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Does Israel have a "right" to Palestine?


Just Jewish
Thats not true ,zionist came to palestine and they devided the state of palestine and scattered the palestinians to the nearby nations.

how the Arab israeli conflict started-history of Palestine-1948 - YouTube

Sorry history is not wrong, nor is the science concerning DNA.

And the history of the partition is not wrong either. The Palestinians were offered a state in the partition of the Palestinian territory.

They said no, they did not want a state and wars were fought.


Well-Known Member
The "West Bank" (Historically titled JUDEA SAMARIA, let me repeat that for you JUDEA SAMARIA) belongs easily to the Israelis. The Jordanians stole it, then the Palestinians started complaining only after Israel took it back almost 2 decades later after JORDAN ATTACKED FIRST in the 1967 war. Under Jordanian occupation, you heard not a peep from them for some reason. Why do you suppose that is? In fact, the greatest concentration of Jews historically in the Palestinian region has been in Judea-Samaria. So anyone with half a brain should easily recognize that Jordan and the Palestinians have absolutely no real claim to Judea-Samaria that is in any way greater than the Israeli claim.

Israel would have annexed Judea-Samaria if it weren't for the big noses of the rest of the world getting in the way. No need to worry about Turkish slaughter of Kurds or Chinese slaughter of Uighurs or French slaughter of Algerians, or Brazilians slaughtering Natives, because Israel taking back Judea-Samaria is a big no no for some reason to the rest of the "international community".
Thank you very much for answering.

I couple of statements caught my attantion.

You said: "... Jordan and the Palestinians have absolutely no real claim to Judea-Samaria that is in any way greater than the Israeli claim."
You are not saying that they have a lesser claim either. Do you feel the palestinians have a claim?

"...Israel taking back Judea-Samaria..."
If you plan taking back something, doesn't that mean you must have first had it and lost it? I don't recall the state of Israel ever having claimed the West Bank as theirs.


You are not saying that they have a lesser claim either. Do you feel the palestinians have a claim?
The implication is that their claim is "lesser" to "non-existent", I should have included that when I said "That is not greater". So no, they have no claim. At all. None. Any claim they make is a pretensious fabrication based on historical revisionism and a geopolitik that no other country in history has been forced to play by. Just because the UN partitioned the area as an Arab state does not make it a legitimate claim, just like how the Arabs complain that the UN partition did not justify an Israeli state. Technically we can say the Balfour declaration which gives Israel the territory of Transjordan should be considered more binding, the British broke their promise on that one due to Arab pressure, so why should the broken UN deal be counted if the Balfour didn't go through? Who is to say exactly?

If you plan taking back something, doesn't that mean you must have first had it and lost it? I don't recall the state of Israel ever having claimed the West Bank as theirs.
Please explain why Jordan occupied Judea-Samaria if it was rightfully ceded to the Palestinians. Most Jews supported the UN partition I'll say that but once the Arabs invaded, all that went out the window. They may have a claim in the sense the UN designated the area to them but that's about it, once the Jordanians entered the "Arab-designated area", it was no longer a game under UN rules.
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Well-Known Member

And a good Heil Hitler to you too.

jews have the right to live

Oh thank you kind sir.

Palestine exist longtime ago and were lived by palestinians

You do realise that there was no sizeable arab population outside of the arab peninsula prior to the muslim conquests?
The people living there weren't arabs.


reference : Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Kingdom of Israel coloured..."

Hah thats funny.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Sorry history is not wrong, nor is the science concerning DNA.

And the history of the partition is not wrong either. The Palestinians were offered a state in the partition of the Palestinian territory.

They said no, they did not want a state and wars were fought.
Welcome Jazzymom, I think this is my first nugget to you, but your post got me thinking.

Oddly, the first time I heard about the DNA link you are talking about it was used to support the idea that "Palestinians" had a right to the land now touted as being "Palestine". Further to this, the DNA link was given as proof that the "Palestinians" deserved "their" land. What was breathtakingly amusing is that there was no discussion whatsoever of this same DNA link directly supporting Jewish claims to the same area... a land that they, ostensibly, had no legitimate claim BECAUSE the DNA link proved "Palestinians" to be the rightful heirs. :confused:

(No... you can't make this stuff up. It's too rich.)

