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Does anyone care about 2012


Well-Known Member
Ahem,...it is my understanding that the 'abomination that causes desolation' are nuclear weapons and that they have been set up in Israel?

Aint even referring to the supposed nuclear weapons in Israel. re-read post 58. Quite a pile there, whatcha reckon mate?
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painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Ah! but you forget the Middle East problem and the "Weapons of Mass destruction," which have been stored up by the nations of the world, or are they but the figment of my imagination? "When you see the nations encamped around Jerusalem, then know the time of the end of this system is at hand." Prepare yourself for the Sabbath, the day of the Lord.
When haven't "the nations" been encamped around Jerusalem?
Scare tactics pure and simple.

People love "disaster porn" and predicting the end of the world. This is just another in a long string of examples.

I'd be more worried about Yellowstone than a nuke, though neither will end the world. :cool:


Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member

Aint even referring to the supposed nuclear weapons in Israel. re-read post 58.

Maybe so S-word, but I was responding to Riverwolf's post.

However you may like to consider that since it is a fact that a significant arsenal of WMD has been set up in Israel, there are some who see it reasonable to associate this with Matthew 24:15, "When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand.)

Then from Daniel 11:45, there is this, "He (King of the North) will halt between Jerusalem and the sea, and there he will pitch his royal tents, but while he is there his time will suddenly run out and there will be no one to help him."

British imperial power with it's UN mandate over Palestine set up the modern state of Israel in 1947 through the UN. IOW, regardless of the political arguments about Zionism, Palestinian rights, etc., Israel owes it's existence to the global imperial powers of this planet, and none more so than the British Empire. They also helped provide the technical and financial assistance to build up an arsenal of WMD, and continue to do so.

Directly after Daniel 11:45 comes Daniel 12 which I'm sure you are familiar with. The metaphorical language in Daniel 12 seems to refer to the same event alluded to in Matthew 24.

Now this post is not intended to take the focus away from the 2012 expectations, but just to note that this time frame also seems reasonable, given the state of the world and in particular the ME, to some who are into bible prophecy.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
When haven't "the nations" been encamped around Jerusalem?
Scare tactics pure and simple.

People love "disaster porn" and predicting the end of the world. This is just another in a long string of examples.

I'd be more worried about Yellowstone than a nuke, though neither will end the world. :cool:


So would I. Nukes we can do something about; Yellowstone erupting is inevitable.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
It'll take out more than a single bomb could as well. It will impact the whole world.
But like a single blast, eventually the effect will go away and things will return to normal.



Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
It'll take out more than a single bomb could as well. It will impact the whole world.
But like a single blast, eventually the effect will go away and things will return to normal.


Better than normal.

Pretty much the entire United States will be covered in ash.

Ash is one of the greatest natural fertilizers.

Which basically means...

The forests will come back.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
But it will take a long time... Ash may be a good fertilizer but not at first. Mount Saint Helens still doesn't have any forests on its slopes. Twenty years is nothing to a volcano.



Well-Known Member
When haven't "the nations" been encamped around Jerusalem?
Scare tactics pure and simple.

People love "disaster porn" and predicting the end of the world. This is just another in a long string of examples.

I'd be more worried about Yellowstone than a nuke, though neither will end the world. :cool:


Wern't referring to the end of the world either, but to the end of the old world political system as represented by the Statue in the dream of Nebuchadnezzar, and the establishment of one world governing power which will be situated in Jerusalem.

People love "disaster porn" and predicting the end of the world. This is just another in a long string of examples.

This is the first time that we have been at the end of the sixth day, or the sixth period of one thousand years. Within the next few years we will enter into the Sabbath day of one thousand years from when Adam ate of the forbidden fruit and died in the first day at the age of 930. The day of the Lord, when they of the first resurrection, (The risen body of Christ) who will take the thrones that have been prepared for them and rule the world from Jerusalem for one thousand years, and then comes the end, when the fire comes down from heaven and all physical life forms on the planet will be incinerated.

For the Lord said, "I am going to destroy everything on earth, all human beings and animals, birds and fish. I will bring about the downfall of the wicked. I will destroy all mankind, and no survivors will be left. I, the Lord, have spoken.
On the day when the Lord shows his fury, not even all their silver and gold will save them. The whole earth will be destroyed by the fire of his anger. He will put an end_ a sudden end__to everyone who lives on earth.

After the explosion of the super volcano 75,000 years ago, the earth was shouded by an enveloping cloud for somewhere around a thousand years, a Cloud through which the sun and moon were turned to blood, and such would be the case if the inevitable Yellowstone eruption is triggered by the great nuclear world war in the Middle East, the war that will end all wars. Today we have the capacity to destroy more lives in one week, than were lost in the long drawn out second world war.

After the thousand years are ended, Satan will again be released to gather to himself a new physical body with which he will surround the city of Jerusalem whose people will have lived in peace for over a thousand years concentrating all their scientific minds to solving the coming problem of what is occurring in the planet Jupiter, and of course, the body of Satan will not find anyone in the city, as the fire descends from heaven and destroys all life on earth.

In dream I saw the heavens ablaze with balls of fire
Huge hailstones that were burning and streaking down the sky
The earth was clothed in purple, dark orange and deep blue
Like a swaddling cloth surrounding us that hid the stars from view
Dark clouds rose from the mountain peaks, earth’s veins were opened wide
Through which her inner blood spewed forth, in streams of living fire
Whole continents, they heaved and tossed, waves rippled through the ground
In all the earth, no hiding place of safety could be found.

The oceans boiled, they foamed and rose, destroying cities on their shores
All the river dams were busted valley towns were seen no more
The power stations of the earth all were melted down
A few survivors of the human race were all that could be found
And then I saw the winter, a winter so severe
It lasted not a few short months, but neigh on three long years
And the women who were pregnant, O God! The children that they bore
Grotesque and hideous malformations, I pray to see that sight no more

Then when the winter lifted and crops began to grow
A strange and eerie world emerged, from the destruction and the snow
A world with neither day nor night, where even rainbows couldn’t form
In the atmosphere above the earth, and yet the air was strangely warm
A thousand years or twilight and through that swaddling band on high
Three blood red giants were glowing through a hazed and orange sky
The sun and moon had turned to blood, yet far brighter than the moon
Was Jupiter the heavenly light, which in time would spell man’s doom?.....S-word
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Premium Member
I recommend the complete Idiots guide to 2012. I learned a lot about astronomy and the Mayans. Interesting things I did not know. I am not sure if anything will happen but now am aware of a lot of natural things that can happen.

Doomsday predictions are just cooked up gimmicks to get people into churches, sell books and basically to make a quick buck off of gullible people.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
But it will take a long time... Ash may be a good fertilizer but not at first. Mount Saint Helens still doesn't have any forests on its slopes. Twenty years is nothing to a volcano.


I know. :D

I just said they'd come back. I didn't say when.

I'd give an uneducated estimate of about a thousand years, maybe more.

My point is, through death, life can be.