Did you not notice he mentioned the UNIVERSE?
If I wanted to say something to him, I would have quoted him. I quoted you and focused on what you posted. You made a rather common, albeit fallacious claim that science proves that God does not exist. Yes, you actually implied that, but it's the underlying tone that Science and God are somehow mutually exclusive. I have asked which scientific discipline that would be and you have yet to answer. It appears you worship science as many people worship God: blindly. You really don't understand it and yet you place your faith in science without question. You conveniently overlook limitations which trouble real scientists. Your faith is as simplistic as it is resolute, yet you flaunt it like it's actually worth something. As if you're somehow superior for latching onto your beliefs rather than someone else's beliefs. I'm underwhelmed by the mockery you've made of science and amazed at your inability to see the inconsistency therein.
Really? Since when is - "Blah, blah, blah de blah..." - a translation so others can follow along?
It is straight out disrespect.
Again, is it really any different than you comparing a belief in God to a belief in faeries? It's OK for you to trivialize me, but not for me to trivialize you? Again, the blatant hypocrisy is so thick, you could slice it and serve it for breakfast. It would be a bitter breakfast, but you seem to enjoy bitter. Don't dish it out if you can't take it. And I still think it's ironic that you have "
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be misquoted, then used against you." in your signature and are in such a blather about this. You want to be coddled and yet be as belligerent as you want with impunity. Well, that entire portion of your post was ill thought out, fraught with inconsistencies and meaningless. Any reasonable person would also translate it as "Blah, blah, blah de blah". It made as much sense as what you wrote and used fewer words to boot. It's apparent that as communication goes, you got the point that I thought what you wrote to be nothing more than an incoherent blather. The truth is often offensive, but it still remains the truth. It's not my fault you can't handle the truth.
Now, I had asked twice before about which discipline of science proves that God exists. Please provide the relevant information along with any supporting evidence. Of course, since that's going to be impossible for you to prove, much less find any evidence, I'll observe the first rule of Scuba: I won't hold my breath.