The historical facts show that after Muhammad gained power in Medina, the place he fled to as a religious refugee from Mecca, he authorized the execution of his critics...the worst case being the Jewish tribe of Koraiza, some 700 men were beheaded in the market place for not submitting to Islam....their children and wives became slaves. If that is not 'by the sword' then i dont know what is.
Okay, i'll assume again, like i did earlier, that you simply don't know what your taking about because its either that or you're deliberately misrepresenting the supposed facts. First, this is not a historical "fact", its a controversial issue of which differing accounts exist. According to some accounts this is not the case, but a mere invention.
Second, saying "he authorized the execution of his
critics" is fascinating to put it lightly. This was supposed to be an issue of tribes in conflict with each other, and one tribe taking a certain side etc... This was a
conflict, not Muhammad being an overlord authorizing executions at his leisure because those people weren't Muslims. They were supposedly executed for treason.
Finally, i'll tell you what 'Islam was spread by the sword' is, its making
everyone who is not a Muslim choose between their lives and between becoming Muslims in general, and that being, in fact, not only the primary source, but the ONLY source or reason for people converting to Islam, according to that statement of yours which i was quoting.
And after Muhammad’s death Islam continued to be spread by warfare as the account of the army of Charles Martel, son of Pepin and grandfather of Charlemagne, in France in 732 attests.
Are you, or are you not aware that non-Muslims lived under Muslim rule? How does that work? Weren't they supposed to be threatened to either die or become Muslims?
of course i will raise them as christians, but what they choose to do with their knowledge of christianity when they are older will be up to them. They are free to leave the religion if they want to....the fact is, you are only a christian if you are 'practicing' the religion.
Feel free to share at any point how is this supposed to be different. The only point where there is a difference is the supposed apostasy punishment, which is not enforced in most Muslim countries today.
Jesus said you will recognize a true disciple 'by their fruits'
In other words, a true christian will practice their faith... there are a lot of people who were raised in christianity but who chose not to take up the religion themselves. They are free to walk away because there is 'no compulsion' as the Quran states. The bible is the same in that way, there is no compulsion in christianity either.
I'll suppose then that i misunderstood what you were saying, and that in fact the same applies in this regard to both Muslims and Christians.