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Does God actually hate me?

Does God hate zombieharlot?

  • Total voters


zombieharlot said:
"A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the Lord your God DETESTS anyone who does this." Deuteronomy 22:5 NIV

So...God hates me then?

No, God doesn't hate you. He created you out of love, or Himself (be God is love). Why then would He hate you?



Disciple of Light
"A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the Lord your God DETESTS anyone who does this."

god detests the action not you. love the sinner hate the sin said jesus. god loves you despite what you do


Disciple of Light
God does not hate any of you. This is not a site to be making jokes about God's love or His intentions.

sorry johnathen, but theres alot of christian bashers on the web who just dont know tolerance and understanding


~Lord Roghen~ said:
...who just dont know tolerance and understanding
Proportionately, that ball spends most of it's time in the christian side of the court; your statement requires a pretty specific isometricity.


Jonathan said:
This is not a site to be making jokes about God's love or His intentions.

i guess you'd know with 3 whole posts under your belt.

seriously, if god can't take a joke...why is he playing them on us all the time?


Active Member
Well...a Christian (like myself:)) is bound by the laws of the NT...not the old...so I ask if you see similar verses in the NT of the bible, which I don't recall reading.

The covenant in which Moses was bound to is different than the covenant in which I'm bound to. Deuteronomy of course is dealing with God's people under the leadership of Moses.

The laws were different...the manner of atonement was different...

God doesn't hate you. In fact He loved you so much...Christ became the ultimate atonement for you...He didn't hang on that cross out of hate. He hung in agony because he DOES love you.

Bottom line...I think God is a heck of a lot more concerned about what's inside you...not what you're wearing on the outside...:D

Are you saying that what God wanted in the Old Testament is irrelevent? Does God change? Can God simply stop being the wrathful, mass murdering, vengeful God who ordered you to be killed for dressing wrong or any number of ridiculous things in the Old Testement? The Christian God is definitely not the same God found in the OT.


Active Member
So my question is this. Is it not possible, and even reasonable, to believe that the hate and negative emotions we feel coming from this verse (and verses like it) came not from “God”, but rather from the men who wrote it? Which is easier to believe, that the men who wrote this had a problem with “cross-dressing” and the like, or that an all-powerful divine “God” took the time to express his feelings on fashion?
If it is not 100% from God, then how can we trust it to be accurate at all as the word of God? How much of it is from the minds of men? If the wrathful OT came from men, why not the loving NT? Do we hate ourselves that much that we believe we are incapable of love and only capable of hate? I believe the entire Bible was written by men, for men; no God whatsoever. I could write all day about a concept that I can't prove to be true, I would obviously be inspired by that concept because I am writing about it, but that doesn't make it true and it doesn't prove that it exists anywhere except in my own head.


Some Kind of Strange
Jonathan, Roghen, Mr. Guy, and Divine please don't go there on this thread. I don't want any such arguments.

Jonathan and Roghen, I don't understand how you can make statements about me being intolerant and not understanding. I wasn't necessarily making jokes with this thread. Although it may seem a bit ridiculous, there is a seriousness to it.


zombieharlot said:
"A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the Lord your God DETESTS anyone who does this." Deuteronomy 22:5 NIV

So...God hates me then?
He hates you because you look better in the clothes than he does. :yes: