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Does God Really Have a Gender/Sex?


St. James VII
It sounds like a stupid question. I've sincerely asked this question to Christians who come up to me in real life, and they insist that God is male and the "Father." And they insist that God can't be a "mother," or female.

I've learned in basic junior high science class that to be male usually you need a Y + X Chromosome. To be a female usually you need a X + X chromosome. The first point is it seems that gender/sex differentiation is associated with biological components we call "chromosomes."

So my question is:

Being that God is a spirit person, or non-physical, or non-biological, does God have chromosomes? How is a spirit being to have a sex or gender? In all sincerity, if we say that God is a man and the father, does that mean he has male genitalia and vestigial nipples? And what good are those for? Conversely, if we say that such and such spirit or deity is a "Goddess," does that mean this Goddess has breasts, mammary glands, a uterus, fallopian tubes, and the rest of the stuff?

How does God have his gender? What gives a spirit thing sex or gender, and why would spirit beings need gender? To reproduce? To have sex? For cosmetic purposes?

God is simply a term used to identify our origins. God is both father and mother. My view is that our Heavenly Father is the incorporeal universe (spirit), our Heavenly Mother is the material universe (matter) and we are the offspring of both.

Scriptures state that God is spirit, just as the scriptures state that we were formed from the dust of the ground (material universe). Our Heavenly Mother supplies our physical needs to survive, just as our Heavenly Father supplies our spiritual needs to survive.

Together they make up God [plural].
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Left Hand Path
It sounds like a stupid question. I've sincerely asked this question to Christians who come up to me in real life, and they insist that God is male and the "Father." And they insist that God can't be a "mother," or female.

I've learned in basic junior high science class that to be male usually you need a Y + X Chromosome. To be a female usually you need a X + X chromosome. The first point is it seems that gender/sex differentiation is associated with biological components we call "chromosomes."

So my question is:

Being that God is a spirit person, or non-physical, or non-biological, does God have chromosomes? How is a spirit being to have a sex or gender? In all sincerity, if we say that God is a man and the father, does that mean he has male genitalia and vestigial nipples? And what good are those for? Conversely, if we say that such and such spirit or deity is a "Goddess," does that mean this Goddess has breasts, mammary glands, a uterus, fallopian tubes, and the rest of the stuff?

How does God have his gender? What gives a spirit thing sex or gender, and why would spirit beings need gender? To reproduce? To have sex? For cosmetic purposes?

"Man was created in God(s) image". Woman coming from man, woman also being found as Goddesses.

"God" does not possess gender aside from personification, and perhaps relation to psychology. It is simply the will of the universe.
"Man was created in God(s) image". Woman coming from man, woman also being found as Goddesses.

"God" does not possess gender aside from personification, and perhaps relation to psychology. It is simply the will of the universe.

The Jews - the original people who wrote genesis - seem to disagree with your interpretation:

As God begins to create the first human being—the Adam—he says, “Let us make the earth-creature in our own image.” The text goes on: “Then God created it in God’s own image. Male and female God created them” (Genesis 1:26–27).

The text seems to be saying (and the rabbis of the Talmud and Midrash understood it this way) that Adam was created by God as male and female. The rabbis spoke openly about this, and even composed elaborate speculative stories about the separation of this hermaphroditic creature into the male and female characters that we know as Adam and Eve. What the rabbis were less willing to openly discuss was the extent to which this earth creature was created b’tzelem Elohim, in the dual-gendered image of God.

Reform Judaism Magazine - God's Hidden Name Revealed
Knowing that Genesis was written in Hebrew or Aramaic, I'd trust a Jewish person's explanation of this passage you allude to.


Do you 'know' or believe?
Were I to assume there was a god, that does not tell me there IS a god.

Were I to assume there is a god, that does not tell me god is an entity.

Were I to assume that god is an entity, that does not tell me god can think.

Were I to assume that god can think, that does not tell me god has sensory perception.

Were I to assume that god has sensory perception, that does not tell me god knows of our existence.

Were I to assume that god knows of our existence, that does not tell me god cares about our existence.

