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Does Islam Need a Reformation?

Does Islam Need To Be Fundamentally Reformed?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 62.8%
  • No

    Votes: 9 20.9%
  • Other (Explain)

    Votes: 7 16.3%

  • Total voters


Atheism the religion with no morality.

How honest is that?

Its factually unsubstantiated rhetoric, it shows how desperate you are while refusing to answer simple yes or no questions.

Why cant some muslims answer yes or no questions?


As John Daniel, former UNESCO Assistant Director General for Education alarmingly warns "the Arab region has some of the world’s lowest adult literacy rates, with only [62.2%] of the region’s population of 15 and over able to read and write in [2000-2004] well below the world average of [84%] and the developing countries average of [76.4%]"3.


Wouldn't you like to see this improved?


Islamic terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In recent decades, incidents of Islamic terrorism have occurred on a global scale

You don't think this could be improved?

Some would say, your part of the problem, or solution.

Fix your neighborhood first. You are basically equating Islam to terrorism when you say Islamic terrorism. This shows your prejudice and hatred towards Islam. I already answered your questions "You don't think this could be improved". I will repeat for you that Islam does not need to be changed or it will ever be changed. Since when our problem is your problem and your solution is our solution, that's much inconceivable at the minute level.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I stand firm in that it's not the religion that needs reformed, but a handful of cultures that are in serious need of an attitude adjustment.


As John Daniel, former UNESCO Assistant Director General for Education alarmingly warns "the Arab region has some of the world’s lowest adult literacy rates, with only [62.2%] of the region’s population of 15 and over able to read and write in [2000-2004] well below the world average of [84%] and the developing countries average of [76.4%]"3.


Wouldn't you like to see this improved?

In regards to illiteracy, I will have to agree with you. And the reason for the illiteracy thanks to the Marxist ideologies prominent in many of those regions. Also thanks to the so-called democracy and polytheistic pressures upon the Muslims people.


I stand firm in that it's not the religion that needs reformed, but a handful of cultures that are in serious need of an attitude adjustment.

Very true.

But it Is the current state of the religion, that has led the people to the problems that have arisen.

The iman who changed things in 1100 BC ish did so because of the religion.

The sectarian violence and illiteracy are partially because of the religions problems.

Or in other words, the cultures you speak of are a product of said religion.


Very true.

But it Is the current state of the religion, that has led the people to the problems that have arisen.

The iman who changed things in 1100 BC ish did so because of the religion.

The sectarian violence and illiteracy are partially because of the religions problems.

Or in other words, the cultures you speak of are a product of said religion.


Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
In regards to illiteracy, I will have to agree with you. And the reason for the illiteracy thanks to the Marxist ideologies prominent in many of those regions. Also thanks to the so-called democracy and polytheistic pressures upon the Muslims people.
You obviously know nothing about Marxist ideology. Especially how they (Marx and Engels) wanted society to be well educated.
Or in other words, the cultures you speak of are a product of said religion.
It must be asked though why do Muslims who are culturally Western not going out into the world and slaughtering people? Why are they not causing terrorist attacks? But even many who are culturally Middle Eastern are not terrorist or "bad" people.
To blame religion is really to stop short of finding the real problem, which prevents us from finding real solutions. Is religion really the cause, or is it a tool being used by some in such a way to manipulate others into committing the atrocities we see?


Bodhisattva in Recovery
You obviously know nothing about Marxist ideology. Especially how they (Marx and Engels) wanted society to be well educated.

It must be asked though why do Muslims who are culturally Western not going out into the world and slaughtering people? Why are they not causing terrorist attacks? But even many who are culturally Middle Eastern are not terrorist or "bad" people.
To blame religion is really to stop short of finding the real problem, which prevents us from finding real solutions. Is religion really the cause, or is it a tool being used by some in such a way to manipulate others into committing the atrocities we see?
Aside from suicide bombers, a great many terrorists are well educated and financially solvent. Would you be good with blaming a particularly virulent rendering of a given religion to be the prime motivating factor?


Well-Known Member
You obviously know nothing about Marxist ideology. Especially how they (Marx and Engels) wanted society to be well educated.

It must be asked though why do Muslims who are culturally Western not going out into the world and slaughtering people? Why are they not causing terrorist attacks? But even many who are culturally Middle Eastern are not terrorist or "bad" people.
To blame religion is really to stop short of finding the real problem, which prevents us from finding real solutions. Is religion really the cause, or is it a tool being used by some in such a way to manipulate others into committing the atrocities we see?

Although there are jihadists from the West, including converts. It isn't unheard of. Moreover, a number of Islamists who engage in political violence (in the name of Islam) are in fact "Westernized," at least on the surface.

