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Does God Answer Prayers?

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
Oh, cut it out with the hurt feelings, Auto. I didn't call anybody a liar. I simply think that it would be pretty hard for anyone (possibly even God) to convince a confirmed atheist that He existed. In my experience, atheists always have an answer for any supposedly divine manifestation.
But it does happen. Both ways. Atheists do become Theists, and Theists do become Atheists.

It does seem like some of the posters in this thread desperately want to paint Atheists as being closed minded. I realize that there are these are some difficult questions. And I can understand that you might not be able answer them, or you just may feel it is not worth your time. If that is the case that is fine, I respect that. But don’t turn around and blame those who are asking honest questions.


Not your average Mormon
fantôme profane;1411330 said:
But it does happen. Both ways. Atheists do become Theists, and Theists do become Atheists.
I realize that. It happens all the time.

It does seem like some of the posters in this thread desperately want to paint Atheists as being closed minded.
And some atheists want to paint theists as naive and unintelligent. And some atheists on this forum are just convinced that all theists hate them. They are so convinced that a civil dialogue is damned near impossible, because they're looking for reasons to be insulted. The bottom line, in my opinion, are that most atheists are just as ethical and decent as many theists. They aren't hateful jerks who hate everything that pertains to spiritual things. They're good neighbors and good parents. On the other hand, most theists aren't stupid. They are every bit as intelligent and rational as atheists. They've come to a different conclusion about God than atheists have, but that doesn't mean they have a brain the size of a pea. We're not all that different, but we always seem to be fighting. Not discussing, not disagreeing, not debating, but fighting, insulting and accusing. It's pathetic, and both sides are to blame.

I realize that there are these are some difficult questions. And I can understand that you might not be able answer them, or you just may feel it is not worth your time. If that is the case that is fine, I respect that. But don’t turn around and blame those who are asking honest questions.
What did I get myself into? Do you really see me as some kind of atheist-bashing religious fanatic?

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
What did I get myself into? Do you really see me as some kind of atheist-bashing religious fanatic?
This is not a comment about you. I am not talking about you personally. I am talking only about what you posted.
You know what? I bet it wouldn't be. ;)
And yes, that particular post where you said (with a wink) that Beaudreaux would ignore the evidence that he claimed would be convincing to him, in that post you were clearly expressing the idea that Atheists are closed minded.

And you should not be surprised to be called on a statement like that. If it is not what you meant, if it was just a flippant comment (I know I make enough of those) then that is fine. This is not personal, I am not judging you. I am however evaluating what you posted and responding to it. And Autodidact has every right to do the same


Not your average Mormon
fantôme profane;1411369 said:
This is not a comment about you. I am not talking about you personally. I am talking only about what you posted.And yes, that particular post where you said (with a wink) that Beaudreaux would ignore the evidence that he claimed would be convincing to him, in that post you were clearly expressing the idea that Atheists are closed minded.
Okay, well let me tell you why I made that comment. Months ago, probably more than a year ago, I started a thread in which I posed a question to atheists in which I described a scenario which, to me, would clearly be evidence that there was a God. I asked the atheists on RF if this particular series of events that I described would cause them to rethink their lack of belief in God. There were a couple who said it would, but by far the biggest majority said things like, "Well, I would assume that other factors were at work here and that it wasn't God who made things turn out as they did." They really did try to come up with every conceivable reason imaginable why the situation I described could not have been God's doing. Very few were willing to even consider it as a possibility. I really didn't even debate with them, because I started the thread in a DIR forum. I wanted to see how open-minded they were, and found that most of them were determined that to disprove God's hand was in any way involved.

And you should not be surprised to be called on a statement like that. If it is not what you meant, if it was just a flippant comment (I know I make enough of those) then that is fine. This is not personal, I am not judging you. I am however evaluating what you posted and responding to it. And Autodidact has every right to do the same
It was intended, primarily, to be flippant. Hence the wink. It seems to me as if a mountain has been made out of a molehill. But again, it was not my intention to offend. I think I'd better just shut up and get out of here. :run:
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Well-Known Member
Peace of mind is healing.
No...peace of mind is peace of mind. Making a blind man see is healing.

Are Christians so defeated over the idea that their prayer requests are not granted that they now believe that all they can do is pray for the sick to have peace of mind?!?!


Intentionally Blank
Yes..If they know you are praying for them.

Its the same thing if you say something nice to someone it can cause a physical reaction.Or in reverse if you say something hateful.Our bodies react.


Yes, I think this might be true. But if it only works if they know about it, don't you think it looks like it's their mind, not God?


Intentionally Blank
Stop exaggerating, Auto.
Here's the exchange:

If you go into a hospital and pray for an amputee to grow back a limb and it happens, what is there to explain?!?! That would be pretty convincing to me.
You know what? I bet it wouldn't be.
So the poster said it would be convincing to him, and you told him, no, he would disregard the evidence, even if it were there. Maybe you don't consider that dishonesty, but since I base my beliefs on the evidence, I certainly do.