Edit: The point is that a Palestinian state was planned along side of the state of Israel. The Arabs didn't want to share ANY land with the Jews, as they wanted ALL the land for themselves.
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Just Jewish
Welcome Jazzymom, I think this is my first nugget to you, but your post got me thinking. Oddly, the first time I heard about the DNA link you are talking about it was used to support the idea that "Palestinians" had a right to the land now touted as being "Palestine". Further to this, the DNA link was given as proof that the "Palestinians" deserved "their" land. What was breathtakingly amusing is that there was no discussion whatsoever of this same DNA link directly supported Jewish claims to the same area... a land that they, ostensibly, had no legitimate claim BECAUSE the DNA link proved "Palestinians" to be the rightful heirs. :confused:

(No... you can't make this stuff up. It's too rich.)

The DNA simply proves that semitic people share DNA, this shows in my view those who argue that there were no Jews in the middle east they all were transported from Europe are wrong.

I have no doubt that Semitic peoples have been in the middle east for 1000s of years.

The Jewish presence predates the Islamic presence.

Jews have an historic connection to the middle east.

What I suspect is that the Jews continued to be a presence even after the Bar Kochba revolt and the renaming of the land to Palestine and when Islam moved out of Arabia it found convert among the Jewish population.

Are Palestinians Jews who converted to Islam? I don't know.
Are Palestinians Semitic peoples who moved into the area with the rise of Islam? I don't know.

But what I know for sure is that the idea that all Jews are just Europeans who were transported to the middle east is not the whole story.

There are Jews who never left the middle east and Jews in the diaspora have moved from place to place but we are still all connected as a people.

The DNA proves to me that the Jews have always been in the middle east.

What I would like it to show is that Semitic people have a right to be in the middle east and that includes Jews.

So I ask why cannot we just live in peace and stop trying to prove who has a right to be here, clearly that cannot be proven.
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Well-Known Member
I'm waiting for list of "atrocities" that usually follow videos, when videos no long have the intended effect.


Well-Known Member
The implication is that their claim is "lesser" to "non-existent", I should have included that when I said "That is not greater". So no, they have no claim. At all. None. Any claim they make is a pretensious fabrication based on historical revisionism and a geopolitik that no other country in history has been forced to play by. Just because the UN partitioned the area as an Arab state does not make it a legitimate claim, just like how the Arabs complain that the UN partition did not justify an Israeli state. Technically we can say the Balfour declaration which gives Israel the territory of Transjordan should be considered more binding, the British broke their promise on that one due to Arab pressure, so why should the broken UN deal be counted if the Balfour didn't go through? Who is to say exactly?
If the the fact that the UN partitioned the area as an Arab state does not make it a legitimate claim for the paestinians then you could claim the same for the jews and the state of Israel. :shrug:

I don't really know anything about the Balfour declaration, so I can't really answer your question, sorry.

Please explain why Jordan occupied Judea-Samaria if it was rightfully ceded to the Palestinians. Most Jews supported the UN partition I'll say that but once the Arabs invaded, all that went out the window. They may have a claim in the sense the UN designated the area to them but that's about it, once the Jordanians entered the "Arab-designated area", it was no longer a game under UN rules.
Sorry, you lost me there. How is this reply an answer to my question on how you can take back something you haven't lost?

And I don't understand what it is I am supposed to explain. Did I get the timeline worng or something? I was just quoting wikipedia which says

In 1948 Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria attacked Israel.
In 1950 Jordan annexed the West Bank.
In 1967 Israel occupied the West Bank but did not annex it.
In 1988 Jordan ceded its claims to the West Bank.

So are you talking about the event of 1950 when Jordan annexed the West Bank?
Are you asking me to explain why?
I don't know why, ask the Jordanians :shrug:

So are you saying that because the Jordanians invaded the people living on the West Bank lost their claim to the land they were living on?
How is that fair?


If the the fact that the UN partitioned the area as an Arab state does not make it a legitimate claim for the paestinians then you could claim the same for the jews and the state of Israel. :shrug:

I don't believe the UN is authoritative on this matter whatsoever, that's kind of my point, they were just the mediators. If anything, I put far more credence in the Balfour Declaration which was more of a binding internal British empire ruling that was only broken because of Arab pressure. We don't need the UN to justify our claims for us.

I don't really know anything about the Balfour declaration, so I can't really answer your question, sorry.