Personally I think it rather obvious that the religion is used as a political tool. After all, there's no doubt that Saudi Arabia is a key supporter of the ideology behind the jihadists. But that doesn't mean the religion itself plays any less of a causal role, at least when it comes to influencing individuals to take violent action.


Hi All,

Before I respond to other learned friends within this forum I would just like to apologise for the delayed response from me, I have been in lectures/meetings etc, so only find time to respond when travelling.

But yes..

Your students would be silly to criticize you if your classes were up to date, but if you would be teaching that the Earth was flat, then you would be silly. Your example is thus not valid and your logic is absurd.

The above question quoted by a member of this forum cannot be serious? Are you implying the teachings of an old age successful religion can be summarised with the aid of a metaphor such as this? This is borderline insulting to members of that faith, and I shan't respond to that comment with anything but sheer disappointment.

I have to say, you must respect other faiths and beliefs, also note that Islam has almost 1.7 billion followers - in essence whatever is being taught is clearly attracting various intellectual to creative to complex to simple minds together under one umbrella of a message. This belief therefore has grounds - thus it wouldn't be unkind to show a little regard for those individuals.

Understanding religions is as easy as drinking a glass of water.

Drink water with an invisible glass..

Do you think that Muhammad was a good man ??
Do you think that murder , slaughter, plunder and spoils of the qualities of good man ??
Do you think that the qualities of good man to kill a man and marry his wife in the same day
You are a sinner in the greatness of Muhammad gauges ??
If you put businessman Mohammed
And its military and sexual relations ?
You will know what kind of men is Muhammad ?

I apologise for having to make assumptions on where your questions were headed or for what purpose they served but I will answer in the way I have interpreted them.

I believe your first question is seeking an answer on Muhammed's rules of warfare?
Muhammed relayed a number of rules which his men had to follow during a war, and these were as follows:
  • Not to harm any woman/child/elderly person (vulnerable person)
  • Not to harm the village/town/city
  • Not to harm any nature of uproot any trees
  • Not to harm any animals not used for the battle
  • Not to harm any place of worship
  • Not to kill any man out of anger or self greed
  • Any prisoner of war would not be put to death, they would be fed, clothed and set free once they have taught 10 people how to read and write - absolutely amazing!
As you can see, if wars were fought like this, we would not have Hiroshima etc - proof of his anti-muderous nature to his warfare conduct.

I have never heard of Muhammed killing a man and marrying that deceased man's widow, if you could provide some information for me it would most useful.

The remaining lines I assume were 'if you knew his business traits, military tactics, sexual relations, then one would know what Muhammed is like'

In response to that, firstly I have plainly stated in as few words as possible the conduct of Muhammed in warfare - very fair. With regard to his businesses, if you could provide more information on what it is you believe was so pernicious about them it would be of great help.
Also the same with his sexual relations as these would not be public knowledge at the time so I struggle to know how anyone of today's age would know such a thing.

Why do you think this? If you talk about being the founding figure of a religion, Jesus achieved more with less. If you are talking about empire building in his lifetime, he ranks nowhere near the top of any list.

This question was of most interest to me, I have had this discussion previously and maybe I can help you to understand a little more on it.

Firstly I would say it is unwise to compare two different men from different eras in such a simplistic manner as can be seen with comparing 2 sportsmen from different times, but I understand your point. However, I do not agree with it. If we are going to be simplistic, then we must seek methodology to seek simplistic results, for example; the number of followers ascertained by these so called messengers of God whilst they were alive. The answer would be in Muhammed's favour hugely. However it is not with this in mind that I stated my admiration for Muhammed's achievements, it was in conjunction with what little that he had at his disposal and to yet still achieve those things is unbelievable.

Jesus Christ was a healer, a true revelation to the medical world, he taught and healed and promoted great advances in this field. There is no doubt any man who can teach the art of human healing is a very learned man indeed. A learned man we can safely say have more at their disposal than a man who cannot read nor write. What I find truly awesome about Muhammed was the unparalleled support he had from his followers, they would die for him if he commanded it. This shows the level of a man Muhammed was! I have a PhD and yet I cannot conjure an idea so far fetched as one true God (600AD minds/thinking) and ascertain thousands and thousands into millions, now billions (cumulative figure) to follow me axiomatically and with such high regard that people who have never met me would feel this wretched anger when some cartoonist decides to exercise freedom of expression. This is a man who cannot read nor write yet founded an idea so strong that it is the very core to the reasons why billions of people have lived their life the way they have. In comparison to Jesus's followers, one of his disciples (Judas) was the one who gave him up..

I am not trying to say Jesus is any less of a man than Muhammed, in fact the Muslims would not agree with that statement anyway. I just think Muhammed's achievements are colossal.