The level of assumptions one makes about the nature of god, is a means by which one is able to make assertions (and justification thereof) regarding that god and its relationship to existence. The assumption of male gender is one that is made to be able to justify certain religious assertions, often this includes the right of males to dominate over females, sometimes, such as in the abrahmic faiths, it is in part the result of claims that we were made in god's image, and thus there are asserted biological characteristics about god - and the assignment of a gender (male of course, because that is who wrote the texts and controlled society). There is nothing to suggest that if god exists that it has form, or that if it has form, then that form is of structure similar enough to matter as to be considered a body (or medium), or that if it had a body that such a body would be humanoid (let alone human) or that it would have any form of reproductive system, let alone a binary reproductive system with genitalia that would seem to indicate the existence of a corresponding genitalia.

It is simply an immense assumption without basis other than our own presuppositions.
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Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Let me ask you this. If you found a lovely lady and decided to marry, do you think you'd be happier if she was a supportive productive wife or someone who fought your decisions and tried to do everything herself?

I want an equal. Marriage should be a democracy and not a dictatorship or a monarchy. I don't like being told what to do and I wouldn't want some weak-willed woman who does. I want a strong and independent human being to have a partnership with.

That's the problem with much of the Abrahamic religions, Christianity and Islam in particular. You have Yahweh as a supreme cosmic dictator. He has no equals, no consorts, no partners, no advisors or any such thing. He is the supreme authority in all matters and his word is absolute truth and law that must be followed by all in order to achieve salvation. This of course has shaped our view of worldly affairs. Nations that are ruled by strict Biblical law are extremely authoritarian and vehemently anti-democratic. They are anti-woman, anti-LGBT, anti-freedom of religion and against freedom of expression. This is how it was throughout the Dark Ages, the Medieval times and this is how it still in in nations ruled by Islamic law. Many institutionalized Abrahamic religions are run as dictatorships - the Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons and Catholics are the biggest examples in Christianity. They are doctrinaire and there are punishments if you fail to follow doctrine as handed down by the men in the top-down hierarchy.

Then it filters down into the home. Your view of "a woman's place" is the traditional view of institutionalized Christianity. Despite what you say, it was generally interpreted to mean that a woman should stay home, cook, clean and raise the kids. Women were not to have much or any say in life outside of that. They shouldn't be leaders at their church, they couldn't go to school, they couldn't vote and they couldn't have a career. Later on, they let them teach elementary and middle school classes because I guess they figured that the feeble-minded female could handle children of that age.

(As an aside, patriarchal and authoritarian cultures are known to have a sky-high instance of child abuse.)

So we have a cosmic dictatorship, a national dictatorship and a dictatorship in the home. Democracy is not natural to the Abrahamic religions and the institutionalized varients never supported democracy when it was being fought for. Democracy was originally a Pagan idea.

So you are being disingenuous when you say that a woman could get an education and work outside of the home and that's compatible with your views. It is a case of you trying to have you cake and eat it, too. You're piggybacking off of the gains of the women's rights movement who won the right for you to be able to go to school, vote and have a career and then you turn around and say a woman should be submissive to a man and that her lot in life is to be lead by a man. Only in the West are you able to do that while believing such foolishness. If you lived in a nation ruled by Sharia law, you'd would see what it really means to have to be submissive to a man.
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Left Hand Path
The Jews - the original people who wrote genesis - seem to disagree with your interpretation:

Knowing that Genesis was written in Hebrew or Aramaic, I'd trust a Jewish person's explanation of this passage you allude to.

Sweet, who else disagrees with my interpretation? Man is like bacteria, it certainly spreads like it. I'd reckon the germination process is even the same.

Ken Brown

Well-Known Member
It sounds like a stupid question. I've sincerely asked this question to Christians who come up to me in real life, and they insist that God is male and the "Father." And they insist that God can't be a "mother," or female.

I've learned in basic junior high science class that to be male usually you need a Y + X Chromosome. To be a female usually you need a X + X chromosome. The first point is it seems that gender/sex differentiation is associated with biological components we call "chromosomes."

So my question is:

Being that God is a spirit person, or non-physical, or non-biological, does God have chromosomes? How is a spirit being to have a sex or gender? In all sincerity, if we say that God is a man and the father, does that mean he has male genitalia and vestigial nipples? And what good are those for? Conversely, if we say that such and such spirit or deity is a "Goddess," does that mean this Goddess has breasts, mammary glands, a uterus, fallopian tubes, and the rest of the stuff?

How does God have his gender? What gives a spirit thing sex or gender, and why would spirit beings need gender? To reproduce? To have sex? For cosmetic purposes?