The British promised all of Mandatory Palestine, including Trans-Jordan, to the Jews initially.

Sorry, you lost me there. How is this reply an answer to my question on how you can take back something you haven't lost?

What do you mean haven't lost? The Jews had an autonomous kingdom until 70 A.D., even under Roman rule they were mostly independent and in power, and from there succeeding Byzantine, Persian, Arab, Crusader, Mamluk, Turkish, and British empires occupied the land. It was "lost" at 70 A.D when the Jewish kingdom was overthrown by the Romans. What makes it any different than 1948? The land was called JUDEA SAMARIA historically, always had a large Jewish population (with an arguably Jewish majority in Jerusalem for many of those years), it doesn't matter what one empire or another said. If anything, going by the territorial colonial rulers, both the Ottomans AND the British, even the French under Napoleon for a brief period, had sympathies with the Jewish political side. So there's no reason to say that the Jews ever ceded their claim to JUDEA SAMARIA, it was just managed by different empires. The Palestinians however NEVER had a claim to it, never had autonomous rulership until 1946 when Jordan (which was an Emirate of Mandatory Palestine) was independent. I don't see why Arab claims for 600 A.D. are any more valid than Jewish claims from 1000 B.C.

And I don't understand what it is I am supposed to explain. Did I get the timeline worng or something? I was just quoting wikipedia which says

Why did Jordan take over the "West Bank" if it's supposed to be a Palestinian state for almost 20 years, and why didn't the Palestinians complain? Research it first before answering.

In 1948 Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria attacked Israel.
In 1950 Jordan annexed the West Bank.
In 1967 Israel occupied the West Bank but did not annex it.
In 1988 Jordan ceded its claims to the West Bank.

See how it says "Jordan annexed the West Bank"? That's what you're supposed to explain.

So are you talking about the event of 1950 when Jordan annexed the West Bank?

Yes, as well as their occupation before annexing 2 years earlier. If it's supposed to be "Palestine", why did Jordan take it over and why didn't the Arabs clamor for a Palestinian state during that time?

Are you asking me to explain why?
I don't know why, ask the Jordanians :shrug:

Do you subscribe to the idea that perhaps you might want to read the basic history of an event before you get too involved in a debate about it? Just saying. You may want to know what you're talking about before making claims or defending one side of the story.

So are you saying that because the Jordanians invaded the people living on the West Bank lost their claim to the land they were living on?
How is that fair?

No that's not at all what I'm saying. I'm saying that Jordan's occupation of the "West Bank" (Judea Samaria) and the fact that the Palestinians didn't demand a state during that time proves that their claims are all lies and fabrications, they don't really want a Palestinian state, they just want Arab domination and to drive out the Jews. It had nothing to do with the historical claims and who interprets them. But it can prove that their historical claims are a joke and a cover for their agenda of "Driving the Jews to the Sea". Do you understand that NO ONE COMPLAINED WHEN JORDAN TOOK OVER? Do you not see how that applies? The point is proven that they never really had a "Palestinian identity" until 1963 or so, until then they were all just "Southern Syrian Arabs", in a desparate land battle against the Jews. The Palestinians did not consider the Jordanian occupation an "invasion", they never even considered themselves a sufficiently distinct people for the most part until over a decade after that fact. The word "Palestinian" was never used until the 60s.

In other words, it's not so much they lost their claim, it proves they NEVER HAD A CLAIM. The only claim they claimed was for "Arabs to occupy the land and drive the Jews into the sea", not "For a Palestinian state", and this claim had NO basis, weight, authenticity, or justification to begin with, the Jordanian occupation accentuated this fact and proved this.

As to how that applies to Palestinian claims for the land, again, it proves that they never really wanted a Palestinian state as much as they wanted Arab occupation of Jewish territory. Why do you suppose they rejected the 1948 partition in the first place?

Now again, I recommend you read the history before you reply. Just a quick 2 minute browse should be sufficient to understand where this is coming from.
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Avatar of Brittania
The British Empire whose colony was Palestine has a rather horrible track record on creating new nations. Probably due to their blunt way of implementing policy wherever they went. Still one would have to be blind to ignore the fact that the Palestinians with the backing of many Arab States refused the proposal and attempted to take land by force and thus losing even more land. Do I think Modern Palestinians should be punished for this? No. Do I think Modern Israelis should be punished for defending themselves? No. I think a two state solution is viable but only when hardliners stop using it as an excuse for defense budgets and saber rattling. This especially goes for the Fundamentalist Christians in the USA who seem to only support Israel in hopes of it being destroyed as a Bat Signal to Jesus for a quick Second Coming.