No, actually I didn't notice that. What I noticed was that virtually every time I get into a conversation with you, you're all over me about something. I seriously don't think I've ever been rude to you. I just don't know what I've done to get on your bad side, but it must have been pretty bad, 'cause you really don't seem to be able to find anything about me to like.
Right. The problem isn't you, Katzpur, it's my reactions. Keep telling yourself that, and you'll feel much better.
I'm not such a bad person, and I think the majority of atheists on this forum would tell you that they don't have the same problems with me as you do. Even the poster I actually made the remark to hasan't complained that I was rude. If he'd really been insulted, I would imagine he'd have said something.
I don't know what kind of person you are. All I know is your posts here. In order to win an argument, you accused the person on the other side of lying. Cheap, dishonest, tactic. I wouldn't resort to it. You keep your own standards.

Anyway, if that remark was as hurtful as you are saying it was, I'm sorry. I really am. On the other hand, an apology from you would be nice, too, because you have hurt me on numerous occasions.
Please draw it to my attention when it happens, so I can rectify it.

I'll bet you do, and I'll bet it's not a very nice one. But I'm not the victim here, am I, because you've always been very respectful and courteous to me.
Thank you.

Well, that's not how I see it, but I guess we'll simply have to agree to disagree on this one.
Beats the pain of examing your actions, I guess.


Intentionally Blank
Okay, well let me tell you why I made that comment. Months ago, probably more than a year ago, I started a thread in which I posed a question to atheists in which I described a scenario which, to me, would clearly be evidence that there was a God. I asked the atheists on RF if this particular series of events that I described would cause them to rethink their lack of belief in God. There were a couple who said it would, but by far the biggest majority said things like, "Well, I would assume that other factors were at work here and that it wasn't God who made things turn out as they did." They really did try to come up with every conceivable reason imaginable why the situation I described could not have been God's doing. Very few were willing to even consider it as a possibility. I really didn't even debate with them, because I started the thread in a DIR forum. I wanted to see how open-minded they were, and found that most of them were determined that to disprove God's hand was in any way involved.
First of all, Beadreax wasn't in that thread, was s/he? Prejudiced much? Second, go back to the thread. Read my answer.

It was intended, primarily, to be flippant. Hence the wink. It seems to me as if a mountain has been made out of a molehill. But again, it was not my intention to offend. I think I'd better just shut up and get out of here. :run:
That probably also beats admitting you were wrong.


Not your average Mormon
What would you like from me, Auto? I mean besides the apology you asked for and already got? I said it was not my intention to offend and I meant that. If you continue to insist that my remarks were malicious, you're guilty of the same thing you're accusing me of. Life's too short to hold grudges the way you do.


Intentionally Blank
Anyway, Katzpur, the subject of the thread is not your manners or my feelings, it's whether prayer is effective. And my point is that, when an atheist says that such evidence would be persuasive, to deny that is illegitimate argumentation. It's like, when all else fails, and you have nothing, you try to turn it around and accuse the atheists of being close-minded, while in fact it's clear that it's the theists who are being close-minded. Because the overwhelming evidence is that the only effect that prayer has is psychological.

And just in case you ever do want to apologize to anyone for anything, the way you do it is to say you're sorry.


Not your average Mormon
Anyway, Katzpur, the subject of the thread is not your manners or my feelings, it's whether prayer is effective. And my point is that, when an atheist says that such evidence would be persuasive, to deny that is illegitimate argumentation. It's like, when all else fails, and you have nothing, you try to turn it around and accuse the atheists of being close-minded, while in fact it's clear that it's the theists who are being close-minded. Because the overwhelming evidence is that the only effect that prayer has is psychological.
To each his own. When it comes to something like prayer, the only evidence that really matters to me is personal expereince. If that makes me closed-minded and you open-minded, then so be it.

And just in case you ever do want to apologize to anyone for anything, the way you do it is to say you're sorry.
And those are the exact words I used. I said, "Anyway, if that remark was as hurtful as you are saying it was, I'm sorry. I really am." Apparently that was not good enough. I don't have a hard time apologizing when I've said something to offend, but I do draw the line at groveling.


Intentionally Blank
To each his own. When it comes to something like prayer, the only evidence that really matters to me is personal expereince. If that makes me closed-minded and you open-minded, then so be it.
Personal experience can be a source of evidence, but it takes rigorous application of control. For example, for a week, every time you pray, write down what you prayed for, and what you would consider to be granting the prayer. For example, if you pray for a relative to be healed, write down what you would consider healing. Write it down before you check out the results. Then, within the specified time period, record how many of your prayers were actually granted. I think you'll find, as have those before you, that any results external to you will be granted at the exact same rate as had you not prayed.