Hi SRHM, you ask some interesting questions. I believe you can find your answers if you come to realize that man and woman are physical manifestations of a Spiritual Elohim. Physical man and woman is just a reflection of Elohim's characteristics and you could compare us to Elohim, as our image in a mirror is to us. What we see in the mirror is only a mere image of what we really are, but that image has eyes, legs, hands, a head, and sexual body parts, but that image is not the reality of what we are, and the same can be said about Elohim. We are an image of a Spiritual Being that has eyes, legs, hands, a head, and sexual body parts, but our physical characteristics are as similar to our image in a mirror, as our body parts are to His. There is a similarity, but not according to physical lines.

In the Elohim, there is both male and female, and the male side dominants the female side, and the male side has a "tool" for reproduction, and that "tool" is His Law. The Law is what He uses to place INTO those whom are submissive to Him, and this allows for a planting of a Seed that produces LIFE. I know these things are not easily understood, but think about them. If you LOVE Him, you will be submissive to Him and OBEY His commands, but if you hate Him, you will be like Satan, and disobey Him. I would prefer to submit to Him and be a part of those who enter into the Bridal Chamber with Him. KB
In the Elohim, there is both male and female, and the male side dominants the female side, and the male side has a "tool" for reproduction, and that "tool" is His Law. The Law is what He uses to place INTO those whom are submissive to Him, and this allows for a planting of a Seed that produces LIFE. I know these things are not easily understood, but think about them. If you LOVE Him, you will be submissive to Him and OBEY His commands, but if you hate Him, you will be like Satan, and disobey Him. I would prefer to submit to Him and be a part of those who enter into the Bridal Chamber with Him. KB


If Elohim (God) has a "tool" and he uses his tool to have intercourse with your spirit to inseminate you with his sperm of knowledge, and you are a guy, wouldn't that make God gay?

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Hi SRHM, you ask some interesting questions. I believe you can find your answers if you come to realize that man and woman are physical manifestations of a Spiritual Elohim. Physical man and woman is just a reflection of Elohim's characteristics and you could compare us to Elohim, as our image in a mirror is to us. What we see in the mirror is only a mere image of what we really are, but that image has eyes, legs, hands, a head, and sexual body parts, but that image is not the reality of what we are, and the same can be said about Elohim. We are an image of a Spiritual Being that has eyes, legs, hands, a head, and sexual body parts, but our physical characteristics are as similar to our image in a mirror, as our body parts are to His. There is a similarity, but not according to physical lines.

In the Elohim, there is both male and female, and the male side dominants the female side, and the male side has a "tool" for reproduction, and that "tool" is His Law. The Law is what He uses to place INTO those whom are submissive to Him, and this allows for a planting of a Seed that produces LIFE. I know these things are not easily understood, but think about them. If you LOVE Him, you will be submissive to Him and OBEY His commands, but if you hate Him, you will be like Satan, and disobey Him. I would prefer to submit to Him and be a part of those who enter into the Bridal Chamber with Him. KB


Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member

If Elohim (God) has a "tool" and he uses his tool to have intercourse with your spirit to inseminate you with his sperm of knowledge, and you are a guy, wouldn't that make God gay?

Yeah, it was a blatant sexual reference. Says more about his sexual tastes than anything else. That was about the only thing I could make sense of out of that nonsense.
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Active Member
The answers here are without a doubt the most amusing of any thread.

People are saying he does not have this,or he does have that,or he is pure energy or blah blah blah.

Everyone talks like they just sat down to dinner with the lord.

I will tell you what god has if I see,will also tell you if he or she is even real.

Ken Brown

Well-Known Member

If Elohim (God) has a "tool" and he uses his tool to have intercourse with your spirit to inseminate you with his sperm of knowledge, and you are a guy, wouldn't that make God gay?

Hi Krill, no it would not. The only way Elohim could be gay is for Him to have relations with Satan, and that will not happen, as Elohim is totally against that abominable lifestyle he has initiated. Mankind (and this includes all physical men and women) is in the feminine role with Elohim, and He has ordained that He will take a Wife and become One with Her, and She is the Body of Believers who are submissive to Him. Satan on the other hand is a dominate ruler of this Dark World and he is in the position of a spiritual male that would rather have intercourse with his kind than with those of the feminine side. There is no life in Satan's sexual escapes, only a lustful desire to fulfill his own evil intentions. KB

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Hi Krill, no it would not. The only way Elohim could be gay is for Him to have relations with Satan, and that will not happen, as Elohim is totally against that abominable lifestyle he has initiated. Mankind (and this includes all physical men and women) is in the feminine role with Elohim, and He has ordained that He will take a Wife and become One with Her, and She is the Body of Believers who are submissive to Him. Satan on the other hand is a dominate ruler of this Dark World and he is in the position of a spiritual male that would rather have intercourse with his kind than with those of the feminine side. There is no life in Satan's sexual escapes, only a lustful desire to fulfill his own evil intentions. KB

Where, exactly, are you getting this from? What religion is this?