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
Why did Jordan take over the "West Bank" if it's supposed to be a Palestinian state for almost 20 years, and why didn't the Palestinians complain? Research it first before answering.
What did Jordan do with the land? Did their plans include attempting to expel and marginalize the people already living there? Did they steal land and bulldoze houses? Did they set up settlements and deny Palestinians the right to move around freely? Did they limit access to water?

If the Jordanians treated the Palestinians more kindly, or better yet, simply ignored them and allowed them to live as they always had lived, is there any wonder that there was no outcry over Jordanian annexation, as opposed to Israeli?

I also share lunakilo's questions. It doesn't appear that the West Bank really "belongs" to any particular nation; it's a no man's land, that happens to have 5 million people living on it.


Avatar of Brittania
What did Jordan do with the land? Did their plans include attempting to expel and marginalize the people already living there? Did they steal land and bulldoze houses? Did they set up settlements and deny Palestinians the right to move around freely? Did they limit access to water?

If the Jordanians treated the Palestinians more kindly, or better yet, simply ignored them and allowed them to live as they always had lived, is there any wonder that there was no outcry over Jordanian annexation, as opposed to Israeli?

I also share lunakilo's questions. It doesn't appear that the West Bank really "belongs" to any particular nation; it's a no man's land, that happens to have 5 million people living on it.
Well No Man's Land without the poison gas.


What did Jordan do with the land? Did their plans include attempting to expel and marginalize the people already living there? Did they steal land and bulldoze houses? Did they set up settlements and deny Palestinians the right to move around freely? Did they limit access to water?

If the Jordanians treated the Palestinians more kindly, or better yet, simply ignored them and allowed them to live as they
always had lived, is there any wonder that there was no outcry over Jordanian annexation, as opposed to Israeli?
I also share lunakilo's questions. It doesn't appear that the West Bank really "belongs" to any particular nation; it's a no man's land, that happens to have 5 million people living on it.

First question: Are you aware the Jordanians denied any and all access to Jerusalem from Jews? Second question: Does that matter to you? Third Question: Why didn't the Palestinians want an independent state during that time? Fourth question, can you prove that the Jordanians treated the Arabs there more kindly than the Jews treated them before 1948? You know, considering how many Palestinians were employed by Jews and all.

When you say "Lived as always had lived", please be aware that a great many of the Palestinians at that time were 1st-4th generation immigrants from Syria, Egypt, and other Ottoman territories. T

For your questions, no the Jews did not deny the Arabs the ability to move freely, the ARABS tried to make it so Jews could not move freely, you should look at how the partition plan was set up. Have you considered perhaps researching this before?

The Jews did not in fact build up villages in areas where they didn't buy land. The Arabs however, did indeed flock to areas where Jews were settling and were often employed by Jews. The Jews however were never employed by Arab capital-based enterprises and never built in areas at that time at least where they weren't legally allowed to, and the Brits cracked down HEAVILY on Jewish migration to the point of preventing Nazi-territory Jews from escaping. You should strongly consider a quick 2 minute refresher course before replying. With that said, the Arabs committed far more atrocities against the Jews collectively than the Stern Gang and Lehi (who were SHOT AT AND CONDEMNED BY BEN GURION) could hope for. And unlike the Ben Gurion-Stern conflict, the Arabs didn't really crack down on any Arab gang violence from what I understand.

Also, there was no limiting of water supply at that time either. The only and ONLY reason the Arabs invaded was because they wanted to drive the Jews out and take all the wealth they had developed and capital they brought into the land. The Jews for the most part, with the exception of the extreme minority that was Lehi and Stern, treated the Arabs more than fairly for the most part during that time, and you must also consider that the Arabs had been violently murdering Jews and rioting against them throughout the 20's and 30's.

Now as for "stealing land", this canard really needs to be addressed because this "stealing land" rhetoric is not at all accurate. Any land gained in war, especially a DEFENSIVE WAR in which YOU DID NOT ATTACK FIRST, is not stealing. As for bulldozing homes, those are usually illegally zoned or was used to breed and raise violent civilian-slaughtering terrorists. Illegally zoned homes get bulldozed all the time worldwide, the Palestinians as well as Ultra-Orthodox settlers often think they have a right to set up houses in a autonomous areas that aren't officially or properly zoned.

