern hemisphere, All Analogue television broadcasts in UK will come to a End, the sun will rise above horizon in the middle of the centre of the galaxy, causing alignment of the Earth and Sun. It also said that an odd planet called Planet X will enter our solar system, people believe that 2012 will be the date of spiritual transformation

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I have been studying the theory for the past 5 years. I have yet too see one shard of evidence showing the world is going to end. It may just end as we know it, but we will continue on.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Strangely Enought the Mayan Date is the Exact precise date of the Winter Soltice in the northern hemisphere and the Summer soltice in southern hemisphere
Why is that strange? That is a traditional 'year end'/'year begin' date.

All Analogue television broadcasts in UK will come to a End, the sun will rise above horizon in the middle of the centre of the galaxy, causing alignment of the Earth and Sun.
The Sun and the Earth are always in alignment. We orbit the Sun, we can't not be in alignment with it.

It also said that an odd planet called Planet X will enter our solar system, people believe that 2012 will be the date of spiritual transformation
The Mayans believed that if you didn't rip the hearts out of people and ritually shed your own blood on a regular basis that the sun would stop rising.
2012 is just the end of a longer cycle like the Katun or Baktun.

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I am Darth Vader
I did a small research of my own on this, out of curiosity. There are many theories floating: 1 - our solar system will raise above the Galactic equator and will spell doom to all of us. 2 - Nibru or Planet X will enter our Solar system and cause major flooding and all sorts of doomsday scenarios. These 2 interested me very much.

These are so easy to debunk even for an High School student. The first one, there is no shred of scientific evidence which says that this event could cause major catastrophe. The idiots who create these juice doomsday predictions cant even read high school science to understand that anything that can affect life on this planet needs to be so massive in scale that all would have seen it coming. If something can affect this planet so massively from vast distances wont it be measurable. Even light takes time to travel from Sun to earth and even gravity over a distance has diminished affect and that too depends on its mass.

The second, Planet entering our Solar system has an effect on our climate. The largest body close to us Moon is only able to affect the tides. Before we even consider the fact we have to think how much of an effect is Jupiter is having on our climate. Any guesses, none because the distance involved is so massive we cant even grasp it in our heads. And the edge of our solar system is so far that Pioneer 10 launched in the 60s and traveling at 600miles per second has not even reached the edge. You know how much acceleration is needed for a planet to travel at these speeds to enter our solar system.
And there are people who really believe that the Planet is going to end at 2012. So how come the Mayans who believed that riping a persons heart is what kept the sun up in sky be right than the ones with slightly higher understanding of the sun believed we were all going to end in 2000.
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Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Thats not the end of the world, no, but we have polar shift then a LOT of people will die. I plan to move inland to higher ground.

I know.

I never said it was the end of the world.

And the only ones who die will be the ones who cannot adapt to whatever happens.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
The worst that will happen is that we will loose our cell phones and GPS for a while.
We will have a bunch of space junk in orbit.

And we will have to swap the N and S on the maps. :cool:



Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
The worst that will happen is that we will loose our cell phones and GPS for a while.
We will have a bunch of space junk in orbit.

And we will have to swap the N and S on the maps. :cool:


You have any idea of what could happen if all electricity in the world suddenly stopped? All communications? For weeks?

That's the worst case scenario, and the result would be chaos. The celestial and magnetic events would directly cause the problems; our lazy and spoiled society would be thrown back to before the control of electricity, which we are dependent upon. If we don't get the power back within days, there'd be chaos in the streets.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
It wouldn't.

The far outer magnetosphere would flicker but we would be more than likely protected.
The only thing lost would be satellites. We would still have ground communication, radio and other forms of discourse.

Life can go on without cell phones.

Areas of the country have been without power for weeks at a time. It happened recently here on the east coast, we didn't suddenly become uncivilized wackos.
Even when New York lost power in the previous electrical outage the city remained calm and safe and in some ways benefited from the experience.

Also the current magnetic field isn't exactly continuous, it varies in strength/intensity all over the globe. We don't worry about that. You don't freak out about traveling cross country.



Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
It wouldn't.

The far outer magnetosphere would flicker but we would be more than likely protected.
The only thing lost would be satellites. We would still have ground communication, radio and other forms of discourse.

Life can go on without cell phones.

Areas of the country have been without power for weeks at a time. It happened recently here on the east coast, we didn't suddenly become uncivilized wackos.
Even when New York lost power in the previous electrical outage the city remained calm and safe and in some ways benefited from the experience.

Also the current magnetic field isn't exactly continuous, it varies in strength/intensity all over the globe. We don't worry about that. You don't freak out about traveling cross country.


Hope you're right.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
The worst that will happen is that we will loose our cell phones and GPS for a while.
We will have a bunch of space junk in orbit.

And we will have to swap the N and S on the maps. :cool:

Is there any particular reason that you think a geomagnetic reversal is going to happen in 2012?


Well-Known Member
None at all.

I see no evidence that 2012 is going to be anything other than an election year.


Ah! but you forget the Middle East problem and the "Weapons of Mass destruction," which have been stored up by the nations of the world, or are they but the figment of my imagination? "When you see the nations encamped around Jerusalem, then know the time of the end of this system is at hand." Prepare yourself for the Sabbath, the day of the Lord.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Ah! but you forget the Middle East problem and the "Weapons of Mass destruction," which have been stored up by the nations of the world, or are they but the figment of my imagination? "When you see the nations encamped around Jerusalem, then know the time of the end of this system is at hand." Prepare yourself for the Sabbath, the day of the Lord.

While there are problems in the Middle-East, the so-called "weapons of mass destruction" were a forgery; we found no evidence that they ever existed.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
While there are problems in the Middle-East, the so-called "weapons of mass destruction" were a forgery; we found no evidence that they ever existed.

Ahem,...it is my understanding that the 'abomination that causes desolation' are nuclear weapons and that they have been set up in Israel?