Despite what you say, it is both homophobic and homoerotic. You don't like gays, but you want God to have gay sex with your soul? :areyoucra
Hi Krill, no it would not. The only way Elohim could be gay is for Him to have relations with Satan, and that will not happen, as Elohim is totally against that abominable lifestyle he has initiated. Mankind (and this includes all physical men and women) is in the feminine role with Elohim, and He has ordained that He will take a Wife and become One with Her, and She is the Body of Believers who are submissive to Him. Satan on the other hand is a dominate ruler of this Dark World and he is in the position of a spiritual male that would rather have intercourse with his kind than with those of the feminine side. There is no life in Satan's sexual escapes, only a lustful desire to fulfill his own evil intentions. KB

What the hell?

So Elohim (God) is a spirit being and he likes having spirit sex with a different species. And Satan is a spirit being who wants to have sex with his own kind?

Wouldn't we humans be like animals to God? That would make God into bestiality? Satan sounds more sane.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
What the hell?

So Elohim (God) is a spirit being and he likes having spirit sex with a different species. And Satan is a spirit being who wants to have sex with his own kind?

Wouldn't we humans be like animals to God? That would make God into bestiality? Satan sounds more sane.

Also, God sounds like an insecure brute who wants to force himself on a submissive woman. Satan only wants to have spirit sex with those as anarchic as him. Go, Satan! :p

Ken Brown

Well-Known Member
Where, exactly, are you getting this from? What religion is this?

Despite what you say, it is both homophobic and homoerotic. You don't like gays, but you want God to have gay sex with your soul? :areyoucra

Hi sf, it's a very old religion, but one that you are not familiar with. It would help you to understand that the Elohim are reproducing themselves and for a pregnancy to occur, the Elohim had to copulate with an opposite sex, and that opposite sex is those who are obedient within mankind. What is wrong with the Elohim wanting to take a Wife that is submissive and opposite in sexual roles to Him? Isn't this what nature teaches us? KB

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Hi sf, it's a very old religion, but one that you are not familiar with.

Which religion? Give me a name or a link, please.

It would help you to understand that the Elohim are reproducing themselves and for a pregnancy to occur, the Elohim had to copulate with an opposite sex, and that opposite sex is those who are obedient within mankind.
What? Are they aliens?

What is wrong with the Elohim wanting to take a Wife that is submissive and opposite in sexual roles to Him? Isn't this what nature teaches us? KB
No. In many or most animal species, the female isn't submissive. In many mammal species, the male has to almost or actually fight her to get her to hold still long enough to have sex. Sometimes the female just beats him up when she's not in the mood. So sex is on the female's terms. Ever owned a female cat? If you have, you would have a better idea of the true nature of the female.

I'm guessing that you don't have much experience with females, anyway...
No. In many or most animal species, the female isn't submissive. In many mammal species, the male has to almost or actually fight her to get her to hold still long enough to have sex. Sometimes the female just beats him up when she's not in the mood. So sex is on the female's terms. Ever owned a female cat? If you have, you would have a better idea of the true nature of the female.

I'm guessing that you don't have much experience with females, anyway...

LMAO! That was good. I don't think Ken has much experience with girls either :)

And what you say about female animals in nature is true. The males have to impress the females if they want to get the females.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
LMAO! That was good. I don't think Ken has much experience with girls either :)

And what you say about female animals in nature is true. The males have to impress the females if they want to get the females.

Thanks. :) Yes, that is true. The female pretty much has all the power. The only times she doesn't in nature is when the male is a lot bigger than her and he can effectively "rape" her. When that's not true, it's often a different story.

Even going outside of mammals, many female insects kill the male after mating with him and sometimes eat his body. There's also various species of fish where the female is much larger than the male and he basically attaches himself to her like a parasite, injecting sperm into her. :areyoucra

Lol, nature is amazing. Sexist humans are the ones in denial of nature. If humans females acted like females in the wild, patriarchy never would've had a chance. Men would be getting beaten up left and right. Female submissiveness and male dominance are taught, not inherited.