Now why is the West Bank a "No man's land" necessarily? Why do the Israelis and Jews not have a legitimate claim to it?
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Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
First question: Are you aware the Jordanians denied any and all access to Jerusalem from Jews? Second question: Does that matter to you?
I am aware that there has been bickering and refusal to share going on in that region for a very long time. And no, it doesn't matter and no, I don't think it's relevant. Two wrongs don't make a right.
Third Question: Why didn't the Palestinians want an independent state during that time?
I already answered this question. If the Jordanians were treating them fine and/or leaving them alone, then there would be no reason to desire independence.

Fourth question, can you prove that the Jordanians treated the Arabs there more kindly than the Jews treated them before 1948? You know, considering how many Palestinians were employed by Jews and all.
According to Wikipedia, they granted the Palestinians full citizenship. That probably was pretty uplifting. Other than that, it seems like it was business as usual. People tend not to care about politics and such until it adversely effects them.

Also, do you have any evidence that the Palestinians didn't want statehood at that time? It seems like the West Bank has been treated like a ping-pong ball between Israel and the surrounding countries, with little concern given to its citizens or their needs.

When you say "Lived as always had lived", please be aware that a great many of the Palestinians at that time were 1st-4th generation immigrants from Syria, Egypt, and other Ottoman territories.
So? My dad is a third generation German-American. Doesn't mean that this is any less his home, and everything he has ever known. And what about those who have been there for much longer? Even if you are correct in that a majority were relatively new-comers, that doesn't equate to all. And if newcomer status is a criteria as to who should get kicked out, then that doesn't bode well for the Israelis.

For your questions, no the Jews did not deny the Arabs the ability to move freely, the ARABS tried to make it so Jews could not move freely, you should look at how the partition plan was set up. Have you considered perhaps researching this before?
I'm not talking about history. I am talking about the present day living conditions imposed upon the Palestinians by the Israelis.

The Jews did not in fact build up villages in areas where they didn't buy land. The Arabs however, did indeed flock to areas where Jews were settling and were often employed by Jews. The Jews however were never employed by Arab capital-based enterprises. You should strongly consider a quick 2 minute refresher course before replying. With that said, the Arabs committed far more atrocities against the Jews collectively than the Stern Gang and Lehi (who were SHOT AT AND CONDEMNED BY BEN GURION) could hope for. And unlike the Ben Gurion-Stern conflict, the Arabs didn't really crack down on any Arab gang violence from what I understand.

Also, there was no limiting of water supply at that time either. The only and ONLY reason the Arabs invaded was because they wanted to drive the Jews out and take all the wealth they had developed and capital they brought into the land. The Jews for the most part, with the exception of the extreme minority that was Lehi and Stern, treated the Arabs more than fairly for the most part during that time, and you must also consider that the Arabs had been violently murdering Jews and rioting against them throughout the 20's and 30's.
Again, two wrongs don't make a right even if you really really want it to.

Yes, there is a water shortage, and it is partly caused by Israeli policies. Here's a BBC report.

Now as for "stealing land", this canard really needs to be addressed because this "stealing land" rhetoric is not at all accurate. Any land gained in war, especially a DEFENSIVE WAR, is not stealing. As for bulldozing homes, those are usually illegally zoned or was used to breed and raise violent civilian-slaughtering terrorists.
There have been multiple reports indicating that the settlements have been built on privately owned Palestinian land, appropriated public land that was in use by Palestinians, and took advantage of the lack of modern documentation indicating ownership. See the section entitled "Land Ownership".

In addition, the Israeli settlements have been almost universally condemned by individual nations, including the US, as well as world governing bodies like the UN, both for humanitarian concerns and for their violation of the Geneva Convention.
"The Fourth Geneva Convention includes statements such as "the Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies". Just because you defeat a people doesn't give you unlimited rights in the modern world.

Now why is the West Bank a "No man's land" necessarily? Why do the Israelis and Jews not have a legitimate claim to it?
Basically, simply because no one really recognizes the legality of Israel's claim to it. I'm not well versed in international war laws, but it seems that if you really had won land upwards of 50 years ago, things should be more settled by now. And yet they're not. Which means it's still a no man's land, at least until the legality and borders have become settled.


