Magic Man
Reaper of Conversation
you have not destroyed the reason for the order sir. If you can't see that outright, then I can't make you see it either.
So, if I go kill a baby, and say that God told me to, so that the kid wouldn't have to grow up in this horrible, sick world, would you believe me? It doesn't matter what the reason is, God can do it without killing, right? If not, then the point is moot.
point taken ... what are her chances? are you willing to take the chance with your daughter?
God was not willing to take the chance with the israelites whom he considered as his children.
To maintain your stance, your answer should be yes you will take the chance with your own daughter. but what does your conscience tell you? do not answer me anymore.
i am nobody and you are not accountable to me. you are accoutable to your own conscience and your creator.
have a nice day!
So, am I god, then?