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Does God work through human beings?


Well-Known Member
I have often heard monotheists claim that God influences things on earth by using us humans. This story from another thread illustrates:

A family was stranded on the roof of their house during
a terrible flood. The water kept rising until they were
forced to retreat to the peak of the roof.
The wife wanted to call out for help but her husband over-
ruled her saying, "God will rescue us if He so wills."
The waters kept rising and soon a rescue chopper hovered
overhead. The husband refused rescue saying, "We are praying
to God to be saved. He will rescue us."
As the water rose over the top of the roof the family began to
The husband cried out to God, "We prayed to be rescued but you
did not answer our prayers!"
Then God said, "I did answer your prayers. I sent the chopper!"​

I take this story to mean that the chopper would not have happened upon that family had God not intervened to "send" it? Do you believe God works through people this way?

Eliot Wild

Irreverent Agnostic Jerk
The way I heard the story, it was Jesus who actually flew the chopper. He came swooping in, doing some cool aerial acrobatic maneuvers, to eventually hover just above the rooftop. And when the family refused his help because they were waiting for God to save them (of course, they didn't recognize Jesus with his flight helmet and visor covering his face), the son of God actually used his divine powers to keep the helicopter hovering in one place while he did a half gainer into the flood water to save a family of kittens that were about to be swept away in a powerful current. Jesus saved the cats, got back in the chopper and then flew off leaving the family stranded because they were too stupid to realize it was God who had sent the help all along.

But your version was pretty nice too.


Well-Known Member
Eliot Wild said:
The way I heard the story, it was Jesus who actually flew the chopper. He came swooping in, doing some cool aerial acrobatic maneuvers, to eventually hover just above the rooftop. And when the family refused his help because they were waiting for God to save them (of course, they didn't recognize Jesus with his flight helmet and visor covering his face), the son of God actually used his divine powers to keep the helicopter hovering in one place while he did a half gainer into the flood water to save a family of kittens that were about to be swept away in a powerful current. Jesus saved the cats, got back in the chopper and then flew off leaving the family stranded because they were too stupid to realize it was God who had sent the help all along.

But your version was pretty nice too.
Dude...your version is WAY better!


Well-Known Member
i look at it this way.

we humans are like bits and bytes in god's super computer. everything that god does on this earth is accomplished thru that computer. we are necessary for his computer to work.


Even those people who don't believe in God, but believe in fate and destiny believe that life and other events have a set plan. To me saying God helped with something, or it was fate that something happened, is a very similar thing.

Midnight Pete

Well-Known Member
I have often heard monotheists claim that God influences things on earth by using us humans. This story from another thread illustrates:
A family was stranded on the roof of their house during
a terrible flood. The water kept rising until they were
forced to retreat to the peak of the roof.
The wife wanted to call out for help but her husband over-
ruled her saying, "God will rescue us if He so wills."
The waters kept rising and soon a rescue chopper hovered
overhead. The husband refused rescue saying, "We are praying
to God to be saved. He will rescue us."
As the water rose over the top of the roof the family began to
The husband cried out to God, "We prayed to be rescued but you
did not answer our prayers!"
Then God said, "I did answer your prayers. I sent the chopper!"
I take this story to mean that the chopper would not have happened upon that family had God not intervened to "send" it? Do you believe God works through people this way?

I do! :D

When people are moved by the Holy Spirit, you could say they are being used by God to do/say certain things at certain times, in certain places. To be used by God (to do His will) is the hope of Christians everywhere, including myself.
I believe that he does work through other people.

My husband and I were struggling to make ends meet in some of the earlier years in our major and we were just scraping by. Living paycheck to paycheck and just getting the bills met. We had a little girl at the time and Christmas was coming up. There wasn't any money left to get her anything for Christmas, which was just going to have to be OK. Late one night there was a knock on our door and there was a man standing there whom I had never seen before. He knew my name and addressed me and then gave me an envelope. There wasn't much money in it, but it was enough that we were able to give my daughter a Christmas.

God worked through that man that night.


Admiral Obvious
I have often heard monotheists claim that God influences things on earth by using us humans. This story from another thread illustrates:

A family was stranded on the roof of their house during
a terrible flood. The water kept rising until they were
forced to retreat to the peak of the roof.
The wife wanted to call out for help but her husband over-
ruled her saying, "God will rescue us if He so wills."
The waters kept rising and soon a rescue chopper hovered
overhead. The husband refused rescue saying, "We are praying
to God to be saved. He will rescue us."
As the water rose over the top of the roof the family began to
The husband cried out to God, "We prayed to be rescued but you
did not answer our prayers!"
Then God said, "I did answer your prayers. I sent the chopper!"​
I take this story to mean that the chopper would not have happened upon that family had God not intervened to "send" it? Do you believe God works through people this way?
I find it rather interesting how back in the Bible times God directly intervened all the time.
What happened that god decided to act like he does not even exist?


Well-Known Member
back then prophets were respected. god's interventions were told by such as stories of them. if they wrote of what god did, there were not as many disbelievers (like yourself) that questioned it.

today, those stories would be scrutinized


God's Warrior
Yes God does work through people if they pay attention to the Holy Spirits leading.

No human beings are not God But many have come to believe that they are.

But God does want you to become more like his son. To become sons and daughters of God is our destination in life.


Well-Known Member
if humans are god, then:

god does have flesh and bones

so much for the "trinity" belief

god's domain is not heaven, but earth

god is sinful

god has a beginning and an end


Higher and Higher
I have often heard monotheists claim that God influences things on earth by using us humans. This story from another thread illustrates:

A family was stranded on the roof of their house during
a terrible flood. The water kept rising until they were
forced to retreat to the peak of the roof.
The wife wanted to call out for help but her husband over-
ruled her saying, "God will rescue us if He so wills."
The waters kept rising and soon a rescue chopper hovered
overhead. The husband refused rescue saying, "We are praying
to God to be saved. He will rescue us."
As the water rose over the top of the roof the family began to
The husband cried out to God, "We prayed to be rescued but you
did not answer our prayers!"
Then God said, "I did answer your prayers. I sent the chopper!"​
I take this story to mean that the chopper would not have happened upon that family had God not intervened to "send" it? Do you believe God works through people this way?

I don't think it's usually quite so direct, but yes, I do think that God works through people quite a bit. I think, in fact, that is mostly how God acts in the created world. Because I think that the universe can't take too much "miraculous" alteration-- it's like how in a game, if you bend the rules once or twice, it is what it is, but if you break the rules all the time, it's really not the same game anymore-- instead, God influences people (and I mean influence, not force) to do right by others, to help out, and to further the Divine Plan.