I am aware that there has been bickering and refusal to share going on in that region for a very long time. And no, it doesn't matter and no, I don't think it's relevant. Two wrongs don't make a right.
I don't see why what Israel does is a "wrong", that in itself is the #1 rub that must resolved in order to move on.

I already answered this question. If the Jordanians were treating them fine and/or leaving them alone, then there would be no reason to desire independence.
But they weren't necessarily. I'd say the Jews treated them much better.

According to Wikipedia, they granted the Palestinians full citizenship. That probably was pretty uplifting. Other than that, it seems like it was business as usual. People tend not to care about politics and such until it adversely effects them.
I don't see how it would have been worse under the 1948 partition plan or under general treatment from Jews before then.

Also, do you have any evidence that the Palestinians didn't want statehood at that time? It seems like the West Bank has been treated like a ping-pong ball between Israel and the surrounding countries, with little concern given to its citizens or their needs.
I can't really disprove a negative, all I can prove is that the word "Palestinian" did not gain circulation until well after the Jordanian occupation. I'm sure there were some among them who wanted the Hashmite Monarchy to leave but there was no distinct "Palestinian" movement until over a decade after the Jordanian occupation.

So? My dad is a third generation German-American. Doesn't mean that this is any less his home, and everything he has ever known. And what about those who have been there for much longer? Even if you are correct in that a majority were relatively new-comers, that doesn't equate to all. And if newcomer status is a criteria as to who should get kicked out, then that doesn't bode well for the Israelis.
My point was in comparing those who say the Israelis are new to the Palestinians who claim to have been there. In any event, the Arabs started the war and tried to drive the Jews into the sea, they lost. The loser doesn't get to dictate the terms.

I'm not talking about history. I am talking about the present day living conditions imposed upon the Palestinians by the Israelis.
Well if you don't factor in the history, you can't reap a fair solution. What solution do you have in mind, kicking the Jews out of Judea-Samaria? That's what the Palestinians want. I simply counter and say they should all go back to Jordan instead, which is 80% of Palestine and is the Palestinian state.

Again, two wrongs don't make a right even if you really really want it to.
Again, what the Jews do is not necessarily wrong. That's completely subjective and worthy of its own thread's worth of debate.

Yes, there is a water shortage, and it is partly caused by Israeli policies. Here's a BBC report.
You were talking about back then, not now. For the now situation, other Arab countries have plenty of water which they can help with but don't. There's a whole river called the Jordan for example. And if the UN wanted to, they could take a few billion away from their pedo-Peacekeeper funds and build some Desalinization plants, but that would mean less children to trade services for the blue helmets perhaps.

Another problem is the massive pollution of the Jordan river, can you take a guess who does most of the polluting?

There have been multiple reports indicating that the settlements have been built on privately owned Palestinian land, appropriated public land that was in use by Palestinians, and took advantage of the lack of modern documentation indicating ownership. See the section entitled "Land Ownership".
The exact specifics of this are in dispute and would make a great thread.

In addition, the Israeli settlements have been almost universally condemned by individual nations, including the US, as well as world governing bodies like the UN, both for humanitarian concerns and for their violation of the Geneva Convention.
The same international community that puts Iran in the Human Rights council, they can go eat (Censored) and (censored) until they stop supporting terrorist regimes, you ever wonder why almost ALL the UN resolutions are against Israel? Are they too scared of the hundreds of other places on Earth that may violate human rights? No, it's quite clear that the UN has shown its colors as blatantly against Israel, so this too deserves its own thread.

Essentially, all your contentions are traditional canards that are disputable which each have a many paged thread's worth of debate.

"The Fourth Geneva Convention includes statements such as "the Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies". Just because you defeat a people doesn't give you unlimited rights in the modern world.
First off, Israel is not an 'occupying power". That itself is debatable, like the rest of your contentions.

I don't see why Israel must obey laws that no other country like Turkey, China, or Iran or Iraq has had to. To single out Israel while letting other countries off the hook, especially irrespective of the actual history and facts, is blatantly anti-Israel. There's also the question of whether Israel has actually violated the convention, which is worthy of yet another thread.