I'm sure you'll agree that if you don't do this, it's not experience, it's just bias.

btw, I am quite willing to do the same experiment. For some time period, I'll pray to any God you like, and then go back and see how it turned out. If anything measurable and external happens at a rate greater than random chance, I will seriously reconsider the existence, power and beneficience of that God. If it doesn't, will you do the same? If not, who's open-minded here, and who isn't?

However, prayer has been shown to be beneficial for the person praying. So is meditation, and it seems likely for comparable reasons.

As long as you view prayer as being about something internal, it is successful and beneficial. It's when you look for results in the world outside of you that it falls down.

As for the apology, let it go; it's no big deal. I'm more concerned about the effect on the issue. But again, for your future reference, effective apologies are not conditional.


Not your average Mormon
btw, I am quite willing to do the same experiment. For some time period, I'll pray to any God you like, and then go back and see how it turned out. If anything measurable and external happens at a rate greater than random chance, I will seriously reconsider the existence, power and beneficience of that God. If it doesn't, will you do the same? If not, who's open-minded here, and who isn't?
It wouldn't work, Auto. You'd have to believe in God in order for that to happen. You can't force yourself to believe, and words said without faith that God is listening truly are ineffective. So let's just let this one go. I hesitated to even post on this thread, and I now know it was a mistake. I'll try to keep that in mind the next time I see this topic raised.


Depends Upon My Mood..
No...peace of mind is peace of mind. Making a blind man see is healing.

Are Christians so defeated over the idea that their prayer requests are not granted that they now believe that all they can do is pray for the sick to have peace of mind?!?!

I dont know about other Christians..But I think peace of mind is the highest form of healing.

That doesnt make me defeated.




Well-Known Member
I dont know about other Christians..But I think peace of mind is the highest form of healing.
It is really amazing to me the mental gymnastics Christians will do to maintain a belief, including trying to co-opt new age concepts like "peace of mind." Are you actually trying to tell me that if my 9 year old daughter (who is an angel and the light of my life) was diagnosed with terminal cancer that it would be better for her to have peace of mind than to be healed of that cancer? Are you serious?

If "peace of mind" were the highest form of healing, then why did Jesus seem to think that actual healing was the highest form of healing? He gave sight to the blind, healed leppers, enabled the lame to walk and more. All of these were supposed to be signs that he was God. How did he miss the "peace of mind" boat?


free thinker
The truth about prayer is this... the same success rates for answered prayers are observed in every single religion. This isn't insinuating that god answers prayers regardless of faith, it is showing that nobody is doing any answering at all.

People pray for things all the time, and they usually come true ("answered") or they don't. If they don't, we forget about them or disregard them for whatever justification we choose (my favorite is "well.. it just wasn't in God's plan"). However, when they do get "answered" we reinforce these events in our minds and it confirms that they do work.

Sadly, I can pray to my refrigerator for the same sorts of things as any theist does to his/her God and I can promise you that I will have the same results (percentage of answered prayers over time).


Question Everything
My question is, does anyone really believe that God grants prayer requests?

Yes. Have to be careful what you ask for though...

More tears are shed over answered prayers than unanswered ones. - Mother Teresa

I like to end with "nevertheless - not my will, but thine be done - ie - if there is a larger piece of the picture that I do not see, do what you think is best - you know better what is best than I do...

We have to study it out - think about it, not just ask... then wait for an answer...

6 Do not amurmur, my son, for it is wisdom in me that I have dealt with you after this manner.
7 Behold, you have not understood; you have supposed that I would give it unto you, when you took no thought save it was to ask me.
8 But, behold, I say unto you, that you must astudy it out in your bmind; then you must cask me if it be right, and if it is right I will cause that your dbosom shall eburn within you; therefore, you shall ffeel that it is right.
9 But if it be not right you shall have no such feelings, but you shall have a astupor of thought that shall cause you to forget the thing which is wrong;
(Doctrine and Covenants | Section9:6 - 9)

So think about what we are to ask for, then see if we are asking for the right things...

A little bit ago, our house was truck by lightning. Our nighbors (Baptist) came over, said something to the effect that their house was not hit by lightning because they prayed that it would not be.... Of course we prayed too - it was a bad storm - but we ended with "thy will be done".... I did not tell them this... but our insurance ended up getting us a free new roof (which we really needed) and a new power box, and surge protector for the entire house etc. etc.... so I am glad that His will, not ours, was done!

4 ... I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, ...with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, ....

6aGive not that which is bholy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your cpearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
7aAsk, and it shall be bgiven you; cseek, and ye shall find; dknock, and it shall be opened unto you:
8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that aseeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
9 Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask abread, will he give him a stone?
10 Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?
11 If ye then, abeing evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?
(New Testament | Matthew7:6 - 11)
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Question Everything
If "peace of mind" were the highest form of healing, then why did Jesus seem to think that actual healing was the highest form of healing?

I don't hink physical healing is the highest form...

5 For whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and walk?
(New Testament | Matthew 9:5)

I think it was easier to say "Arise and walk"... JMO.