Basically, simply because no one really recognizes the legality of Israel's claim to it. I'm not well versed in international war laws, but it seems that if you really had won land upwards of 50 years ago, things should be more settled by now. And yet they're not. Which means it's still a no man's land, at least until the legality and borders have become settled.
Well first off, explain to me why the UN put Iran in the human rights council and why they totally ignored Turkey's treatment of Kurds, and then we can talk about whether the opinion of the rest of the world matters 2 ****s. To put it shortly, it would have been settled quickly if the UN and rest of the world didn't decide to drop everything they were doing to tell Israel that they can't annex Judea Samaria.
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Well-Known Member
I don't see how there is any justification on what is happening in Palestine illegal checkpoints, settlements, bombardments all supported by the state.
What had Palestine's to do with WW2 it was the Germans not the Arab civilians who lived as sisters and brothers with the Jews for centuries.

Anyway lets get real Palestine has recognized Israel over and over as a sovereign state when is Israel going to do the same?
Two state solution is what the president is claiming to want yet a year after Palestine asked to become a independent state Israel did nothing to stop those illegal settlements so that peace talks can continue, when countries focused on the Palestine issue at the UN convention guess who started talking about something else our big friend Israel.

The whole world wants a two state solution are the Israelis really that greedy?
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I don't see how there is any justification on what is happening in Palestine illegal checkpoints,

Those checkpoints and the Separation wall do a fine job of reducing civilian attacks by like 90% or so.


Why do the Jewish settlements need any more justification than the Palestinians? Who would they need the justification from, Britain? Ottoman Turkey?

bombardments all supported by the state.

If the terrorists didn't resort to unfair Guerilla tactics hiding among civilian areas, counter-bombardment wouldn't be a problem for the innocent. But Israel's not about to let terrorists fire rockets without return fire just because they hide among sympathetic innocents.
What had Palestine's to do with WW2


If it weren't for Arab meddling, many Jews would have been safely brought out of Nazi Germany, not to mention that a Zionist-Nazi deal was in the works to transfer the Jews out. Considering the British ruled the area, I see no reason why the Arabs at that time were justified in pressuring the British to block their emigration.

it was the Germans not the Arab civilians who lived as sisters and brothers with the Jews for centuries.

Jerusalem has had a Jewish majority for almost all its history since 70 A.D., there have been Jews in small pockets for centuries in that region, and the Arab population only exploded when the Zionist immigrants arrived, most of them seeking employment from the Jewish production and capital coming in.

Anyway lets get real Palestine has recognized Israel over and over as a sovereign state when is Israel going to do the same?

Palestine recognizes Israel as a Jewish state? When is this? Are you aware of all the peace overtures Israel has offered the Palestinians that they've rejected each and every time?

Two state solution is what the president is claiming to want yet a year after Palestine asked to become a independent state Israel did nothing to stop those illegal settlements so that peace talks can continue,

Would you have those "illegal settlements" (cough cough) removed and kick out all the Jews from a Palestinian state? That's the plan. They want to ethnically cleanse the Jews from any territory they get. Do you agree with this policy? How would you plan to work out a 2 state solution that was actually fair and didn't require Israel to make an even more massive wall?

when countries focused on the Palestine issue at the UN convention guess who started talking about something else our big friend Israel.

You ever wonder why every single UN resolution is against Israel while Turkey, Iraq, Zimbabwe, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, China have none?

The whole world wants a two state solution are the Israelis really that greedy?

Why aren't the Palestinians the greedy ones since they already have Jordan? Why should Israel care what the rest of the world thinks? The rest of the world (Except for Imperial Japan and a few others) did their best to keep the Jews in Nazi hands, so they can go sit on a pointy rock.


Jazzymom and Shermana I will take time and make my replies, don't have time right now though, just letting you know I aint a shoot and scoot poster, I will get around to it later today.


Well-Known Member
What had Palestine's to do with WW2 it was the Germans not the Arab civilians who lived as sisters and brothers with the Jews for centuries.

Yeah yeah and now we enter the gloryfied life of jews under muslim rule. Which quite obviously was perfect. Because as we all know its always fun to live under muslim rule.

There were no problems at all.

Anyway lets get real Palestine has recognized Israel over and over as a sovereign state when is Israel going to do the same?

The whole problem with recognising "Palestine" as a sovereign state is that there is no Palestine state. You can not recognise something that doesnt exist.

The world simply doesnt work that way.